private void CheckDBPassword() { DataBaseConfig DBc = new DataBaseConfig(); Boolean pass = DBc.CheckRegex(this.DBPasswd.Text); if (pass) { bNext.Enabled = true; } else { bNext.Enabled = false; } }
private void DatabaseConfigWindow_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (this.Password1.Text == this.Password2.Text && DBc.CheckRegex(this.Password1.Text)) { Globals.DataBasePass = this.Password1.Text; Globals.DataBasePassChange = true; Config.SaveSetting("DataBasePass", this.Password1.Text); } else { Globals.Error.Show("The passwords don't match, have less than 8 characters, or doesn't contain at least one capital letter and one numeric character."); e.Cancel = true; } }