Exemple #1
        public override void Draw()
            Rectangle source = new Rectangle((int)(UV.X * image.Width), (int)(UV.Y * image.Height), (int)((UV.Z - UV.X) * image.Width), (int)((UV.W - UV.Y) * image.Height));

            if (size != Point.Zero)
                UiStateManager.DrawImage(new Rectangle(location.X, location.Y, size.X, size.Y), source, image, imageColor);
                UiStateManager.DrawImage(new Rectangle(location.X, location.Y, image.Width, image.Height), source, image, imageColor);
        public override void Draw()
            if (_stack.ItemID != 0)
                //Draw the graphic
                if (size != Point.Zero)
                    UiStateManager.DrawImage(new Rectangle(location.X, location.Y, size.X, size.Y), image, Color.White);
                    UiStateManager.DrawImage(location, image, Color.White);

                //Overlay the count
                if (_stack.ItemCount > 1)
                    Vector2 textSize = UiStateManager.gameFont.MeasureString(_stack.ItemCount.ToString());
                    UiStateManager.DrawText(new Vector2(location.X + size.X - textSize.X, location.Y + size.Y - textSize.Y), _stack.ItemCount.ToString());
Exemple #3
        public void DrawText(string text, Color color, int leftMostCharacter, int caretPosition, bool CaretVisible)
            string finalString = text.Substring(leftMostCharacter);

            DrawStringClip(size.X - 2 * paddingX + location.X, UiStateManager.gameFont, finalString,
                           new Vector2(location.X + paddingX * GameSettings.UIScale, location.Y + paddingY * GameSettings.UIScale), color,
                           0.0f, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(GameSettings.UITextScale), SpriteEffects.None, 0);

            if (CaretVisible)
                Vector2 textWidth = UiStateManager.gameFont.MeasureString("L");

                UiStateManager.DrawImage(new Rectangle(
                                             location.X + paddingX * GameSettings.UIScale +
                                             (int)UiStateManager.gameFont.MeasureString(text.Substring(leftMostCharacter, caretPosition - leftMostCharacter)).X, //Width

                                             location.Y + paddingY,
                                             2 * GameSettings.UIScale,
                                             FastMath.FastClamp((int)(textWidth.Y * GameSettings.UIScale), 0, size.Y - 2 * paddingY)),

Exemple #4
        public void DrawStringClip(int width, BMFont bmFont, string text,
                                   Vector2 position, Color color, float rotation, Vector2 origin, Vector2 scale, SpriteEffects effects,
                                   float layerDepth)
            if (bmFont == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bmFont));
            if (text == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(text));

            Matrix temp;
            Matrix transform;

            Matrix.CreateScale(scale.X, scale.Y, 1, out temp);
            Matrix.CreateRotationZ(rotation, out transform);
            Matrix.Multiply(ref temp, ref transform, out transform);

            //character index
            int  prevMaxX           = -1;
            int  index              = 0;
            int  rightMostCharacter = 0;
            bool isHighlighted      = false;
            int  selectionEdge      = caretPosition + selectedPosition;

            int minSelection = Math.Min(caretPosition, selectedPosition);
            int maxSelection = Math.Max(caretPosition, selectedPosition);

            bmFont.ProcessChars(text, (actual, drawPos, data, previous) => {
                var sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(data.X, data.Y, data.Width, data.Height);
                Vector2.Transform(ref drawPos, ref transform, out drawPos);
                var destRectangle = new Rectangle((int)(position.X + drawPos.X), (int)(position.Y + drawPos.Y),
                                                  (int)(data.Width * scale.X), (int)(data.Height * scale.Y));

                //Check if the character is highlighted
                isHighlighted =

                    text.Length > 0 &&                                                          //text isnt empty
                    selectedPosition != -1 &&                                                   //we have highlighted something
                    (maxSelection > index && minSelection <= index);                            //selection edge is greater than caret position

                //Check if it clips
                rightMostCharacter = destRectangle.Right;
                if (rightMostCharacter > width && destRectangle.X < width)                //if the rectangle passes through width
                    //recalculate the rectangles
                    //width * percentage of covered area = new width
                    sourceRectangle.Width = (int)(sourceRectangle.Width * (float)(width - destRectangle.X) / destRectangle.Width);
                    destRectangle.Width   = width - destRectangle.X;

                if (isHighlighted)
                    if (prevMaxX == -1)
                        prevMaxX = destRectangle.X;

                    UiStateManager.DrawImage(new Rectangle(prevMaxX, location.Y + paddingY, destRectangle.Width + GameSettings.UIScale + (destRectangle.X - prevMaxX), size.Y - 2 * paddingY),
                                             new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1), TextureLoader.getWhitePixel(), HighlightColor);
                    prevMaxX = prevMaxX + destRectangle.Width + GameSettings.UIScale + (destRectangle.X - prevMaxX);

                UiStateManager.SpriteBatch.Draw(bmFont.Texture, destRectangle, sourceRectangle, color, rotation, origin,
                                                effects, layerDepth);

            }, null);