private void ParseBlockTransactions(long x2, BlockWithTransactions ethBlock, Database.Block newBlock)
            object myLock = new object();

            //foreach (var ethtx in ethBlock.Transactions)
            long x1 = x2;

            Parallel.ForEach(ethBlock.Transactions, new ParallelOptions {
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 5
            }, (ethtx) =>
                Database.Transaction tx = new Database.Transaction
                    Gas         = ethtx.Gas.AsLong(),
                    Nonce       = ethtx.Nonce.AsLong(),
                    GasPrice    = ethtx.GasPrice.Value.ToString(),
                    TxHash      = ethtx.TransactionHash.DeHash(),
                    TxSender    = ethtx.From.DeHash(),
                    TxRecipient = ethtx.To.DeHash(),
                    TxValue     = ethtx.Value.Value.ToString(),
                    TxIndex     = (int)ethtx.TransactionIndex.AsLong(),

                //get traces
                    var queryResult = GetTrace(ethtx.TransactionHash, _rpcUrls[(int)(x1 % _rpcUrls.Count)]);
                    tx.Traces       = queryResult.Item1;
                    tx.Receipt      = queryResult.Item2;
                catch (Exception e)

                lock (myLock)
        public void RunImporter()
            long lastTimeStamp = 0;

            //get blocks

            Policy pollyRetryPolicy = Policy
                                      .Handle <Exception>()
            }, (exception, retryCount) =>
                SentrySdk.CaptureMessage("Parity is overloaded. Will wait... " + retryCount.TotalSeconds);
                Console.WriteLine("Parity is overloaded. Will wait... " + retryCount.TotalSeconds);

            long startBlock = _db.GetLastBlock() + 1;
            Web3 web3       = GetWeb3Client();
            long maxBlock   = web3.Eth.Blocks.GetBlockNumber.SendRequestAsync().Result.AsLong() - 20;

            Console.WriteLine($"==> Running block #{startBlock} to #{maxBlock} <==");

            Stopwatch sw        = new Stopwatch();
            DateTime  startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            for (long x = startBlock; x <= maxBlock; x = x + _batchSize)

                long x2 = x;
                Parallel.For(x, x + _batchSize, i =>
                    SentrySdk.WithScope(scope =>
                        scope.SetExtra("block-number", i);
                        BlockWithTransactions ethBlock;

                            SentrySdk.AddBreadcrumb($"Getting Block #{i}");
                            ethBlock = GetBlockWithTransactions(pollyRetryPolicy, web3, i);
                            if (ethBlock == null)
                                throw new Exception("Got null block from rpc");
                        catch (Exception e)
                            SentrySdk.CaptureException(new Exception("Unable to retrieve block", e));

                            //get block fromn parity
                            SentrySdk.AddBreadcrumb($"Parsing Block #{i}");
                            Database.Block newBlock = new Database.Block
                                Author       = ethBlock.Author.DeHash(),
                                BlockHash    = ethBlock.BlockHash.DeHash(),
                                BlockNumber  = ethBlock.Number.AsLong(),
                                Difficulty   = double.Parse(ethBlock.Difficulty.AsString()),
                                GasLimit     = ethBlock.GasLimit.AsLong(),
                                GasUsed      = ethBlock.GasUsed.AsLong(),
                                Miner        = ethBlock.Miner.DeHash(),
                                Size         = ethBlock.Size.AsLong(),
                                Timestamp    = (long)ethBlock.Timestamp.Value,
                                Transactions = new List <Database.Transaction>()

                            //newBlock.Difficulty = ethBlock.Difficulty.AsLong();
                            lastTimeStamp = newBlock.Timestamp;

                            SentrySdk.AddBreadcrumb($"Parsing Transactions for Block #{i}");
                            ParseBlockTransactions(x2, ethBlock, newBlock);

                            SentrySdk.AddBreadcrumb($"Inserting Block #{i} to database");
                        catch (Exception e)
                            scope.SetExtra("block-data", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ethBlock));
                            SentrySdk.CaptureException(new Exception("Unable to process block", e));

                double blocksPerSec = _batchSize / (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0);
                double avgPerSec    = (x - startBlock) / (DateTime.UtcNow - startTime).TotalSeconds;

                double remainingSeconds = ((maxBlock - x) / avgPerSec);
                if (remainingSeconds < 0 || remainingSeconds > 10e6)
                    remainingSeconds = 120;

                TimeSpan       time        = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(remainingSeconds);
                DateTimeOffset lastBlockDt = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(lastTimeStamp);
                TimeSpan       behindChain = DateTime.UtcNow - lastBlockDt.UtcDateTime;
                    $" => {x} blocks done - {blocksPerSec,6:F1} blk/s - AVG: {avgPerSec,6:F1} blk/s - ETA: {time.ToString(@"dd\.hh\:mm\:ss")} - {behindChain.ToString(@"dd\.hh\:mm\:ss")} behind chain =====");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Batch done. Wait for new blocks. <==");