private static bool FindMinSepAxis(
            VoltPolygon poly1,
            VoltPolygon poly2,
            out Axis axis)
            axis = new Axis(, Fix64.MinValue);

            for (int i = 0; i < poly1.countWorld; i++)
                Axis  a   = poly1.worldAxes[i];
                Fix64 min = Fix64.MaxValue;
                for (int j = 0; j < poly2.countWorld; j++)
                    VoltVector2 v = poly2.worldVertices[j];
                    min = VoltMath.Min(min, VoltVector2.Dot(a.Normal, v));
                min -= a.Width;

                if (min > Fix64.Zero)
                if (min > axis.Width)
                    axis = new Axis(a.Normal, min);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the index of the axis with the max circle penetration depth.
        /// Breaks out if a separating axis is found between the two shapes.
        /// Outputs the penetration depth of the circle in the axis (if any).
        /// </summary>
        internal static int FindAxisMaxPenetration(
            VoltVector2 origin,
            Fix64 radius,
            VoltPolygon poly,
            out Fix64 penetration)
            int index = 0;
            int found = 0;

            penetration = Fix64.MinValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < poly.countWorld; i++)
                Axis  axis = poly.worldAxes[i];
                Fix64 dot  = VoltVector2.Dot(axis.Normal, origin);
                Fix64 dist = dot - axis.Width - radius;

                if (dist > Fix64.Zero)

                if (dist > penetration)
                    penetration = dist;
                    found       = index;


        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the index of the nearest axis on the poly to a point.
        /// Outputs the minimum distance between the axis and the point.
        /// </summary>
        internal static int FindAxisShortestDistance(
            VoltVector2 point,
            Axis[] axes,
            out Fix64 minDistance)
            int ix = 0;

            minDistance = Fix64.MaxValue;
            bool inside = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < axes.Length; i++)
                Fix64 dot  = VoltVector2.Dot(axes[i].Normal, point);
                Fix64 dist = axes[i].Width - dot;

                if (dist < Fix64.Zero)
                    inside = false;

                if (dist < minDistance)
                    minDistance = dist;
                    ix          = i;

            if (inside == true)
                minDistance = Fix64.Zero;
                ix          = -1;

Exemple #4
        internal Axis BodyToWorldAxis(Axis axis)
            VoltVector2 normal = axis.Normal.Rotate(this.facing);
            Fix64       width  = VoltVector2.Dot(normal, this.position) + axis.Width;

            return(new Axis(normal, width));
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// A world-space point query, used as a shortcut in collision tests.
 /// </summary>
 internal bool ContainsPoint(
     VoltVector2 worldSpacePoint)
     for (int i = 0; i < this.countWorld; i++)
         Axis axis = this.worldAxes[i];
         if (VoltVector2.Dot(axis.Normal, worldSpacePoint) > axis.Width)
Exemple #6
 protected override bool ShapeQueryPoint(
     VoltVector2 bodySpacePoint)
     for (int i = 0; i < this.countBody; i++)
         Axis axis = this.bodyAxes[i];
         if (VoltVector2.Dot(axis.Normal, bodySpacePoint) > axis.Width)
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Special case that ignores axes pointing away from the normal.
 /// </summary>
 internal bool ContainsPointPartial(
     VoltVector2 worldSpacePoint,
     VoltVector2 worldSpaceNormal)
     foreach (Axis axis in this.worldAxes)
         if (VoltVector2.Dot(axis.Normal, worldSpaceNormal) >= Fix64.Zero &&
             VoltVector2.Dot(axis.Normal, worldSpacePoint) > axis.Width)
Exemple #8
        private static void ComputeAxes(
            VoltVector2[] vertices,
            int count,
            ref Axis[] destination)
            if (destination.Length < count)
                destination = new Axis[count];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                VoltVector2 u      = vertices[i];
                VoltVector2 v      = vertices[(i + 1) % count];
                VoltVector2 normal = (v - u).Left().normalized;
                destination[i] = new Axis(normal, VoltVector2.Dot(normal, u));
Exemple #9
        private Fix64 ComputeInertia()
            Fix64 s1 = Fix64.Zero;
            Fix64 s2 = Fix64.Zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.countBody; i++)
                VoltVector2 v = this.bodyVertices[i];
                VoltVector2 u = this.bodyVertices[(i + 1) % this.countBody];

                Fix64 a = VoltMath.Cross(u, v);
                Fix64 b = v.sqrMagnitude + u.sqrMagnitude + VoltVector2.Dot(v, u);
                s1 += a * b;
                s2 += a;

            return(s1 / ((Fix64)6 * s2));
        internal void Solve(Manifold manifold)
            VoltBody bodyA      = manifold.ShapeA.Body;
            VoltBody bodyB      = manifold.ShapeB.Body;
            Fix64    elasticity = bodyA.World.Elasticity;

            // Calculate relative bias velocity
            VoltVector2 vb1 = bodyA.BiasVelocity + (bodyA.BiasRotation * this.toALeft);
            VoltVector2 vb2 = bodyB.BiasVelocity + (bodyB.BiasRotation * this.toBLeft);
            Fix64       vbn = VoltVector2.Dot((vb1 - vb2), this.normal);

            // Calculate and clamp the bias impulse
            Fix64 jbn = this.nMass * (vbn - this.bias);

            jbn         = VoltMath.Max(-this.jBias, jbn);
            this.jBias += jbn;

            // Apply the bias impulse
            this.ApplyNormalBiasImpulse(bodyA, bodyB, jbn);

            // Calculate relative velocity
            VoltVector2 vr  = this.RelativeVelocity(bodyA, bodyB);
            Fix64       vrn = VoltVector2.Dot(vr, this.normal);

            // Calculate and clamp the normal impulse
            Fix64 jn = nMass * (vrn + (this.restitution * elasticity));

            jn = VoltMath.Max(-this.cachedNormalImpulse, jn);
            this.cachedNormalImpulse += jn;

            // Calculate the relative tangent velocity
            Fix64 vrt = VoltVector2.Dot(vr, this.normal.Left());

            // Calculate and clamp the friction impulse
            Fix64 jtMax  = manifold.Friction * this.cachedNormalImpulse;
            Fix64 jt     = vrt * tMass;
            Fix64 result = VoltMath.Clamp(this.cachedTangentImpulse + jt, -jtMax, jtMax);

            jt = result - this.cachedTangentImpulse;
            this.cachedTangentImpulse = result;

            // Apply the normal and tangent impulse
            this.ApplyContactImpulse(bodyA, bodyB, jn, jt);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks a ray against a circle with a given origin and square radius.
        /// </summary>
        internal static bool CircleRayCast(
            VoltShape shape,
            VoltVector2 shapeOrigin,
            Fix64 sqrRadius,
            ref VoltRayCast ray,
            ref VoltRayResult result)
            VoltVector2 toOrigin = shapeOrigin - ray.origin;

            if (toOrigin.sqrMagnitude < sqrRadius)

            Fix64 slope = VoltVector2.Dot(toOrigin, ray.direction);

            if (slope < Fix64.Zero)

            Fix64 sqrSlope = slope * slope;
            Fix64 d        = sqrRadius + sqrSlope - VoltVector2.Dot(toOrigin, toOrigin);

            if (d < Fix64.Zero)

            Fix64 dist = slope - VoltMath.Sqrt(d);

            if (dist < Fix64.Zero || dist > ray.distance)

            // N.B.: For historical raycasts this normal will be wrong!
            // Must be either transformed back to world or invalidated later.
            VoltVector2 normal = (dist * ray.direction - toOrigin).normalized;

            result.Set(shape, dist, normal);
        internal void PreStep(Manifold manifold)
            VoltBody bodyA = manifold.ShapeA.Body;
            VoltBody bodyB = manifold.ShapeB.Body;

            this.toA     = this.position - bodyA.Position;
            this.toB     = this.position - bodyB.Position;
            this.toALeft = this.toA.Left();
            this.toBLeft = this.toB.Left();

            this.nMass = Fix64.One / this.KScalar(bodyA, bodyB, this.normal);
            this.tMass = Fix64.One / this.KScalar(bodyA, bodyB, this.normal.Left());

            this.bias        = Contact.BiasDist(penetration);
            this.jBias       = Fix64.Zero;
            this.restitution =
                manifold.Restitution *
                    this.RelativeVelocity(bodyA, bodyB));
Exemple #13
        private bool CircleCastEdges(
            ref VoltRayCast bodySpaceRay,
            Fix64 radius,
            ref VoltRayResult result)
            int  foundIndex       = -1;
            bool couldBeContained = true;

            // Pre-compute and initialize values
            Fix64       shortestDist = Fix64.MaxValue;
            VoltVector2 v3           = bodySpaceRay.direction.Left();

            // Check the edges -- this will be different from the raycast because
            // we care about staying within the ends of the edge line segment
            for (int i = 0; i < this.countBody; i++)
                Axis curAxis = this.bodyAxes[i];

                // Push the edges out by the radius
                VoltVector2 extension = curAxis.Normal * radius;
                VoltVector2 a         = this.bodyVertices[i] + extension;
                VoltVector2 b         = this.bodyVertices[(i + 1) % this.countBody] + extension;

                // Update the check for containment
                if (couldBeContained == true)
                    Fix64 proj =
                        VoltVector2.Dot(curAxis.Normal, bodySpaceRay.origin) - curAxis.Width;

                    // The point lies outside of the outer layer
                    if (proj > radius)
                        couldBeContained = false;
                    // The point lies between the outer and inner layer
                    else if (proj > Fix64.Zero)
                        // See if the point is within the center Vornoi region of the edge
                        Fix64 d = VoltMath.Cross(curAxis.Normal, bodySpaceRay.origin);
                        if (d > VoltMath.Cross(curAxis.Normal, a))
                            couldBeContained = false;
                        if (d < VoltMath.Cross(curAxis.Normal, b))
                            couldBeContained = false;

                // For the cast, only consider rays pointing towards the edge
                if (VoltVector2.Dot(curAxis.Normal, bodySpaceRay.direction) >= Fix64.Zero)

                // See:
                VoltVector2 v1 = bodySpaceRay.origin - a;
                VoltVector2 v2 = b - a;

                Fix64 denominator = VoltVector2.Dot(v2, v3);
                Fix64 t1          = VoltMath.Cross(v2, v1) / denominator;
                Fix64 t2          = VoltVector2.Dot(v1, v3) / denominator;

                if ((t2 >= Fix64.Zero) && (t2 <= Fix64.One) && (t1 > Fix64.Zero) && (t1 < shortestDist))
                    // See if the point is outside of any of the axes
                    shortestDist = t1;
                    foundIndex   = i;

            // Report results
            if (couldBeContained == true)
            else if (foundIndex >= 0 && shortestDist <= bodySpaceRay.distance)
Exemple #14
        protected override bool ShapeRayCast(
            ref VoltRayCast bodySpaceRay,
            ref VoltRayResult result)
            int   foundIndex       = -1;
            Fix64 inner            = Fix64.MaxValue;
            Fix64 outer            = Fix64.Zero;
            bool  couldBeContained = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.countBody; i++)
                Axis curAxis = this.bodyAxes[i];

                // Distance between the ray origin and the axis/edge along the
                // normal (i.e., shortest distance between ray origin and the edge)
                Fix64 proj =
                    VoltVector2.Dot(curAxis.Normal, bodySpaceRay.origin) - curAxis.Width;

                // See if the point is outside of any of the axes
                if (proj > Fix64.Zero)
                    couldBeContained = false;

                // Projection of the ray direction onto the axis normal (use
                // negative normal because we want to get the penetration length)
                Fix64 slope = VoltVector2.Dot(-curAxis.Normal, bodySpaceRay.direction);

                if (slope == Fix64.Zero)
                Fix64 dist = proj / slope;

                // The ray is pointing opposite the edge normal (towards the edge)
                if (slope > Fix64.Zero)
                    if (dist > inner)
                    if (dist > outer)
                        outer      = dist;
                        foundIndex = i;
                // The ray is pointing along the edge normal (away from the edge)
                    if (dist < outer)
                    if (dist < inner)
                        inner = dist;

            if (couldBeContained == true)
            else if (foundIndex >= 0 && outer <= bodySpaceRay.distance)
