Get() private méthode

private Get ( [ userIds, ProfileFields fields = null, NameCase nameCase = null, bool skipAuthorization = false ) : ReadOnlyCollection
userIds [
fields ProfileFields
nameCase NameCase
skipAuthorization bool
Résultat ReadOnlyCollection
Exemple #1
		public void Get_EmptyAccessToken_ThrowAccessTokenInvalidException()
			// Метод Get не требует AccessToken
            var users = new UsersCategory(new VkApi() { AccessToken = null });

            This.Action(() => users.Get(1)).Throws<AccessTokenInvalidException>();
Exemple #2
        public void Get_NotAccessToInternet_ThrowVkApiException()
            var mockBrowser = new Mock<IBrowser>();
            mockBrowser.Setup(f => f.GetJson(It.IsAny<string>())).Throws(new VkApiException("The remote name could not be resolved: ''"));

            var users = new UsersCategory(new VkApi {AccessToken = "asgsstsfast", Browser = mockBrowser.Object});

            var ex = This.Action(() => users.Get(1)).Throws<VkApiException>(); 
            ex.Message.ShouldEqual("The remote name could not be resolved: ''");
Exemple #3
        public void Get_EmptyAccessToken_ThrowAccessTokenInvalidException()
            var users = new UsersCategory(new VkApi());

            This.Action(() => users.Get(1)).Throws<AccessTokenInvalidException>();
Exemple #4
 public void Get_EmptyListOfUids_ThrowArgumentNullException()
     var users = new UsersCategory(new VkApi { AccessToken = "token" });
     IEnumerable<long> userIds = null;
     This.Action(() => users.Get(userIds)).Throws<ArgumentNullException>();
Exemple #5
 public void Get_Multiple_EmptyAccessToken_ThrowAccessTokenInvalidException()
     var users = new UsersCategory(new VkApi());
     users.Get(new long[] {1, 2});
Exemple #6
        public void Get_Multiple_EmptyAccessToken_ThrowAccessTokenInvalidException()
            var users = new UsersCategory(new VkApi());
			Assert.That(() => users.Get(new long[] { 1, 2 }), Throws.InstanceOf<AccessTokenInvalidException>());