public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { _setupNode = setupNode; InitNodes(); InitPorts(); }
public EventSequence(Preference2 preferences) : this() { _fullChannels = new List<Channel>(); Channels = new List<Channel>(); PlugInData = new SetupData(); Extensions = new SequenceExtensions(); if (preferences != null) { _eventPeriod = preferences.GetInteger("EventPeriod"); MinimumLevel = (byte) preferences.GetInteger("MinimumLevel"); MaximumLevel = (byte) preferences.GetInteger("MaximumLevel"); var profileName = preferences.GetString("DefaultProfile"); if (profileName.Length > 0) { AttachToProfile(profileName); } AudioDeviceIndex = preferences.GetInteger("DefaultSequenceAudioDevice"); } else { _eventPeriod = 100; MinimumLevel = 0; MaximumLevel = 255; AudioDeviceIndex = -1; } Time = 60000; }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { this.m_setupData = setupData; this.m_setupNode = setupNode; this.m_portAddress = this.m_setupData.GetInteger(this.m_setupNode, "port", 0); this.m_port = new PortMapping(this.m_portAddress); }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { this.m_setupData = setupData; this.m_setupNode = setupNode; this.SetPort(); byte[] buffer = new byte[3]; buffer[0] = 0xff; this.m_packet = buffer; this.m_shadow = new byte[executableObject.Channels.Count]; }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode, ITickSource timer) { this.m_executable = executableObject; this.m_timer = timer; this.m_setupData = setupData; this.m_setupNode = setupNode; this.m_portAddress = (ushort) this.m_setupData.GetInteger(this.m_setupNode, "address", 0x378); this.m_useWithScript = this.m_setupData.GetBoolean(this.m_setupNode, "useWithScript", false); executableObject.UserData = this.m_frames; }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { this.m_dataNode = setupNode; if (this.m_hardware == null) { this.m_hardware = new EZ_8(); } string innerText = Xml.GetNodeAlways(this.m_dataNode, "Port").InnerText; this.m_hardware.PortName = (innerText.Length != 0) ? innerText : null; }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { _channels.Clear(); _channels.AddRange(executableObject.FullChannels); _setupData = setupData; _setupNode = setupNode; if (_setupNode.Attributes != null) { _startChannel = Convert.ToInt32(_setupNode.Attributes["from"].Value) - 1; } setupData.GetBytes(_setupNode, "BackgroundImage", new byte[0]); }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { this.m_setupData = setupData; this.m_setupNode = setupNode; this.m_channelCount = executableObject.Channels.Count; this.m_deviceStarts[0] = setupData.GetInteger(setupNode, "Device0", 0); this.m_deviceStarts[1] = setupData.GetInteger(setupNode, "Device1", 8); this.m_deviceStarts[2] = setupData.GetInteger(setupNode, "Device2", 0x10); this.m_deviceStarts[3] = setupData.GetInteger(setupNode, "Device3", 24); this.m_offset = int.Parse(this.m_setupNode.Attributes["from"].Value) - 1; }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { this.m_setupData = setupData; this.m_setupNode = setupNode; this.m_filePath = Xml.GetNodeAlways(this.m_setupNode, "LastFilePath").InnerText; if (this.m_filePath == string.Empty) { this.m_filePath = Path.GetTempFileName(); Xml.GetNodeAlways(this.m_setupNode, "LastFilePath").InnerText = this.m_filePath; } }
public Profile() { FileName = string.Empty; _isFrozen = false; TreatAsLocal = false; Key = Host.GetUniqueKey(); _channelObjects = new List<Channel>(); _channelOutputs = new List<int>(); PlugInData = new SetupData(); IsDirty = false; }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { if ((executableObject.Channels.Count % 8) != 0) { this.m_packet = new byte[((executableObject.Channels.Count / 8) + 1) * 8]; } else { this.m_packet = new byte[executableObject.Channels.Count]; } this.m_setupData = setupData; this.m_setupNode = setupNode; this.SetPort(); }
public RouterContext(byte[] engineBuffer, SetupData pluginData, IExecutable executableObject) { EngineBuffer = engineBuffer; PluginData = pluginData; ExecutableObject = executableObject; OutputPluginList = new List<MappedOutputPlugIn>(); foreach (var item in from XmlNode node in PluginData.GetAllPluginData(SetupData.PluginType.Output, true) where node.Attributes != null select new MappedOutputPlugIn(OutputPlugins.FindPlugin(node.Attributes["name"].Value, true), Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["from"].Value), Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["to"].Value), node)) { OutputPluginList.Add(item); } }
public RouterContext CreateContext(byte[] engineBuffer, SetupData pluginData, IExecutable executableObject) { var item = new RouterContext(engineBuffer, pluginData, executableObject); var newSize = Math.Max((_data == null) ? 0 : _data.Length, item.EngineBuffer.Length); if (_data == null) { _data = new byte[newSize]; } else if (_data.Length < newSize) { Array.Resize(ref _data, newSize); } foreach (var outputPlugIn in item.OutputPluginList) { lock (_outputPlugins) { _outputPlugins.Add(outputPlugIn); } } _instances.Add(item); return item; }
public EventSequence() { _fullChannels = new List<Channel>(); Channels = new List<Channel>(); PlugInData = new SetupData(); Extensions = new SequenceExtensions(); EventValues = null; _eventPeriod = 100; MinimumLevel = 0; MaximumLevel = 255; Audio = null; TotalEventPeriods = 0; WindowWidth = 0; WindowHeight = 0; ChannelWidth = 0; EngineType = EngineType.Standard; _profile = null; TreatAsLocal = false; AudioDeviceIndex = -1; AudioDeviceVolume = 0; Key = Host.GetUniqueKey(); }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode, ITickSource timer) { this.m_setupNode = setupNode; this.m_setupData = setupData; this.m_timer = timer; XmlNode node = ((EventSequence) executableObject).Extensions[".led"]["Boards"]; this.m_useWithScript = node == null; if (node != null) { this.m_boardLayout = new Size(int.Parse(node.Attributes["width"].Value), int.Parse(node.Attributes["height"].Value)); } else { string[] strArray = this.m_setupData.GetString(this.m_setupNode, "BoardLayout", "1,1").Split(new char[] { ',' }); this.m_boardLayout = new Size(int.Parse(strArray[0].Trim()), int.Parse(strArray[1].Trim())); } this.m_ledSize = this.m_setupData.GetInteger(this.m_setupNode, "LEDSize", 3); this.m_ledColor = Color.FromArgb(this.m_setupData.GetInteger(this.m_setupNode, "LEDColor", -65536)); this.m_dotPitch = this.m_setupData.GetInteger(this.m_setupNode, "DotPitch", 9); executableObject.UserData = this.m_frames; this.m_executable = executableObject; }
public APSetupDialog(SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode, IList<Channel> channels, int startChannel) { _backgroundImageFileName = string.Empty; _dirty = false; _channelDictionary = new Dictionary<int, List<uint>>(); _controlDown = false; _originalBackground = null; _resizing = false; InitializeComponent(); _setupData = setupData; _setupNode = setupNode; _startChannel = startChannel; _channels = new List<Channel>(); toolStripComboBoxPixelSize.SelectedIndex = 7; toolStripComboBoxChannels.BeginUpdate(); for (var channel = _startChannel; channel < channels.Count; channel++) { toolStripComboBoxChannels.Items.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1}", channel + 1, channels[channel].Name)); _channels.Add(channels[channel]); } toolStripComboBoxChannels.EndUpdate(); UpdateFromSetupNode(); }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { this.m_setupData = setupData; this.m_setupNode = setupNode; this.EnsurePort("Parallel1"); this.EnsurePort("Parallel2"); this.EnsurePort("Parallel3"); this.CompilePortMappings(); }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { _setupData = setupData; _setupNode = setupNode; SetPort(); _packet = new byte[(_header.Length + executableObject.Channels.Count) + _footer.Length]; _header.CopyTo(_packet, 0); _footer.CopyTo(_packet, _packet.Length - _footer.Length); }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { _setupData = setupData; _setupNode = setupNode; InitSerialPort(); _holdPort = _setupData.GetBoolean(_setupNode, HoldNode, true); }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { this.m_setupData = setupData; this.m_setupNode = setupNode; this.m_startChannel = int.Parse(this.m_setupNode.Attributes["from"].Value) - 1; XmlNode nodeAlways = Xml.GetNodeAlways(setupNode, "Serial"); this.m_selectedPort = new SerialPort(this.m_setupData.GetString(nodeAlways, "Name", "COM1"), this.m_setupData.GetInteger(nodeAlways, "Baud", 0x1c200), (Parity) Enum.Parse(typeof(Parity), this.m_setupData.GetString(nodeAlways, "Parity", Parity.None.ToString())), this.m_setupData.GetInteger(nodeAlways, "Data", 8), (StopBits) Enum.Parse(typeof(StopBits), this.m_setupData.GetString(nodeAlways, "Stop", StopBits.One.ToString()))); this.m_selectedPort.Handshake = Handshake.None; this.m_selectedPort.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; XmlNode node2 = setupNode.SelectSingleNode("Modules"); if (node2 != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { XmlNode node3 = node2.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("Module[@id=\"{0}\"]", i + 1)); if (node3 != null) { this.m_modules[i].Enabled = bool.Parse(node3.Attributes["enabled"].Value); if (this.m_modules[i].Enabled) { this.m_modules[i].StartChannel = Convert.ToInt32(node3.Attributes["start"].Value); } } } } this.m_holdPort = this.m_setupData.GetBoolean(this.m_setupNode, "HoldPort", false); this.m_acOperation = this.m_setupData.GetBoolean(this.m_setupNode, "ACOperation", false); }
public void Shutdown() { if (_previewDialog != null) { if (_previewDialog.InvokeRequired) { _previewDialog.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(_previewDialog.Dispose)); } else { _previewDialog.Dispose(); } _previewDialog = null; } _channels.Clear(); _setupData = null; _setupNode = null; }
//------------------------------------------------------------- // // Initialize() - called anytime vixen needs to make sure the // plugin's setup or initialization is up to // date. Initialize is called before the plugin // is setup, before sequence execution, and // other times. It's called from multiple // places at any time, therefore the plugin // can make no assumptions about the state // of the program or sequence due to a call // to initialize. // //------------------------------------------------------------- public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { // save a local copy of the setup objects _setupNode = setupNode; // load all of our xml into working objects LoadSetupNodeInfo(); // find all of the network interfaces & build a sorted list indexed by Id _nicTable = new SortedList<string, NetworkInterface>(); var nics = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); if (nics.Length > 0) foreach (var nic in nics.Where(nic => nic.NetworkInterfaceType.CompareTo(NetworkInterfaceType.Tunnel) != 0)) { _nicTable.Add(nic.Id, nic); } }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode, ITickSource timer) { this.m_setupData = setupData; this.m_setupNode = setupNode; this.m_tick = timer; this.UpdateFromSetup(); }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { this.m_setupData = setupData; this.m_setupNode = setupNode; this.SetPort(); for (int i = 0; i < this.m_channelGroupControllers.Length; i++) { int num; int num3 = i + 1; if (int.TryParse(Xml.GetNodeAlways(this.m_setupNode, "Group" + num3.ToString()).InnerText, out num)) { this.m_channelGroupControllers[i] = num; } else { this.m_channelGroupControllers[i] = -1; } } }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { _setupNode = setupNode; if (_setupNode.SelectSingleNode("Programs") == null) { Xml.GetNodeAlways(_setupNode, "Programs"); } }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { this.m_setupData = setupData; this.m_setupNode = setupNode; this.m_portAddress = (ushort) this.m_setupData.GetInteger(this.m_setupNode, "address", 0); }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { this.m_setupData = setupData; this.m_setupNode = setupNode; this.SetPort(); }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { MccBoard board; int num = 0; this.m_boards = new MccBoard[GlobalConfig.NumBoards]; this.m_boardPortType = new DigitalPortType[GlobalConfig.NumBoards]; int index = 0; while (index < GlobalConfig.NumBoards) { board = new MccBoard(index); board.BoardConfig.GetBoardType(out num); if (num == 0) { break; } this.m_boards[index] = board; this.m_boardPortType[index] = (DigitalPortType)1; index++; } Array.Resize<MccBoard>(ref this.m_boards, index); Array.Resize<DigitalPortType>(ref this.m_boardPortType, index); this.m_hardwareMap = new VixenPlus.HardwareMap[index]; int num3 = 0; int num6 = 0; Dictionary<string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, int>(); this.m_pinBoardIndex = new int[0]; this.m_pinBoardOffset = new int[0]; for (index = 0; index < this.m_boards.Length; index++) { Dictionary<string, int> dictionary2; string str; board = this.m_boards[index]; if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(board.BoardName)) { dictionary[board.BoardName] = 0; } this.m_hardwareMap[index] = new VixenPlus.HardwareMap(board.BoardName, dictionary[board.BoardName]); (dictionary2 = dictionary)[str = board.BoardName] = dictionary2[str] + 1; int pinCount = this.m_pinCount; board.BoardConfig.GetDiNumDevs(out num3); for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++) { int num5; board.DioConfig.GetDevType(i, out num5); if (num5 == 10) { this.m_boardPortType[index] = (DigitalPortType)10; } board.DConfigPort((DigitalPortType) num5, DigitalPortDirection.DigitalOut); board.DioConfig.GetNumBits(i, out num6); Array.Resize<int>(ref this.m_pinBoardIndex, this.m_pinBoardIndex.Length + num6); Array.Resize<int>(ref this.m_pinBoardOffset, this.m_pinBoardOffset.Length + num6); for (int j = 0; j < num6; j++) { this.m_pinBoardIndex[j + this.m_pinCount] = index; this.m_pinBoardOffset[j + this.m_pinCount] = (this.m_pinCount + j) - pinCount; } this.m_pinCount += num6; } } }
public void Initialize(IExecutable executableObject, SetupData setupData, XmlNode setupNode) { this.m_setupData = setupData; this.m_setupNode = setupNode; this.m_version = this.m_setupData.GetInteger(this.m_setupNode, "Version", 2); this.m_selectedPort = new SerialPort(this.m_setupData.GetString(this.m_setupNode, "name", "COM1"), this.m_setupData.GetInteger(this.m_setupNode, "baud", 0x9600), (Parity) Enum.Parse(typeof(Parity), this.m_setupData.GetString(this.m_setupNode, "parity", Parity.None.ToString())), this.m_setupData.GetInteger(this.m_setupNode, "data", 8), (StopBits) Enum.Parse(typeof(StopBits), this.m_setupData.GetString(this.m_setupNode, "stop", StopBits.One.ToString()))); this.m_selectedPort.Handshake = Handshake.None; this.m_selectedPort.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; }
private void LoadFromProfile() { PlugInData = _profile.PlugInData; UpdateEventValueArray(); }