private static async Task DeleteVideoConfirmGet(HttpContext context) { CommonController.SetHTMLContentType(context); var userTask = UserSessions.GetLoggedInUser(context); using var connection = Database.OpenNewConnection(); var user = await userTask; if (user != null && GuidHelpers.TryDecode(context.Request.Query["id"], out var videoId)) { var video = await GetVideo(videoId, connection); if (UserOwnsVideo(video, user.userid)) { await DeleteVideo(, connection); context.Response.Redirect("/my_videos"); } else { await CommonController.Write404(context); } } else { await CommonController.Write404(context); } }
private static async Task EditVideoGet(HttpContext context) { CommonController.SetHTMLContentType(context); var userTask = UserSessions.GetLoggedInUser(context); using var connection = Database.OpenNewConnection(); var user = await userTask; if (user != null && GuidHelpers.TryDecode(context.Request.Query["id"], out var videoId)) { var video = await GetVideo(videoId, connection); if (UserOwnsVideo(video, user.userid)) { var templateContext = new TemplateContext(new { video }); await context.Response.WriteAsync(await HTMLRenderer.Render(context, "Templates\\editVideo.liquid", templateContext)); } else { await CommonController.Write404(context); } } else { await CommonController.Write404(context); } }
private static async Task VideoGet(HttpContext context) { CommonController.SetHTMLContentType(context); if (GuidHelpers.TryDecode(context.Request.Query["id"], out var videoId)) { using var connection = Database.OpenNewConnection(); var video = await GetVideo(videoId, connection); var user = await UserSessions.GetLoggedInUser(context); if (video != null && UserCanViewVideo(video, user)) { bool userOwnsVideo = UserOwnsVideo(video, user.userid); var relatedVideos = new List <Video>(); var templateContext = new TemplateContext(new { video, relatedVideos, userOwnsVideo }); await context.Response.WriteAsync(await HTMLRenderer.Render(context, "Templates\\video.liquid", templateContext)); await AddVideoView(, context, connection); } else { await CommonController.Write404(context); } } else { await CommonController.Write404(context); } }
private static async Task EditVideoPost(HttpContext context) { CommonController.SetHTMLContentType(context); var userTask = UserSessions.GetLoggedInUser(context); using var connection = Database.OpenNewConnection(); var user = await userTask; if (user != null && GuidHelpers.TryDecode(context.Request.Query["id"], out var videoId)) { var video = await GetVideo(videoId, connection); if (UserOwnsVideo(video, user.userid)) { var form = context.Request.Form; video.title = form["title"]; video.description = form["description"]; //TODO(Simon): Deduplicate tags. Should be cleaned by frontend, but may be malicious data. string[] tags = form["tags"].ToString().Split(','); var deduplicatedTags = new HashSet <string>(tags); video.tags = deduplicatedTags.ToList(); if (Int32.TryParse(form["privacy"], out var privacyInt)) { video.privacy = (VideoPrivacy)privacyInt; } await AddOrUpdateVideo(video, connection); context.Response.Redirect("/my_videos"); } else { await CommonController.Write404(context); } } else { await CommonController.Write404(context); } }
private static async Task UpdateVideoPrivacyPost(HttpContext context) { CommonController.SetHTMLContentType(context); var userTask = UserSessions.GetLoggedInUser(context); using var connection = Database.OpenNewConnection(); var user = await userTask; if (user != null && GuidHelpers.TryDecode(context.Request.Query["id"], out var videoid)) { var video = await GetVideo(videoid, connection); if (UserOwnsVideo(video, user.userid)) { if (Int32.TryParse(context.Request.Form["video-privacy"], out int privacy)) { await SetVideoPrivacy(, (VideoPrivacy)privacy, connection); } } } context.Response.Redirect("/my_videos"); }