Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Configuration">Search configuration parameters</param>
 public Board(SearchConfigurator Configuration)
     this.ImageBlobs      = new Emgu.CV.Cvb.CvBlobs();
     this.BlobDetector    = new Emgu.CV.Cvb.CvBlobDetector();
     this.BoardSize       = new Size(400, 400);
     this.dW              = (int)(this.BoardSize.Width / 8);
     this.dH              = (int)(this.BoardSize.Height / 8);
     this.BoxScaling      = 15;
     this.OutputImageSize = new Size(640, 480);
     this.SC              = Configuration;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Proces the image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btnProcessImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Get image from image source.
                this.imageFromCamera = this.camera.Capture();

                // Create search engine configuration.
                this.boardConfiguration = new SearchConfigurator();

                // Create processor.
                this.playerVS = new VisionSystem.Board(this.boardConfiguration);

                // Process the image and get the board configuration.
                this.currentBoardConfiguration       = playerVS.FindBoard(this.imageFromCamera, out this.outputImage);
                this.currentBoardConfiguration.Black = this.ComputerIndex;
                this.currentBoardConfiguration.White = this.HumanIndex;

                // Apply the processed image.
                pbMain.Image = new Bitmap(this.imageFromCamera, pbMain.Size);

                // Apply the processed image.
                pbProcessed.Image = this.outputImage;

                // Print configuration ti the console.

                // Upadate UI
                tsslblStatusProces.Text = "Last action: search for the board.";
            catch (Exception exception)
                tsslblStatusProces.Text = String.Format("Exception: {0}", exception.Message);
                Loging.Log.CreateRecord("MainForm.btnProcessImage_Click", String.Format("Exception: {0}", exception.Message), Loging.LogMessageTypes.Error);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the board markers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InputImage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private PointF[] GetBoardMarkers(Bitmap InputImage, SearchConfigurator Configuration)
            #region Local variables

            // Main image.
            Image <Gray, Byte> ModelImage;

            // Center of image
            PointF centerOfImage = new PointF((InputImage.Width / 2), (InputImage.Height / 2));

            // For processing
            ModelImage = new Image <Gray, Byte>(InputImage);

            // Regionpoints
            PointF[] listOfEdges = new PointF[MARKERS_COUNT];


            // Smooth the image, with kernel size 3.
            ModelImage = ModelImage.SmoothGaussian(Configuration.SmoothKernelSize);

            // Show unperspective image
            //CvInvoke.cvShowImage("Stage 1", ModelImage);

            // Adaptive tresh
            ModelImage = ModelImage.ThresholdAdaptive(new Gray(Configuration.TreshholdLevel),
                                                      new Gray(4));

            // Dilate one iteration the image.
            ModelImage = ModelImage.Dilate(1);

            // Show unperspective image
            //CvInvoke.cvShowImage("Stage 2", ModelImage);

            // Get the numers of blobs on the image.
            uint numBlobsFound = BlobDetector.Detect(ModelImage, ImageBlobs);

            // Lets try and iterate the blobs
            foreach (Emgu.CV.Cvb.CvBlob targetBlob in ImageBlobs.Values)
                // Calculate circularity
                MemStorage      BlbobStorage    = new MemStorage();
                Contour <Point> blobContour     = targetBlob.GetContour(BlbobStorage);
                double          blobCircularity = this.GetCircularity(blobContour);

                // Calculate area
                double blobArea = targetBlob.Area;
                // Center image
                PointF blobCenter = targetBlob.Centroid;

                // Filter the marker by area
                if ((blobArea >= Configuration.MinimumMarkerArea) && (blobArea <= Configuration.MaximumMarkerArea) && (blobCircularity > Configuration.MarkerCircularity))
                    Console.WriteLine("A: {0} P: {1} C: {2}", blobArea, 1, blobCircularity);
                    #region Find msrker quadrant position

                    if ((blobCenter.X < centerOfImage.X) && (blobCenter.Y < centerOfImage.Y))
                        Console.WriteLine("Quadrant: I");
                        listOfEdges[0] = targetBlob.Centroid;

                    if ((blobCenter.X > centerOfImage.X) && (blobCenter.Y < centerOfImage.Y))
                        Console.WriteLine("Quadrant: II");
                        listOfEdges[1] = targetBlob.Centroid;

                    if ((blobCenter.X > centerOfImage.X) && (blobCenter.Y > centerOfImage.Y))
                        Console.WriteLine("Quadrant: III");
                        listOfEdges[2] = targetBlob.Centroid;

                    if ((blobCenter.X < centerOfImage.X) && (blobCenter.Y > centerOfImage.Y))
                        Console.WriteLine("Quadrant: IV");
                        listOfEdges[3] = targetBlob.Centroid;


            // If there is 4 markers return them
            if (listOfEdges.Length == 4)

            // If not null