public static List <string> GetNames(IVisio.Shape shape)
            if (shape == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape));

            int custom_prop_row_count = CustomPropertyHelper.GetCount(shape);

            if (custom_prop_row_count < 1)
                return(new List <string>(0));

            var prop_names   = new List <string>(custom_prop_row_count);
            var prop_section = shape.Section[(short)IVisio.VisSectionIndices.visSectionProp];
            var query_names  = prop_section.ToEnumerable().Select(row => row.NameU);


            if (custom_prop_row_count != prop_names.Count)
                throw new InternalAssertionException("Unexpected number of property names");

 internal static void CheckValidCustomPropertyName(string name)
     string errmsg;
     if (!CustomPropertyHelper.IsValidName(name, out errmsg))
         string msg = string.Format("Invalid Property Name: \"{0}\". {1}", name, errmsg);
         throw new System.ArgumentException(msg);
        internal static void CheckValidCustomPropertyName(string name)
            string errmsg;

            if (!CustomPropertyHelper.IsValidName(name, out errmsg))
                string msg = $"Invalid Property Name: \"{name}\". {errmsg}";
                throw new AutomationException(msg);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the custom properties defined on a shape
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If there are no custom properties then null will be returned</remarks>
        /// <param name="shape"></param>
        /// <returns>A list of custom properties</returns>
        public static CustomPropertyDictionary Get(IVisio.Shape shape)
            var prop_names = CustomPropertyHelper.GetNames(shape);
            var dic        = new CustomPropertyDictionary(prop_names.Count);
            var cells      = CustomPropertyCells.GetCells(shape);

            for (int prop_index = 0; prop_index < prop_names.Count(); prop_index++)
                string prop_name = prop_names[prop_index];
                dic[prop_name] = cells[prop_index];

        public static List <VisioAutomation.Shapes.CustomProperties.CustomPropertyDictionary> Get(IVisio.Page page, IList <IVisio.Shape> shapes)
            if (page == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(page));

            if (shapes == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shapes));

            var shapeids              = shapes.Select(s => s.ID).ToList();
            var customprops_dic       = new List <VisioAutomation.Shapes.CustomProperties.CustomPropertyDictionary>(shapeids.Count);
            var customprops_per_shape = CustomPropertyCells.GetCells(page, shapeids);

            if (customprops_per_shape.Count != shapeids.Count)
                throw new InternalAssertionException();

            for (int shape_index = 0; shape_index < shapeids.Count; shape_index++)
                var shape = shapes[shape_index];
                var customprops_for_shape = customprops_per_shape[shape_index];
                var prop_names            = CustomPropertyHelper.GetNames(shape);

                if (customprops_for_shape.Count != prop_names.Count)
                    throw new InternalAssertionException();

                var dic = new VisioAutomation.Shapes.CustomProperties.CustomPropertyDictionary(prop_names.Count);

                for (int prop_index = 0; prop_index < prop_names.Count(); prop_index++)
                    string prop_name = prop_names[prop_index];
                    dic[prop_name] = customprops_for_shape[prop_index];


        public static void Delete(IVisio.Shape shape, string name)
            if (shape == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape));

            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));


            string full_prop_name = CustomPropertyHelper.GetRowName(name);

            short row = shape.CellsU[full_prop_name].Row;
            shape.DeleteRow((short)IVisio.VisSectionIndices.visSectionProp, row);
        public static bool Contains(IVisio.Shape shape, string name)
            if (shape == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape));

            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));


            string full_prop_name = CustomPropertyHelper.GetRowName(name);

            var exists = (short)IVisio.VisExistsFlags.visExistsAnywhere;
            return 0 != (shape.CellExistsU[full_prop_name, exists]);
        public static void Set(IVisio.Shape shape, string name, string val)
            if (shape == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape));


            if (val == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(val));

            // create a new property
            var cp = new CustomPropertyCells();
            cp.Value = val;
            cp.Type = 0; // 0 = string

            CustomPropertyHelper.Set(shape, name, cp);
        public static void Set(
            IVisio.Shape shape,
            string name,
            CustomPropertyCells cp)
            if (shape == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape));


            if (CustomPropertyHelper.Contains(shape, name))
                string full_prop_name = CustomPropertyHelper.GetRowName(name);
                var    cell_propname  = shape.CellsU[full_prop_name];

                if (cell_propname == null)
                    string msg = string.Format("Could not retrieve cell for custom property \"{0}\"", full_prop_name);
                    throw new InternalAssertionException(msg);

                var writer = new VisioAutomation.ShapeSheet.Writers.SrcWriter();
                cp.SetFormulas(writer, cell_propname.Row);



            short row = shape.AddNamedRow(

            CustomPropertyHelper.Set(shape, row, cp);
        public static void Set(
            IVisio.Shape shape,
            string name,
            CustomPropertyCells cp)
            if (shape == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape));


            if (CustomPropertyHelper.Contains(shape, name))
                string full_prop_name = CustomPropertyHelper.GetRowName(name);
                var    cell_propname  = shape.CellsU[full_prop_name];

                if (cell_propname == null)
                    string msg = $"Could not retrieve cell for custom property \"{full_prop_name}\"";
                    throw new AutomationException(msg);

                var update = new ShapeSheet.Update();
                update.SetFormulas(cp, cell_propname.Row);


            short row = shape.AddNamedRow(

            CustomPropertyHelper.Set(shape, row, cp);
        public static bool IsValidName(string name)
            string errmsg;

            return(CustomPropertyHelper.IsValidName(name, out errmsg));