protected void Awake() { Debug.Log("AppState awakens"); if (instance == null) { Debug.Log("AppState instance assigned"); instance = this; } else if (instance != this) { // there cannot be another instance Debug.Log("AppState found another instance"); Destroy(gameObject); } DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); _editSession = new EditSession(); _layers = new List <VirgisLayer>(); Zoom = new ZoomEvent(); Project = new ProjectChange(); Info = new InfoEvent(); ButtonStatus = new ButtonStatus(); Orientation = new OrientEvent(); LayerUpdate = new LayerChange(); initsub = Project.Event.Subscribe(proj => Init()); try { GdalConfiguration.ConfigureOgr(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e.ToString()); }; try { GdalConfiguration.ConfigureGdal(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e.ToString()); }; try { PdalConfiguration.ConfigurePdal(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e.ToString()); }; try { Debug.Log($" MDAL Version : {MdalConfiguration.ConfigureMdal()}"); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e.ToString()); } Gdal.SetConfigOption("CURL_CA_BUNDLE", Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "gdal", "cacert.pem")); }
void Awake() { print("AppState awakens"); if (instance == null) { print("AppState instance assigned"); instance = this; } else if (instance != this) { // there cannot be another instance print("AppState found another instance"); Destroy(gameObject); } DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); _editSession = new EditSession(); _layers = new List <Component>(); _zoomChange = new ZoomEvent(); }