Exemple #1
 internal void OnDeserializedMethod(StreamingContext context)
     if (Code == null)
         Code = Name;
     CodeCrc32 = AnimationMetaData.GetCrc32(Code);
        public static AnimationMetaData FromBytes(BinaryReader reader, string version)
            AnimationMetaData animdata = new AnimationMetaData();

            animdata.Code      = reader.ReadString();
            animdata.Animation = reader.ReadString();
            animdata.Weight    = reader.ReadSingle();

            int weightCount = reader.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < weightCount; i++)
                animdata.ElementWeight[reader.ReadString()] = reader.ReadSingle();

            animdata.AnimationSpeed = reader.ReadSingle();
            animdata.EaseInSpeed    = reader.ReadSingle();
            animdata.EaseOutSpeed   = reader.ReadSingle();

            bool haveTrigger = reader.ReadBoolean();

            if (haveTrigger)
                animdata.TriggeredBy            = new AnimationTrigger();
                animdata.TriggeredBy.MatchExact = reader.ReadBoolean();
                weightCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                animdata.TriggeredBy.OnControls = new EnumEntityActivity[weightCount];

                for (int i = 0; i < weightCount; i++)
                    animdata.TriggeredBy.OnControls[i] = (EnumEntityActivity)reader.ReadInt32();
                animdata.TriggeredBy.DefaultAnim = reader.ReadBoolean();

            animdata.BlendMode = (EnumAnimationBlendMode)reader.ReadInt32();

            weightCount = reader.ReadInt32();
            for (int i = 0; i < weightCount; i++)
                animdata.ElementBlendMode[reader.ReadString()] = (EnumAnimationBlendMode)reader.ReadInt32();

            animdata.MulWithWalkSpeed = reader.ReadBoolean();

            if (GameVersion.IsAtLeastVersion(version, "1.12.5-dev.1"))
                animdata.StartFrameOnce = reader.ReadSingle();
            if (GameVersion.IsAtLeastVersion(version, "1.13.0-dev.3"))
                animdata.HoldEyePosAfterEasein = reader.ReadSingle();


Exemple #3
 protected virtual void AnimNowActive(RunningAnimation anim, AnimationMetaData animData)
     anim.Running            = true;
     anim.Active             = true;
     anim.meta               = animData;
     anim.ShouldRewind       = false;
     anim.ShouldPlayTillEnd  = false;
     anim.CurrentFrame       = animData.StartFrameOnce;
     animData.StartFrameOnce = 0;
Exemple #4
        protected override void AnimNowActive(RunningAnimation anim, AnimationMetaData animData)
            base.AnimNowActive(anim, animData);

            if (anim.Animation.PrevNextKeyFrameByFrame == null)
                anim.Animation.GenerateAllFrames(rootElements, jointsById);

 /// <summary>
 /// Loads the entity from a stored byte array from the SaveGame
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tree"></param>
 public virtual void FromAttributes(ITreeAttribute tree, string version)
     foreach (var val in tree)
         byte[] data = (val.Value as ByteArrayAttribute).value;
         using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data))
             using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(ms))
                 ActiveAnimationsByAnimCode[val.Key] = AnimationMetaData.FromBytes(reader, version);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Start a new animation defined in the entity config file. If it's not defined, it won't play.
        /// Use StartAnimation(AnimationMetaData animdata) to circumvent the entity config anim data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configCode">Anim config code, not the animation code!</param>
        public virtual bool StartAnimation(string configCode)
            if (configCode == null)

            AnimationMetaData animdata = null;

            if (entity.Properties.Client.AnimationsByMetaCode.TryGetValue(configCode, out animdata))


        /// <summary>
        /// Client: Starts given animation
        /// Server: Sends all active anims to all connected clients then purges the ActiveAnimationsByAnimCode list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="animdata"></param>
        public virtual bool StartAnimation(AnimationMetaData animdata)
            AnimationMetaData activeAnimdata;

            // Already active, won't do anything
            if (ActiveAnimationsByAnimCode.TryGetValue(animdata.Animation, out activeAnimdata) && activeAnimdata == animdata)

            if (animdata.Code == null)
                throw new Exception("anim meta data code cannot be null!");

            AnimationsDirty = true;
            ActiveAnimationsByAnimCode[animdata.Animation] = animdata;

        public virtual void LoadConfig(JsonObject taskConfig, JsonObject aiConfig)
            this.priority          = taskConfig["priority"].AsFloat();
            this.priorityForCancel = taskConfig["priorityForCancel"].AsFloat(priority);

            this.Id          = taskConfig["id"].AsString();
            this.slot        = (int)taskConfig["slot"]?.AsInt(0);
            this.mincooldown = (int)taskConfig["mincooldown"]?.AsInt(0);
            this.maxcooldown = (int)taskConfig["maxcooldown"]?.AsInt(100);

            this.mincooldownHours = (double)taskConfig["mincooldownHours"]?.AsDouble(0);
            this.maxcooldownHours = (double)taskConfig["maxcooldownHours"]?.AsDouble(0);

            int initialmincooldown = (int)taskConfig["initialMinCoolDown"]?.AsInt(mincooldown);
            int initialmaxcooldown = (int)taskConfig["initialMaxCoolDown"]?.AsInt(maxcooldown);

            if (taskConfig["animation"].Exists)
                animMeta = new AnimationMetaData()
                    Code           = taskConfig["animation"].AsString()?.ToLowerInvariant(),
                    Animation      = taskConfig["animation"].AsString()?.ToLowerInvariant(),
                    AnimationSpeed = taskConfig["animationSpeed"].AsFloat(1f)

            this.whenInEmotionState    = taskConfig["whenInEmotionState"].AsString();
            this.whenNotInEmotionState = taskConfig["whenNotInEmotionState"].AsString();

            if (taskConfig["sound"].Exists)
                sound         = AssetLocation.Create(taskConfig["sound"].AsString(), entity.Code.Domain).WithPathPrefixOnce("sounds/");
                soundRange    = taskConfig["soundRange"].AsFloat(16);
                soundStartMs  = taskConfig["soundStartMs"].AsInt(0);
                soundRepeatMs = taskConfig["soundRepeatMs"].AsInt(0);

            cooldownUntilMs = entity.World.ElapsedMilliseconds + initialmincooldown + entity.World.Rand.Next(initialmaxcooldown - initialmincooldown);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to resolve all references within the shape. Logs missing references them to the errorLogger
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="errorLogger"></param>
        /// <param name="shapeNameForLogging"></param>
        public void ResolveReferences(ILogger errorLogger, string shapeNameForLogging)
            Dictionary <string, ShapeElement> elementsByName = new Dictionary <string, ShapeElement>();

            CollectElements(Elements, elementsByName);

            for (int i = 0; Animations != null && i < Animations.Length; i++)
                Animation anim = Animations[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < anim.KeyFrames.Length; j++)
                    AnimationKeyFrame keyframe = anim.KeyFrames[j];
                    ResolveReferences(errorLogger, shapeNameForLogging, elementsByName, keyframe);

                    foreach (AnimationKeyFrameElement kelem in keyframe.Elements.Values)
                        kelem.Frame = keyframe.Frame;

                if (anim.Code == null || anim.Code.Length == 0)
                    anim.Code = anim.Name.ToLowerInvariant().Replace(" ", "");

                AnimationsByCrc32[AnimationMetaData.GetCrc32(anim.Code)] = anim;

            for (int i = 0; i < Elements.Length; i++)
                ShapeElement elem = Elements[i];

Exemple #10
        public override void OnGameTick(float dt)
            if (World.Side == EnumAppSide.Client)
                bool alive = Alive;

                if (alive)
                    CurrentControls =
                        (servercontrols.TriesToMove || ((servercontrols.Jump || servercontrols.Sneak) && servercontrols.IsClimbing) ? EnumEntityActivity.Move : EnumEntityActivity.Idle) |
                        (Swimming && !servercontrols.FloorSitting ? EnumEntityActivity.Swim : 0) |
                        (servercontrols.FloorSitting ? EnumEntityActivity.FloorSitting : 0) |
                        (servercontrols.Sneak && !servercontrols.IsClimbing && !servercontrols.FloorSitting && !Swimming ? EnumEntityActivity.SneakMode : 0) |
                        (servercontrols.Sprint && !Swimming && !servercontrols.Sneak ? EnumEntityActivity.SprintMode : 0) |
                        (servercontrols.IsFlying ? EnumEntityActivity.Fly : 0) |
                        (servercontrols.IsClimbing ? EnumEntityActivity.Climb : 0) |
                        (servercontrols.Jump && OnGround ? EnumEntityActivity.Jump : 0) |
                        (!OnGround && !Swimming && !FeetInLiquid && !servercontrols.IsClimbing && !servercontrols.IsFlying && SidedPos.Motion.Y < -0.05 ? EnumEntityActivity.Fall : 0)
                    CurrentControls = EnumEntityActivity.Dead;

                CurrentControls = CurrentControls == 0 ? EnumEntityActivity.Idle : CurrentControls;


            if (World.Side == EnumAppSide.Client)
                AnimationMetaData defaultAnim = null;
                bool anyAverageAnimActive     = false;
                bool skipDefaultAnim          = false;

                AnimationMetaData[] animations = Properties.Client.Animations;
                for (int i = 0; animations != null && i < animations.Length; i++)
                    AnimationMetaData anim = animations[i];
                    bool wasActive         = AnimManager.ActiveAnimationsByAnimCode.ContainsKey(anim.Animation);
                    bool nowActive         = anim.Matches((int)CurrentControls);
                    bool isDefaultAnim     = anim?.TriggeredBy?.DefaultAnim == true;

                    anyAverageAnimActive |= nowActive || (wasActive && !anim.WasStartedFromTrigger);
                    skipDefaultAnim      |= (nowActive || (wasActive && !anim.WasStartedFromTrigger)) && anim.SupressDefaultAnimation;

                    if (isDefaultAnim)
                        defaultAnim = anim;

                    if (!wasActive && nowActive)
                        anim.WasStartedFromTrigger = true;

                    if (wasActive && !nowActive && (anim.WasStartedFromTrigger || isDefaultAnim))
                        anim.WasStartedFromTrigger = false;

                if (!anyAverageAnimActive && defaultAnim != null && Alive && !skipDefaultAnim)
                    defaultAnim.WasStartedFromTrigger = true;

                if ((!Alive || skipDefaultAnim) && defaultAnim != null)

                ICoreClientAPI capi    = (Api as ICoreClientAPI);
                bool           isSelf  = capi.World.Player.Entity.EntityId == EntityId;
                EntityPos      herepos = (isSelf ? Pos : ServerPos);
                bool           moving  = herepos.Motion.LengthSq() > 0.0000 && !servercontrols.NoClip;

                // Snow particles
                if (insideBlock?.GetBlockMaterial(capi.World.BlockAccessor, insidePos) == EnumBlockMaterial.Snow && isSelf)
                    double hormot = Pos.Motion.X * Pos.Motion.X + Pos.Motion.Z * Pos.Motion.Z;
                    float  val    = (float)Math.Sqrt(hormot);
                    if (Api.World.Rand.NextDouble() < 10 * val)
                        var   rand   = capi.World.Rand;
                        Vec3f velo   = new Vec3f(1f - 2 * (float)rand.NextDouble() + GameMath.Clamp((float)Pos.Motion.X * 15, -5, 5), 0.5f + 3.5f * (float)rand.NextDouble(), 1f - 2 * (float)rand.NextDouble() + GameMath.Clamp((float)Pos.Motion.Z * 15, -5, 5));
                        float radius = Math.Min(SelectionBox.XSize, SelectionBox.ZSize) * 0.9f;

                        World.SpawnCubeParticles(herepos.AsBlockPos, herepos.XYZ.Add(0, 0, 0), radius, 2 + (int)(rand.NextDouble() * val * 5), 0.5f + (float)rand.NextDouble() * 0.5f, null, velo);

                if ((FeetInLiquid || Swimming) && moving)
                    double width = SelectionBox.XSize * 0.75f;

                    SplashParticleProps.BasePos.Set(herepos.X - width / 2, herepos.Y + 0, herepos.Z - width / 2);
                    SplashParticleProps.AddPos.Set(width, 0.5, width);

                    float mot = (float)herepos.Motion.Length();
                    SplashParticleProps.AddVelocity.Set((float)herepos.Motion.X * 20f, 0, (float)herepos.Motion.Z * 20f);
                    float f = Properties.Attributes?["extraSplashParticlesMul"].AsFloat(1) ?? 1;
                    SplashParticleProps.QuantityMul = 0.15f * mot * 5 * 2 * f;


                    SpawnWaterMovementParticles((float)Math.Max(Swimming ? 0.04f : 0, mot * 5));

            if (Properties.RotateModelOnClimb && World.Side == EnumAppSide.Server)
                if (!OnGround && Alive && Controls.IsClimbing && ClimbingOnFace != null && ClimbingOnCollBox.Y2 > 0.2 /* cheap hax so that locusts don't climb on very flat collision boxes */)
                    ServerPos.Pitch = ClimbingOnFace.HorizontalAngleIndex * GameMath.PIHALF;
                    ServerPos.Pitch = 0;

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            AnimationMetaData other = obj as AnimationMetaData;

            return(other != null && other.Animation == Animation && other.AnimationSpeed == AnimationSpeed && other.BlendMode == BlendMode);
Exemple #12
 public bool StartAnimation(AnimationMetaData animdata)
        /// <summary>
        /// The event fired when the manager recieves the server animations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activeAnimations"></param>
        /// <param name="activeAnimationsCount"></param>
        /// <param name="activeAnimationSpeeds"></param>
        public virtual void OnReceivedServerAnimations(int[] activeAnimations, int activeAnimationsCount, float[] activeAnimationSpeeds)
            HashSet <string> toKeep = new HashSet <string>();

            string active = "";
            int    mask   = ~(1 << 31); // Because I fail to get the sign bit transmitted correctly over the network T_T

            for (int i = 0; i < activeAnimationsCount; i++)
                uint crc32 = (uint)(activeAnimations[i] & mask);

                AnimationMetaData animmetadata;
                if (entity.Properties.Client.AnimationsByCrc32.TryGetValue(crc32, out animmetadata))

                    if (ActiveAnimationsByAnimCode.ContainsKey(animmetadata.Code))
                    animmetadata.AnimationSpeed = activeAnimationSpeeds[i];

                    ActiveAnimationsByAnimCode[animmetadata.Animation] = animmetadata;

                Animation anim;
                if (entity.Properties.Client.LoadedShapeForEntity.AnimationsByCrc32.TryGetValue(crc32, out anim))

                    if (ActiveAnimationsByAnimCode.ContainsKey(anim.Code))

                    string code = anim.Code == null?anim.Name.ToLowerInvariant() : anim.Code;

                    active += ", " + code;
                    AnimationMetaData animmeta;
                    entity.Properties.Client.AnimationsByMetaCode.TryGetValue(code, out animmeta);

                    if (animmeta == null)
                        animmeta = new AnimationMetaData()
                            Code      = code,
                            Animation = code,
                            CodeCrc32 = anim.CodeCrc32

                    animmeta.AnimationSpeed = activeAnimationSpeeds[i];

                    ActiveAnimationsByAnimCode[anim.Code] = animmeta;

            if (entity.EntityId != (entity.World as IClientWorldAccessor).Player.Entity.EntityId)
                string[] keys = ActiveAnimationsByAnimCode.Keys.ToArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
                    if (!toKeep.Contains(keys[i]))
                        AnimationMetaData animmetadata;
                        if (entity.Properties.Client.AnimationsByMetaCode.TryGetValue(keys[i], out animmetadata))
                            if (animmetadata.TriggeredBy != null && animmetadata.WasStartedFromTrigger)
Exemple #14
 protected override void AnimNowActive(RunningAnimation anim, AnimationMetaData animData)
     base.AnimNowActive(anim, animData);