Exemple #1
        public static Dictionary <char, char> GetOptimalCharacterMappingNonCaesar(Dictionary <char, double> textCharProportion,
                                                                                  Dictionary <char, double> targetCharProportion,
                                                                                  out double mappingDifference)
            /*Mappings are { inputTextChar : actualChar }*/

            double minDifference = double.MaxValue;
            Dictionary <char, char> optimalMapping = null;

            foreach (List <char> charList in ProgramMath.GetPermutations(new List <char>(Program.validCharacters)))
                /*Create Character Mapping*/

                Dictionary <char, char> mapping = new Dictionary <char, char>();

                for (int i = 0; i < Program.validCharacters.Length; i++)
                    mapping[charList[i]] = Program.validCharacters[i];

                /*Test character mapping*/

                Dictionary <char, double> mappedCharProportions = new Dictionary <char, double>();

                foreach (char key in textCharProportion.Keys)
                    mappedCharProportions[mapping[key]] = textCharProportion[key];

                double difference = ProgramMath.GetKeyFrequencyDifference(mappedCharProportions, targetCharProportion);

                /*Compare mapping to best*/

                if (difference < minDifference)
                    minDifference  = difference;
                    optimalMapping = new Dictionary <char, char>(mapping);

            mappingDifference = minDifference;
Exemple #2
        public static Dictionary <char, char> GetOptimalCharacterMapping(Dictionary <char, double> textCharProportion,
                                                                         Dictionary <char, double> targetCharProportion,
                                                                         out double mappingDifference,
                                                                         out int mappingShiftAmount)
            /*Mappings are { inputTextChar : actualChar }*/

            double minDifference = double.MaxValue;
            Dictionary <char, char> optimalMapping = null;
            int optimalShiftAmount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
                /*Create Character Mapping*/

                Dictionary <char, char> mapping = ProgramMath.GetCharacterMappingByCaesarCipherOffset((26 - i) % 26);

                /*Test character mapping*/

                Dictionary <char, double> mappedCharProportions = new Dictionary <char, double>();

                foreach (char key in textCharProportion.Keys)
                    mappedCharProportions[mapping[key]] = textCharProportion[key];

                double difference = ProgramMath.GetKeyFrequencyDifference(mappedCharProportions, targetCharProportion);

                /*Compare mapping to best*/

                if (difference < minDifference)
                    minDifference      = difference;
                    optimalMapping     = new Dictionary <char, char>(mapping);
                    optimalShiftAmount = i;

            mappingDifference  = minDifference;
            mappingShiftAmount = optimalShiftAmount;