Exemple #1
        private Security CreateSecurity()
            var config   = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Forex);
            var security = new VigiothCapital.QuantTrader.Securities.Forex.Forex(SecurityExchangeHours.AlwaysOpen(TimeZones.NewYork), new Cash("abc", 0, 0), config, SymbolProperties.GetDefault("abc"));

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a security and matching configuration. This applies the default leverage if
        /// leverage is less than or equal to zero.
        /// This method also add the new symbol mapping to the <see cref="SymbolCache"/>
        /// </summary>
        public static Security CreateSecurity(Type factoryType,
                                              SecurityPortfolioManager securityPortfolioManager,
                                              SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager,
                                              SecurityExchangeHours exchangeHours,
                                              DateTimeZone dataTimeZone,
                                              SymbolProperties symbolProperties,
                                              ISecurityInitializer securityInitializer,
                                              Symbol symbol,
                                              Resolution resolution,
                                              bool fillDataForward,
                                              decimal leverage,
                                              bool extendedMarketHours,
                                              bool isInternalFeed,
                                              bool isCustomData,
                                              bool addToSymbolCache       = true,
                                              bool isFilteredSubscription = true)
            // add the symbol to our cache
            if (addToSymbolCache)
                SymbolCache.Set(symbol.Value, symbol);
            //Add the symbol to Data Manager -- generate unified data streams for algorithm events
            var config = subscriptionManager.Add(factoryType, symbol, resolution, dataTimeZone, exchangeHours.TimeZone, isCustomData, fillDataForward,
                                                 extendedMarketHours, isInternalFeed, isFilteredSubscription);
            // verify the cash book is in a ready state
            var quoteCurrency = symbolProperties.QuoteCurrency;

            if (!securityPortfolioManager.CashBook.ContainsKey(quoteCurrency))
                // since we have none it's safe to say the conversion is zero
                securityPortfolioManager.CashBook.Add(quoteCurrency, 0, 0);
            if (symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Forex)
                // decompose the symbol into each currency pair
                string baseCurrency;
                Forex.Forex.DecomposeCurrencyPair(symbol.Value, out baseCurrency, out quoteCurrency);
                if (!securityPortfolioManager.CashBook.ContainsKey(baseCurrency))
                    // since we have none it's safe to say the conversion is zero
                    securityPortfolioManager.CashBook.Add(baseCurrency, 0, 0);
                if (!securityPortfolioManager.CashBook.ContainsKey(quoteCurrency))
                    // since we have none it's safe to say the conversion is zero
                    securityPortfolioManager.CashBook.Add(quoteCurrency, 0, 0);
            var      quoteCash = securityPortfolioManager.CashBook[symbolProperties.QuoteCurrency];
            Security security;

            switch (config.SecurityType)
            case SecurityType.Equity:
                security = new Equity.Equity(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties);

            case SecurityType.Option:
                security = new Option.Option(exchangeHours, config, securityPortfolioManager.CashBook[CashBook.AccountCurrency], symbolProperties);

            case SecurityType.Forex:
                security = new Forex.Forex(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties);

            case SecurityType.Cfd:
                security = new Cfd.Cfd(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties);

            case SecurityType.Base:
                security = new Security(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties);
            // if we're just creating this security and it only has an internal
            // feed, mark it as non-tradable since the user didn't request this data
            if (!config.IsInternalFeed)
                security.IsTradable = true;
            // invoke the security initializer
            // if leverage was specified then apply to security after the initializer has run, parameters of this
            // method take precedence over the intializer
            if (leverage > 0)
Exemple #3
        public Security EnsureCurrencyDataFeed(SecurityManager securities, SubscriptionManager subscriptions, MarketHoursDatabase marketHoursDatabase, SymbolPropertiesDatabase symbolPropertiesDatabase, IReadOnlyDictionary <SecurityType, string> marketMap, CashBook cashBook)
            if (Symbol == CashBook.AccountCurrency)
                SecuritySymbol  = VigiothCapital.QuantTrader.Symbol.Empty;
                _isBaseCurrency = true;
                ConversionRate  = 1.0m;
            if (subscriptions.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to add cash when no subscriptions are present. Please add subscriptions in the Initialize() method.");
            string normal = Symbol + CashBook.AccountCurrency;
            string invert = CashBook.AccountCurrency + Symbol;

            foreach (var config in subscriptions.Subscriptions.Where(config => config.SecurityType == SecurityType.Forex || config.SecurityType == SecurityType.Cfd))
                if (config.Symbol.Value == normal)
                    SecuritySymbol = config.Symbol;
                if (config.Symbol.Value == invert)
                    SecuritySymbol       = config.Symbol;
                    _invertRealTimePrice = true;
            var currencyPairs = Currencies.CurrencyPairs.Select(x =>
                var securityType = Symbol.StartsWith("X") ? SecurityType.Cfd : SecurityType.Forex;
                var market       = marketMap[securityType];
                return(VigiothCapital.QuantTrader.Symbol.Create(x, securityType, market));
            var minimumResolution = subscriptions.Subscriptions.Select(x => x.Resolution).DefaultIfEmpty(Resolution.Minute).Min();
            var objectType        = minimumResolution == Resolution.Tick ? typeof(Tick) : typeof(TradeBar);

            foreach (var symbol in currencyPairs)
                if (symbol.Value == normal || symbol.Value == invert)
                    _invertRealTimePrice = symbol.Value == invert;
                    var  securityType     = symbol.ID.SecurityType;
                    var  symbolProperties = symbolPropertiesDatabase.GetSymbolProperties(symbol.ID.Market, symbol.Value, securityType, Symbol);
                    Cash quoteCash;
                    if (!cashBook.TryGetValue(symbolProperties.QuoteCurrency, out quoteCash))
                        throw new Exception("Unable to resolve quote cash: " + symbolProperties.QuoteCurrency + ". This is required to add conversion feed: " + symbol.ToString());
                    var marketHoursDbEntry = marketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol.Value, symbol.ID.SecurityType);
                    var exchangeHours      = marketHoursDbEntry.ExchangeHours;
                    var config             = subscriptions.Add(objectType, symbol, minimumResolution, marketHoursDbEntry.DataTimeZone, exchangeHours.TimeZone, false, true, false, true);
                    SecuritySymbol = config.Symbol;
                    Security security;
                    if (securityType == SecurityType.Cfd)
                        security = new Cfd.Cfd(exchangeHours, quoteCash, config, symbolProperties);
                        security = new Forex.Forex(exchangeHours, this, config, symbolProperties);
                    securities.Add(config.Symbol, security);
                    Log.Trace("Cash.EnsureCurrencyDataFeed(): Adding " + symbol.Value + " for cash " + Symbol + " currency feed");
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("In order to maintain cash in {0} you are required to add a subscription for Forex pair {0}{1} or {1}{0}", Symbol, CashBook.AccountCurrency));