public ActionResult AddItem(int? id)
            if (id == null)
                return View("Index");

            // DONE: create view model for form and return View with view model
            AddItemViewModel model = new AddItemViewModel();
            //  Pass the Order Id through
            model.OrderId = (int)id;
            //  Load the products into the Product SelectList
            model.ProductList = new SelectList(productRepository.GetAll(), "Name", "Name");
            //  Render the view
            return View(model);
 public ActionResult AddItem(AddItemViewModel addItem)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         // TODO: Get product and order from repositories using view model properties, and add product to order, then redirect to order detail
         //  1. map view model to model
         Domain.Order order = orderRepository.Get(addItem.OrderId);
         Domain.Product product = productRepository.Get(addItem.ProductName);
     //                var orderLineItem = new Domain.OrderLineItem(product, addItem.Quantity);
         //  2   Add item to the model
         order.AddOrderLineItem(product, addItem.Quantity);
         //  3   If OK, redirect to OrderDetail
         return RedirectToAction("OrderDetail", "Orders", new { id=addItem.OrderId });
         // TODO: update view model with products data and return View with view model
         addItem.ProductList = new SelectList(productRepository.GetAll(), "Name", "Name");
     return View(addItem);