Exemple #1
        internal CSList(CSSchema schema)
            _schema = schema;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_schema.DefaultSortExpression))
                OrderBy = _schema.DefaultSortExpression;
Exemple #2
        internal CSList(CSSchema schema)
            _schema = schema;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_schema.DefaultSortExpression))
                OrderBy = _schema.DefaultSortExpression;
Exemple #3
        private void BeforeDeserializing(StreamingContext context)
            Schema = CSSchema.Get(typeof(TObjectType));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Schema.DefaultSortExpression))
                OrderBy = Schema.DefaultSortExpression;
Exemple #4
        private void Initialize()
            if (_schema == null)
                _schema = CSSchema.Get(GetType());

            _dataState = CSObjectDataState.New;

            _fieldData = new CSFieldValueCollection(this);
Exemple #5
        private static object GetScalar(string fieldName, string tableAlias, CSAggregate aggregate, CSFilter queryFilter, string orderBy)
            CSSchema schema = CSSchema.Get(typeof(T));

            if (tableAlias == null)
                tableAlias = CSNameGenerator.NextTableAlias;

            if (orderBy == null)
                orderBy = "";

            string aggregateExpr = null;

            int maxRows = 0;

            switch (aggregate)
            case CSAggregate.None: aggregateExpr = "{0}"; maxRows = 1;    break;

            case CSAggregate.Sum: aggregateExpr = "sum({0})";            break;

            case CSAggregate.SumDistinct: aggregateExpr = "sum(distinct {0})";   break;

            case CSAggregate.Count: aggregateExpr = "count(*)";            break;

            case CSAggregate.CountDistinct: aggregateExpr = "count(distinct {0})"; break;

            case CSAggregate.Avg: aggregateExpr = "avg({0})";            break;

            case CSAggregate.AvgDistinct: aggregateExpr = "avg(distinct {0})";   break;

            case CSAggregate.Max: aggregateExpr = "max({0})";            break;

            case CSAggregate.Min: aggregateExpr = "min({0})";            break;

            CSJoinList joins = new CSJoinList();

            if (fieldName != "*")
                fieldName = CSExpressionParser.ParseFilter(fieldName, schema, tableAlias, joins);

            string whereFilter = CSExpressionParser.ParseFilter(queryFilter.Expression, schema, tableAlias, joins);

            orderBy = CSExpressionParser.ParseOrderBy(orderBy, schema, tableAlias, joins);

            string sqlQuery = schema.DB.BuildSelectSQL(schema.TableName, tableAlias, new[] { String.Format(aggregateExpr, fieldName) }, null, joins.BuildJoinExpressions(), whereFilter, orderBy, 1, maxRows, false, false);

            return(schema.DB.GetScalar(sqlQuery, queryFilter.Parameters));
Exemple #6
        public CSJoin(CSRelation relation, string sourceAlias)
            Type = CSJoinType.Left;

            _leftSchema  = relation.Schema;
            _rightSchema = relation.ForeignSchema;

            _leftAlias  = sourceAlias;
            _rightAlias = CSNameGenerator.NextTableAlias;

            LeftColumn  = relation.LocalKey;
            RightColumn = relation.ForeignKey;
        internal CSSchemaField(CSSchemaColumn schemaColumn, CSSchema schema)
            _schema       = schema;
            _mappedColumn = schemaColumn;

            //if (schemaColumn.DataType == typeof(byte[]))
            //    _lazy = true;

            schemaColumn.MappedField = this;

            _fieldType = MappedColumn.DataType;

            _realType = _fieldType.Inspector().RealType;
		internal CSSchemaField(CSSchemaColumn schemaColumn , CSSchema schema)
			_schema = schema;
			_mappedColumn = schemaColumn;

			//if (schemaColumn.DataType == typeof(byte[]))
			//    _lazy = true;

			schemaColumn.MappedField = this;

            _fieldType = MappedColumn.DataType;

		    _realType = _fieldType.Inspector().RealType;
        internal static string ParseOrderBy(string expression, CSSchema schema, string tableAlias, CSJoinList joinList)
            //joinList = new CSJoinList();

            if (expression.Trim().Length < 1)

            string parsedExpression = "";

            string[] terms = expression.Split(',');

            foreach (string term in terms)
                if (term.Length < 1)

                bool   ascending = true;
                string fieldName = term;

                if (term.EndsWith("-"))
                    ascending = false;

                if (term.EndsWith("+") || term.EndsWith("-"))
                    fieldName = term.Substring(0, term.Length - 1);

                if (parsedExpression.Length > 1)
                    parsedExpression += ",";

                parsedExpression += ParseFilter(fieldName, schema, tableAlias, joinList);

                if (!ascending)
                    parsedExpression += " DESC";

        internal static string Parse(CSSchema schema, string input, string tableAlias, CSJoinList joins)
            if (input == "")

            List <Token> tokens = PreParse(input);

            QueryExpression rootQuery = new QueryExpression(schema, tableAlias);

            rootQuery.Joins = joins;

            QueryExpression finalQuery = Parse(rootQuery, tokens, 0, tokens.Count);

Exemple #11
        internal static CSSchema Get(Type objectType)
            if (!objectType.GetTypeInfo().IsSubclassOf(typeof(CSObject)))
                throw new CSException("CSSchema.Get() called with type not derived from CSObject");

            lock (_staticLock)
                CSSchema schema;

                if (!_schemaMap.TryGetValue(objectType, out schema))
                    schema = new CSSchema(objectType);

                    _schemaMap[objectType] = schema;


			public QueryExpression(CSSchema schema, string tableAlias)
				Table = new CSTable(schema, tableAlias);
			public QueryExpression(CSSchema schema)
				Table = new CSTable(schema);
Exemple #14
 public static void ChangeTableMapping(Type type, string tableName, string contextName)
     CSSchema.ChangeMapTo(type, tableName, contextName);
 public QueryExpression(CSSchema schema)
     Table = new CSTable(schema);
Exemple #16
        internal CSRelation(CSSchema schema, RelationAttribute att)
            _schema = schema;

            Attribute = att;
		internal CSSchemaField(PropertyInfo propInfo , CSSchema schema)
			_propertyInfo = propInfo;
			_schema = schema;
            _fieldType = _propertyInfo.PropertyType;
		    _realType = _fieldType.Inspector().RealType;

			RelationAttribute  attRelation = (RelationAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(propInfo,typeof(RelationAttribute),true);
            _prefetch = propInfo.IsDefined(typeof(PrefetchAttribute), true);

			if (attRelation != null)
				_relation = new CSRelation(schema,attRelation);


			_lazy = propInfo.IsDefined(typeof(LazyAttribute) , true);
			_noCreate = propInfo.IsDefined(typeof(NoCreateAttribute) , true);
            _trim = propInfo.IsDefined(typeof(TrimAttribute), true);
            _optimisticLock = propInfo.IsDefined(typeof(OptimisticLockAttribute), true);
		    _clientGenerated = propInfo.IsDefined(typeof(ClientGeneratedAttribute), true);
		    _serverGenerated = propInfo.IsDefined(typeof(ServerGeneratedAttribute), true);
		    _notMapped = propInfo.IsDefined(typeof (NotMappedAttribute), true);

			MapToAttribute     attMapTo = (MapToAttribute)     Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(propInfo,typeof(MapToAttribute),true);
			NullValueAttribute attNull  = (NullValueAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(propInfo,typeof(NullValueAttribute),true);
            IdentityAttribute attIdentity = (IdentityAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(propInfo, typeof(IdentityAttribute), true);

            if (!_notMapped)
                if (CSConfig.ColumnMappingOverrideMap.ContainsValue(propInfo.DeclaringType.Name + ":" + propInfo.Name))
                    _mappedColumn =
                            CSConfig.ColumnMappingOverrideMap[propInfo.DeclaringType.Name + ":" + propInfo.Name]];
                else if (attMapTo != null)
                    _mappedColumn = schema.Columns[attMapTo.Name];
                    _mappedColumn = schema.Columns[propInfo.Name];

                if (_mappedColumn != null)
                    _mappedColumn.MappedField = this;

            SequenceAttribute sequenceAttribute = (SequenceAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(propInfo,typeof(SequenceAttribute), true);

            if (sequenceAttribute != null && _schema.DB.SupportsSequences)
                _sequenceName = sequenceAttribute.SequenceName;

                if (_mappedColumn != null && sequenceAttribute.Identity)
                    _mappedColumn.Identity = true;
                    _schema.IdentityColumn = _mappedColumn;

            if (attIdentity != null)
                if (_mappedColumn != null)
                    _mappedColumn.Identity = true;
                    _schema.IdentityColumn = _mappedColumn;

		    if (attNull != null)
				_nullValue = attNull.NullValue;
				Type fieldType = FieldType;

				if (fieldType == typeof(string))         
                    _nullValue = String.Empty;
                else if (fieldType.IsValueType)
                    _nullValue = Activator.CreateInstance(fieldType);

			if (_mappedColumn != null && _mappedColumn.ReadOnly)
				if (_propertyInfo.CanWrite)
					throw new CSException("Property [" + Name + "] for class [" + _schema.ClassType.Name + "] should be read-only");
Exemple #18
 internal CSTable(CSSchema schema, string tableAlias)
     Schema = schema;
     TableAlias = tableAlias;
 internal static string ParseFilter(string expressionText, CSSchema schema, string tableAlias, CSJoinList joins)
     return(Parse(schema, expressionText, tableAlias, joins));
Exemple #20
 internal CSTable(CSSchema schema)
     Schema     = schema;
     TableName  = schema.TableName;
     TableAlias = CSNameGenerator.NextTableAlias;
		internal CSTransaction(CSSchema schema, IsolationLevel isolationLevel)
			_database = schema.DB;

        internal static string ParseOrderBy(string expression, CSSchema schema, string tableAlias, CSJoinList joinList)
            //joinList = new CSJoinList();

            if (expression.Trim().Length < 1)
                return expression;

            string parsedExpression = "";
            string[] terms = expression.Split(',');

            foreach (string term in terms)
                if (term.Length < 1)

                bool ascending = true;
                string fieldName = term;

                if (term.EndsWith("-"))
                    ascending = false;

                if (term.EndsWith("+") || term.EndsWith("-"))
                    fieldName = term.Substring(0, term.Length - 1);

                if (parsedExpression.Length > 1)
                    parsedExpression += ",";

                parsedExpression += ParseFilter(fieldName, schema, tableAlias, joinList);

                if (!ascending)
                    parsedExpression += " DESC";

            return parsedExpression;
Exemple #23
 public CSList()
     : base(CSSchema.Get(typeof(TObjectType)))
Exemple #24
 internal CSTable(CSSchema schema, string tableAlias)
     Schema     = schema;
     TableAlias = tableAlias;
Exemple #25
 internal CSTable(CSSchema schema)
     Schema = schema;
     TableName = schema.TableName;
     TableAlias = CSNameGenerator.NextTableAlias;
        internal CSSchemaField(PropertyInfo propInfo, CSSchema schema)
            _propertyInfo = propInfo;
            _schema       = schema;
            _fieldType    = _propertyInfo.PropertyType;
            _realType     = _fieldType.Inspector().RealType;

            RelationAttribute attRelation = propInfo.GetCustomAttribute <RelationAttribute>(true);

            _prefetch = propInfo.IsDefined(typeof(PrefetchAttribute), true);

            if (attRelation != null)
                _relation = new CSRelation(schema, attRelation);


            _lazy            = propInfo.IsDefined(typeof(LazyAttribute), true);
            _noCreate        = propInfo.IsDefined(typeof(NoCreateAttribute), true);
            _trim            = propInfo.IsDefined(typeof(TrimAttribute), true);
            _optimisticLock  = propInfo.IsDefined(typeof(OptimisticLockAttribute), true);
            _clientGenerated = propInfo.IsDefined(typeof(ClientGeneratedAttribute), true);
            _serverGenerated = propInfo.IsDefined(typeof(ServerGeneratedAttribute), true);
            _notMapped       = propInfo.IsDefined(typeof(NotMappedAttribute), true);

            var mapToAttribute     = propInfo.GetCustomAttribute <MapToAttribute>(true);
            var nullValueAttribute = propInfo.GetCustomAttribute <NullValueAttribute>(true);
            var identityAttribute  = propInfo.GetCustomAttribute <IdentityAttribute>(true);

            if (!_notMapped)
                if (CSConfig.ColumnMappingOverrideMap.ContainsValue(propInfo.DeclaringType.Name + ":" + propInfo.Name))
                    _mappedColumn =
                            CSConfig.ColumnMappingOverrideMap[propInfo.DeclaringType.Name + ":" + propInfo.Name]];
                else if (mapToAttribute != null)
                    _mappedColumn = schema.Columns[mapToAttribute.Name];
                    _mappedColumn = schema.Columns[propInfo.Name];

                if (_mappedColumn != null)
                    _mappedColumn.MappedField = this;

            var sequenceAttribute = propInfo.GetCustomAttribute <SequenceAttribute>(true);

            if (sequenceAttribute != null && _schema.DB.SupportsSequences)
                _sequenceName = sequenceAttribute.SequenceName;

                if (_mappedColumn != null && sequenceAttribute.Identity)
                    _mappedColumn.Identity = true;
                    _schema.IdentityColumn = _mappedColumn;

            if (identityAttribute != null)
                if (_mappedColumn != null)
                    _mappedColumn.Identity = true;
                    _schema.IdentityColumn = _mappedColumn;

            if (nullValueAttribute != null)
                _nullValue = nullValueAttribute.NullValue;
                Type fieldType = FieldType;

                if (fieldType == typeof(string))
                    _nullValue = String.Empty;
                else if (fieldType.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType)
                    _nullValue = Activator.CreateInstance(fieldType);

            if (_mappedColumn != null && _mappedColumn.ReadOnly)
                if (_propertyInfo.CanWrite)
                    throw new CSException("Property [" + Name + "] for class [" + _schema.ClassType.Name + "] should be read-only");
Exemple #27
        internal static CSSchema Get(Type objectType)
            if (!objectType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(CSObject)))
                throw new CSException("CSSchema.Get() called with type not derived from CSObject");

            lock (_staticLock)
                CSSchema schema;
                if (objectType.Namespace.Equals("Vici.CoolStorage.Generated", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    objectType = objectType.BaseType;

                if (!_schemaMap.TryGetValue(objectType, out schema))
                    schema = new CSSchema(objectType);

                    _schemaMap[objectType] = schema;

                    //TODO: DAE 2010-09-30 - Modificar para soportar claves compuestas

                return schema;
		internal static string Parse(CSSchema schema, string input, string tableAlias, CSJoinList joins)
			if (input == "")
				return input;

			List<Token> tokens = PreParse(input);

			QueryExpression rootQuery = new QueryExpression(schema,tableAlias);

			rootQuery.Joins = joins;

            QueryExpression finalQuery = Parse(rootQuery, tokens, 0, tokens.Count);

			return finalQuery.Expression;
 public QueryExpression(CSSchema schema, string tableAlias)
     Table = new CSTable(schema, tableAlias);
Exemple #30
        internal CSTransaction(CSSchema schema)
            _database = schema.DB;

Exemple #31
		internal CSRelation(CSSchema schema, RelationAttribute att)
            _schema = schema;

			Attribute = att;
		internal CSTransaction(CSSchema schema)
			_database = schema.DB;

Exemple #33
        internal CSTransaction(CSSchema schema, IsolationLevel isolationLevel)
            _database = schema.DB;

Exemple #34
        internal static CSSchema Get(Type objectType)
            if (!objectType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(CSObject)))
                throw new CSException("CSSchema.Get() called with type not derived from CSObject");

            lock (_staticLock)
                CSSchema schema;

                if (!_schemaMap.TryGetValue(objectType, out schema))
                    schema = new CSSchema(objectType);

                    _schemaMap[objectType] = schema;


                return schema;
 internal static string ParseFilter(string expressionText, CSSchema schema, string tableAlias, CSJoinList joins)
     return Parse(schema, expressionText, tableAlias, joins);