public IEnumerable <TaskInfo> ImportIE()
            yield return(new TaskInfo("Preparing import", 0));

            smr = GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
            if (smr == null)
                yield return(new TaskInfo("Missing Skinned Mesh Render component", -1));

                yield break;
            PointCache pc = pointCache;


            if (ProjectionSamples.Get == null)
                yield return(new TaskInfo("Missing Projection Samples asset. Reinstal Vertex Animation Tools package", -1));

                yield break;

            #region BUILD_TASK_STACK
            TasksStack ts = new TasksStack(string.Format("Importing {0}",;
            for (int i = 0; i < pointCache.PreImport.UsedMeshesCount; i++)
                ts.Add(string.Format("Building mesh #{0}", i), 1, 0.01f);
            ts.Add("Building binding helper", 1, 0.05f);
            ts.Add("Binding constraints", pc.PreConstraints.Count, 0.01f);

            for (int m = 0; m < pc.PreImport.UsedMeshesCount; m++)
                ts.Add(string.Format("Mesh #{0} binding", m), 1, 0.75f);

            for (int c = 0; c < pc.PreImport.UsedClipsCount; c++)
                ts.Add(string.Format("Building clip #{0}", c), 1, 2f);
                ts.Add(string.Format("Applying clip #{0} frames", c), 1, 0.2f);

            ts.Add("Set meshes compression", pc.PreImport.UsedMeshesCount, 0.1f);
            ts.Add("Optimize meshes", pc.PreImport.UsedMeshesCount, 0.1f);
            ts.Add("Storing changes and cleanup", 1, 0.1f);


            #region VALIDATE_MAIN_MESH
            if (!pc.Meshes[0].CheckAndUpdateInfo())
                yield return(new TaskInfo(string.Format("Main mesh not valid: {0}", pc.Meshes[0].Info), -1f));

            #region VALIDATE_CLIPS
            for (int c = 0; c < pc.PreImport.UsedClipsCount; c++)
                if (!pc.Clips[c].PreImport.CheckAndUpdateInfo(pc.Meshes[0].VertsCount))
                    yield return(new TaskInfo(string.Format("Clip {0} not valid: {1}", c, pc.Clips[c].PreImport.FileInfo), -1f));

                    yield break;

            #region LOAD_MESHES
            for (int i = 0; i < pointCache.PreImport.UsedMeshesCount; i++)

                if (pointCache.Meshes[i].VertsCount < 0)
                    yield return(new TaskInfo(string.Format("LODs {0} not valid {1}", i, pointCache.Meshes[i].Info), -1f));

                    yield break;

                if (pointCache.Meshes[i].mesh == null)
                    Mesh newMesh = new Mesh();
           = string.Format("LOD{0}", i);
                    pointCache.Meshes[i].mesh = newMesh;

                PointCache.PolygonMesh lod = pointCache.Meshes[i];
                lod.od = new ObjData(lod.Path);
                SetIndexFormat(pointCache.Meshes[i].od, pc);
                lod.od.FlipNormals              = pc.PreImport.FlipNormals;
                lod.od.SmoothingGroupsMode      = pc.PreImport.SmoothingGroupImportMode;
                lod.od.NormalsRecalculationMode = pc.PreImport.NormalRecalculationMode;
                lod.od.ImportUV          = true;
                lod.od.CalculateNormals  = true;
                lod.od.CalculateTangents = true;
                SetIndexFormat(lod.od, pc);
                lod.od.Apply(pc.PreImport.SwapYZAxis, pc.PreImport.ScaleFactor);
                if (pc.PreImport.GenerateMaterials)
                    lod.Materials = pc.GetPolygonalMeshMaterials(lod.od.SubMeshes.GetNames());


                yield return(ts[string.Format("Building mesh #{0}", i)].GetInfo(1));

            PointCache.PolygonMesh lod0 = pointCache.Meshes[0];
            Bounds bindPoseBounds       = lod0.od.UM_Bounds;

            #region BUILD_BINDING_HELPER
            yield return(ts["Building binding helper"].GetInfo(0));

            BindingHelper bh = new BindingHelper(pc.Meshes[0].mesh, transform);
            bh.SetVertices(pointCache.Meshes[0].od.UM_vertices, pointCache.Meshes[0].od.UM_normals, pointCache.Meshes[0].od.UM_v3tangents);

            #region BUILD_CONSTRAINTS
            pc.PostConstraints = new PointCache.PostImportConstraint[pc.PreConstraints.Count];
            for (int co = 0; co < pc.PreConstraints.Count; co++)
                yield return(ts["Binding constraints"].GetInfo(co));

                PointCache.PreImportConstraint pre = pc.PreConstraints[co];
                bh.Bind(pre.ObjSpace, ref pre.BI);
                pc.PostConstraints[co]          = new PointCache.PostImportConstraint();
                pc.PostConstraints[co].Name     = pc.PreConstraints[co].Name;
                pc.PostConstraints[co].ObjSpace = pc.PreConstraints[co].ObjSpace;
                pc.PostConstraints[co].Clips    = new ConstraintClip[pc.PreImport.UsedClipsCount];

            #region BIND_GEOMETRY
            for (int m = 1; m < pointCache.PreImport.UsedMeshesCount; m++)
                PointCache.PolygonMesh lod = pointCache.Meshes[m];
                string taskName            = string.Format("Mesh #{0} binding", m);
                foreach (TaskInfo ti in lod.od.BindIE(bh))
                    yield return(ts[taskName].GetInfo(ti.Persentage));

            bool   boundsIsCreated    = false;
            Bounds bounds             = new Bounds();
            int    blendshapesCounter = 0;

            for (int c = 0; c < pc.PreImport.UsedClipsCount; c++)
                PointCache.Clip clip          = pc.Clips[c];
                string          taskStackName = string.Format("Building clip #{0}", c);
                PointCacheData  pcdata        = new PointCacheData(clip, pc, lod0.od.Vertices.Count);
                foreach (TaskInfo ti in pcdata.Build())
                    if (ti.Persentage < 0)
                        yield return(new TaskInfo(ti.Name, -1f));

                        yield break;
                    TaskInfo totalInfo = ts[taskStackName].GetInfo(ti.Persentage);
                    totalInfo.Name = taskStackName + " / " + ti.Name;
                    yield return(totalInfo);
                taskStackName = string.Format("Applying clip #{0} frames", c);

                clip.PreImport.FrameIdxOffset = blendshapesCounter;

                for (int co = 0; co < pc.PreConstraints.Count; co++)
                    pc.PostConstraints[co].Clips[c] = new ConstraintClip(clip.PreImport.ImportRangeLength);

                for (int f = 0; f < pcdata.Frames.Count; f++)
                    yield return(ts[taskStackName].GetInfo(f / (float)pcdata.Frames.Count));

                    lod0.od.VerticesToSet = pcdata.GetFrameVertices(f);
                    lod0.od.Apply(false, 1);
                    if (!boundsIsCreated)
                        bounds          = lod0.od.UM_Bounds;
                        boundsIsCreated = true;
                    Vector3[] posDelta  = lod0.od.GetPosDeltas();
                    Vector3[] normDelta = lod0.od.GetNormsDeltas();
                    Vector3[] tanDelta  = lod0.od.GetTansDeltas();

                    bh.SetVertices(lod0.od.UM_vertices, lod0.od.UM_normals, lod0.od.UM_v3tangents);

                    string shapeName = string.Format("c{0}f{1}", c, f);
                    lod0.mesh.AddBlendShapeFrame(shapeName, 100, posDelta, normDelta, tanDelta);

                    for (int co = 0; co < pc.PreConstraints.Count; co++)
                        PFU frameObjSpace = pc.PreConstraints[co].GetFrame(bh);
                        pc.PostConstraints[co].Clips[c].Frames[f] = frameObjSpace - pc.PreConstraints[co].ObjSpace;

                    for (int l = 1; l < pointCache.PreImport.UsedMeshesCount; l++)
                        pc.Meshes[l].mesh.AddBlendShapeFrame(shapeName, 100, pc.Meshes[l].od.GetPosDeltas(), pc.Meshes[l].od.GetNormsDeltas(), pc.Meshes[l].od.GetTansDeltas());


            yield return(ts["Storing changes and cleanup"].GetInfo(0));

            if (!boundsIsCreated)
                bounds = bindPoseBounds;
            smr.localBounds = bounds;

            for (int c = 0; c < pc.Clips.Length; c++)
                pc.Clips[c].PostImport = pc.Clips[c].PreImport;

            pc.PostImport = pc.PreImport;
            pc.ImportSettingsIsDirtyFlag = false;
            yield return(ts.Done);
Exemple #2
 public PFU GetFrame(BindingHelper cbh)
     return(BI.TrisSpace * cbh.GetTrisTM(BI.VidxA, BI.VidxB, BI.VidxC, BI.Bary));