public static float ByCurve(SimpleCurve curve, int sampleCount = 100) { if (curve.PointsCount < 3) { throw new ArgumentException("curve has < 3 points"); } if (!(curve[0].y > 0.0) && !(curve[curve.PointsCount - 1].y > 0.0)) { float x = curve[0].x; float x2 = curve[curve.PointsCount - 1].x; float num = (x2 - x) / (float)sampleCount; float num2 = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++) { float x3 = (float)(x + ((float)i + 0.5) * num); float num3 = curve.Evaluate(x3); num2 += num3; } float num4 = Rand.Range(0f, num2); num2 = 0f; for (int j = 0; j < sampleCount; j++) { float num5 = (float)(x + ((float)j + 0.5) * num); float num6 = curve.Evaluate(num5); num2 += num6; if (num2 > num4) { return(num5 + Rand.Range((float)((0.0 - num) / 2.0), (float)(num / 2.0))); } } throw new Exception("Reached end of Rand.ByCurve without choosing a point."); } throw new ArgumentException("curve has start/end point with y > 0"); }
public override void OnIntervalPassed(Pawn pawn, Hediff cause) { float ambientTemperature = pawn.AmbientTemperature; FloatRange floatRange = pawn.ComfortableTemperatureRange(); FloatRange floatRange2 = pawn.SafeTemperatureRange(); Hediff firstHediffOfDef =; if (ambientTemperature > floatRange2.max) { float x = ambientTemperature - floatRange2.max; x = TemperatureOverageAdjustmentCurve.Evaluate(x); float a = x * 6.45E-05f; a = Mathf.Max(a, 0.000375f); HealthUtility.AdjustSeverity(pawn, hediff, a); } else if (firstHediffOfDef != null && ambientTemperature < floatRange.max) { float value = firstHediffOfDef.Severity * 0.027f; value = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0.0015f, 0.015f); firstHediffOfDef.Severity -= value; } if (pawn.Dead || !pawn.IsNestedHashIntervalTick(60, 420)) { return; } float num = floatRange.max + 150f; if (!(ambientTemperature > num)) { return; } float x2 = ambientTemperature - num; x2 = TemperatureOverageAdjustmentCurve.Evaluate(x2); int num2 = Mathf.Max(GenMath.RoundRandom(x2 * 0.06f), 3); DamageInfo dinfo = new DamageInfo(DamageDefOf.Burn, num2); dinfo.SetBodyRegion(BodyPartHeight.Undefined, BodyPartDepth.Outside); pawn.TakeDamage(dinfo); if (pawn.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { Find.TickManager.slower.SignalForceNormalSpeed(); if (MessagesRepeatAvoider.MessageShowAllowed("PawnBeingBurned", 60f)) { Messages.Message("MessagePawnBeingBurned".Translate(pawn.LabelShort, pawn), pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatSmall); } } pawn.GetLord()?.ReceiveMemo(MemoPawnBurnedByAir); }
private void CheckMakeInfection() { if (, parent.Part) <= 0.001f) { ticksUntilInfect = -3; return; } float num = 1f; HediffComp_TendDuration hediffComp_TendDuration = parent.TryGetComp <HediffComp_TendDuration>(); if (hediffComp_TendDuration != null && hediffComp_TendDuration.IsTended) { num *= infectionChanceFactorFromTendRoom; num *= InfectionChanceFactorFromTendQualityCurve.Evaluate(hediffComp_TendDuration.tendQuality); } num *= InfectionChanceFactorFromSeverityCurve.Evaluate(parent.Severity); if (base.Pawn.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { num *= Find.Storyteller.difficultyValues.playerPawnInfectionChanceFactor; } if (Rand.Value < num) { ticksUntilInfect = -4;, parent.Part); } else { ticksUntilInfect = -3; } }
public static void StunChances() { Func <ThingDef, float, bool, string> bluntBodyStunChance = delegate(ThingDef d, float dam, bool onHead) { SimpleCurve obj = (onHead ? DamageDefOf.Blunt.bluntStunChancePerDamagePctOfCorePartToHeadCurve : DamageDefOf.Blunt.bluntStunChancePerDamagePctOfCorePartToBodyCurve); Pawn pawn2 = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(new PawnGenerationRequest(d.race.AnyPawnKind, Find.FactionManager.FirstFactionOfDef(d.race.AnyPawnKind.defaultFactionType), PawnGenerationContext.NonPlayer, -1, forceGenerateNewPawn: true)); float x = dam / d.race.body.corePart.def.GetMaxHealth(pawn2); Find.WorldPawns.PassToWorld(pawn2, PawnDiscardDecideMode.Discard); return(Mathf.Clamp01(obj.Evaluate(x)).ToStringPercent()); }; List <TableDataGetter <ThingDef> > list = new List <TableDataGetter <ThingDef> >(); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("defName", (ThingDef d) => d.defName)); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("body size", (ThingDef d) => d.race.baseBodySize.ToString("F2"))); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("health scale", (ThingDef d) => d.race.baseHealthScale.ToString("F2"))); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("body size\n* health scale", (ThingDef d) => (d.race.baseHealthScale * d.race.baseBodySize).ToString("F2"))); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("core part\nhealth", delegate(ThingDef d) { Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(new PawnGenerationRequest(d.race.AnyPawnKind, Find.FactionManager.FirstFactionOfDef(d.race.AnyPawnKind.defaultFactionType), PawnGenerationContext.NonPlayer, -1, forceGenerateNewPawn: true)); float maxHealth = d.race.body.corePart.def.GetMaxHealth(pawn); Find.WorldPawns.PassToWorld(pawn, PawnDiscardDecideMode.Discard); return(maxHealth); })); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("stun\nchance\nbody\n5", (ThingDef d) => bluntBodyStunChance(d, 5f, arg3: false))); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("stun\nchance\nbody\n10", (ThingDef d) => bluntBodyStunChance(d, 10f, arg3: false))); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("stun\nchance\nbody\n15", (ThingDef d) => bluntBodyStunChance(d, 15f, arg3: false))); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("stun\nchance\nbody\n20", (ThingDef d) => bluntBodyStunChance(d, 20f, arg3: false))); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("stun\nchance\nhead\n5", (ThingDef d) => bluntBodyStunChance(d, 5f, arg3: true))); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("stun\nchance\nhead\n10", (ThingDef d) => bluntBodyStunChance(d, 10f, arg3: true))); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("stun\nchance\nhead\n15", (ThingDef d) => bluntBodyStunChance(d, 15f, arg3: true))); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("stun\nchance\nhead\n20", (ThingDef d) => bluntBodyStunChance(d, 20f, arg3: true))); DebugTables.MakeTablesDialog(DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs.Where((ThingDef d) => d.category == ThingCategory.Pawn), list.ToArray()); }
private static int FinalLevelOfSkill(Pawn pawn, SkillDef sk) { float num = (!sk.usuallyDefinedInBackstories) ? Rand.ByCurve(LevelRandomCurve) : ((float)Rand.RangeInclusive(0, 4)); foreach (Backstory item in from bs in pawn.story.AllBackstories where bs != null select bs) { foreach (KeyValuePair <SkillDef, int> item2 in item.skillGainsResolved) { if (item2.Key == sk) { num += (float)item2.Value * Rand.Range(1f, 1.4f); } } } for (int i = 0; i < pawn.story.traits.allTraits.Count; i++) { int value = 0; if (pawn.story.traits.allTraits[i].CurrentData.skillGains.TryGetValue(sk, out value)) { num += (float)value; } } float num2 = Rand.Range(1f, AgeSkillMaxFactorCurve.Evaluate((float)pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYears)); num *= num2; num = LevelFinalAdjustmentCurve.Evaluate(num); return(Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt(num), 0, 20)); }
private void DoDestroyEffects(Map map) { if (def.building.destroyEffecter != null) { Effecter effecter = def.building.destroyEffecter.Spawn(base.Position, map); effecter.Trigger(new TargetInfo(base.Position, map), TargetInfo.Invalid); effecter.Cleanup(); } else { if (!def.IsEdifice()) { return; } GetDestroySound()?.PlayOneShot(new TargetInfo(base.Position, map)); foreach (IntVec3 item in this.OccupiedRect()) { int num = (def.building.isNaturalRock ? 1 : Rand.RangeInclusive(3, 5)); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { MoteMaker.ThrowDustPuffThick(item.ToVector3Shifted(), map, Rand.Range(1.5f, 2f), Color.white); } } if (Find.CurrentMap == map) { float num2 = def.building.destroyShakeAmount; if (num2 < 0f) { num2 = ShakeAmountPerAreaCurve.Evaluate(def.Size.Area); } Find.CameraDriver.shaker.DoShake(num2); } } }
public float EvaluateSetMax(Pawn pawn) { if (setMaxCurveOverride == null || setMaxCurveEvaluateStat == null) { return(setMax); } return(setMaxCurveOverride.Evaluate(pawn.GetStatValue(setMaxCurveEvaluateStat))); }
public override void OnIntervalPassed(Pawn pawn, Hediff cause) { float x = (float)pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYears / pawn.RaceProps.lifeExpectancy; if (Rand.MTBEventOccurs(ageFractionMtbDaysCurve.Evaluate(x), 60000f, 60f) && (minPlayerPopulation <= 0 || pawn.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer || PawnsFinder.AllMapsCaravansAndTravelingTransportPods_Alive_FreeColonists_NoCryptosleep.Count() >= minPlayerPopulation) && TryApply(pawn)) { SendLetter(pawn, cause); } }
private static string <StunChances> m__1(ThingDef d, float dam, bool onHead) { SimpleCurve simpleCurve = (!onHead) ? DamageDefOf.Blunt.bluntStunChancePerDamagePctOfCorePartToBodyCurve : DamageDefOf.Blunt.bluntStunChancePerDamagePctOfCorePartToHeadCurve; PawnGenerationRequest request = new PawnGenerationRequest(d.race.AnyPawnKind, Find.FactionManager.FirstFactionOfDef(d.race.AnyPawnKind.defaultFactionType), PawnGenerationContext.NonPlayer, -1, true, false, false, false, true, false, 1f, false, true, true, false, false, false, false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(request); float x = dam / d.race.body.corePart.def.GetMaxHealth(pawn); Find.WorldPawns.PassToWorld(pawn, PawnDiscardDecideMode.Discard); return(Mathf.Clamp01(simpleCurve.Evaluate(x)).ToStringPercent()); }
public float DebugChanceToHaveAtAge(Pawn pawn, int age) { float num = 1f; for (int i = 1; i <= age; i++) { float x = (float)i / pawn.RaceProps.lifeExpectancy; num *= 1f - ageFractionChanceCurve.Evaluate(x); } return(1f - num); }
protected override void ApplySpecialEffectsToPart(Pawn pawn, float totalDamage, DamageInfo dinfo, DamageWorker.DamageResult result) { bool flag = Rand.Chance(this.def.bluntInnerHitChance); float num = (!flag) ? 0f : this.def.bluntInnerHitDamageFractionToConvert.RandomInRange; float num2 = totalDamage * (1f - num); DamageInfo lastInfo = dinfo; for (;;) { num2 -= base.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, num2, lastInfo, result); if (! { break; } if (num2 <= 1f) { break; } BodyPartRecord parent = lastInfo.HitPart.parent; if (parent == null) { break; } lastInfo.SetHitPart(parent); } if (flag && !lastInfo.HitPart.def.IsSolid(lastInfo.HitPart, && lastInfo.HitPart.depth == BodyPartDepth.Outside) { IEnumerable <BodyPartRecord> source = from x in, BodyPartDepth.Undefined, null) where x.parent == lastInfo.HitPart && x.def.IsSolid(x, && x.depth == BodyPartDepth.Inside select x; BodyPartRecord hitPart; if (source.TryRandomElementByWeight((BodyPartRecord x) => x.coverageAbs, out hitPart)) { DamageInfo lastInfo2 = lastInfo; lastInfo2.SetHitPart(hitPart); float totalDamage2 = totalDamage * num + totalDamage * this.def.bluntInnerHitDamageFractionToAdd.RandomInRange; base.FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, totalDamage2, lastInfo2, result); } } if (!pawn.Dead) { SimpleCurve simpleCurve = null; if (lastInfo.HitPart.parent == null) { simpleCurve = this.def.bluntStunChancePerDamagePctOfCorePartToBodyCurve; } else { foreach (BodyPartRecord lhs in pawn.RaceProps.body.GetPartsWithTag(BodyPartTagDefOf.ConsciousnessSource)) { if (this.InSameBranch(lhs, lastInfo.HitPart)) { simpleCurve = this.def.bluntStunChancePerDamagePctOfCorePartToHeadCurve; break; } } } if (simpleCurve != null) { float x2 = totalDamage / pawn.def.race.body.corePart.def.GetMaxHealth(pawn); if (Rand.Chance(simpleCurve.Evaluate(x2))) { DamageInfo dinfo2 = dinfo; dinfo2.Def = DamageDefOf.Stun; dinfo2.SetAmount((float)3.5f.SecondsToTicks() / 30f); pawn.TakeDamage(dinfo2); } } } }
private static void RoyalFavorAvailability() { StorytellerCompProperties_OnOffCycle storytellerCompProperties_OnOffCycle = (StorytellerCompProperties_OnOffCycle)StorytellerDefOf.Cassandra.comps.Find(delegate(StorytellerCompProperties x) { StorytellerCompProperties_OnOffCycle storytellerCompProperties_OnOffCycle2 = x as StorytellerCompProperties_OnOffCycle; if (storytellerCompProperties_OnOffCycle2 == null) { return(false); } if (storytellerCompProperties_OnOffCycle2.IncidentCategory != IncidentCategoryDefOf.GiveQuest) { return(false); } return((storytellerCompProperties_OnOffCycle2.enableIfAnyModActive != null && storytellerCompProperties_OnOffCycle2.enableIfAnyModActive.Any((string m) => m.ToLower() == ModContentPack.RoyaltyModPackageId)) ? true : false); }); float onDays = storytellerCompProperties_OnOffCycle.onDays; float average = storytellerCompProperties_OnOffCycle.numIncidentsRange.Average; float num = average / onDays; SimpleCurve simpleCurve = new SimpleCurve { new CurvePoint(0f, 35f), new CurvePoint(15f, 150f), new CurvePoint(150f, 5000f) }; int num2 = 0; List <RoyalTitleDef> royalTitlesAwardableInSeniorityOrderForReading = FactionDefOf.Empire.RoyalTitlesAwardableInSeniorityOrderForReading; for (int i = 0; i < royalTitlesAwardableInSeniorityOrderForReading.Count; i++) { num2 += royalTitlesAwardableInSeniorityOrderForReading[i].favorCost; if (royalTitlesAwardableInSeniorityOrderForReading[i] == RoyalTitleDefOf.Count) { break; } } float num3 = 0f; int num4 = 0; int num5 = 0; int num6 = 0; int num7 = 0; int num8 = -1; int num9 = -1; int num10 = -1; int ticksGame = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; StoryState storyState = new StoryState(Find.World); for (int j = 0; j < 200; j++) { Find.TickManager.DebugSetTicksGame(j * 60000); num3 += num * storytellerCompProperties_OnOffCycle.acceptFractionByDaysPassedCurve.Evaluate(j); while (num3 >= 1f) { num3 -= 1f; num4++; float points = simpleCurve.Evaluate(j); Slate slate = new Slate(); slate.Set("points", points); QuestScriptDef questScriptDef = DefDatabase <QuestScriptDef> .AllDefsListForReading.Where((QuestScriptDef x) => x.IsRootRandomSelected && x.CanRun(slate)).RandomElementByWeight((QuestScriptDef x) => NaturalRandomQuestChooser.GetNaturalRandomSelectionWeight(x, points, storyState)); Quest quest = QuestGen.Generate(questScriptDef, slate); if (quest.InvolvedFactions.Contains(Faction.Empire)) { num7++; } QuestPart_GiveRoyalFavor questPart_GiveRoyalFavor = (QuestPart_GiveRoyalFavor)quest.PartsListForReading.Find((QuestPart x) => x is QuestPart_GiveRoyalFavor); if (questPart_GiveRoyalFavor != null) { num5 += questPart_GiveRoyalFavor.amount; num6++; if (num5 >= num2 && num8 < 0) { num8 = j; } if (num9 < 0 || questPart_GiveRoyalFavor.amount < num9) { num9 = questPart_GiveRoyalFavor.amount; } if (num10 < 0 || questPart_GiveRoyalFavor.amount > num10) { num10 = questPart_GiveRoyalFavor.amount; } } storyState.RecordRandomQuestFired(questScriptDef); quest.CleanupQuestParts(); } } Find.TickManager.DebugSetTicksGame(ticksGame); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Results for: Days=" + 200 + ", intervalDays=" + onDays + ", questsPerInterval=" + average + ":"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Quests: " + num4); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Quests with honor: " + num6); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Quests from Empire: " + num7); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Min honor reward: " + num9); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Max honor reward: " + num10); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Total honor: " + num5); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Honor required for Count: " + num2); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Count title possible on day: " + num8); Log.Message(stringBuilder.ToString()); }
protected override void ApplySpecialEffectsToPart(Pawn pawn, float totalDamage, DamageInfo dinfo, DamageResult result) { bool flag = Rand.Chance(def.bluntInnerHitChance); float num = (flag ? def.bluntInnerHitDamageFractionToConvert.RandomInRange : 0f); float num2 = totalDamage * (1f - num); DamageInfo lastInfo = dinfo; while (true) { num2 -= FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, num2, lastInfo, result); if (! || num2 <= 1f) { break; } BodyPartRecord parent = lastInfo.HitPart.parent; if (parent == null) { break; } lastInfo.SetHitPart(parent); } if (flag && !lastInfo.HitPart.def.IsSolid(lastInfo.HitPart, && lastInfo.HitPart.depth == BodyPartDepth.Outside && (from x in where x.parent == lastInfo.HitPart && x.def.IsSolid(x, && x.depth == BodyPartDepth.Inside select x).TryRandomElementByWeight((BodyPartRecord x) => x.coverageAbs, out var result2)) { DamageInfo dinfo2 = lastInfo; dinfo2.SetHitPart(result2); float totalDamage2 = totalDamage * num + totalDamage * def.bluntInnerHitDamageFractionToAdd.RandomInRange; FinalizeAndAddInjury(pawn, totalDamage2, dinfo2, result); } if (pawn.Dead) { return; } SimpleCurve simpleCurve = null; if (lastInfo.HitPart.parent == null) { simpleCurve = def.bluntStunChancePerDamagePctOfCorePartToBodyCurve; } else { foreach (BodyPartRecord item in pawn.RaceProps.body.GetPartsWithTag(BodyPartTagDefOf.ConsciousnessSource)) { if (InSameBranch(item, lastInfo.HitPart)) { simpleCurve = def.bluntStunChancePerDamagePctOfCorePartToHeadCurve; break; } } } if (simpleCurve != null) { float x2 = totalDamage / pawn.def.race.body.corePart.def.GetMaxHealth(pawn); if (Rand.Chance(simpleCurve.Evaluate(x2))) { DamageInfo dinfo3 = dinfo; dinfo3.Def = DamageDefOf.Stun; dinfo3.SetAmount((float)def.bluntStunDuration.SecondsToTicks() / 30f); pawn.TakeDamage(dinfo3); } } }