static ModsConfig() { bool flag = false; = DirectXmlLoader.ItemFromXmlFile <ModsConfig.ModsConfigData>(GenFilePaths.ModsConfigFilePath, true); if ( < VersionControl.CurrentBuild) { Log.Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "Mods config data is from build ",, " while we are at build ", VersionControl.CurrentBuild, ". Resetting." }), false); = new ModsConfig.ModsConfigData(); flag = true; } = VersionControl.CurrentBuild; bool flag2 = File.Exists(GenFilePaths.ModsConfigFilePath); if (!flag2 || flag) {; ModsConfig.Save(); } }
public static void ParseAndProcessXML(XmlDocument xmlDoc, Dictionary <XmlNode, LoadableXmlAsset> assetlookup) { XmlNodeList childNodes = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes; for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.Count; i++) { if (childNodes[i].NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { LoadableXmlAsset loadableXmlAsset = assetlookup.TryGetValue(childNodes[i], null); XmlInheritance.TryRegister(childNodes[i], (loadableXmlAsset == null) ? null : loadableXmlAsset.mod); } } XmlInheritance.Resolve(); DefPackage defPackage = new DefPackage("Unknown", string.Empty); ModContentPack modContentPack = LoadedModManager.runningMods.FirstOrDefault <ModContentPack>(); modContentPack.AddDefPackage(defPackage); foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { LoadableXmlAsset loadableXmlAsset2 = assetlookup.TryGetValue(xmlNode, null); DefPackage defPackage2 = (loadableXmlAsset2 == null) ? defPackage : loadableXmlAsset2.defPackage; Def def = DirectXmlLoader.DefFromNode(xmlNode, loadableXmlAsset2); if (def != null) { def.modContentPack = ((loadableXmlAsset2 == null) ? modContentPack : loadableXmlAsset2.mod); defPackage2.AddDef(def); } } }
public static IEnumerable <T> LoadXmlDataInResourcesFolder <T>(string folderPath) where T : new() { XmlInheritance.Clear(); List <LoadableXmlAsset> assets = new List <LoadableXmlAsset>(); object[] textObjects = Resources.LoadAll <TextAsset>(folderPath); object[] array = textObjects; for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++) { TextAsset textAsset = (TextAsset)array[j]; LoadableXmlAsset loadableXmlAsset = new LoadableXmlAsset(, string.Empty, textAsset.text); XmlInheritance.TryRegisterAllFrom(loadableXmlAsset, null); assets.Add(loadableXmlAsset); } XmlInheritance.Resolve(); for (int i = 0; i < assets.Count; i++) { using (IEnumerator <T> enumerator = DirectXmlLoader.AllGameItemsFromAsset <T>(assets[i]).GetEnumerator()) { if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { T item = enumerator.Current; yield return(item); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } } } XmlInheritance.Clear(); yield break; IL_0195: /*Error near IL_0196: Unexpected return in MoveNext()*/; }
private void LoadPatches() { DeepProfiler.Start("Loading all patches"); patches = new List <PatchOperation>(); loadedAnyPatches = false; List <LoadableXmlAsset> list = DirectXmlLoader.XmlAssetsInModFolder(this, "Patches/").ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { XmlElement documentElement = list[i].xmlDoc.DocumentElement; if (documentElement.Name != "Patch") { Log.Error($"Unexpected document element in patch XML; got {documentElement.Name}, expected 'Patch'"); continue; } foreach (XmlNode childNode in documentElement.ChildNodes) { if (childNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { if (childNode.Name != "Operation") { Log.Error($"Unexpected element in patch XML; got {childNode.Name}, expected 'Operation'"); continue; } PatchOperation patchOperation = DirectXmlToObject.ObjectFromXml <PatchOperation>(childNode, doPostLoad: false); patchOperation.sourceFile = list[i].FullFilePath; patches.Add(patchOperation); loadedAnyPatches = true; } } } DeepProfiler.End(); }
public static void Init() { bool flag = !new FileInfo(GenFilePaths.KeyPrefsFilePath).Exists; Dictionary <string, KeyBindingData> dictionary = DirectXmlLoader.ItemFromXmlFile <Dictionary <string, KeyBindingData> >(GenFilePaths.KeyPrefsFilePath, true); = new KeyPrefsData(); KeyPrefs.unresolvedBindings = new Dictionary <string, KeyBindingData>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, KeyBindingData> current in dictionary) { KeyBindingDef namedSilentFail = DefDatabase <KeyBindingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(current.Key); if (namedSilentFail != null) {[namedSilentFail] = current.Value; } else { KeyPrefs.unresolvedBindings[current.Key] = current.Value; } } if (flag) {; };; if (flag) { KeyPrefs.Save(); } }
static ModsConfig() { bool flag = false; data = DirectXmlLoader.ItemFromXmlFile <ModsConfigData>(GenFilePaths.ModsConfigFilePath); if (data.version != null) { bool flag2 = false; int result; if (data.version.Contains(".")) { int num = VersionControl.MinorFromVersionString(data.version); int num2 = VersionControl.MajorFromVersionString(data.version); if (num2 != VersionControl.CurrentMajor || num != VersionControl.CurrentMinor) { flag2 = true; } } else if (data.version.Length > 0 && data.version.All(char.IsNumber) && int.TryParse(data.version, out result) && result <= 2009) { flag2 = true; } if (flag2) { Log.Message("Mods config data is from version " + data.version + " while we are running " + VersionControl.CurrentVersionStringWithRev + ". Resetting."); data = new ModsConfigData(); flag = true; } } if (!File.Exists(GenFilePaths.ModsConfigFilePath) || flag) { data.activeMods.Add(ModContentPack.CoreModIdentifier); Save(); } }
private void Init() { meta = DirectXmlLoader.ItemFromXmlFile <ModMetaDataInternal>(RootDir.FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "About" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "About.xml"); loadFolders = DirectXmlLoader.ItemFromXmlFile <ModLoadFolders>(RootDir.FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "LoadFolders.xml"); bool shouldLogIssues = ModLister.ShouldLogIssues; HadIncorrectlyFormattedVersionInMetadata = !meta.TryParseSupportedVersions(!OnSteamWorkshop && shouldLogIssues); if ( { if (OnSteamWorkshop) { = "Workshop mod " + FolderName; } else { = FolderName; } } HadIncorrectlyFormattedPackageId = !meta.TryParsePackageId(Official, !OnSteamWorkshop && shouldLogIssues); packageIdLowerCase = meta.packageId.ToLower(); meta.InitVersionedData(); meta.ValidateDependencies_NewTmp(shouldLogIssues); string publishedFileIdPath = PublishedFileIdPath; if (File.Exists(PublishedFileIdPath) && ulong.TryParse(File.ReadAllText(publishedFileIdPath), out var result)) { publishedFileIdInt = new PublishedFileId_t(result); } }
private void Init() { this.meta = DirectXmlLoader.ItemFromXmlFile <ModMetaData.ModMetaDataInternal>(string.Concat(new object[] { this.RootDir.FullName, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, "About", Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, "About.xml" }), true); if ( { if (this.OnSteamWorkshop) { = "Workshop mod " + this.Identifier; } else { = this.Identifier; } } if (!this.IsCoreMod && !this.OnSteamWorkshop && !VersionControl.IsWellFormattedVersionString(this.meta.targetVersion)) { Log.ErrorOnce(string.Concat(new string[] { "Mod ",, " has incorrectly formatted target version '", this.meta.targetVersion, "'. For the current version, write: <targetVersion>", VersionControl.CurrentVersionString, "</targetVersion>" }), this.Identifier.GetHashCode(), false); } LongEventHandler.ExecuteWhenFinished(delegate { string url = GenFilePaths.SafeURIForUnityWWWFromPath(this.PreviewImagePath); using (WWW www = new WWW(url)) { www.threadPriority = UnityEngine.ThreadPriority.High; while (!www.isDone) { Thread.Sleep(1); } if (www.error == null) { this.previewImage = www.textureNonReadable; } } }); string publishedFileIdPath = this.PublishedFileIdPath; if (File.Exists(this.PublishedFileIdPath)) { string s = File.ReadAllText(publishedFileIdPath); this.publishedFileIdInt = new PublishedFileId_t(ulong.Parse(s)); } }
public bool MoveNext() { uint num = (uint)this.$PC; this.$PC = -1; bool flag = false; switch (num) { case 0u: if (this.defPackages.Count != 0) { Log.ErrorOnce("LoadDefs called with already existing def packages", 39029405, false); } enumerator = DirectXmlLoader.XmlAssetsInModFolder(this, "Defs/").GetEnumerator(); num = 4294967293u; break; case 1u: break; default: return(false); } try { switch (num) { } if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { asset = enumerator.Current; defPackage = new DefPackage(, GenFilePaths.FolderPathRelativeToDefsFolder(asset.fullFolderPath, this)); base.AddDefPackage(defPackage); asset.defPackage = defPackage; this.$current = asset; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 1; } flag = true; return(true); } } finally { if (!flag) { if (enumerator != null) { enumerator.Dispose(); } } } this.$PC = -1; return(false); }
public static void Init() { bool flag = !new FileInfo(GenFilePaths.PrefsFilePath).Exists; = new PrefsData(); = DirectXmlLoader.ItemFromXmlFile <PrefsData>(GenFilePaths.PrefsFilePath, true); if (flag) { = LanguageDatabase.SystemLanguageFolderName(); } }
public IEnumerable <LoadableXmlAsset> LoadDefs() { if (this.defPackages.Count != 0) { Log.ErrorOnce("LoadDefs called with already existing def packages", 39029405, false); } foreach (LoadableXmlAsset asset in DirectXmlLoader.XmlAssetsInModFolder(this, "Defs/")) { DefPackage defPackage = new DefPackage(, GenFilePaths.FolderPathRelativeToDefsFolder(asset.fullFolderPath, this)); this.AddDefPackage(defPackage); asset.defPackage = defPackage; yield return(asset); } }
private static void LoadedFilesForMod() { List <DebugMenuOption> list = new List <DebugMenuOption>(); foreach (ModContentPack item in LoadedModManager.RunningModsListForReading) { ModContentPack mod = item; list.Add(new DebugMenuOption(mod.Name, DebugMenuOptionMode.Action, delegate { ModMetaData metaData = ModLister.GetModWithIdentifier(mod.PackageId); if (metaData.loadFolders != null && metaData.loadFolders.DefinedVersions().Count != 0) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_DebugOptionListLister(from ver in metaData.loadFolders.DefinedVersions() select new DebugMenuOption(ver, DebugMenuOptionMode.Action, delegate { ShowTable((from f in metaData.loadFolders.FoldersForVersion(ver) select Path.Combine(mod.RootDir, f.folderName)).Reverse().ToList()); }))); } else { ShowTable(null); } })); void ShowTable(List <string> loadFolders) { List <Pair <string, string> > list2 = new List <Pair <string, string> >(); list2.AddRange(from f in DirectXmlLoader.XmlAssetsInModFolder(mod, "Defs/", loadFolders) select new Pair <string, string>(f.FullFilePath, "-")); list2.AddRange(from f in DirectXmlLoader.XmlAssetsInModFolder(mod, "Patches/", loadFolders) select new Pair <string, string>(f.FullFilePath, "-")); list2.AddRange(from f in ModContentPack.GetAllFilesForMod(mod, GenFilePaths.ContentPath <Texture2D>(), ModContentLoader <Texture2D> .IsAcceptableExtension, loadFolders) select new Pair <string, string>(f.Value.FullName, f.Key)); list2.AddRange(from f in ModContentPack.GetAllFilesForMod(mod, GenFilePaths.ContentPath <AudioClip>(), ModContentLoader <AudioClip> .IsAcceptableExtension, loadFolders) select new Pair <string, string>(f.Value.FullName, f.Key)); list2.AddRange(from f in ModContentPack.GetAllFilesForMod(mod, GenFilePaths.ContentPath <string>(), ModContentLoader <string> .IsAcceptableExtension, loadFolders) select new Pair <string, string>(f.Value.FullName, f.Key)); list2.AddRange(from f in ModContentPack.GetAllFilesForModPreserveOrder(mod, "Assemblies/", (string e) => e.ToLower() == ".dll", loadFolders) select new Pair <string, string>(f.Item2.FullName, f.Item1)); DebugTables.MakeTablesDialog(list2, new List <TableDataGetter <Pair <string, string> > > { new TableDataGetter <Pair <string, string> >("full path", (Pair <string, string> f) => f.First), new TableDataGetter <Pair <string, string> >("internal path", (Pair <string, string> f) => f.Second) }.ToArray()); } } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_DebugOptionListLister(list)); }
public IEnumerable <LoadableXmlAsset> LoadDefs() { if (defs.Count != 0) { Log.ErrorOnce("LoadDefs called with already existing def packages", 39029405); } DeepProfiler.Start("Load Assets"); List <LoadableXmlAsset> list = DirectXmlLoader.XmlAssetsInModFolder(this, "Defs/").ToList(); DeepProfiler.End(); DeepProfiler.Start("Parse Assets"); foreach (LoadableXmlAsset item in list) { yield return(item); } DeepProfiler.End(); }
public static void Init() { bool num = !new FileInfo(GenFilePaths.PrefsFilePath).Exists; data = new PrefsData(); data = DirectXmlLoader.ItemFromXmlFile <PrefsData>(GenFilePaths.PrefsFilePath); BackCompatibility.PrefsDataPostLoad(data); if (num) { data.langFolderName = LanguageDatabase.SystemLanguageFolderName(); data.uiScale = ResolutionUtility.GetRecommendedUIScale(data.screenWidth, data.screenHeight); } if (DevModePermanentlyDisabledUtility.Disabled) { DevMode = false; } Apply(); }
public static void ParseAndProcessXML(XmlDocument xmlDoc, Dictionary <XmlNode, LoadableXmlAsset> assetlookup) { XmlNodeList childNodes = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes; for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.Count; i++) { if (childNodes[i].NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { LoadableXmlAsset loadableXmlAsset = assetlookup.TryGetValue(childNodes[i], null); XmlInheritance.TryRegister(childNodes[i], (loadableXmlAsset == null) ? null : loadableXmlAsset.mod); } } XmlInheritance.Resolve(); DefPackage defPackage = new DefPackage("(unknown)", "(unknown)"); ModContentPack modContentPack = LoadedModManager.runningMods.FirstOrDefault <ModContentPack>(); modContentPack.AddDefPackage(defPackage); IEnumerator enumerator = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { object obj = enumerator.Current; XmlNode xmlNode = (XmlNode)obj; LoadableXmlAsset loadableXmlAsset2 = assetlookup.TryGetValue(xmlNode, null); DefPackage defPackage2 = (loadableXmlAsset2 == null) ? defPackage : loadableXmlAsset2.defPackage; Def def = DirectXmlLoader.DefFromNode(xmlNode, loadableXmlAsset2); if (def != null) { def.modContentPack = ((loadableXmlAsset2 == null) ? modContentPack : loadableXmlAsset2.mod); defPackage2.AddDef(def); } } } finally { IDisposable disposable; if ((disposable = (enumerator as IDisposable)) != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } }
public static void Init() { bool flag = !new FileInfo(GenFilePaths.PrefsFilePath).Exists; = new PrefsData(); = DirectXmlLoader.ItemFromXmlFile <PrefsData>(GenFilePaths.PrefsFilePath, true); if (flag) { = LanguageDatabase.SystemLanguageFolderName(); if (UnityData.isDebugBuild && !DevModePermanentlyDisabledUtility.Disabled) { Prefs.DevMode = true; } } if (DevModePermanentlyDisabledUtility.Disabled) { Prefs.DevMode = false; } }
static ModsConfig() { bool flag = false; = DirectXmlLoader.ItemFromXmlFile <ModsConfigData>(GenFilePaths.ModsConfigFilePath, true); if ( < VersionControl.CurrentBuild) { Log.Message("Mods config data is from build " + + " while we are at build " + VersionControl.CurrentBuild + ". Resetting."); = new ModsConfigData(); flag = true; } = VersionControl.CurrentBuild; if (File.Exists(GenFilePaths.ModsConfigFilePath) && !flag) { return; }; ModsConfig.Save(); }
private void Init() { meta = DirectXmlLoader.ItemFromXmlFile <ModMetaDataInternal>(RootDir.FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "About" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "About.xml"); if ( { if (OnSteamWorkshop) { = "Workshop mod " + Identifier; } else { = Identifier; } } if (!IsCoreMod && !OnSteamWorkshop && !VersionControl.IsWellFormattedVersionString(meta.targetVersion)) { Log.ErrorOnce("Mod " + + " has incorrectly formatted target version '" + meta.targetVersion + "'. For the current version, write: <targetVersion>" + VersionControl.CurrentVersionString + "</targetVersion>", Identifier.GetHashCode()); } LongEventHandler.ExecuteWhenFinished(delegate { string url = GenFilePaths.SafeURIForUnityWWWFromPath(PreviewImagePath); using (WWW wWW = new WWW(url)) { wWW.threadPriority = UnityEngine.ThreadPriority.High; while (!wWW.isDone) { Thread.Sleep(1); } if (wWW.error == null) { previewImage = wWW.textureNonReadable; } } }); string publishedFileIdPath = PublishedFileIdPath; if (File.Exists(PublishedFileIdPath)) { string s = File.ReadAllText(publishedFileIdPath); publishedFileIdInt = new PublishedFileId_t(ulong.Parse(s)); } }
public void LoadMetadata() { if (info != null && infoIsRealMetadata) { return; } infoIsRealMetadata = true; foreach (ModContentPack runningMod in LoadedModManager.RunningMods) { foreach (string item in runningMod.foldersToLoadDescendingOrder) { string text = Path.Combine(item, "Languages"); if (!new DirectoryInfo(text).Exists) { continue; } foreach (VirtualDirectory directory in AbstractFilesystem.GetDirectories(text, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) { if (directory.Name == folderName || directory.Name == legacyFolderName) { info = DirectXmlLoader.ItemFromXmlFile <LanguageInfo>(directory, "LanguageInfo.xml", resolveCrossRefs: false); if (info.friendlyNameNative.NullOrEmpty() && directory.FileExists("FriendlyName.txt")) { info.friendlyNameNative = directory.ReadAllText("FriendlyName.txt"); } if (info.friendlyNameNative.NullOrEmpty()) { info.friendlyNameNative = folderName; } if (info.friendlyNameEnglish.NullOrEmpty()) { info.friendlyNameEnglish = folderName; } return; } } } } }
public IEnumerable <LoadableXmlAsset> LoadDefs() { if (defPackages.Count != 0) { Log.ErrorOnce("LoadDefs called with already existing def packages", 39029405); } using (IEnumerator <LoadableXmlAsset> enumerator = DirectXmlLoader.XmlAssetsInModFolder(this, "Defs/").GetEnumerator()) { if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { LoadableXmlAsset asset = enumerator.Current; DefPackage defPackage = new DefPackage(, GenFilePaths.FolderPathRelativeToDefsFolder(asset.fullFolderPath, this)); AddDefPackage(defPackage); asset.defPackage = defPackage; yield return(asset); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } } yield break; IL_0131: /*Error near IL_0132: Unexpected return in MoveNext()*/; }
public static IEnumerable <T> LoadXmlDataInResourcesFolder <T>(string folderPath) where T : new() { XmlInheritance.Clear(); List <LoadableXmlAsset> assets = new List <LoadableXmlAsset>(); object[] textObjects = Resources.LoadAll <TextAsset>(folderPath); foreach (TextAsset textAsset in textObjects) { LoadableXmlAsset loadableXmlAsset = new LoadableXmlAsset(, "", textAsset.text); XmlInheritance.TryRegisterAllFrom(loadableXmlAsset, null); assets.Add(loadableXmlAsset); } XmlInheritance.Resolve(); for (int i = 0; i < assets.Count; i++) { foreach (T item in DirectXmlLoader.AllGameItemsFromAsset <T>(assets[i])) { yield return(item); } } XmlInheritance.Clear(); yield break; }
public void LoadDefs(IEnumerable <PatchOperation> patches) { DeepProfiler.Start("Loading all defs"); List <LoadableXmlAsset> list = DirectXmlLoader.XmlAssetsInModFolder(this, "Defs/").ToList <LoadableXmlAsset>(); foreach (LoadableXmlAsset current in list) { foreach (PatchOperation current2 in patches) { current2.Apply(current.xmlDoc); } } for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i] == null || list[i].xmlDoc == null || list[i].xmlDoc.DocumentElement == null) { Log.Error(string.Format("{0}: unknown parse failure", list[i].fullFolderPath + "/" + list[i].name)); } else if (list[i].xmlDoc.DocumentElement.Name != "Defs") { Log.Error(string.Format("{0}: root element named {1}; should be named Defs", list[i].fullFolderPath + "/" + list[i].name, list[i].xmlDoc.DocumentElement.Name)); } XmlInheritance.TryRegisterAllFrom(list[i], this); } XmlInheritance.Resolve(); for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) { string relFolder = GenFilePaths.FolderPathRelativeToDefsFolder(list[j].fullFolderPath, this); DefPackage defPackage = new DefPackage(list[j].name, relFolder); foreach (Def current3 in DirectXmlLoader.AllDefsFromAsset(list[j])) { defPackage.defs.Add(current3); } this.defPackages.Add(defPackage); } DeepProfiler.End(); }
public void TryLoadMetadataFrom(string folderPath) { if ( == null) { string filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath.ToString(), "LanguageInfo.xml"); = DirectXmlLoader.ItemFromXmlFile <LanguageInfo>(filePath, false); if ( { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(folderPath.ToString(), "FriendlyName.txt")); if (fileInfo.Exists) { = GenFile.TextFromRawFile(fileInfo.ToString()); } } if ( { = this.folderName; } if ( { = this.folderName; } } }
private void LoadPatches() { DeepProfiler.Start("Loading all patches"); this.patches = new List <PatchOperation>(); List <LoadableXmlAsset> list = DirectXmlLoader.XmlAssetsInModFolder(this, "Patches/").ToList <LoadableXmlAsset>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { XmlElement documentElement = list[i].xmlDoc.DocumentElement; if (documentElement.Name != "Patch") { Log.Error(string.Format("Unexpected document element in patch XML; got {0}, expected 'Patch'", documentElement.Name)); } else { for (int j = 0; j < documentElement.ChildNodes.Count; j++) { XmlNode xmlNode = documentElement.ChildNodes[j]; if (xmlNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { if (xmlNode.Name != "Operation") { Log.Error(string.Format("Unexpected element in patch XML; got {0}, expected 'Operation'", documentElement.ChildNodes[j].Name)); } else { PatchOperation patchOperation = DirectXmlToObject.ObjectFromXml <PatchOperation>(xmlNode, false); patchOperation.sourceFile = list[i].FullFilePath; this.patches.Add(patchOperation); } } } } } DeepProfiler.End(); }
public static void ParseAndProcessXML(XmlDocument xmlDoc, Dictionary <XmlNode, LoadableXmlAsset> assetlookup) { XmlNodeList childNodes = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes; List <XmlNode> list = new List <XmlNode>(); foreach (object item in childNodes) { list.Add(item as XmlNode); } DeepProfiler.Start("Loading asset nodes " + list.Count); try { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { LoadableXmlAsset value = null; DeepProfiler.Start("assetlookup.TryGetValue"); try { assetlookup.TryGetValue(list[i], out value); } finally { DeepProfiler.End(); } DeepProfiler.Start("XmlInheritance.TryRegister"); try { XmlInheritance.TryRegister(list[i], value?.mod); } finally { DeepProfiler.End(); } } } } finally { DeepProfiler.End(); } DeepProfiler.Start("XmlInheritance.Resolve()"); try { XmlInheritance.Resolve(); } finally { DeepProfiler.End(); } runningMods.FirstOrDefault(); DeepProfiler.Start("Loading defs for " + list.Count + " nodes"); try { foreach (XmlNode item2 in list) { LoadableXmlAsset loadableXmlAsset = assetlookup.TryGetValue(item2); Def def = DirectXmlLoader.DefFromNode(item2, loadableXmlAsset); if (def != null) { ModContentPack modContentPack = loadableXmlAsset?.mod; if (modContentPack != null) { modContentPack.AddDef(def,; } else { patchedDefs.Add(def); } } } } finally { DeepProfiler.End(); } }
static ModsConfig() { activeModsHashSet = new HashSet <string>(); activeModsInLoadOrderCached = new List <ModMetaData>(); bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; data = DirectXmlLoader.ItemFromXmlFile <ModsConfigData>(GenFilePaths.ModsConfigFilePath); if (data.version != null) { bool flag3 = false; int result; if (data.version.Contains(".")) { int num = VersionControl.MinorFromVersionString(data.version); if (VersionControl.MajorFromVersionString(data.version) != VersionControl.CurrentMajor || num != VersionControl.CurrentMinor) { flag3 = true; } } else if (data.version.Length > 0 && data.version.All((char x) => char.IsNumber(x)) && int.TryParse(data.version, out result) && result <= 2009) { flag3 = true; } if (flag3) { Log.Message("Mods config data is from version " + data.version + " while we are running " + VersionControl.CurrentVersionStringWithRev + ". Resetting."); data = new ModsConfigData(); flag = true; } } for (int i = 0; i < data.activeMods.Count; i++) { string packageId = data.activeMods[i]; if (ModLister.GetModWithIdentifier(packageId) == null) { ModMetaData modMetaData = ModLister.AllInstalledMods.FirstOrDefault((ModMetaData m) => m.FolderName == packageId); if (modMetaData != null) { data.activeMods[i] = modMetaData.PackageId; flag2 = true; } if (TryGetPackageIdWithoutExtraSteamPostfix(packageId, out var nonSteamPackageId) && ModLister.GetModWithIdentifier(nonSteamPackageId) != null) { data.activeMods[i] = nonSteamPackageId; } } } HashSet <string> hashSet = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (ModMetaData allInstalledMod in ModLister.AllInstalledMods) { if (allInstalledMod.Active) { if (hashSet.Contains(allInstalledMod.PackageIdNonUnique)) { allInstalledMod.Active = false; Log.Warning("There was more than one enabled instance of mod with PackageID: " + allInstalledMod.PackageIdNonUnique + ". Disabling the duplicates."); continue; } hashSet.Add(allInstalledMod.PackageIdNonUnique); } if (!allInstalledMod.IsCoreMod && allInstalledMod.Official && IsExpansionNew(allInstalledMod.PackageId)) { SetActive(allInstalledMod.PackageId, active: true); AddKnownExpansion(allInstalledMod.PackageId); flag2 = true; } } if (!File.Exists(GenFilePaths.ModsConfigFilePath) || flag) { Reset(); } else if (flag2) { Save(); } RecacheActiveMods(); }