public bool Remove(ConnectedApplianceInfo cai, IPData ipd) { bool changed = false; try { string[] vers = cai.VersionNumber.Replace(" ", "").Split('|'); if (vers[0] == TVers) { ipd.Version = vers[0]; ipd.Done = true; ipd.Result = "PASS - Product Version changed to final version."; WriteFile(ipd.TabIndex, null); DataRow dr = results.Rows[ipd.TabIndex]; results.Rows.Remove(dr); changed = true; DGV_Data.Refresh(); } return(changed); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Catastrophic Remove error.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } }
public void Build() { try { System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection <ConnectedApplianceInfo> cio = WifiLocal.ConnectedAppliances; ConnectedApplianceInfo cai = null; int number = Math.Min(cio.Count, (AMT - iplist.Count)); //Start a batch int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { if (cancel_request) { break; } cai = cio.ElementAtOrDefault(j); if (cai != null) { IPData ipd = iplist.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MAC == cai.MacAddress); if (ipd != null && ipd.Done) { Remove(cai, ipd); i--; j++; continue; } if (ipd != null && ipd.Sent) { i--; j++; continue; } if (RunCAITask(cai)) { j++; totalran++; } else { j++; i--; } } else { j++; continue; } } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Catastrophic Remove error.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public void Check() { try { System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection <ConnectedApplianceInfo> cio = WifiLocal.ConnectedAppliances; ConnectedApplianceInfo cai = null; int j = 0; int number = iplist.Count; for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { if (cancel_request) { break; } cai = cio.ElementAtOrDefault(j); if (cai != null) { IPData ipd = iplist.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MAC == cai.MacAddress); if (ipd != null && !ipd.Done) { j++; if (Remove(cai, ipd)) { iplist.RemoveAt(ipd.TabIndex); } } else { j++; i--; continue; } } else { j++; continue; } } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Catastrophic Check error.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public IPData AddResult(ConnectedApplianceInfo cai) { try { IPData ipd = new IPData(cai.IPAddress, TB_Payload.Text); iplist.Add(ipd); ipd.TabIndex = iplist.IndexOf(ipd); ipd.IPAddress = cai.IPAddress; ipd.Payload = TB_Payload.Text; ipd.Model = cai.ModelNumber; ipd.Serial = cai.SerialNumber.Replace(" ", ""); ipd.MAC = cai.MacAddress; ipd.Result = "PENDING"; string[] vers = cai.VersionNumber.Replace(" ", "").Split('|'); ipd.Version = vers[0]; // Update window for added IP DataRow dr = results.NewRow(); dr["IP Address"] = ipd.IPAddress; dr["OTA Payload"] = ipd.Payload; dr["Model"] = ipd.Model; dr["Serial"] = ipd.Serial; dr["MAC"] = ipd.MAC; dr["Version"] = ipd.Version; dr["OTA Result"] = ipd.Result; results.Rows.Add(dr); return(ipd); } catch { IPData ipd = new IPData("", ""); return(ipd); } }
private void BuildList(ConnectedApplianceInfo cai, string name, string mqttpay, int i) { IPData newip = new IPData(cai.IPAddress, up); newip.MAC = cai.MacAddress; newip.Node = node; newip.MQTTPay = mqttpay; newip.TabIndex = parent.AUTOINDEX; newip.Name = name; newip.Down = dwn; newip.Result = "PENDING"; string wtype = CB_Type.Text; if (wtype.Contains("Indigo")) { parent.indigo = true; } else { parent.tourma = true; } string pay; if (name.Contains("Downgrade")) { pay = dwn; newip.Type = "DOWNGRADE"; } else { pay = up; newip.Type = "UPGRADE"; } if (parent.LB_IPs.Items.Count == 0) { if (parent.iplist.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IPAddress == TB_IP.Text) == null) { parent.LB_IPs.Items.Add(cai.IPAddress); } if (CB_Product.Text.Contains("Cooking") || CB_Product.Text.Contains("Other")) { newip.Prod = "Cooking"; if (parent.indigo) { //00.08.FF. newip.Cncl = "0008FF3333030F000201"; newip.Set = "0008FF33330203000A0A"; } else { if (CB_Product.Text.Contains("EMEA")) { newip.Cncl = "0008FF33330408000201"; newip.Set = "0008FF33330203000A0A"; } else { //00.08.FF. newip.Cncl = "0008FF3333030F000201"; //00.08.FF. newip.Set = "0008FF33330203000A0A"; } } } else { newip.Set = "0008FF333302020009"; newip.Cncl = "0008FF33330307000101"; if (CB_Product.Text.Contains("EMEA Laundry")) { newip.Prod = "EMEA Laundry"; } else { newip.Prod = "Laundry"; } } parent.iplist.Add(newip); } //Update window for added IP DataRow dr = parent.results.NewRow(); dr["IP Address"] = newip.IPAddress; dr["OTA Payload"] = pay; dr["Delivery Method"] = "MQTT"; dr["OTA Type"] = newip.Type; dr["Node"] = newip.Node; dr["Name"] = newip.Name; dr["OTA Result"] = newip.Result; parent.results.Rows.Add(dr); if (parent.PendCheck(i)) { newip.Result = "Skipped by user."; parent.results.Rows[i]["OTA Result"] = newip.Result; parent.DGV_Data.Rows[i].Cells[6].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } if (parent.tourma && (i == 0 || i == 1)) { newip.Result = "Test case skipped when using Gen4."; parent.results.Rows[i]["OTA Result"] = newip.Result; parent.DGV_Data.Rows[i].Cells[6].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } if (parent.indigo && (i == 0 || i == 1) && CB_Product.Text.Contains("EMEA Laundry")) { newip.Result = "Test case skipped when using EMEA products."; parent.results.Rows[i]["OTA Result"] = newip.Result; parent.DGV_Data.Rows[i].Cells[6].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } }
private void BTN_Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string localpay = TB_Payload.Text; string localdeliver = "MQTT"; // CHANGE IF ADDING REVELATION BACK System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection <ConnectedApplianceInfo> cio = WifiLocal.ConnectedAppliances; ConnectedApplianceInfo cai = cio.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IPAddress == TB_IPDisplay.Text); if (cai != null) { //if (localdeliver.Equals("MQTT") && !cai.IsMqttConnected) // Add back if tracking MQTT or Revelation if (!cai.IsMqttConnected) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("You have selected the OTA delivery method as MQTT but the MQTT connection" + " for the entered IP Address of " + TB_IPDisplay.Text + " is not currently connected." + " If this is acceptable, click Yes to Continue. Otherwise, click No and setup the" + " MQTT connection then try adding the IP Address again.", "Error: MQTT Delivery but Device is not the MQTT Broker.", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) { return; } } try { if (parent.iplist.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IPAddress == TB_IPDisplay.Text) == null) { parent.LB_IPs.Items.Add(cai.IPAddress); } IPData newip = new IPData(cai.IPAddress, localpay); parent.iplist.Add(newip); newip.MAC = cai.MacAddress; newip.Type = CB_Type.Text; newip.Node = CB_Variant.Text; newip.Name = "User Input"; // Update window for added IP DataRow dr = parent.results.NewRow(); dr["IP Address"] = newip.IPAddress; dr["OTA Payload"] = newip.Payload; dr["Delivery Method"] = localdeliver; dr["OTA Type"] = newip.Type; dr["Node"] = newip.Node; dr["Name"] = newip.Name; dr["OTA Result"] = "PENDING"; parent.results.Rows.Add(dr); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Catastrophic Add error.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } else { // Else if the IP address is not found in the WifiBasic list MessageBox.Show("No IP Address was found in WifiBasic. Please choose a new IP Address or Retry.", "Error: WifiBasic IP Address Not Found", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }