public void Draw(PointBatch pointBatch, Camera camera)
            // Draw the starfield
            pointBatch.Begin(Matrix.Identity, camera);

            for (int s = 0; s < starCount; s++)
                pointBatch.Draw(points[s], starRadius, new Color(brightnesses[s], brightnesses[s], brightnesses[s]));

        public void Draw(Ship ship, LineBatch lineBatch, PointBatch pointBatch, Camera camera)
            // Draw the ship
            Matrix rotation = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(ship.Movement.Rotation);
            Matrix translation = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(ship.Movement.Position.X, ship.Movement.Position.Y, 0.0f));

            lineBatch.Begin(rotation * translation, camera);

            for (int v = 0; v < vertices.Count; v++)
                lineBatch.Draw(vertices[v], vertices[(v + 1) % vertices.Count], lineWidth, color);


            pointBatch.Begin(translation, camera);
            pointBatch.Draw(Vector3.Zero, lightRadius, lightColor);