Exemple #1
        public override void CopyFrom(AbstractMTGui2dController Source)
            Slider s = (Slider)Source;

            Value           = s.Value;
            SliderTransform = s.SliderTransform;
Exemple #2
        //update transform
        public virtual void UpdateTransform(Matrix4x4 Transform,
                                            Vector2D Count,
                                            Vector2D Size)

            //get counts
            int countX     = VMath.Clamp((int)Math.Round(Count.x), 1, 1000);
            int countY     = VMath.Clamp((int)Math.Round(Count.y), 1, 1000);
            int countTotal = countX * countY;

            //calculate controller space
            Matrix4x4 size            = VMath.Scale(Size.x / countX, Size.y / countY, 1);
            Matrix4x4 controllerSpace = Transform;

            //create controllers?
            if (countTotal != FControllers.Length)
                //store old controllers
                T[] temp = FControllers;

                //make new array
                FControllers = new T[countTotal];
                for (int i = 0; i < countTotal; i++)
                    FControllers[i] = new T();

                    //copy data from old array
                    FControllers[i].CopyFrom(temp[i % temp.Length]);

            int slice = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < countY; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < countX; j++)
                    //get current controller
                    AbstractMTGui2dController b = FControllers[slice];

                    //calc position in controller space
                    double posX = ((j + 0.5) / countX) - 0.5;
                    double posY = 0.5 - ((i + 0.5) / countY);

                    //build particular controller space
                    b.Transform    = size * VMath.Translate(posX, posY, 0) * controllerSpace;
                    b.InvTransform = !b.Transform;

                    if (b is RotarySlider)
                        b.Transform = VMath.Scale(-1, 1, 1) * VMath.RotateZ(0.25 * VMath.CycToRad) * b.Transform;

Exemple #3
 public virtual void CopyFrom(AbstractMTGui2dController Source)
     Transform     = Source.Transform;
     InvTransform  = Source.InvTransform;
     Active        = Source.Active;
     Hit           = Source.Hit;
     AssignedTouch = null;
     LastTouchPos  = null;
     NewHit        = false;
Exemple #4
        public virtual void UpdateTouches(TouchList touches)
            //update state
            for (int i = 0; i < FControllers.Length; i++)
                //get current button
                AbstractMTGui2dController b = FControllers[i];

                b.NewHit = false;

                if (b.AssignedTouch == null)
                    //No touch, do hit test
                    TouchList newtouches = touches.NewTouches;

                    Touch hit = null;
                    foreach (Touch t in newtouches)
                        Vector2D v2d = new Vector2D(t.X, t.Y);

                        //put the mouse into the inverse button space
                        Vector2D invMouse = (b.InvTransform * v2d).xy;

                        if (invMouse > -0.5 && invMouse < 0.5)
                            hit = t;

                    //check mouse over and hit
                    b.Hit           = hit != null;
                    b.AssignedTouch = hit;
                    b.LastTouchPos  = hit;
                    b.NewHit        = b.Hit;
                    //Touch, update assigned id or remove if not there anymore
                    if (touches.ContainsId(b.AssignedTouch.Id))
                        b.LastTouchPos  = b.AssignedTouch;
                        b.AssignedTouch = touches.GetById(b.AssignedTouch.Id);
                        b.Hit           = true;
                        b.AssignedTouch = null;
                        b.Hit           = false;
Exemple #5
 public override void CopyFrom(AbstractMTGui2dController Source)
     Value = ((ToggleButton)Source).Value;