public static void FetchGroupNames(string userId, string groupType, Action <List <string> > successCallback = null, Action <string> errorCallback = null) { ApiModelListContainer <ApiGroup> apiModelListContainer = new ApiModelListContainer <ApiGroup>(); apiModelListContainer.OnSuccess = delegate(ApiContainer c) { List <string> list = new List <string>(); foreach (ApiGroup responseModel in (c as ApiModelListContainer <ApiGroup>).ResponseModels) { list.Add(; } if (successCallback != null) { successCallback(list); } }; apiModelListContainer.OnError = delegate(ApiContainer c) { if (errorCallback != null) { errorCallback(c.Error); } }; ApiModelListContainer <ApiGroup> responseContainer = apiModelListContainer; Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dictionary["ownerId"] = userId; if (groupType != null) { dictionary["type"] = groupType; } API.SendGetRequest("favorite/groups", responseContainer, dictionary, disableCache: true); }
public static void FetchFeedback(Action <IEnumerable <ApiFeedback> > successCallback, Action <string> errorCallback) { ApiModelListContainer <ApiFeedback> apiModelListContainer = new ApiModelListContainer <ApiFeedback>(); apiModelListContainer.OnSuccess = delegate(ApiContainer c) { if (successCallback != null) { successCallback((c as ApiModelListContainer <ApiFeedback>).ResponseModels); } }; apiModelListContainer.OnError = delegate(ApiContainer c) { if (errorCallback != null) { errorCallback(c.Error); } }; ApiContainer responseContainer = apiModelListContainer; API.SendGetRequest("/users/" + + "/feedback", responseContainer, null, disableCache: true); }
public static void FetchWorldFeedback(string worldId, int version, ContentType contentType, Action <IEnumerable <ApiFeedback> > successCallback, Action <string> errorCallback) { ApiModelListContainer <ApiFeedback> apiModelListContainer = new ApiModelListContainer <ApiFeedback>(); apiModelListContainer.OnSuccess = delegate(ApiContainer c) { if (successCallback != null) { successCallback((c as ApiModelListContainer <ApiFeedback>).ResponseModels); } }; apiModelListContainer.OnError = delegate(ApiContainer c) { if (errorCallback != null) { errorCallback(c.Error); } }; ApiContainer responseContainer = apiModelListContainer; API.SendGetRequest("/users/" + + "/feedback?contentType=world&contentId=" + worldId + "&contentVersion=" + version.ToString(), responseContainer, null, disableCache: true); }
private static void FetchList(string endpoint, Action <IEnumerable <ApiPlayerModeration> > successCallback, Action <string> errorCallback) { ApiModelListContainer <ApiPlayerModeration> apiModelListContainer = new ApiModelListContainer <ApiPlayerModeration>(); apiModelListContainer.OnSuccess = delegate(ApiContainer c) { if (successCallback != null) { successCallback((c as ApiModelListContainer <ApiPlayerModeration>).ResponseModels); } }; apiModelListContainer.OnError = delegate(ApiContainer c) { Debug.LogError((object)("Could not fetch moderations with error - " + c.Error)); if (errorCallback != null) { errorCallback(c.Error); } }; ApiModelListContainer <ApiPlayerModeration> responseContainer = apiModelListContainer; API.SendGetRequest(endpoint, responseContainer, null, disableCache: false, 120f); }
public static void FetchUploadedWorlds(Action <IEnumerable <ApiWorld> > successCallback, Action <string> errorCallback) { ApiModelListContainer <ApiWorld> apiModelListContainer = new ApiModelListContainer <ApiWorld>(); apiModelListContainer.OnSuccess = delegate(ApiContainer c) { if (successCallback != null) { successCallback((c as ApiModelListContainer <ApiWorld>).ResponseModels); } }; apiModelListContainer.OnError = delegate(ApiContainer c) { if (errorCallback != null) { errorCallback(c.Error); } }; ApiModelListContainer <ApiWorld> responseContainer = apiModelListContainer; Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dictionary["user"] = "******"; API.SendGetRequest("worlds/", responseContainer, dictionary, disableCache: true); }
public static void FetchGroupMemberIds(string userId, GroupType groupType, Action <List <string> > successCallback = null, Action <string> errorCallback = null, string tag = null) { if (groupType.value == "world" || groupType.value == "avatar" || groupType.value == "friend") { int totalGroupsToFetch = 1; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag)) { switch (groupType.value) { case "world": totalGroupsToFetch = 4; break; case "avatar": totalGroupsToFetch = 1; break; case "friend": totalGroupsToFetch = 3; break; } } List <string> totalGroupMemberIds = new List <string>(); int groupsFetched = 0; bool locked = false; for (int i = 0; i < totalGroupsToFetch; i++) { ApiModelListContainer <ApiFavorite> apiModelListContainer = new ApiModelListContainer <ApiFavorite>(); apiModelListContainer.OnSuccess = delegate(ApiContainer c) { while (locked) { } locked = true; List <string> list = new List <string>(); foreach (ApiFavorite responseModel in (c as ApiModelListContainer <ApiFavorite>).ResponseModels) { if (!list.Contains(responseModel.favoriteId)) { list.Add(responseModel.favoriteId); } } totalGroupMemberIds.AddRange(list); locked = false; groupsFetched++; if (successCallback != null && groupsFetched == totalGroupsToFetch) { successCallback(totalGroupMemberIds); } }; apiModelListContainer.OnError = delegate(ApiContainer c) { if (errorCallback != null) { errorCallback(c.Error); } }; ApiModelListContainer <ApiFavorite> responseContainer = apiModelListContainer; string target = "favorites"; Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = null; dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dictionary["ownerId"] = userId; dictionary["type"] = groupType.value; int num = 0; switch (groupType.value) { case "world": num = 32; break; case "avatar": num = 16; break; case "friend": num = 32; break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag)) { dictionary["tag"] = tag; } dictionary["n"] = num; dictionary["offset"] = i * num; API.SendGetRequest(target, responseContainer, dictionary, disableCache: true); } } else { Debug.LogError((object)("Cannot fetch group member ids " + groupType.value + " b/c it's not implemented yet.")); } }
public static void FetchList(Action <IEnumerable <ApiWorld> > successCallback, Action <string> errorCallback = null, SortHeading heading = SortHeading.Featured, SortOwnership owner = SortOwnership.Any, SortOrder order = SortOrder.Descending, int offset = 0, int count = 10, string search = "", string[] tags = null, string[] excludeTags = null, string[] userTags = null, string userId = "", ReleaseStatus releaseStatus = ReleaseStatus.Public, string includePlatforms = null, string excludePlatforms = null, bool disableCache = false, bool compatibleVersionsOnly = true) { string endpoint = "worlds"; Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); switch (heading) { case SortHeading.Featured: dictionary.Add("sort", "order"); dictionary.Add("featured", "true"); break; case SortHeading.Trending: dictionary.Add("sort", "popularity"); dictionary.Add("featured", "false"); break; case SortHeading.Updated: dictionary.Add("sort", "updated"); break; case SortHeading.Created: dictionary.Add("sort", "created"); break; case SortHeading.Publication: dictionary.Add("sort", "publicationDate"); break; case SortHeading.Shuffle: dictionary.Add("sort", "shuffle"); break; case SortHeading.Active: endpoint = "worlds/active"; break; case SortHeading.Recent: endpoint = "worlds/recent"; break; case SortHeading.Playlist: endpoint = "worlds/favorites"; dictionary.Add("userId", userId); break; case SortHeading.Favorite: endpoint = "worlds/favorites"; break; case SortHeading.Labs: dictionary.Add("sort", "labsPublicationDate"); break; case SortHeading.Heat: dictionary.Add("sort", "heat"); dictionary.Add("featured", "false"); break; } switch (owner) { case SortOwnership.Mine: dictionary.Add("user", "me"); break; case SortOwnership.Friend: dictionary.Add("userId", userId); break; } dictionary.Add("n", count); switch (order) { case SortOrder.Ascending: dictionary.Add("order", "ascending"); break; case SortOrder.Descending: dictionary.Add("order", "descending"); break; } dictionary.Add("offset", offset); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search)) { dictionary.Add("search", search); } int num = (tags != null) ? tags.Length : 0; int num2 = (userTags != null) ? userTags.Length : 0; if (num + num2 > 0) { string[] array = new string[num + num2]; if (num > 0) { tags.CopyTo(array, 0); } if (num2 > 0) { userTags.CopyTo(array, num); } dictionary.Add("tag", string.Join(",", array)); } if (excludeTags != null && excludeTags.Length > 0) { dictionary.Add("notag", string.Join(",", excludeTags)); } dictionary.Add("releaseStatus", releaseStatus.ToString().ToLower()); if (compatibleVersionsOnly) { dictionary.Add("maxUnityVersion", VERSION.UnityVersion); dictionary.Add("minUnityVersion", MIN_LOADABLE_VERSION.UnityVersion); dictionary.Add("maxAssetVersion", VERSION.ApiVersion); dictionary.Add("minAssetVersion", MIN_LOADABLE_VERSION.ApiVersion); } if (includePlatforms != null || excludePlatforms != null) { if (includePlatforms != null) { dictionary.Add("platform", includePlatforms); } if (excludePlatforms != null) { dictionary.Add("noplatform", excludePlatforms); } } ApiModelListContainer <ApiWorld> apiModelListContainer = new ApiModelListContainer <ApiWorld>(); apiModelListContainer.OnSuccess = delegate(ApiContainer c) { if (successCallback != null) { successCallback((c as ApiModelListContainer <ApiWorld>).ResponseModels); } }; apiModelListContainer.OnError = delegate(ApiContainer c) { Debug.LogError((object)("Could not fetch worlds, with error - " + c.Error)); if (errorCallback != null) { errorCallback(c.Error); } }; ApiModelListContainer <ApiWorld> responseContainer = apiModelListContainer; API.SendRequest(endpoint, HTTPMethods.Get, responseContainer, dictionary, authenticationRequired: true, disableCache, 180f); }
public static void FetchList(Action <IEnumerable <ApiAvatar> > successCallback, Action <string> errorCallback, Owner owner, ReleaseStatus relStatus = ReleaseStatus.All, string search = null, int number = 10, int offset = 0, SortHeading heading = SortHeading.None, SortOrder order = SortOrder.Descending, string includePlatforms = null, string excludePlatforms = null, bool disableCache = false, bool areFavorites = false, string tags = null, bool compatibleVersionsOnly = true) { string endpoint = "avatars"; Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (owner == Owner.Licensed) { dictionary.Add("n", number); dictionary.Add("offset", offset); endpoint = "avatars/licensed"; } else { if (areFavorites) { endpoint = "avatars/favorites"; } if (owner == Owner.Mine) { dictionary.Add("user", "me"); } if (owner == Owner.Public) { dictionary.Add("featured", "true"); } if (owner == Owner.Developer) { dictionary.Add("tag", "admin_developer"); } dictionary.Add("releaseStatus", relStatus.ToString().ToLower()); if (search != null) { dictionary.Add("search", search); } dictionary.Add("n", number); dictionary.Add("offset", offset); if (heading != 0) { dictionary.Add("sort", heading.ToString().ToLower()); } switch (order) { case SortOrder.Ascending: dictionary.Add("order", "ascending"); break; case SortOrder.Descending: dictionary.Add("order", "descending"); break; } if (compatibleVersionsOnly) { dictionary.Add("maxUnityVersion", VERSION.UnityVersion); dictionary.Add("minUnityVersion", MIN_LOADABLE_VERSION.UnityVersion); dictionary.Add("maxAssetVersion", VERSION.ApiVersion); dictionary.Add("minAssetVersion", MIN_LOADABLE_VERSION.ApiVersion); } if (includePlatforms != null || excludePlatforms != null) { if (includePlatforms != null) { dictionary.Add("platform", includePlatforms); } if (excludePlatforms != null) { dictionary.Add("noplatform", excludePlatforms); } } if (tags != null) { dictionary.Add("tag", tags); } } ApiModelListContainer <ApiAvatar> apiModelListContainer = new ApiModelListContainer <ApiAvatar>(); apiModelListContainer.OnSuccess = delegate(ApiContainer c) { if (successCallback != null) { successCallback((c as ApiModelListContainer <ApiAvatar>).ResponseModels); } }; apiModelListContainer.OnError = delegate(ApiContainer c) { Logger.Log("Could not fetch avatars with error - " + c.Error); if (errorCallback != null) { errorCallback(c.Error); } }; ApiModelListContainer <ApiAvatar> responseContainer = apiModelListContainer; API.SendRequest(endpoint, HTTPMethods.Get, responseContainer, dictionary, authenticationRequired: true, disableCache, 180f); }