public void CreateSelfSignedCertificate () { var dto = new CertRequestDTO (); CreateCertificateWindowController cwc = new CreateCertificateWindowController (dto); NSApplication.SharedApplication.BeginSheet (cwc.Window, VMCAAppEnvironment.Instance.MainWindow, () => { }); try { nint result = NSApplication.SharedApplication.RunModalForWindow (cwc.Window); if (result == (nint)Constants.DIALOGOK) { using (var request = new VMCARequest (this.ServerDTO.VMCAClient)) { dto.FillRequest (request); var vmcaCert = request.GetSelfSignedCertificate (dto.PrivateKey.ToString (), dto.NotBefore, dto.NotAfter); var cert = vmcaCert.GetX509Certificate2 (); var localCertDTO = new PrivateCertificateDTO { Certificate = Convert.ToBase64String (cert.RawData) }; UIErrorHelper.ShowAlert ("", "Successfully Created A Self Signed Certificate"); this.ServerDTO.PrivateCertificates.Add (localCertDTO); NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.PostNotificationName ("ReloadTableView", this); CertificateService.DisplayX509Certificate2 (this, cert); } } } catch (Exception e) { UIErrorHelper.ShowAlert (e.Message, "Operation could not complete successfully."); } finally { VMCAAppEnvironment.Instance.MainWindow.EndSheet (cwc.Window); cwc.Dispose (); } }
public void CreateSigningRequest () { var dto = new CertRequestDTO (); CreateCertificateWindowController cwc = new CreateCertificateWindowController (dto); NSApplication.SharedApplication.BeginSheet (cwc.Window, VMCAAppEnvironment.Instance.MainWindow, () => { }); try { nint result = NSApplication.SharedApplication.RunModalForWindow (cwc.Window); if (result == (nint)Constants.DIALOGOK) { using (var request = new VMCARequest (this.ServerDTO.VMCAClient)) { dto.FillRequest (request); string csr = request.GetCSR (dto.PrivateKey.ToString ()); this.ServerDTO.SigningRequests.Add (new SigningRequestDTO { CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now, CSR = csr }); GenericTextViewWindowController gwc = new GenericTextViewWindowController (csr); gwc.Window.Title = "CSR Data"; NSApplication.SharedApplication.RunModalForWindow (gwc.Window); NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.PostNotificationName ("ReloadTableView", this); } } } catch (Exception e) { UIErrorHelper.ShowAlert (e.Message, "Operation could not complete successfully."); } finally { VMCAAppEnvironment.Instance.MainWindow.EndSheet (cwc.Window); cwc.Dispose (); } }
// Call to load from the XIB/NIB file public CreateCertificateWindowController (CertRequestDTO dto) : base ("CreateCertificateWindow") { this.dto = dto; }