public void Update_Recipe(Object s, EventArgs e)
        if (Page.IsValid && Authentication.IsUserAuthenticated)
            LyricRepository lyric = new LyricRepository();

            lyric.UID = UserIdentity.UserID;
            lyric.ID = (int)Util.Val(Request.QueryString["id"]);
            lyric.LyricName = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[Name.UniqueID]);
            lyric.CatID = int.Parse(Request.Form[CategoryID.UniqueID]);
            lyric.Ingredients = Request.Form[Ingredients.UniqueID];
            lyric.Instructions = Request.Form[Instructions.UniqueID];
            lyric.Hits = int.Parse(Request.Form[Hits.UniqueID]);

            lyric.UrlMusic = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[UrlMusic.UniqueID]);
            lyric.UrlChacha = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[UrlChacha.UniqueID]);
            lyric.UrlZing = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[UrlZing.UniqueID]);
            lyric.UrlYoutube = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[UrlYoutube.UniqueID]);

            #region Form Input Validator
            //Validate for empty recipe name
            if (lyric.LyricName.Length == 0)
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: lyric Name is empty, please enter a recipe name.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
            //Validate for empty ingredients
            if (lyric.Ingredients.Length == 0)
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Ingredients is empty, please enter an ingredients.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
            //Validate for empty instruction
            //if (lyric.Instructions.Length == 0)
            //    lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Instructions is empty, please enter an instruction.";
            //    lbvalenght.Visible = true;
            //    return;

            //lyric name maximum of 50 char allowed
            if (lyric.LyricName.Length > 50)
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Lyric Name is too long. Max of 50 characters.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
            //Ingredients maximum of 500 char allowed - can be increase to max 1000 characters.
            //if (Lyric.Ingredients.Length > 1500)
            //    lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Ingredients is too long. Max of 1000 characters.";
            //    lbvalenght.Visible = true;
            //    return;
            //Instruction maximum of 750 char allowed - can be increase to max 2000 characters.
            //if (Lyric.Instructions.Length > 2000)
            //    lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Instructions is too long. Max of 2000 characters.";
            //    lbvalenght.Visible = true;
            //    return;

            if (RecipeImageFileUpload.HasFile)
                int FileSize = RecipeImageFileUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength;
                string contentType = RecipeImageFileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType;

                //File type validation
                if (!contentType.Equals("image/gif") &&
                    !contentType.Equals("image/jpeg") &&
                    !contentType.Equals("image/jpg") &&
                    lbvalenght.Text = "<br>File format is invalid. Only gif, jpg, jpeg or png files are allowed.";
                    lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                // File size validation
                if (FileSize > constant.RecipeImageMaxSize)
                    lbvalenght.Text = "<br>File size exceed the maximun allowed 30000 bytes";
                    lbvalenght.Visible = true;

            ImageUploadManager.UploadRecipeImage(lyric, PlaceHolder1, GetLyricImage.ImagePathDetail, constant.RecipeImageMaxSize, true);

            //Refresh cache

            if (lyric.Update(lyric) != 0)
                JSLiteral.Text = Util.JSProcessingErrorAlert;

            lyric = null;

            Response.Redirect("confirmaddeditlyric.aspx?mode=Updated&recipename=" + Request.Form[Name.UniqueID] + "&id=" + int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]));
Exemple #2
    public void Update_Recipe(object sender, EventArgs e)
        LyricRepository lyric = new LyricRepository();

        lyric.UID = int.Parse(Request.Form["Userid"]);
        lyric.ID = (int)Util.Val(Request.QueryString["id"]);
        lyric.LyricName = Request.Form["Name"];
        lyric.Author = Request.Form["Author"];
        lyric.CatID = int.Parse(Request.Form["CategoryID"]);
        lyric.Ingredients = Request.Form["Ingredients"];
        lyric.Instructions = Request.Form["Instructions"];
        lyric.Hits = int.Parse(Request.Form["Hits"]);

        if (RecipeImageFileUpload.HasFile)
            int FileSize = RecipeImageFileUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength;
            string contentType = RecipeImageFileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType;

            //File type validation
            if (!contentType.Equals("image/gif") &&
                !contentType.Equals("image/jpeg") &&
                !contentType.Equals("image/jpg") &&
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>File format is invalid. Only gif, jpg, jpeg or png files are allowed.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
            // File size validation
            if (FileSize > constant.RecipeImageMaxSize)
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>File size exceed the maximun allowed 30000 bytes";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;

        ImageUploadManager.UploadRecipeImage(lyric, PlaceHolder1, GetLyricImage.ImagePath, constant.RecipeImageMaxSize, true);

        if (lyric.Update(lyric) != 0)
            JSLiteral.Text = Util.JSProcessingErrorAlert;

        string strURLRedirect;
        strURLRedirect = "confirmdel.aspx?catname=" + lyric.LyricName + "&mode=update";

        lyric = null;
