protected override async Task ProcessBatch(CollectorHttpClient client, IList<JObject> items, JObject context) { List<Task<IGraph>> tasks = new List<Task<IGraph>>(); foreach (JObject item in items) { if (Utils.IsType(context, item, Constants.Package)) { Uri itemUri = item["url"].ToObject<Uri>(); tasks.Add(client.GetGraphAsync(itemUri)); } } if (tasks.Count > 0) { await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray()); TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); foreach (Task<IGraph> task in tasks) { store.Add(task.Result, true); } await ProcessStore(store); } }
protected override async Task<bool> OnProcessBatch(CollectorHttpClient client, IEnumerable<JToken> items, JToken context, DateTime commitTimeStamp, bool isLastBatch, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { List<Task<IGraph>> tasks = new List<Task<IGraph>>(); foreach (JObject item in items) { if (Utils.IsType((JObject)context, item, _types)) { Uri itemUri = item["@id"].ToObject<Uri>(); tasks.Add(client.GetGraphAsync(itemUri)); } } if (tasks.Count > 0) { await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray()); TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); foreach (Task<IGraph> task in tasks) { store.Add(task.Result, true); } await ProcessStore(store, cancellationToken); } return true; }
public void SparqlBind() { String query = "PREFIX fn: <" + XPathFunctionFactory.XPathFunctionsNamespace + "> SELECT ?triple WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . BIND(fn:concat(STR(?s), ' ', STR(?p), ' ', STR(?o)) AS ?triple) }"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); store.Add(g); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query); Object results = q.Evaluate(store); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Assert.IsTrue(rset.Count > 0, "Expected 1 or more results"); } else { Assert.Fail("Expected a SPARQL Result Set"); } }
public void SparqlBindLazy() { String query = "PREFIX fn: <" + XPathFunctionFactory.XPathFunctionsNamespace + "> SELECT ?triple WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . BIND(fn:concat(STR(?s), ' ', STR(?p), ' ', STR(?o)) AS ?triple) } LIMIT 1"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); store.Add(g); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query); Console.WriteLine(q.ToAlgebra().ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(q.ToAlgebra().ToString().Contains("LazyBgp"), "Should have been optimised to use a Lazy BGP"); Console.WriteLine(); Object results = q.Evaluate(store); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Assert.IsTrue(rset.Count == 1, "Expected exactly 1 results"); Assert.IsTrue(rset.All(r => r.HasValue("triple")), "All Results should have had a value for ?triple"); } else { Assert.Fail("Expected a SPARQL Result Set"); } }
public MetadataSource(Options opts) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(opts.EndpointUri)) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(opts.DefaultGraphUri)) { this._processor = new RemoteQueryProcessor(new SparqlRemoteEndpoint(new Uri(opts.EndpointUri))); } else { this._processor = new RemoteQueryProcessor(new SparqlRemoteEndpoint(new Uri(opts.EndpointUri), opts.DefaultGraphUri)); } } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(opts.SourceFile)) { TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, opts.SourceFile); store.Add(g); this._processor = new LeviathanQueryProcessor(store); } else { throw new Exception("Must specify an endpoint or a file to query"); } }
/// <summary> /// Construictir for MyLoFacebookContextReader /// </summary> /// <param name="gpsl">A GPSLookup instance implementing IGPSlookup</param> public MyLoFacebookContextReader(IGPSlookup gpsl) { _store = new TripleStore(); _g = new Graph(); _g.BaseUri = new Uri(""); _store.Add(_g); gpsLookup = gpsl; }
/// <summary> /// Gets a Graph Reference for the given Graph URI. /// </summary> /// <param name="graphUri">Graph URI.</param> /// <returns></returns> public IGraph this[Uri graphUri] { get { if (_store.HasGraph(graphUri)) { return(_store[graphUri]); } else { Graph g = new Graph(); g.BaseUri = graphUri; _store.Add(g); return(g); } } }
protected static IInMemoryQueryableStore CreateMemoryStore() { string musicOntology = Settings.Default.testStoreLocation; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, musicOntology); store.Add(g); return store; }
private static IInMemoryQueryableStore CreateMemoryStore() { TripleStore result = new TripleStore(); string serialisedLocation = Settings.Default.testStoreLocation; Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, serialisedLocation); result.Add(g); return result; }
public void GraphCollectionBasic1() { TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); store.Add(g); Assert.True(store.HasGraph(g.BaseUri), "Graph Collection should contain the Graph"); Assert.Equal(g, store[g.BaseUri]); }
public void SparqlLazyWithAndWithoutOffset() { String query = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s a ?vehicle . FILTER (SAMETERM(?vehicle, <>)) } LIMIT 3"; String query2 = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s a ?vehicle . FILTER (SAMETERM(?vehicle, <>)) } LIMIT 3 OFFSET 3"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); store.Add(g); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query); SparqlQuery q2 = parser.ParseFromString(query2); Console.WriteLine(q.ToAlgebra().ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(q.ToAlgebra().ToString().Contains("LazyBgp"), "Should have been optimised to use a Lazy BGP"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(q2.ToAlgebra().ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(q2.ToAlgebra().ToString().Contains("LazyBgp"), "Should have been optimised to use a Lazy BGP"); Console.WriteLine(); LeviathanQueryProcessor processor = new LeviathanQueryProcessor(AsDataset(store)); Object results = processor.ProcessQuery(q); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Assert.IsTrue(rset.Count == 3, "Expected exactly 3 results"); Object results2 = processor.ProcessQuery(q2); if (results2 is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset2 = (SparqlResultSet)results2; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset2) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Assert.IsTrue(rset2.Count == 1, "Expected exactly 1 results"); } else { Assert.Fail("Expected a SPARQL Result Set"); } } else { Assert.Fail("Expected a SPARQL Result Set"); } }
public void InitialiseStore(string storeLocation) { TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); //store.AddReasoner(new Euler(new N3Reader(MusicConstants.OntologyURL))); if (File.Exists(storeLocation)) { Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, storeLocation); store.Add(g); } }
public void GraphCollectionBasic2() { TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); g.LoadFromEmbeddedResource("VDS.RDF.Configuration.configuration.ttl"); store.Add(g); Assert.True(store.HasGraph(g.BaseUri), "Graph Collection should contain the Graph"); Assert.Equal(g, store[g.BaseUri]); }
public static void ApplyInference(IGraph graph, IGraph schema) { string inverseOf = @" PREFIX owl: <> CONSTRUCT { ?y ?q ?x } WHERE { ?p owl:inverseOf ?q . ?x ?p ?y . } "; var parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); var rules = new List<SparqlQuery>(); rules.Add(parser.ParseFromString(inverseOf)); var store = new TripleStore(); store.Add(graph, true); store.Add(schema, true); var queryProcessor = new LeviathanQueryProcessor(store); while (true) { int before = store.Triples.Count(); foreach (var rule in rules) { IGraph inferred = (IGraph)queryProcessor.ProcessQuery(rule); //store.Add(inferred); graph.Merge(inferred); } int after = store.Triples.Count(); if (after == before) { break; } } }
static IDictionary<RegistrationEntryKey, RegistrationCatalogEntry> GetResources(IGraph graph) { IDictionary<RegistrationEntryKey, RegistrationCatalogEntry> resources = new Dictionary<RegistrationEntryKey, RegistrationCatalogEntry>(); TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); store.Add(graph); IList<Uri> existingItems = ListExistingItems(store); foreach (Uri existingItem in existingItems) { AddExistingItem(resources, store, existingItem); } return resources; }
public void GraphCollectionDiskDemand2() { //Test that on-demand loading does not kick in for pre-existing graphs TripleStore store = new TripleStore(new DiskDemandGraphCollection()); Graph g = new Graph(); g.LoadFromFile("resources\\InferenceTest.ttl"); g.BaseUri = new Uri("file:///" + Path.GetFullPath("resources\\InferenceTest.ttl")); Graph empty = new Graph(); empty.BaseUri = g.BaseUri; store.Add(empty); Assert.True(store.HasGraph(g.BaseUri), "Graph Collection should contain the Graph"); Assert.NotEqual(g, store[g.BaseUri]); }
public void SparqlFilterLazy3() { long currTimeout = Options.QueryExecutionTimeout; try { Options.QueryExecutionTimeout = 0; String query = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s a ?vehicle . FILTER (SAMETERM(?vehicle, <>)) . ?s <> ?speed } LIMIT 3"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); store.Add(g); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query); q.Timeout = 0; Console.WriteLine(q.ToAlgebra().ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(q.ToAlgebra().ToString().Contains("LazyBgp"), "Should have been optimised to use a Lazy BGP"); Console.WriteLine(); LeviathanQueryProcessor processor = new LeviathanQueryProcessor(AsDataset(store)); Object results = processor.ProcessQuery(q); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Assert.IsTrue(rset.Count == 3, "Expected exactly 3 results"); } else { Assert.Fail("Expected a SPARQL Result Set"); } } finally { Options.QueryExecutionTimeout = currTimeout; } }
private VDS.RDF.TripleStore CreateNewTripleStore(IDictionary <string, string> graphs) { var store = new VDS.RDF.TripleStore(); foreach (var graph in graphs) { var g = new VDS.RDF.Graph(); g.BaseUri = new Uri(graph.Value); var ttlparser = new TurtleParser(); ttlparser.Load(g, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + $"Setup/Graphs/{graph.Key}"); store.Add(g); } ; // TODO: Check if usesGraph is in graphGraph return(store); }
public void GraphCollectionWebDemand2() { //Test that on-demand loading does not kick in for pre-existing graphs TripleStore store = new TripleStore(new WebDemandGraphCollection()); Graph g = new Graph(); Uri u = new Uri(""); g.LoadFromUri(u); g.BaseUri = u; Graph empty = new Graph(); empty.BaseUri = g.BaseUri; store.Add(empty); Assert.True(store.HasGraph(g.BaseUri), "Graph Collection should contain the Graph"); Assert.NotEqual(g, store[g.BaseUri]); }
private IGraph ExecuteDiff(IGraph older, IGraph newer, Uri graphUri = null) { var diff = new GraphDiff().Difference(older, newer); var update = diff.AsUpdate(graphUri); var sparql = update.ToString(); output.WriteLine(sparql); older = older ?? new Graph(); var ts = new TripleStore(); ts.Add(older); var store = new InMemoryManager(ts) as IUpdateableStorage; store.Update(sparql); return(older); }
public void GraphEventBubbling() { try { this._graphAdded = false; this._graphRemoved = false; this._graphChanged = false; //Create Store and Graph add attach handlers to Store TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); store.GraphAdded += this.HandleGraphAdded; store.GraphRemoved += this.HandleGraphRemoved; store.GraphChanged += this.HandleGraphChanged; //Add the Graph to the Store which should fire the GraphAdded event store.Add(g); Assert.IsTrue(this._graphAdded, "GraphAdded event of the Triple Store should have fired"); //Assert a Triple INode s = g.CreateBlankNode(); INode p = g.CreateUriNode("rdf:type"); INode o = g.CreateUriNode("rdfs:Class"); Triple t = new Triple(s, p, o); g.Assert(t); Assert.IsTrue(this._graphChanged, "GraphChanged event of the Triple Store should have fired"); //Retract the Triple this._graphChanged = false; g.Retract(t); Assert.IsTrue(this._graphChanged, "GraphChanged event of the Triple Store should have fired"); //Remove the Graph from the Store which should fire the GraphRemoved event store.Remove(g.BaseUri); Assert.IsTrue(this._graphRemoved, "GraphRemoved event of the Triple Store should have fired"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
public void SparqlBindToExistingVariableLazy() { String query = "PREFIX fn: <" + XPathFunctionFactory.XPathFunctionsNamespace + "> SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . BIND(?s AS ?p) } LIMIT 1"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); store.Add(g); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); try { SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query); Console.WriteLine(q.ToAlgebra().ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(q.ToAlgebra().ToString().Contains("LazyBgp"), "Should have been optimised to use a Lazy BGP"); Console.WriteLine(); store.ExecuteQuery(q); Assert.Fail("Expected a RdfParseException/RdfQueryException to be thrown"); } catch (RdfParseException parseEx) { Console.WriteLine("Parsing Error thrown as expected"); TestTools.ReportError("Parser Error", parseEx); } catch (RdfQueryException queryEx) { Console.WriteLine("Query Error thrown as expected"); TestTools.ReportError("Query Error", queryEx); } catch (Exception ex) { TestTools.ReportError("Unexpected Error", ex); Assert.Fail("Did not get a RdfParseException/RdfQueryException as expected"); } }
public void SparqlFilterLazyDBPedia() { SparqlParameterizedString query = new SparqlParameterizedString(); query.Namespaces.AddNamespace("rdfs", new Uri(NamespaceMapper.RDFS)); query.CommandText = "SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?label . FILTER(ISLITERAL(?label) && LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label), \"en\")) } LIMIT 5"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); UriLoader.Load(g, new Uri("")); store.Add(g); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query); Console.WriteLine(q.ToAlgebra().ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(q.ToAlgebra().ToString().Contains("LazyBgp"), "Should have been optimised to use a Lazy BGP"); Console.WriteLine(); LeviathanQueryProcessor processor = new LeviathanQueryProcessor(AsDataset(store)); Object results = processor.ProcessQuery(q); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Assert.IsTrue(rset.Count == 5, "Expected exactly 5 results"); } else { Assert.Fail("Expected a SPARQL Result Set"); } }
public void SparqlFilterLazy4() { String query = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s a <> ; <> ?speed } LIMIT 3"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); store.Add(g); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query); Console.WriteLine(q.ToAlgebra().ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(q.ToAlgebra().ToString().Contains("LazyBgp"), "Should have been optimised to use a Lazy BGP"); Console.WriteLine(); Object results = q.Evaluate(store); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Assert.IsTrue(rset.Count == 3, "Expected exactly 3 results"); } else { Assert.Fail("Expected a SPARQL Result Set"); } }
public void SparqlFilterLazy2() { String query = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s a ?vehicle . FILTER (SAMETERM(?vehicle, <>)) } LIMIT 3"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); store.Add(g); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query); Console.WriteLine("NOTE: The URI for Car is purposefully wrong in this case so no results should be returned"); Console.WriteLine(q.ToAlgebra().ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(q.ToAlgebra().ToString().Contains("LazyBgp"), "Should have been optimised to use a Lazy BGP"); Console.WriteLine(); Object results = q.Evaluate(store); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Assert.IsTrue(rset.Count == 0, "Expected no results"); } else { Assert.Fail("Expected a SPARQL Result Set"); } }
async Task DeletePackage(Uri resourceUri, string version) { string existingJson = await _storage.Load(resourceUri); if (existingJson != null) { IGraph currentPackageRegistration = Utils.CreateGraph(existingJson); using (TripleStore store = new TripleStore()) { store.Add(currentPackageRegistration, true); SparqlParameterizedString sparql = new SparqlParameterizedString(); sparql.CommandText = Utils.GetResource("sparql.DeletePackage.rq"); sparql.SetLiteral("version", version); IGraph modifiedPackageRegistration = SparqlHelpers.Construct(store, sparql.ToString()); if (CountPackage(modifiedPackageRegistration) == 0) { await _storage.Delete(resourceUri); } else { string content = Utils.CreateJson(modifiedPackageRegistration, _resolverFrame); await _storage.Save("application/json", resourceUri, content); } } } }
public void SparqlJsonResultSet() { Console.WriteLine("Tests that JSON Parser parses language specifiers correctly"); String query = "PREFIX rdfs: <" + NamespaceMapper.RDFS + ">\nSELECT DISTINCT ?comment WHERE {?s rdfs:comment ?comment}"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "json.owl"); store.Add(g); Object results = store.ExecuteQuery(query); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; //Serialize to both XML and JSON Results format SparqlXmlWriter xmlwriter = new SparqlXmlWriter(); xmlwriter.Save(rset, "results.xml"); SparqlJsonWriter jsonwriter = new SparqlJsonWriter(); jsonwriter.Save(rset, "results.json"); //Read both back in SparqlXmlParser xmlparser = new SparqlXmlParser(); SparqlResultSet r1 = new SparqlResultSet(); xmlparser.Load(r1, "results.xml"); Console.WriteLine("Result Set after XML serialization and reparsing contains:"); foreach (SparqlResult r in r1) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); SparqlJsonParser jsonparser = new SparqlJsonParser(); SparqlResultSet r2 = new SparqlResultSet(); jsonparser.Load(r2, "results.json"); Console.WriteLine("Result Set after JSON serialization and reparsing contains:"); foreach (SparqlResult r in r2) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); Assert.AreEqual(r1, r2, "Results Sets should be equal"); Console.WriteLine("Result Sets were equal as expected"); } else { Assert.Fail("Query did not return a Result Set"); } }
int CountPackage(IGraph packageRegistration) { using (TripleStore store = new TripleStore()) { store.Add(packageRegistration, true); SparqlResultSet countResultSet = SparqlHelpers.Select(store, Utils.GetResource("sparql.SelectPackageCount.rq")); foreach (SparqlResult row in countResultSet) { string s = ((ILiteralNode)row["count"]).Value; return int.Parse(s); } } return 0; }
public void SparqlLazyWithAndWithoutOffset() { String query = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s a ?vehicle . FILTER (SAMETERM(?vehicle, <>)) } LIMIT 3"; String query2 = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s a ?vehicle . FILTER (SAMETERM(?vehicle, <>)) } LIMIT 3 OFFSET 3"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); store.Add(g); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query); SparqlQuery q2 = parser.ParseFromString(query2); Console.WriteLine(q.ToAlgebra().ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(q.ToAlgebra().ToString().Contains("LazyBgp"), "Should have been optimised to use a Lazy BGP"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(q2.ToAlgebra().ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(q2.ToAlgebra().ToString().Contains("LazyBgp"), "Should have been optimised to use a Lazy BGP"); Console.WriteLine(); Object results = q.Evaluate(store); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Assert.IsTrue(rset.Count == 3, "Expected exactly 3 results"); Object results2 = q2.Evaluate(store); if (results2 is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset2 = (SparqlResultSet)results2; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset2) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Assert.IsTrue(rset2.Count == 1, "Expected exactly 1 results"); } else { Assert.Fail("Expected a SPARQL Result Set"); } } else { Assert.Fail("Expected a SPARQL Result Set"); } }
// internal LinqTripleStore CreateSparqlTripleStore() { string tasksOntology = Path.Combine(Settings.Default.taskStorePath, Settings.Default.tasksOntologyName); string tasks = Path.Combine(Settings.Default.taskStorePath, Settings.Default.tasksDataName); TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); //store.AddReasoner(new Euler(new N3Reader(tasksOntology))); //store.Import(new N3Reader(tasksOntology)); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, tasks); store.Add(g); g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, tasksOntology); store.Add(g); return new LinqTripleStore(store); }
private void chkWebDemand_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.chkWebDemand.Checked) { if (this._store is WebDemandTripleStore) { //Nothing to do } else { WebDemandTripleStore store = new WebDemandTripleStore(); foreach (IGraph g in this._store.Graphs) { store.Add(g); } this._store = store; } } else { if (this._store is TripleStore) { //Nothing to do } else { TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); foreach (IGraph g in this._store.Graphs) { store.Add(g); } this._store = store; } } }
public override IGraph CreatePageContent(CatalogContext context) { try { IGraph content; using (TripleStore store = new TripleStore()) { store.Add(_catalogItem, true); SparqlParameterizedString sparql = new SparqlParameterizedString(); sparql.CommandText = Utils.GetResource("sparql.ConstructPackagePageContentGraph.rq"); sparql.SetUri("package", GetItemAddress()); sparql.SetUri("catalogPackage", _catalogUri); sparql.SetUri("baseAddress", BaseAddress); sparql.SetUri("packageContent", GetPackageContentAddress()); sparql.SetUri("registrationBaseAddress", _registrationBaseAddress); content = SparqlHelpers.Construct(store, sparql.ToString()); } return content; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Exception processing catalog item {0}", _catalogUri), e); } }
public void SparqlFilterLazyDBPedia() { SparqlParameterizedString query = new SparqlParameterizedString(); query.Namespaces.AddNamespace("rdfs", new Uri(NamespaceMapper.RDFS)); query.QueryText = "SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?label . FILTER(ISLITERAL(?label) && LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label), \"en\")) } LIMIT 5"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); UriLoader.Load(g, new Uri("")); store.Add(g); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query); Console.WriteLine(q.ToAlgebra().ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(q.ToAlgebra().ToString().Contains("LazyBgp"), "Should have been optimised to use a Lazy BGP"); Console.WriteLine(); Object results = q.Evaluate(store); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Assert.IsTrue(rset.Count == 5, "Expected exactly 5 results"); } else { Assert.Fail("Expected a SPARQL Result Set"); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter("InferenceTest.txt"); try { //Set Output Console.SetOut(output); Console.WriteLine("## Inference Test Suite"); //Load the Test RDF TurtleParser ttlparser = new TurtleParser(); Graph g = new Graph(); //ttlparser.TraceParsing = true; ttlparser.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); Console.WriteLine("Inference Test Data Loaded OK"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Graph contains the following Triples:"); foreach (Triple t in g.Triples) { Console.WriteLine(t.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); //Select everything that is exactly a Car Console.WriteLine("# Selecting things whose class is exactly Car"); ExactClassSelector carsel = new ExactClassSelector(g, g.CreateUriNode("eg:Car")); Test(g, carsel); Console.WriteLine(); //Select everything that is any sort of Car Console.WriteLine("# Selecting things whose class is Car or a subclass thereof"); ClassSelector allcarsel = new ClassSelector(g, g.CreateUriNode("eg:Car")); Test(g, allcarsel); Console.WriteLine(); //Select everything that is a SportsCar or superclass thereof Console.WriteLine("# Selecting things whose class is SportsCar or superclass thereof"); Console.WriteLine("# Thus things which are Cars are selected but not PeopleCarriers since they are a sibling class and not a superclass"); WideningClassSelector wcarsel = new WideningClassSelector(g, g.CreateUriNode("eg:SportsCar")); Test(g, wcarsel); Console.WriteLine(); //Select everything that is exactly a Jumbo Jet Console.WriteLine("# Selecting things whose class is exactly JumboJet"); ExactClassSelector jjsel = new ExactClassSelector(g, g.CreateUriNode("eg:JumboJet")); Test(g, jjsel); Console.WriteLine(); //Select everything that is an Air Vehicle Console.WriteLine("# Selecting things which are Air Vehicles"); ClassSelector avsel = new ClassSelector(g, g.CreateUriNode("eg:AirVehicle")); Test(g, avsel); Console.WriteLine(); //Select everything that has a defined Speed Console.WriteLine("# Selecting things which have exactly Speed defined"); HasExactPropertySelector spsel = new HasExactPropertySelector(g.CreateUriNode("eg:Speed")); Test(g, spsel); Console.WriteLine(); //Select things with a limited Speed Console.WriteLine("# Selecting things which have a Limited Speed defined"); HasExactPropertySelector lspsel = new HasExactPropertySelector(g.CreateUriNode("eg:LimitedSpeed")); Test(g, lspsel); Console.WriteLine(); //Select things with any kinds of Speed Console.WriteLine("# Selecting things which have any kinds of Speed defined"); HasPropertySelector allspsel = new HasPropertySelector(g, g.CreateUriNode("eg:Speed")); Test(g, allspsel); Console.WriteLine(); //Now stick the Graph in a Triple Store with a Reasoner attached Console.WriteLine("# Using a Triple Store with an RDFS Reasoner attached"); TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); store.AddInferenceEngine(new RdfsReasoner()); g.BaseUri = new Uri(""); //Add a couple of additional Triples, their types must be inferred g.Assert(new Triple(g.CreateUriNode("eg:AudiA8"), g.CreateUriNode("eg:Speed"), (180).ToLiteral(g))); g.Assert(new Triple(g.CreateUriNode("eg:SpaceShuttle"), g.CreateUriNode("eg:AirSpeed"), (17500).ToLiteral(g))); //Add the Graph to the store, this is when inference occurs store.Add(g); Console.WriteLine("Triple Store contains the following Triples"); foreach (Triple t in store.Triples) { Console.WriteLine(t.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); //Select things which are a Car Console.WriteLine("# Selecting things which are a Car (or subclass thereof)"); HasPropertyValueSelector carsel2 = new HasPropertyValueSelector(g.CreateUriNode("rdf:type"), g.CreateUriNode("eg:Car")); Test(store, carsel2); Console.WriteLine(); //Select things which are Air Vehicles Console.WriteLine("# Selecting things which are Air Vehicles"); HasPropertyValueSelector avsel2 = new HasPropertyValueSelector(g.CreateUriNode("rdf:type"), g.CreateUriNode("eg:AirVehicle")); Test(store, avsel2); Console.WriteLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } output.Close(); }
public void SparqlBindToExistingVariableNested() { String query = "PREFIX fn: <" + XPathFunctionFactory.XPathFunctionsNamespace + "> SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o .{ BIND(?s AS ?p)} }"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); store.Add(g); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); try { SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query); store.ExecuteQuery(q); Assert.Fail("Expected a RdfQueryException to be thrown"); } catch (RdfQueryException) { Console.WriteLine("Error thrown as expected"); } catch { Assert.Fail("Expected a RdfQueryException"); } }
public void SparqlOrderByComplexLazyPerformance() { String query = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . } ORDER BY ?s DESC(?p) LIMIT 5"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "dataset_50.ttl.gz"); store.Add(g); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); //First do with Optimisation Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query); Console.WriteLine(q.ToAlgebra().ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(q.ToAlgebra().ToString().Contains("LazyBgp"), "Should have been optimised to use a Lazy BGP"); Console.WriteLine(); timer.Start(); LeviathanQueryProcessor processor = new LeviathanQueryProcessor(AsDataset(store)); Object results = processor.ProcessQuery(q); timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Took " + timer.Elapsed + " to execute when Optimised"); timer.Reset(); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Assert.IsTrue(rset.Count == 5, "Expected exactly 5 results"); } else { Assert.Fail("Expected a SPARQL Result Set"); } //Then do without optimisation Options.AlgebraOptimisation = false; timer.Start(); results = processor.ProcessQuery(q); timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Took " + timer.Elapsed + " to execute when Unoptimised"); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Assert.IsTrue(rset.Count == 5, "Expected exactly 5 results"); } else { Assert.Fail("Expected a SPARQL Result Set"); } Options.AlgebraOptimisation = true; }
public void SparqlLetIn11Standard() { String query = "PREFIX fn: <" + XPathFunctionFactory.XPathFunctionsNamespace + "> SELECT ?triple WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . LET (?triple := fn:concat(STR(?s), ' ', STR(?p), ' ', STR(?o))) }"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); store.Add(g); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(SparqlQuerySyntax.Sparql_1_1); try { SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query); Assert.Fail("Expected a RdfParseException to be thrown"); } catch (RdfParseException) { Console.WriteLine("Error thrown as expected"); } catch { Assert.Fail("Expected a RdfParseException"); } }
static void AddExistingItems(IGraph graph, IDictionary<string, IGraph> items) { TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); store.Add(graph, true); string inlinePackageSparql = Utils.GetResource("sparql.SelectInlinePackage.rq"); SparqlResultSet rows = SparqlHelpers.Select(store, inlinePackageSparql); foreach (SparqlResult row in rows) { string packageUri = ((IUriNode)row["catalogPackage"]).Uri.AbsoluteUri; string jsonFileName = packageUri.Substring(packageUri.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); //If items already has that version, then skip it //Add only the new ones if (!existingVersionsWithID.Contains(jsonFileName)) { items[packageUri] = graph; } } }
public void RunTest(String[] args) { if (args.Length < 2) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: 2 Arguments are required in order to use the -test mode"); return; } if (!File.Exists(args[1])) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: Cannot test " + args[1] + " since the file does not exist"); return; } Graph g = new Graph(); try { FileLoader.Load(g, args[1]); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: Cannot parse the configuration file"); Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: " + ex.Message); return; } Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Opened the configuration file successfully"); Graph vocab = new Graph(); try { TurtleParser ttlparser = new TurtleParser(); ttlparser.Load(vocab, new StreamReader(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(IGraph)).GetManifestResourceStream("VDS.RDF.Configuration.configuration.ttl"))); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: Cannot parse the configuration vocabulary"); Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: " + ex.Message); return; } Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Loaded the configuration vocabulary successfully"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Tests Started..."); Console.WriteLine(); //Now make some tests against it int warnings = 0, errors = 0; IInMemoryQueryableStore store = new TripleStore(); store.Add(vocab); if (g.BaseUri == null) g.BaseUri = new Uri("dotnetrdf:config"); store.Add(g); Object results; SparqlResultSet rset; //Unknown vocabulary term test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing for URIs in the vocabulary namespace which are unknown"); results = store.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + UnknownVocabularyTermsTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The configuration file uses the URI '" + r["term"] + "' for a property/type and this does not appear to be a valid term in the Configuration vocabulary"); errors++; } } Console.WriteLine(); #region General dnr:type Tests //Missing dnr:type test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing for missing dnr:type properties"); results = g.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + MissingConfigurationTypeTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Warning: The Node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has an rdf:type but no dnr:type which may be needed by the Configuration Loader"); warnings++; } } Console.WriteLine(); //Invalid dnr:type test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing that values given for dnr:type property are literals"); results = g.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + InvalidTypePropertyTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has a dnr:type of '" + r["type"].ToString() + "' which is not given as a string literal"); errors++; } } Console.WriteLine(); //Multiple dnr:type test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing that no object has multiple dnr:type values"); results = g.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + MultipleTypeTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has multiple dnr:type values which is not valid"); errors++; } } Console.WriteLine(); //Unknown Library Types test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing that values given for dnr:type property in the VDS.RDF namespace are valid"); results = g.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + LibraryTypesTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; Assembly dotnetrdf = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(IGraph)); foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Type t = dotnetrdf.GetType(((ILiteralNode)r["type"]).Value); if (t == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has a dnr:type of '" + r["type"].ToString() + "' which does not appear to be a valid type in dotNetRDF"); errors++; } } } Console.WriteLine(); #endregion #region dnr:HttpHandler Tests including specific dnr:type Tests //Bad Handler URI test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing for bad URIs given the rdf:type of dnr:HttpHandler"); results = g.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + BadHandlerUriTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The Handler node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' is not a URI of the form <dotnetrdf:/path> which is required for correct detection of handler configuration"); errors++; } } Console.WriteLine(); //Missing Handler type test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing for missing dnr:type for dnr:HttpHandler objects"); results = g.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + MissingHandlerTypeTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The Handler node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has an rdf:type but no dnr:type which is requiring for automated deployment via this tool"); errors++; } } Console.WriteLine(); //Invalid Handler Type test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing that values given for dnr:type for dnr:HttpHandler objects in the VDS.RDF namespace are valid IHttpHandlers"); results = g.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + InvalidHandlerTypeTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; Assembly dotnetrdf = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(IGraph)); foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Type t = dotnetrdf.GetType(((ILiteralNode)r["type"]).Value); if (t != null) { if (!t.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i.Equals(typeof(System.Web.IHttpHandler)))) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has a dnr:type of '" + r["type"].ToString() + "' which does not appear to be a valid IHttpHandler implementation in dotNetRDF"); errors++; } } } } Console.WriteLine(); #endregion #region Property Tests //Range test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing for bad ranges for properties"); results = store.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + InvalidRangeTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { SparqlParameterizedString hasValidRange = new SparqlParameterizedString(); hasValidRange.QueryText = RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + ValidRangeTest; hasValidRange.SetParameter("property", r["property"]); hasValidRange.SetParameter("s", r["s"]); Object temp = store.ExecuteQuery(hasValidRange.ToString()); if (temp is SparqlResultSet) { if (!((SparqlResultSet)temp).Result) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The Node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has a value for the property '" + r["property"].ToString() + "' which is '" + r["obj"].ToString() + "' which does not appear to be valid for the range of this property which is '" + r["range"].ToString() + "'"); errors++; } } } } Console.WriteLine(); //Domain test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing for bad domains for properties"); results = store.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + InvalidDomainTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { SparqlParameterizedString hasValidDomain = new SparqlParameterizedString(); hasValidDomain.QueryText = RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + ValidDomainTest; hasValidDomain.SetParameter("property", r["property"]); hasValidDomain.SetParameter("s", r["s"]); Object temp = store.ExecuteQuery(hasValidDomain.ToString()); if (temp is SparqlResultSet) { if (!((SparqlResultSet)temp).Result) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The Node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has a value for the property '" + r["property"].ToString() + "' and the type given is '" + r["type"].ToString() + "' which does not match the domain of this property which is '" + r["domain"].ToString() + "'"); errors++; } } } } Console.WriteLine(); #endregion #region Clear Text Password Tests Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing for clear text passwords used with dnr:password property"); results = store.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + ClearTextPasswordTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { foreach (SparqlResult r in (SparqlResultSet)results) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Warning: The Node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has a value for the dnr:password property specified as a Literal in clear text. It is recommended that you specify any passwords as AppSetting URIs e.g. <appsetting:MyPassword> and then create an AppSetting in the <appSettings> section of your Web.config file to store your password. The Web.config file can then have the <appSettings> section encrypted to help protect your password"); warnings++; } } Console.WriteLine(); #endregion //Show Test Results Console.WriteLine("rdfWedDeploy: Tests Completed - " + warnings + " Warning(s) - " + errors + " Error(s)"); }
public void SparqlOrderByComplexLazy() { String query = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . } ORDER BY ?s DESC(?p) LIMIT 5"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); store.Add(g); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query); Console.WriteLine(q.ToAlgebra().ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(q.ToAlgebra().ToString().Contains("LazyBgp"), "Should have been optimised to use a Lazy BGP"); Console.WriteLine(); Object results = q.Evaluate(store); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Assert.IsTrue(rset.Count == 5, "Expected exactly 5 results"); } else { Assert.Fail("Expected a SPARQL Result Set"); } }
public void SparqlOrderByComplexLazyPerformance() { String query = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . } ORDER BY ?s DESC(?p) LIMIT 5"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "dataset_50.ttl"); store.Add(g); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); //First do with Optimisation Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query); Console.WriteLine(q.ToAlgebra().ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(q.ToAlgebra().ToString().Contains("LazyBgp"), "Should have been optimised to use a Lazy BGP"); Console.WriteLine(); timer.Start(); Object results = q.Evaluate(store); timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Took " + timer.Elapsed + " to execute when Optimised"); timer.Reset(); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Assert.IsTrue(rset.Count == 5, "Expected exactly 5 results"); } else { Assert.Fail("Expected a SPARQL Result Set"); } //Then do without optimisation Options.AlgebraOptimisation = false; timer.Start(); results = q.Evaluate(store); timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Took " + timer.Elapsed + " to execute when Unoptimised"); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString()); } Assert.IsTrue(rset.Count == 5, "Expected exactly 5 results"); } else { Assert.Fail("Expected a SPARQL Result Set"); } Options.AlgebraOptimisation = true; }
public void SparqlBindToExistingVariableLazy() { String query = "PREFIX fn: <" + XPathFunctionFactory.XPathFunctionsNamespace + "> SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . BIND(?s AS ?p) } LIMIT 1"; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); store.Add(g); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); try { SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query); Console.WriteLine(q.ToAlgebra().ToString()); Assert.IsTrue(q.ToAlgebra().ToString().Contains("LazyBgp"), "Should have been optimised to use a Lazy BGP"); Console.WriteLine(); store.ExecuteQuery(q); Assert.Fail("Expected a RdfParseException/RdfQueryException to be thrown"); } catch (RdfParseException parseEx) { Console.WriteLine("Parsing Error thrown as expected"); TestTools.ReportError("Parser Error", parseEx, false); } catch (RdfQueryException queryEx) { Console.WriteLine("Query Error thrown as expected"); TestTools.ReportError("Query Error", queryEx, false); } catch (Exception ex) { TestTools.ReportError("Unexpected Error", ex, false); Assert.Fail("Did not get a RdfParseException/RdfQueryException as expected"); } }
private IEnumerable<EntityQuad> GetQuads(string fileName, bool useNQuads = true) { var store = new TripleStore(); if (useNQuads) { new NQuadsParser().Load(store, fileName); } else { IGraph graph = new Graph(); new Notation3Parser().Load(graph, fileName); store.Add(graph); } IDictionary<string, string> bnodes = CreateGraphMap(store, fileName, useNQuads); return from triple in store.Triples let graphNode = (triple.Graph == null) || (triple.Graph.BaseUri == null) ? null : (Regex.IsMatch(triple.Graph.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri, "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+://") ? Node.ForUri(triple.Graph.BaseUri) : Node.ForBlank(bnodes[triple.Graph.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri], null, null)) let entityId = (triple.Subject is IUriNode ? new EntityId(((IUriNode)triple.Subject).Uri) : new BlankId(((IBlankNode)triple.Subject).InternalID)) select new EntityQuad( entityId, WrapNode(triple.Subject), WrapNode(triple.Predicate), WrapNode(triple.Object), graphNode); }