public static void Main(string[] args) { StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter("ConfigurationLoaderTests.txt"); Console.SetOut(output); Console.WriteLine("## Configuration Loader Tests"); Console.WriteLine(); try { Console.WriteLine("Attempting to load our sample configuration graph"); Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "sample-config.ttl"); Console.WriteLine("Sample graph loaded OK"); Console.WriteLine(); //Test AppSettings resolution Console.WriteLine("# Testing <appSetting:Key> URI resolution"); //Get the Actual Values String actualStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TestString"]; bool actualTrue = Boolean.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TestTrue"]); bool actualFalse = Boolean.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TestFalse"]); int actualInt = Int32.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TestInt32"]); Console.WriteLine("Actual String: " + actualStr); Console.WriteLine("Actual True: " + actualTrue); Console.WriteLine("Actual False: " + actualFalse); Console.WriteLine("Actual Int: " + actualInt); //Now load the resolved values IUriNode objNode = g.GetUriNode(new Uri("dotnetrdf:test")); String resolvedStr = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationString(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, "dnr:stylesheet")); String resolvedStr2 = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationValue(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, "dnr:stylesheet")); bool resolvedTrue = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationBoolean(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, "dnr:cacheSliding"), false); bool resolvedFalse = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationBoolean(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, "dnr:showErrors"), true); int resolvedInt = ConfigurationLoader.GetConfigurationInt32(g, objNode, ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, "dnr:cacheDuration"), -1); Console.WriteLine("Resolved String: " + resolvedStr); Console.WriteLine("Resolved True: " + resolvedTrue); Console.WriteLine("Resolved False: " + resolvedFalse); Console.WriteLine("Resolved Int: " + resolvedInt); if (actualStr != resolvedStr) Console.WriteLine("AppSetting resolution failed"); if (actualStr != resolvedStr2) Console.WriteLine("AppSetting resolution failed"); if (resolvedStr != resolvedStr2) Console.WriteLine("AppSetting resolution failed"); if (!resolvedTrue) Console.WriteLine("AppSetting resolution failed"); if (actualTrue != resolvedTrue) Console.WriteLine("AppSetting resolution failed"); if (resolvedFalse) Console.WriteLine("AppSetting resolution failed"); if (actualFalse != resolvedFalse) Console.WriteLine("AppSetting resolution failed"); if (actualInt != resolvedInt) Console.WriteLine("AppSetting resolution failed"); //Attempt to load our MicrosoftSqlStoreManager from the Graph Console.WriteLine("# Attempting to load an object based on the Configuration Graph"); INode testObj = g.GetUriNode(new Uri("dotnetrdf:sparqlDB")); if (testObj == null) throw new RdfException("Couldn't find the expected Test Object Node in the Graph"); Object loaded = ConfigurationLoader.LoadObject(g, testObj); Console.WriteLine("Loaded an object, now need to check if it's of the type we expected..."); if (loaded is ISqlIOManager) { Console.WriteLine("It's an ISqlIOManager, is it for Microsoft SQL Server..."); if (loaded is MicrosoftSqlStoreManager) { Console.WriteLine("Success - Object loaded to correct type OK"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failure - Object loaded as " + loaded.GetType().ToString()); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Failure - Object loaded as " + loaded.GetType().ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); //Attempt to load it as a type for which there aren't any loaders defined ConfigurationLoader.ClearCache(); Console.WriteLine("# Attempting to load the same object as a type for which there is no loader"); try { loaded = ConfigurationLoader.LoadObject(g, testObj, typeof(Triple)); Console.WriteLine("Failure - Loaded even though a bad type was provided"); } catch (DotNetRdfConfigurationException configEx) { Console.WriteLine("Success - Produced an error since there was no loader for the type provided:"); Console.WriteLine(configEx.Message); } Console.WriteLine(); ConfigurationLoader.ClearCache(); //Attempt to load a Graph from the Configuration Console.WriteLine("# Attempting to load a Graph which is defined in our configuration"); testObj = g.GetBlankNode("a"); ConfigurationLoaderTests.LoadGraphTest(g, testObj); Console.WriteLine("# Attempting to load another Graph which is defined in our configuration"); testObj = g.GetBlankNode("b"); ConfigurationLoaderTests.LoadGraphTest(g, testObj); Console.WriteLine("# Attempting to load another Graph whose contents are defined to be those of the first Graph"); testObj = g.GetBlankNode("c"); ConfigurationLoaderTests.LoadGraphTest(g, testObj); Console.WriteLine("# Attempting to load another Graph which makes an indirect circular reference to itself and thus an error should occur"); testObj = g.GetBlankNode("d"); try { ConfigurationLoaderTests.LoadGraphTest(g, testObj); Console.WriteLine("ERROR - Expected error did not occur"); } catch (DotNetRdfConfigurationException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error occurred as expected: " + ex.Message); } Console.WriteLine("# Attempting to load a Graph which has a reasoner applied to it"); testObj = g.GetBlankNode("f"); ConfigurationLoaderTests.LoadGraphTest(g, testObj); Console.WriteLine("# Attempting to load a Graph which has an OWL reasoner applied to it"); testObj = g.GetBlankNode("g"); try { ConfigurationLoaderTests.LoadGraphTest(g, testObj); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + ex.Message); while (ex.InnerException != null) { Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.Message); ex = ex.InnerException; } } //Attempt to load a Triple Store from Configuration Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("# Attempting to load a Triple Store from the Configuration"); testObj = g.GetBlankNode("store1"); ConfigurationLoaderTests.LoadStoreTest(g, testObj); Stopwatch t = new Stopwatch(); t.Start(); Console.WriteLine("# Attempting to load a SQL Triple Store from the Configuration"); testObj = g.GetBlankNode("store2"); ConfigurationLoaderTests.LoadStoreTest(g, testObj); t.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Took " + t.Elapsed + " time to load"); t.Reset(); if (ConfigurationLoader.IsCached(g, testObj)) { Console.WriteLine("Cached as expected, subsequent loads should be effectively instantaneous"); t.Start(); ConfigurationLoaderTests.LoadStoreTest(g, testObj); t.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Took " + t.Elapsed + " time to load"); } Console.WriteLine("# Attempting to load a Native Triple Store form the Configuration"); testObj = g.GetBlankNode("store3"); ConfigurationLoaderTests.LoadStoreTest(g, testObj); //Attempt to load a SPARQL Endpoint which has a proxy server attached Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("# Attempting to load a SPARQL Endpoint with user and Proxy Credentials"); testObj = g.GetBlankNode("proxyTest"); Object ep = ConfigurationLoader.LoadObject(g, testObj); if (ep is SparqlRemoteEndpoint) { SparqlRemoteEndpoint endpoint = (SparqlRemoteEndpoint)ep; Console.WriteLine("Loaded OK"); Console.WriteLine("URI: " + endpoint.Uri.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Username: "******"Password: "******"Use above Credentials for Proxy? " + endpoint.UseCredentialsForProxy.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Proxy URI: " + endpoint.Proxy.Address); Console.WriteLine("Proxy User: "******"Proxy Password: "******"Configuration Error", configEx); } catch (RdfParseException parseEx) { reportError(output, "Parser Error", parseEx); } catch (RdfException rdfEx) { reportError(output, "RDF Error", rdfEx); } catch (Exception ex) { reportError(output, "Other Error", ex); } output.Close(); }
private void CompareResultGraphs(string results, string expectedResultsPath, bool reduced) { var expectedResultGraph = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(expectedResultGraph, expectedResultsPath); var resultSet = expectedResultGraph.GetUriNode(new Uri("")); if (resultSet != null) { var rdfParser = new SparqlRdfParser(); var xmlParser = new SparqlXmlParser(); var actualResultSet = new SparqlResultSet(); var expectedResultSet = new SparqlResultSet(); using (var tr = new StringReader(results)) { xmlParser.Load(actualResultSet, tr); } rdfParser.Load(expectedResultSet, expectedResultsPath); var bnodeMap = new Dictionary<string, string>(); CompareSparqlResults(actualResultSet, expectedResultSet, reduced, bnodeMap); } else { // This is a constructed graph var actualGraph = new Graph(); actualGraph.LoadFromString(results); CompareTripleCollections(actualGraph.Triples, expectedResultGraph.Triples, reduced); } }
private void CompareResultGraphs(string results, string expectedResultsPath, bool reduced) { var expectedResultGraph = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(expectedResultGraph, expectedResultsPath); var resultSet = expectedResultGraph.GetUriNode(new Uri("")); if (resultSet != null) { var rdfParser = new SparqlRdfParser(); var xmlParser = new SparqlXmlParser(); var actualResultSet = new SparqlResultSet(); var expectedResultSet = new SparqlResultSet(); using (var tr = new StringReader(results)) { xmlParser.Load(actualResultSet, tr); } rdfParser.Load(expectedResultSet, expectedResultsPath); var bnodeMap = new Dictionary<string, string>(); CompareSparqlResults(actualResultSet, expectedResultSet, reduced, bnodeMap); } else { // This is a constructed graph var actualGraph = new Graph(); actualGraph.LoadFromString(results); var toReplace = actualGraph.Triples.Where( t => IsGenid(t.Subject) || IsGenid(t.Predicate) || IsGenid(t.Object)).ToList(); foreach (var t in toReplace) { var mapped = MapGenidToBlank(t); actualGraph.Retract(t); actualGraph.Assert(mapped); } CompareTripleCollections(actualGraph.Triples, expectedResultGraph.Triples, reduced); } }