public void SparqlBgpEvaluation()
            //Prepare the Store
            TripleStore store = new TripleStore();
            Graph g = new Graph();
            FileLoader.Load(g, "Turtle.ttl");

            SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser();
            SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(@"PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o . ?s rdfs:label ?label}");
            Object testResult = store.ExecuteQuery(q);

            ISparqlAlgebra testAlgebra = q.ToAlgebra();

            if (testResult is SparqlResultSet)
                SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)testResult;
                Console.WriteLine(rset.Count + " Results");
                foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) 

            //Create some Triple Patterns
            TriplePattern t1 = new TriplePattern(new VariablePattern("?s"), new VariablePattern("?p"), new VariablePattern("?o"));
            TriplePattern t2 = new TriplePattern(new VariablePattern("?s"), new NodeMatchPattern(g.CreateUriNode("rdfs:label")), new VariablePattern("?label"));
            TriplePattern t3 = new TriplePattern(new VariablePattern("?x"), new VariablePattern("?y"), new VariablePattern("?z"));
            TriplePattern t4 = new TriplePattern(new VariablePattern("?s"), new NodeMatchPattern(g.CreateUriNode(":name")), new VariablePattern("?name"));

            //Build some BGPs
            Bgp selectNothing = new Bgp();
            Bgp selectAll = new Bgp(t1);
            Bgp selectLabelled = new Bgp(new List<ITriplePattern>() { t1, t2 });
            Bgp selectAllDisjoint = new Bgp(new List<ITriplePattern>() { t1, t3 });
            Bgp selectLabels = new Bgp(t2);
            Bgp selectNames = new Bgp(t4);
            //LeftJoin selectOptionalNamed = new LeftJoin(selectAll, new Optional(selectNames));
            LeftJoin selectOptionalNamed = new LeftJoin(selectAll, selectNames);
            Union selectAllUnion = new Union(selectAll, selectAll);
            Union selectAllUnion2 = new Union(selectAllUnion, selectAll);
            Filter selectAllUriObjects = new Filter(selectAll, new UnaryExpressionFilter(new IsUriFunction(new VariableExpressionTerm("o"))));

            //Test out the BGPs
            //this.ShowMultiset(selectNothing.Evaluate(new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, store)));

            //Console.WriteLine("{?s ?p ?o}");
            //this.ShowMultiset(selectAll.Evaluate(new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, store)));

            //Console.WriteLine("{?s ?p ?o . ?s rdfs:label ?label}");
            //SparqlEvaluationContext context = new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, store);
            //SparqlResultSet lvnResult = new SparqlResultSet(context);

            //Console.WriteLine("{?s ?p ?o . ?x ?y ?z}");
            //this.ShowMultiset(selectAllDisjoint.Evaluate(new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, store)));

            //Console.WriteLine("{?s ?p ?o . OPTIONAL {?s :name ?name}}");
            //this.ShowMultiset(selectOptionalNamed.Evaluate(new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, store)));

            Console.WriteLine("{{?s ?p ?o} UNION {?s ?p ?o}}");
            this.ShowMultiset(selectAllUnion.Evaluate(new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, new InMemoryDataset(store))));

            Console.WriteLine("{{?s ?p ?o} UNION {?s ?p ?o} UNION {?s ?p ?o}}");
            this.ShowMultiset(selectAllUnion2.Evaluate(new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, new InMemoryDataset(store))));

            Console.WriteLine("{?s ?p ?o FILTER (ISURI(?o))}");
            this.ShowMultiset(selectAllUriObjects.Evaluate(new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, new InMemoryDataset(store))));
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts a Path into its Algebra Form
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">Path Transformation Context</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override ISparqlAlgebra ToAlgebra(PathTransformContext context)
     ISparqlAlgebra complex = null;
     int i = this._n;
     while (i <= this._m)
         PathTransformContext tempContext = new PathTransformContext(context);
         tempContext.AddTriplePattern(new PropertyPathPattern(context.Subject, new FixedCardinality(this._path, i), context.Object));
         if (complex == null)
             complex = tempContext.ToAlgebra();
             complex = new Union(complex, tempContext.ToAlgebra());
     return complex;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Algebra representation of the Graph Pattern
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ISparqlAlgebra ToAlgebra()
            if (this._isUnion)
                //If this Graph Pattern represents a UNION of Graph Patterns turn into a series of UNIONs
                ISparqlAlgebra union = new Union(this._graphPatterns[0].ToAlgebra(), this._graphPatterns[1].ToAlgebra());
                if (this._graphPatterns.Count > 2)
                    for (int i = 2; i < this._graphPatterns.Count; i++)
                        union = new Union(union, this._graphPatterns[i].ToAlgebra());
                //If there's a FILTER apply it over the Union
                if (this._isFiltered && (this._filter != null || this._unplacedFilters.Count > 0))
                    return new Filter(union, this.Filter);
                    return union;
            else if (this._graphPatterns.Count == 0)
                //If there are no Child Graph Patterns then this is a BGP
                ISparqlAlgebra bgp = new Bgp(this._triplePatterns);
                if (this._unplacedAssignments.Count > 0)
                    //If we have any unplaced LETs these get Joined onto the BGP
                    bgp = Join.CreateJoin(bgp, new Bgp(this._unplacedAssignments));
                if (this._isFiltered && (this._filter != null || this._unplacedFilters.Count > 0))
                    if (this._isOptional && !(this._isExists || this._isNotExists))
                        //If we contain an unplaced FILTER and we're an OPTIONAL then the FILTER
                        //applies over the LEFT JOIN and will have been added elsewhere in the Algebra transform
                        return bgp;
                        ISparqlAlgebra complex = bgp;

                        //If we contain an unplaced FILTER and we're not an OPTIONAL the FILTER
                        //applies here
                        return new Filter(bgp, this.Filter);
                    //We're not filtered (or all FILTERs were placed in the BGP) so we're just a BGP
                    return bgp;
                //Create a basic BGP to start with
                ISparqlAlgebra complex = new Bgp();
                if (this._triplePatterns.Count > 0)
                    complex = new Bgp(this._triplePatterns);

                //Then Join each of the Graph Patterns as appropriate
                foreach (GraphPattern gp in this._graphPatterns)
                    if (gp.IsGraph)
                        //A GRAPH clause means a Join of the current pattern to a Graph clause
                        complex = Join.CreateJoin(complex, new Algebra.Graph(gp.ToAlgebra(), gp.GraphSpecifier));
                    else if (gp.IsOptional)
                        if (gp.IsExists || gp.IsNotExists)
                            //An EXISTS/NOT EXISTS means an Exists Join of the current pattern to the EXISTS/NOT EXISTS clause
                            complex = new ExistsJoin(complex, gp.ToAlgebra(), gp.IsExists);
                            //An OPTIONAL means a Left Join of the current pattern to the OPTIONAL clause
                            //with a possible FILTER applied over the LeftJoin
                            if (gp.IsFiltered && gp.Filter != null)
                                //If the OPTIONAL clause has an unplaced FILTER it applies over the Left Join
                                complex = new LeftJoin(complex, gp.ToAlgebra(), gp.Filter);
                                complex = new LeftJoin(complex, gp.ToAlgebra());
                    else if (gp.IsMinus)
                        //Always introduce a Minus here even if the Minus is disjoint since during evaluation we'll choose
                        //not to execute it if it's disjoint
                        complex = new Minus(complex, gp.ToAlgebra());
                    else if (gp.IsService)
                        complex = Join.CreateJoin(complex, new Service(gp.GraphSpecifier, gp, gp.IsSilent));
                        //Otherwise we just join the pattern to the existing pattern
                        complex = Join.CreateJoin(complex, gp.ToAlgebra());
                if (this._unplacedAssignments.Count > 0)
                    //Unplaced assignments get Joined as a BGP here
                    complex = Join.CreateJoin(complex, new Bgp(this._unplacedAssignments));
                if (this._isFiltered && (this._filter != null || this._unplacedFilters.Count > 0))
                    if (this._isOptional && !(this._isExists || this._isNotExists))
                        //If there's an unplaced FILTER and we're an OPTIONAL then the FILTER will
                        //apply over the LeftJoin and is applied elsewhere in the Algebra transform
                        return complex;
                        if (this._filter != null || this._unplacedFilters.Count > 0)
                            //If there's an unplaced FILTER and we're not an OPTIONAL pattern we apply
                            //the FILTER here
                            return new Filter(complex, this.Filter);
                            return complex;
                    //If no FILTER just return the transform
                    return complex;