public static Hashtable GetImportedDate(IList<VDMS.I.Entity.ShippingDetail> shippingList)
            Hashtable data = new Hashtable();
            if ((shippingList == null) || shippingList.Count == 0) return data;

            List<string> listEngines = new List<string>();
            foreach (VDMS.I.Entity.ShippingDetail item in shippingList)

            //IDao<Iteminstance, long> IISdao = DaoFactory.GetDao<Iteminstance, long>();
            //IISdao.SetCriteria(new ICriterion[] { Expression.In("Enginenumber", listEngines) });
            //IList listIIS = IISdao.GetAll();

            //foreach (Iteminstance item in listIIS)
            //    data.Add(item.Enginenumber, item.Importeddate);
            using( var db = new VehicleDataContext() )
                var query = from ii in db.ItemInstances
                            select ii;
                foreach (var itemInstance in query)
                    data.Add(itemInstance.EngineNumber, itemInstance.ImportedDate);
                return data;
        public static void SaveTransHis(VehicleDataContext dc, ItemInstance ItemIns, DateTime txtime, ItemStatus TransType, int cusPayType, decimal ActualCost, string Modifiefby, string OlderEngine,string from, string to)
            var th = new SaleTransHistory();

            th.ActualCost = ActualCost;
            th.ReferenceOrderId = 0;
            th.FromBranch = from;
            th.ToBranch = to;
            th.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
            th.ItemInstance = ItemIns;
            th.TransactionDate = txtime;
            th.TransactionType = (int)TransType;
            th.ModifiedBy = Modifiefby;
            th.OldEngineNo = (OlderEngine == null) ? null : OlderEngine;

        /// <summary>
        /// Check ready state to close dealer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dealerCode"></param>
        /// <param name="year"></param>
        /// <param name="month"></param>
        /// <param name="dc1"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CanCloseDealer(string dealerCode, int year, int month, VehicleDataContext dc1)
            var dc = DCFactory.GetDataContext<PartDataContext>();
            //var dc1 = DCFactory.GetDataContext<VehicleDataContext>();

            // check all warehouse closed
            int whCount = dc.ActiveWarehouses.Where(wh => wh.DealerCode == dealerCode && wh.Type == VDMS.II.Entity.WarehouseType.Vehicle).Count();
            int closedWhCount = dc1.SaleInventoryLocks.Where(i => i.IsLocked == 1 && i.DealerCode.Contains(dealerCode) && ((i.Month >= month && i.Year == year) || (i.Year > year))).Count();

            // check all sub dealer closed
            bool childsOk = true;
            var dealers = DealerDAO.GetAllChildDealer(dealerCode);
            dealers.ForEach(d =>
                var ilck = dc1.SaleInventoryLocks.SingleOrDefault(i => i.DealerCode == dealerCode && i.IsLocked == 0);
                if ((ilck == null) || (ilck.Month < month && ilck.Year == year) || (ilck.Year < year)) childsOk = false;

            return childsOk && (whCount == closedWhCount);
        public static ItemInstance UpdateItemInstance(VehicleDataContext dc, string engineNo, ItemStatus action, DateTime adjustDate, int price, int paymentType, string toBranch)
            if (action != ItemStatus.Sold && action != ItemStatus.Moved)
                return null;

            var instance = dc.ItemInstances.SingleOrDefault(i => i.EngineNumber == engineNo);
            if (instance != null)
                if (action == ItemStatus.Sold)
                    instance.Status = (int)ItemStatus.Sold;
                instance.ReleasedDate = adjustDate;
                // Save transaction
                ItemInstanceHelper2.SaveTransHis(dc, instance, adjustDate, action, paymentType, price, UserHelper.Username, null, string.Format("{0}-{1}", UserHelper.DealerCode, instance.BranchCode), toBranch);
                // Save inventory day
                InventoryHelper2.SaveInventoryDay(dc, instance.Item.ItemCode, adjustDate, -1, (int)action, UserHelper.DealerCode, instance.BranchCode);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toBranch))
                    ItemInstanceHelper2.SaveTransHis(dc, instance, adjustDate, ItemStatus.Imported, paymentType, price, UserHelper.Username, null, string.Format("{0}-{1}", UserHelper.DealerCode, instance.BranchCode), null);
                    InventoryHelper2.SaveInventoryDay(dc, instance.Item.ItemCode, adjustDate, 1, (int)ItemStatus.Imported, UserHelper.DealerCode, toBranch);
            return instance;
        public static void SaveInventoryDay(VehicleDataContext dc, string itemCode, DateTime actionTime, int quantity, int actionType, string dealerCode, string branchCode)
            long actionDay = long.Parse(actionTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            var inv = dc.SaleInventoryDays.SingleOrDefault(iv => iv.ItemCode == itemCode &&
                                                                 iv.ActionDay == actionDay &&
                                                                 iv.ActionType== actionType &&
                                                                 iv.BranchCode == branchCode &&
                                                                 iv.DealerCode == dealerCode);
            if (inv == null)
                inv = new SaleInventoryDay
                          ActionDay = actionDay,
                          ActionType = actionType,
                          BranchCode = branchCode,
                          DealerCode = dealerCode,
                          ItemCode = itemCode,
                          Quantity = 0,

            inv.Quantity += quantity;
 public static Entity.Item GetItemByCode(VehicleDataContext db, String itemCode)
     return db.Items.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ItemCode.Equals(itemCode));
        /// <summary>
        /// DoInventory calulate follow dataiteminstance
        /// </summary>
        public static void DoInventory2(string code,string dealerCode, int month, int year,VehicleDataContext dc)
            int nextM = month + 1, nextY = year;
            int prevM = month - 1, prevY = year;

            if (nextM == 13) { nextM = 1; nextY++; }
            if (prevM == 0) { prevM = 12; prevY--; }
            dc.SaleInventories.DeleteAllOnSubmit(dc.SaleInventories.Where(iv => iv.BranchCode == code && iv.DealerCode == dealerCode && iv.Year == year && iv.Month == month).ToList());
            var t = GetIOReportData(dealerCode,code, string.Empty, string.Empty,new DateTime(year, month, 1).ToShortDateString(), new DateTime(nextY, nextM, 1).AddTicks(-1).ToShortDateString());
            var result = from i in t
                         select new SaleInventory
                             ItemCode = i.ItemCode,
                             BranchCode = code,
                             DealerCode = dealerCode,
                             Month = month,
                             Year = year,
                             Quantity = i.Begin +  i.In + i.Out
            if (result.Count() > 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Do close inventory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code"></param>
        /// <param name="dealerCode"></param>
        /// <param name="month"></param>
        /// <param name="year"></param>
        /// <param name="dc"></param>
        public static void DoInventory(string code, string dealerCode, int month, int year, VehicleDataContext dc)
            //var dc = DCFactory.GetDataContext<VehicleDataContext>();
            int nextM = month + 1, nextY = year;
            int prevM = month - 1, prevY = year;

            if (nextM == 13) { nextM = 1; nextY++; }
            if (prevM == 0) { prevM = 12; prevY--; }

            var prevInv = dc.SaleInventories.Where(i => i.Year == prevY && i.Month == prevM && i.BranchCode == code && i.DealerCode == dealerCode).ToList();

            // delete all current data
            dc.SaleInventories.DeleteAllOnSubmit(dc.SaleInventories.Where(iv => iv.BranchCode == code && iv.DealerCode == dealerCode && iv.Year == year && iv.Month == month).ToList());

            // get all actions happend in closing month(group by item code)
            var invs = dc.SaleInventoryDays.Where(id => id.ActionDay >= DataFormat.DateToCompareNumber(1, month, year)
                    && id.ActionDay < DataFormat.DateToCompareNumber(1, nextM, nextY)
                    && id.BranchCode == code && id.DealerCode == dealerCode)
                    .GroupBy(id => id.ItemCode, (key, g) => new
                        Itemcode = key,
                        Quantity = (int)g.Sum(i => i.Quantity),
            // all items already exist in sale_inventory and has transactions
            var udInvs = from pi in prevInv
                         join id in invs on pi.ItemCode equals id.Itemcode
                         select new SaleInventory
                             ItemCode = pi.ItemCode,
                             BranchCode = code,
                             DealerCode = dealerCode,
                             Month = month,
                             Year = year,
                             Quantity = id.Quantity + pi.Quantity,
            // new items has beem imported in closing month
            var nwInvs = invs.Where(i => prevInv.Where(p => p.ItemCode == i.Itemcode).Count() == 0).Select(i => new SaleInventory
                ItemCode = i.Itemcode,
                BranchCode = code,
                DealerCode = dealerCode,
                Month = month,
                Year = year,
                Quantity = i.Quantity,

            // all items already exist in sale_inventory and has no transactions
            var mvInvs = prevInv.Where(i => invs.Where(c => c.Itemcode == i.ItemCode).Count() == 0).Select(i => new SaleInventory
                ItemCode = i.ItemCode,
                BranchCode = code,
                DealerCode = dealerCode,
                Month = month,
                Year = year,
                Quantity = i.Quantity,

            // insert all to sale_inventory
            if (udInvs.Count() > 0)
            if (nwInvs.Count() > 0)
            if (mvInvs.Count() > 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Close warehouse vehicle inventory at specified month.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code"></param>
        /// <param name="dealerCode"></param>
        /// <param name="month"></param>
        /// <param name="year"></param>
        /// <param name="dc"></param>
        public static void DoCloseW(string code, string dealerCode, int month, int year, VehicleDataContext dc)
            if ((year > DateTime.Now.Year) //|| (year < 2000)
                 || ((year == DateTime.Now.Year) && (month > DateTime.Now.Month))
                 || (month > 12) || (month < 1)
                throw new Exception("Invalid closing month!");

            // check for valid warehouse
            var wh = VDMS.II.BasicData.WarehouseDAO.GetWarehouse(code, dealerCode, VDMS.II.Entity.WarehouseType.Vehicle);
            if (wh == null) throw new Exception("Invalid closing warehouse!");

            // get lock record for current closed month
            var ilck = dc.SaleInventoryLocks.SingleOrDefault(i => i.DealerCode == GetWLockCode(dealerCode, code) && i.IsLocked == 1);
            if (ilck == null)// never closed before
                if (year < 2007) throw new Exception("Invalid closing month at first time!");
                // lock month valid to first inventory action?
                SaleInventory frstIv = dc.SaleInventories.Where(i => i.BranchCode == code && i.DealerCode == dealerCode).OrderBy(i => i.Year).OrderBy(i => i.Month).FirstOrDefault();
                if (frstIv != null)
                    DateTime fDt = new DateTime(frstIv.Year, frstIv.Month, 1);
                    DateTime cDt = new DateTime(year, month, 1);
                    if (fDt.AddMonths(1) < cDt)
                        throw new Exception("At first time, closing month cannot be greater than the first month that changing inventory action happen!");
                ilck = new SaleInventoryLock
                    DealerCode = GetWLockCode(wh.DealerCode, wh.Code),
                    Month = month,
                    Year = year,
                    IsLocked = 1
                // change locked month to new Closed month
                if (ilck.Month == 12) { ilck.Month = 1; ilck.Year++; }
                else ilck.Month++;
                if ((ilck.Year > DateTime.Now.Year) || ((ilck.Year == DateTime.Now.Year) && (ilck.Month > DateTime.Now.Month))) throw new Exception("Invalid closing month!");


            // summarization
            InventoryHelper.DoInventory2(code, dealerCode, (int)ilck.Month, (int)ilck.Year, dc);

            // gen excel file
            //new VDMS.II.Report.PartMonthlyReport(wId.ToString(), wh.DealerCode, ilck.Month, ilck.Year).DoReport();
        /// <summary>
        /// Close dealer vehicle inventory at specified month.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dealerCode"></param>
        /// <param name="month"></param>
        /// <param name="year"></param>
        /// <param name="dc"></param>
        public static void DoCloseD(string dealerCode, int month, int year, VehicleDataContext dc)
            if ((year > DateTime.Now.Year) //|| (year < 2000)
                 || ((year == DateTime.Now.Year) && (month > DateTime.Now.Month))
                 || (month > 12) || (month < 1)
                throw new Exception("Invalid closing month!");

            // check Dealer exist
            var d = DealerDAO.GetDealerByCode(dealerCode);
            if (d == null) throw new Exception("Invalid closing dealer!");

            // check all warehouse and sub dealer are closed
            if (!InventoryHelper.CanCloseDealer(dealerCode, year, month, dc))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot close {0}! All sub components must be closed before.", dealerCode));

            // get lock record for current closed month
            var ilck = dc.SaleInventoryLocks.SingleOrDefault(i => i.DealerCode == dealerCode && i.IsLocked == 0);
            if (ilck == null)   // never closed before
                if (year < 2007) throw new Exception("Invalid closing month at first time!");
                // create new lock record
                ilck = new SaleInventoryLock
                    IsLocked = 0,
                    DealerCode = d.DealerCode,
                    Month = month,
                    Year = year
            else // update locked record to new closing month
                if (ilck.Month == 12) { ilck.Month = 1; ilck.Year++; }
                else ilck.Month++;
                if ((ilck.Year > DateTime.Now.Year) || ((ilck.Year == DateTime.Now.Year) && (ilck.Month > DateTime.Now.Month))) throw new Exception("Invalid closing month!");

 public static IQueryable<ShippingDetail> GetShippingDetails(VehicleDataContext db, string engNo)
     return db.ShippingDetails.Where(p => p.EngineNumber.Equals(engNo));
    private bool SaveShippingDetail()
        string exception, shipNumber, itemCode, engineNumber, itemType, color, orderNumber, shipTo, branchCode;
        Int32 status;
        bool hasVoucher;
        ImportItemStatus IisStatus;
        ItemInstance IInst = null;
        ItemStatus hisItemStatus;
        DateTime madeDate, impDate, itemImpDate;
        VDMS.I.Entity.ShippingDetail SD;
        long Price;

        Item item = null;
        long shipID;

        using (var db = new VehicleDataContext())
            System.Data.Common.DbTransaction transaction;
            transaction = db.Connection.BeginTransaction();
            db.Transaction = transaction;
                if (
                   (!DateTime.TryParse(txtImportDate.Text, new CultureInfo(UserHelper.Language),
                                       DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces, out impDate)) || (impDate > DateTime.Now))
                    //impDate = DateTime.Now;
                    return false;

                DateTime baseImportDate = (DateTime)ViewState[VS_BaseShipDate];
                if (impDate < baseImportDate)
                    return false;
                foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView3.Rows)
                    if (row.Enabled) // skip error vehicle
                        exception = ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtException")).Text.Trim();
                        Int32.TryParse(((RadioButtonList)row.FindControl("rblStatus")).SelectedValue, out status);
                        hasVoucher = ((CheckBox)row.FindControl("chbVoucherStatus")).Checked;
                        itemCode = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblItemCode")).Text.Trim();
                        engineNumber = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblEngineNumber")).Text;
                        itemType = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblItemType")).Text;
                        color = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblColor")).Text + " (" +
                                ((Label)row.FindControl("lblColorName")).Text + ")";
                        orderNumber = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblOrderNumber")).Text;
                                          DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces, out madeDate);
                        long.TryParse(((Label)row.FindControl("lblPrice")).Text, out Price);

                        // custom imported date for item
                        string impDateString = ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtItemImportDate")).Text.Trim();
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(impDateString)) impDateString = txtImportDate.Text;

                        if (
                            !DateTime.TryParse(impDateString, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture,
                                               DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces, out itemImpDate))

                        if (itemImpDate < baseImportDate) AddError(ImportErrorCode.ImportDateLessThanBaseDate);
                        if (itemImpDate > DateTime.Now) AddError(ImportErrorCode.ImportDateTooLate);
                        if (InventoryHelper.IsInventoryLock(itemImpDate, UserHelper.DealerCode, UserHelper.BranchCode))
                        if (errorCode.Count > 0)
                            return false;

                        //branchCode = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblBranchCode")).Text;

                        // day du cac thu roi thi khong chap nhan exception
                        if ((hasVoucher) && (status == 1)) exception = string.Empty;

                        IInst = null;
                        // get n' check item in table DATA_ITEM
                        item = CommonDAO.GetItemByCode(db, itemCode);
                        if (item == null)
                            return false;
                shipNumber = ViewState[VS_ShippingNumber].ToString();
                branchCode = ViewState[VS_BranchCode].ToString();
                shipTo = hdAddress.Value;

                // save Shipping header
                VDMS.I.Entity.ShippingHeader SH = CommonDAO.SaveOrUpdateShippingHeader(db, logedAreaCode, shipNumber,
                                                                                       impDate, UserHelper.DealerCode,
                                                                                       (GridView1.Rows.Count +

                if (SH == null)
                    return false;
                shipID = db.ShippingHeaders.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ShippingNumber == shipNumber).ShippingId;

                #region save shipping

                foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView3.Rows)
                    if (row.Enabled) // skip error vehicle
                        exception = ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtException")).Text.Trim();
                        Int32.TryParse(((RadioButtonList)row.FindControl("rblStatus")).SelectedValue, out status);
                        hasVoucher = ((CheckBox)row.FindControl("chbVoucherStatus")).Checked;
                        itemCode = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblItemCode")).Text.Trim();
                        engineNumber = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblEngineNumber")).Text;
                        itemType = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblItemType")).Text;
                        color = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblColor")).Text + " (" +
                                ((Label)row.FindControl("lblColorName")).Text + ")";
                        orderNumber = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblOrderNumber")).Text;
                                          DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces, out madeDate);
                        long.TryParse(((Label)row.FindControl("lblPrice")).Text, out Price);

                        // custom imported date for item
                        string impDateString = ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtItemImportDate")).Text.Trim();
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(impDateString)) impDateString = txtImportDate.Text;

                        if (
                            !DateTime.TryParse(impDateString, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture,
                                               DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces, out itemImpDate))

                        if (itemImpDate < baseImportDate) AddError(ImportErrorCode.ImportDateLessThanBaseDate);
                        if (itemImpDate > DateTime.Now) AddError(ImportErrorCode.ImportDateTooLate);
                        if (errorCode.Count > 0)
                            return false;

                        //branchCode = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblBranchCode")).Text;

                        // day du cac thu roi thi khong chap nhan exception
                        if ((hasVoucher) && (status == 1)) exception = string.Empty;
                        item = CommonDAO.GetItemByCode(db, itemCode);

                        if (status > 0) // nhap xe hoac tam nhap => save iteminstance n' transHistory
                            // clear instance for old shipping info
                            //foreach (var sd in CommonDAO.GetShippingDetails(db, engineNumber))
                            //    sd.ProductInstanceId = null;
                            // save ItemInstance of shipping
                            switch (status)
                                case 0:
                                    IisStatus = ImportItemStatus.NotArrived;
                                case 1:
                                    IisStatus = ImportItemStatus.Imported;
                                case 2:
                                    IisStatus = ImportItemStatus.AdmitTemporarily;
                                    IisStatus = ImportItemStatus.NotArrived;
                            IInst = CommonDAO.SaveOrUpdateItemInstance(db, UserHelper.DealerCode, branchCode,
                                                                       shipNumber, orderNumber, itemType, item,
                                                                       color, (int)IisStatus, madeDate,

                            if (IInst == null)
                                return false;

                            // save transaction history. <actualCost> is temporary equal to "zero"
                            switch (status)
                                case 0:
                                    hisItemStatus = ItemStatus.Lacked;
                                case 1:
                                    hisItemStatus = ItemStatus.Imported;
                                case 2:
                                    hisItemStatus = ItemStatus.AdmitTemporarily;
                                    hisItemStatus = ItemStatus.AdmitTemporarily;
                            var t = CommonDAO.SaveTransHist(db, IInst, itemImpDate, hisItemStatus, Price,
                                                            UserHelper.DealerCode, UserHelper.BranchCode);

                            // save to Inventory of Day
                            var tt = InventoryHelper.SaveInventoryDay(db, itemCode, itemImpDate, 1, (int)IisStatus,
                                                                      UserHelper.DealerCode, branchCode);


                        // save shipping detail info
                        SD = CommonDAO.SaveOrUpdateShippingDetail(db, shipID, item, engineNumber, status,
                                                                  exception, IInst, itemType, color,

                #region Update order delivered status
                List<String> listOrderNumber = new List<string>();
                foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView3.Rows)

                List<VDMS.I.Entity.ShippingDetail> loh = db.ShippingDetails.Where(p => listOrderNumber.Contains(p.OrderNumber)).ToList();

                foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView3.Rows)
                    orderNumber = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblOrderNumber")).Text;
                    /* tntung
                     * 14/01/2008
                     * Update order delivered status
                    //IDao<Orderheader, long> oDao = DaoFactory.GetDao<Orderheader, long>();
                    //oDao.SetCriteria(new ICriterion[] {Expression.Eq("Ordernumber", orderNumber)});
                    var list = db.OrderHeaders.FirstOrDefault(p => p.OrderNumber == orderNumber); //oDao.GetAll();)

                    if (list != null)
                        DataSet ds = InventoryDao.CheckOrderDetail(list.OrderHeaderId);
                        int Orderstatus = (int)DeliveredOrderStatus.DeliveredAll;
                        int Orderqty, OrderShipped;
                        foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                            item = CommonDAO.GetItemByCode(db, dr["itemcode"].ToString());
                            Orderqty = int.Parse(dr["orderqty"].ToString());

                            OrderShipped =
                                    p =>
                                    p.OrderNumber == orderNumber && p.ItemCode == item.ItemCode &&
                                    p.Status == (int)ItemStatus.Imported);

                            if ((Orderqty - OrderShipped) != 0)
                                Orderstatus = (int)DeliveredOrderStatus.NotDeliveredAll;
                        list.DeliveredStatus = Orderstatus;
                        //  (Orderstatus.Equals((int)DeliveredOrderStatus.NotDeliveredAll)) ? (int)DeliveredOrderStatus.NotDeliveredAll : (int)DeliveredOrderStatus.DeliveredAll;

                return false;
                if (db.Connection != null)

            //catch (Exception e)
            //    MessageBox.Show(e.Message);
            //    return false;

        } // transaction
        return true;
        public static ShippingDetail SaveOrUpdateShippingDetail(VehicleDataContext db,long shipId, Entity.Item item, string engineNumber, int status, bool voucher, string ex, ItemInstance itemInstance, string itemType, string color, string branchCode, string orderNumber)
            //IDao<Shippingdetail, long> dao;
            //IDao<ShippingHeader, long> shdao;
            //List<Shippingdetail> list;
            ShippingDetail SD = null;

            //dao = DaoFactory.GetDao<Shippingdetail, long>();
            //dao.SetCriteria(new ICriterion[] { Expression.And(Expression.Eq("Shippingheader.Id", shipId), Expression.Eq("Enginenumber", engineNumber.Trim())) });
            //list = dao.GetAll();
            SD =
                    p => p.ShippingId == shipId && p.EngineNumber == engineNumber.Trim());

            if (SD == null)

                SD = new ShippingDetail();
                SD.ShippingId = shipId;
                SD.EngineNumber = engineNumber;

            SD.ItemType = itemType;
            SD.Color = color;
            SD.Item = item;
            SD.BranchCode = branchCode;
            SD.OrderNumber = orderNumber;
            SD.Status = status;
            SD.VoucherStatus = voucher? 1:0;
            SD.ItemCode = item.ItemCode;
            SD.VMEPResponseDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            if (itemInstance != null) SD.ProductInstanceId = itemInstance.ItemInstanceId;
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ex))
            SD.Exception = ex;

            return SD;
        public static void DoOpenW(string wCode, string dCode, VehicleDataContext dc)
            var ilck = InventoryHelper.GetInventoryLock(dCode, wCode);
            if (ilck == null)
                throw new Exception("This warehouse never closed before!");
                if (!CanOpenW(wCode, dCode, (int)ilck.Year, (int)ilck.Month)) throw new Exception("May try to open months before 'first month' or parent component has not been opened!");
                // change locked month to new Closed month
                if (ilck.Month == 1) { ilck.Month = 12; ilck.Year--; }
                else ilck.Month--;

        public static ItemInstance SaveOrUpdateItemInstance(VehicleDataContext db, string dealerCode, string branchCode, string engineNumber, string shipNumber, string invoice, string itemType, Entity.Item item, DateTime impDate, string color, int status, DateTime madeDate, string DatabaseCode)
            var IIS = db.ItemInstances.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EngineNumber.Equals(engineNumber.Trim()));

            if (IIS == null)
                IIS = new ItemInstance { CreatedDate = DateTime.Now };
                IIS.EngineNumber = engineNumber;

            // get shipping header to take some data
            //var SH = db.ShippingHeaders.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ShippingNumber == (shipNumber.Trim()));
            //if (SH == null)
            //    Exception e = new Exception("Shipping number does not exist: " + shipNumber);
            //    throw e;
                // save to database
                //IIS.Dealercode = SH.Dealercode;

                IIS.ItemType = itemType;
                IIS.ItemCode = item.ItemCode;
                IIS.ImportedDate = impDate;
                IIS.Color = color;
                IIS.Status = status;
                IIS.DealerCode = dealerCode;
                IIS.VMEPInvoice = invoice;
                IIS.DatabaseCode = DatabaseCode;
                if (madeDate > DateTime.MinValue) IIS.MadeDate = madeDate;
                IIS.BranchCode = branchCode;

                IIS.ReleasedDate = DateTime.Parse("9999/12/31");
               // }
            return IIS;
 public static List<VDMS.I.Entity.ShippingDetail> Select(Int64 shipID)
     using (var db = new VehicleDataContext())
         return db.ShippingDetails.Where(p => p.ShippingId == shipID).ToList();
        public static bool SaveUpdate(string branchcode, string issueNumber, string shipnumber, string areacode, DateTime baseImportDate, string dealercode)
            string exception, itemCode, engineNumber, itemType, color, orderNumber, shipTo;
            Collection<ImportErrorCode> errorCode = new Collection<ImportErrorCode>();
            Int32 status;
            bool hasVoucher;
            ImportItemStatus IisStatus;
            ItemInstance IInst = null;
            ItemStatus hisItemStatus;
            DateTime madeDate, impDate, itemImpDate;
            VDMS.I.Entity.ShippingDetail SD;
            long Price;

            Item item = null;
            long shipID;

            using (var db = new VehicleDataContext())
                System.Data.Common.DbTransaction transaction;
                transaction = db.Connection.BeginTransaction();
                db.Transaction = transaction;
                    impDate = CalculateInitImportDate(baseImportDate);
                    if (impDate < baseImportDate)
                        AddError(ImportErrorCode.ImportDateLessThanBaseDate, errorCode);
                        return false;
                    var tt = TipTop_ShippingDetail(issueNumber);
                    foreach (var m in tt)
                        exception = m.Exception;
                        status = 1;
                        hasVoucher = IsOrderConfirmed(m.TipTopOrderNumber);
                        itemCode = m.ItemCode;
                        engineNumber = m.EngineNumber;
                        itemType = m.Model;
                        if (m.Status == (int)ImportItemStatus.Imported || m.Status == (int)ImportItemStatus.AdmitTemporarily)

                        if (ItemInstanceHelper.EngineNumberExist(engineNumber))
                            LogError("IssueNumber: " + issueNumber + ", branchcode: " + branchcode + ", DealerCode:" + dealercode + ", Shipdate:" + baseImportDate + ", EngineNumber in dataItemInstance:" + engineNumber);//Log
                            //throw new Exception( engineNumber +  " avaliable in ItemInstance");
                            //return false;
                        if (isExsitDataItemInstance(engineNumber))
                            return false;

                        color = m.ColorCode + " (" + m.ColorName + ")";
                        orderNumber = m.TipTopOrderNumber;
                                          DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces, out madeDate);
                        long.TryParse(m.Price.ToString(), out Price);

                        // custom imported date for item
                        string impDateString = CalculateInitImportDate(baseImportDate).ToShortDateString();
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(impDateString)) impDateString = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();

                        if (
                            !DateTime.TryParse(impDateString, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture,
                                               DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces, out itemImpDate))
                            AddError(ImportErrorCode.InvalidImportDate, errorCode);

                        if (itemImpDate < baseImportDate) AddError(ImportErrorCode.ImportDateLessThanBaseDate, errorCode);
                        if (itemImpDate > DateTime.Now) AddError(ImportErrorCode.ImportDateTooLate, errorCode);
                        if (InventoryHelper.IsInventoryLock(itemImpDate, dealercode, branchcode))
                            AddError(ImportErrorCode.ImportDateLocked, errorCode);
                        if (errorCode.Count > 0)
                            return false;

                        //branchCode = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblBranchCode")).Text;

                        // day du cac thu roi thi khong chap nhan exception
                        if ((hasVoucher) && (status == 1)) exception = string.Empty;

                        IInst = null;
                        // get n' check item in table DATA_ITEM
                        item = CommonDAO.GetItemByCode(db, itemCode);
                        if (item == null)
                            AddError(ImportErrorCode.ItemNotExist, errorCode);
                            return false;

                    shipTo = branchcode;

                    // save Shipping header
                    VDMS.I.Entity.ShippingHeader SH = CommonDAO.SaveOrUpdateShippingHeader(db, areacode, shipnumber,
                                                                                           impDate, dealercode,
                                                                                           (tt.Count +

                    if (SH == null)
                        return false;
                    shipID = db.ShippingHeaders.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ShippingNumber == shipnumber).ShippingId;

                    #region save shipping

                    foreach (var m in tt)
                        exception = m.Exception;
                        status = 1;
                        hasVoucher = IsOrderConfirmed(m.TipTopOrderNumber);
                        itemCode = m.ItemCode;
                        engineNumber = m.EngineNumber;
                        itemType = m.Model;

                        color = m.ColorCode + " (" + m.ColorName + ")";
                        orderNumber = m.TipTopOrderNumber;
                                          DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces, out madeDate);
                        long.TryParse(m.Price.ToString(), out Price);

                        if (m.Status == (int)ImportItemStatus.Imported || m.Status == (int)ImportItemStatus.AdmitTemporarily)

                        if (ItemInstanceHelper.EngineNumberExist(engineNumber))
                            LogError("IssueNumber: " + issueNumber + ", branchcode: " + branchcode + ", DealerCode:" + dealercode + ", Shipdate:" + baseImportDate + ", EngineNumber in dataItemInstance:" + engineNumber);//Log
                            //throw new Exception( engineNumber +  " avaliable in ItemInstance");
                            //return false;

                        // custom imported date for item
                        string impDateString = impDate.ToShortDateString();
                        if (
                            !DateTime.TryParse(impDateString, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture,
                                               DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces, out itemImpDate))
                            AddError(ImportErrorCode.InvalidImportDate, errorCode);

                        if (itemImpDate < baseImportDate) AddError(ImportErrorCode.ImportDateLessThanBaseDate, errorCode);
                        if (itemImpDate > DateTime.Now) AddError(ImportErrorCode.ImportDateTooLate, errorCode);
                        if (InventoryHelper.IsInventoryLock(itemImpDate, dealercode, branchcode))
                            AddError(ImportErrorCode.ImportDateLocked, errorCode);
                        if (errorCode.Count > 0)
                            return false;

                        if ((hasVoucher) && (status == 1)) exception = string.Empty;
                        item = CommonDAO.GetItemByCode(db, itemCode);
                        if (status > 0) // nhap xe hoac tam nhap => save iteminstance n' transHistory
                            // clear instance for old shipping info
                            //foreach (var sd in CommonDAO.GetShippingDetails(db, engineNumber))
                            //    sd.ProductInstanceId = null;
                            // save ItemInstance of shipping
                            switch (status)
                                case 0:
                                    IisStatus = ImportItemStatus.NotArrived;
                                case 1:
                                    IisStatus = ImportItemStatus.Imported;
                                case 2:
                                    IisStatus = ImportItemStatus.AdmitTemporarily;
                                    IisStatus = ImportItemStatus.NotArrived;
                            IInst = CommonDAO.SaveOrUpdateItemInstance(db, dealercode, branchcode,
                                                                       shipnumber, orderNumber, itemType, item,
                                                                       color, (int)IisStatus, madeDate,

                            if (IInst == null)
                                return false;

                            // save transaction history. <actualCost> is temporary equal to "zero"
                            switch (status)
                                case 0:
                                    hisItemStatus = ItemStatus.Lacked;
                                case 1:
                                    hisItemStatus = ItemStatus.Imported;
                                case 2:
                                    hisItemStatus = ItemStatus.AdmitTemporarily;
                                    hisItemStatus = ItemStatus.AdmitTemporarily;
                            var t = CommonDAO.SaveTransHist(db, IInst, itemImpDate, hisItemStatus, Price,
                                                            dealercode, branchcode);

                            // save to Inventory of Day
                            var ttt = InventoryHelper.SaveInventoryDay(db, itemCode, itemImpDate, 1, (int)IisStatus,
                                                                      dealercode, branchcode);


                        // save shipping detail info
                        SD = CommonDAO.SaveOrUpdateShippingDetail(db, shipID, item, engineNumber, status,
                                                                  exception, IInst, itemType, color,



                    #region Update order delivered status
                    List<String> listOrderNumber = new List<string>();
                    foreach (var m in tt)

                    List<VDMS.I.Entity.ShippingDetail> loh = db.ShippingDetails.Where(p => listOrderNumber.Contains(p.OrderNumber)).ToList();

                    foreach (var m in tt)
                        orderNumber = m.TipTopOrderNumber;
                        var list = db.OrderHeaders.FirstOrDefault(p => p.OrderNumber == orderNumber); //oDao.GetAll();)
                        //list.CanUndoAutoReceive = true;
                        if (list != null)
                            DataSet ds = InventoryDao.CheckOrderDetail(list.OrderHeaderId);
                            int Orderstatus = (int)DeliveredOrderStatus.DeliveredAll;
                            int Orderqty, OrderShipped;
                            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                                item = CommonDAO.GetItemByCode(db, dr["itemcode"].ToString());
                                Orderqty = int.Parse(dr["orderqty"].ToString());

                                OrderShipped =
                                        p =>
                                        p.OrderNumber == orderNumber && p.ItemCode == item.ItemCode &&
                                        p.Status == (int)ItemStatus.Imported);

                                if ((Orderqty - OrderShipped) != 0)
                                    Orderstatus = (int)DeliveredOrderStatus.NotDeliveredAll;
                            list.DeliveredStatus = Orderstatus;
                            //  (Orderstatus.Equals((int)DeliveredOrderStatus.NotDeliveredAll)) ? (int)DeliveredOrderStatus.NotDeliveredAll : (int)DeliveredOrderStatus.DeliveredAll;


                    return true;
                catch(Exception e)
                    LogError("IssueNumber: " + issueNumber + ", branchcode: " + branchcode + ", DealerCode:" + dealercode + ", Shipdate:" + baseImportDate + ", System Error:" + e.Message );//Log
                    return false;
                    if (db.Connection != null)
Exemple #18
 public static void SysInit()
     var dc = new VehicleDataContext();
         var l = dc.OrderHeaders.Where(h => h.OrderDetails.Count() == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(h.OrderNumber));
         var p = dc.SaleOrderPayments.Where(h => h.OrderHeader.OrderDetails.Count() == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(h.OrderHeader.OrderNumber));
     catch { }
        public bool DoCloseAll(DateTime defaultCloseDate)
            if (this.Closing) return false;
            this.Closing = true;
            VehicleDataContext vdc = new VehicleDataContext();
            PartDataContext pdc = new PartDataContext();

            DateTime crrMonth = DataFormat.DateOfFirstDayInMonth(DateTime.Now);
            LogMessage(string.Format("Starting Close {0} ----------", this.ForceClose ? ", forced by user" : "Automaticaly"));
            foreach (var d in pdc.Dealers)
                bool hasW = false;
                LogMessage(string.Format("Closing dealer {0}: ", d.DealerCode));
                    // close warehouses
                    foreach (var w in d.ActiveWarehouses.Where(w => w.Type == VDMS.II.Entity.WarehouseType.Vehicle))
                        LogBeginMessage(string.Format("     Close warehouse {0}: ", w.Code));
                            hasW = true;
                            SaleInventoryLock wlck = InventoryHelper.GetInventoryLock(w.DealerCode, w.Code);
                            if (wlck == null)
                                InventoryHelper.DoCloseW(w.Code, w.DealerCode, defaultCloseDate.Month, defaultCloseDate.Year, vdc);
                                DateTime lastWLock = new DateTime((int)wlck.Year, (int)wlck.Month, 1);
                                lastWLock = lastWLock.AddMonths(1);
                                while (lastWLock < crrMonth)
                                    InventoryHelper.DoCloseW(w.Code, w.DealerCode, lastWLock.Month, lastWLock.Year, vdc);
                                    lastWLock = lastWLock.AddMonths(1);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            LogEndMessage(string.Format("Failed: {0}", DataFormat.TraceExceptionMessage(ex)));
                    // close Dealers
                    if (hasW)
                        SaleInventoryLock dlck = InventoryHelper.GetInventoryLock(d.DealerCode, 0);
                        if (dlck == null)
                            InventoryHelper.DoCloseD(d.DealerCode, defaultCloseDate.Month, defaultCloseDate.Year, vdc);
                            DateTime lastDLock = new DateTime((int)dlck.Year, (int)dlck.Month, 1);
                            lastDLock = lastDLock.AddMonths(1);
                            while (lastDLock < crrMonth)
                                InventoryHelper.DoCloseD(d.DealerCode, lastDLock.Month, lastDLock.Year, vdc);
                                lastDLock = lastDLock.AddMonths(1);
                        LogMessage(string.Format("Close dealer {0} done!", d.DealerCode));
                        LogMessage(string.Format("{0} has no warehouses!", d.DealerCode));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LogMessage(string.Format("Close dealer {0} failed: {1}", d.DealerCode, DataFormat.TraceExceptionMessage(ex)));
                LogEndMessage(" ");
            LogMessage("AutoClose finished ----------");
            LogEndMessage(" ");

            this.Closing = false;
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Save to inventory actions of day for each item code
        /// If data for item in same day exist, quantity will be update
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ItemCode"></param>
        /// <param name="ActionTime"></param>
        /// <param name="Quantity"></param>
        /// <param name="ActionType"></param>
        /// <param name="DealerCode"></param>
        /// <param name="BranchCode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static SaleInventoryDay SaveInventoryDay(VehicleDataContext db, string ItemCode, DateTime ActionTime, int Quantity, int ActionType, string DealerCode, string BranchCode)
            //var daoItem = DaoFactory.GetDao<VDMS.Core.Domain.Item, string>();
            //var item = daoItem.GetById(ItemCode, false); //true -> false

            //var daoInven = DaoFactory.GetDao<Inventoryday, long>();

            long ActionDay = long.Parse(ActionTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            //daoInven.SetCriteria(new ICriterion[] { Expression.Eq("Item", item), Expression.Eq("Actionday", ActionDay)
            //        , Expression.Eq("Actiontype", ActionType), Expression.Eq("Dealercode", DealerCode), Expression.Eq("Branchcode", BranchCode)});

            //var list = daoInven.GetAll();
            var ivd =
                    p =>
                    p.ItemCode == ItemCode && p.ActionDay == ActionDay && p.ActionType == ActionType &&
                    p.DealerCode == DealerCode && p.BranchCode == BranchCode);

            if (ivd == null)
                ivd = new SaleInventoryDay();
                ivd.ItemCode = ItemCode;
                ivd.ActionDay = ActionDay;
                ivd.ActionType = ActionType;
                ivd.DealerCode = DealerCode;
                ivd.BranchCode = BranchCode;
                ivd.Quantity = 0;
            ivd.Quantity += Quantity;
            return ivd;
 public static Entity.SaleTransHistory SaveTransHist(VehicleDataContext db, ItemInstance IInst, DateTime tranDate, ItemStatus status, long ActualCost, string dCode, string bCode)
     var transHis = new SaleTransHistory
                            ActualCost = ActualCost,
                            FromBranch = "",
                            ToBranch = string.Format("{0}-{1}", dCode, bCode),
                            ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now,
                            ItemInstance = IInst,
                            TransactionDate = tranDate,
                            TransactionType = (int) status,
                            ModifiedBy = UserHelper.Username
     return transHis;
 public static Entity.ShippingHeader SaveOrUpdateShippingHeader(VehicleDataContext db, string areaCode, string shipNumber, string shipTo, DateTime shipDate, string dealerCode, int itemCount, string createBy)
     var query = db.ShippingHeaders.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ShippingNumber.Equals(shipNumber.Trim()));
         if (query == null)
             query = new Entity.ShippingHeader { CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = createBy };
         query.ShippingNumber = shipNumber;
         query.ShippingTo = shipTo;
         query.ShippingDate = shipDate;
         query.DealerCode = dealerCode;
         query.AreaCode = areaCode;
         if (query.ItemCount < itemCount) query.ItemCount = itemCount;
     return query;
    protected void GridView3_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
        if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
            GridView gv = (GridView)sender;

            // set Item No
            //Literal lit = (Literal)e.Row.FindControl("litNo");
            //if (lit == null) return;
            int no = gv.PageIndex * gv.PageSize + e.Row.RowIndex + 1;
            //lit.Text = no.ToString();
            e.Row.Cells[0].Text = no.ToString();

            // setup data
            string branch = e.Row.Cells[9].Text;

            string eng = ((Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblEngineNumber")).Text;
            TextBox txt = (TextBox)e.Row.FindControl("txtException");
            TextBox txtItemDate = (TextBox)e.Row.FindControl("txtItemImportDate");
            RadioButtonList rbl = (RadioButtonList)e.Row.FindControl("rblStatus");
            CheckBox chb = (CheckBox)e.Row.FindControl("chbVoucherStatus");
            CheckBox chbConfirmed = (CheckBox)e.Row.FindControl("chbOrderComfirmed");
            ImageButton imgDt = (ImageButton)e.Row.FindControl("imgbItemCarlendar");
            if (UserHelper.BranchCode != branch && !errorCode.Contains(ImportErrorCode.OrdersDoesNotConfirmed))
                txt.Text = UserHelper.BranchCode;
                txt.Attributes["disabled"] = "disabled";
                e.Row.Enabled = false;

            //check trang thai hien thoi cua xe
            using (var dc = new VehicleDataContext())
                if (dc.ItemInstances.FirstOrDefault(i => i.EngineNumber == eng && ItemHepler.GetInstockItemStatus().Contains(i.Status)) != null)
                    txt.Text = "Vehicle already instock!";
                    txt.Attributes["disabled"] = "disabled";
                    e.Row.Enabled = false;
                if (dc.ItemInstances.FirstOrDefault(i => i.EngineNumber == eng && i.Status == (int)ItemStatus.Sold) != null)
                    txt.Text = "Vehicle already sold out!";
                    txt.Attributes["disabled"] = "disabled";
                    e.Row.Enabled = false;

            //if ((txt == null) || (rbl == null) || (chb == null)) return;
            txt.Enabled = ((!chb.Checked) || (rbl.SelectedValue != "1"));
            string js = "Import_StatusChanged(document.getElementById('" + btnAccept.ClientID +
                                          "'),document.getElementById('" + txt.ClientID +
                                          "'),document.getElementById('" + rbl.ClientID +
                                        "_1'),document.getElementById('" + chb.ClientID +
                                          "'),document.getElementById('" + rbl.ClientID +
                                        "_0'),document.getElementById('" + txtItemDate.ClientID +
                                          "'),document.getElementById('" + txtImportDate.ClientID +
                                          "'),document.getElementById('" + imgDt.ClientID + "'))";
            rbl.Attributes.Add("OnClick", js);
            chb.Attributes.Add("OnClick", js);
            txt.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", js);
            txt.Attributes.Add("onblur", js);
            //txtItemDate.Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled");

            //clientScript += " txtList[" + e.Row.RowIndex + "] = document.getElementById('" + txt.ClientID + "'); \n";
            clientScript += " document.getElementById('" + txt.ClientID + "'), ";
            clientFunc += "function(){" + js + ";}, ";

            //string OrderNumber = (string)((e.Row.DataItem as DataRowView)["OrderNumber"]);
            string OrderNumber = "";
            if (e.Row.DataItem is VDMS.I.Entity.IShippingDetail)
                OrderNumber = (e.Row.DataItem as VDMS.I.Entity.IShippingDetail).TipTopOrderNumber;
                OrderNumber = (string)((e.Row.DataItem as DataRowView)["TipTopOrderNumber"]);

            IsAllOrderConfirmed &= chbConfirmed.Checked;
            // set import date range
            RangeValidator rv = (RangeValidator)e.Row.FindControl("rvItemImportDate");
            if (rv != null)
                if ((ViewState[VS_BaseShipDate] == null) || (DateTime)ViewState[VS_BaseShipDate] > DateTime.Now)
                    Validator.SetDateRange(rv, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, true, e.Row.RowIndex + 1);
                    Validator.SetDateRange(rv, (DateTime)ViewState[VS_BaseShipDate], DateTime.Now, true, e.Row.RowIndex + 1);