}       //	getOrig

        public new void Translate(Ctx ctx)
            if (m_originalString == null)
            String inText = Msg.ParseTranslation(ctx, m_originalString);

            //	log.fine( "StringElement.translate", inText);
            //String[] lines = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("$", java.util.regex.Pattern.MULTILINE).split(inText);
            String[] lines = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(inText, "$", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline);
            m_string_paper = new AttributedString[lines.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[i]))
                String line = Utility.Util.RemoveCRLF(lines[i]);
                m_string_paper[i] = new AttributedString(line);
                if (line.Length > 0)
                    m_string_paper[i].AddAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, m_font);
                    m_string_paper[i].AddAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, m_paint);
            m_string_view = m_string_paper;
        }       //	translate
        }       //	calculateSize

        //throw new NotImplementedException();

        public StringElement(String inText, Font font, Color paint, NamePair ID, bool translateText)
            : base()
            log.Finest("Text=" + inText + ", ID=" + ID + ", Translate=" + translateText);
            p_info  = inText;
            m_font  = font;
            m_paint = paint;
            if (translateText)
                int count = Utility.Util.GetCount(inText, '@');

                if (count > 0 && count % 2 == 0)
                    m_originalString = inText;
                    //	Translate it to get rough space (not correct context) = may be too small
                    inText = Msg.ParseTranslation(Env.GetCtx(), m_originalString);
            m_ID = ID;
            // String[] lines = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("$", java.util.regex.Pattern.MULTILINE).split(inText);
            String[] lines = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(inText, "$", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline);

            m_string_paper = new AttributedString[lines.Length];
            m_string_view  = new AttributedString[lines.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[i]))
                String line = Utility.Util.RemoveCRLF(lines[i]);
                m_string_paper[i] = new AttributedString(line);
                if (line.Length == 0)
                log.Finest(" - line=" + i + " - " + line);
                m_string_paper[i].AddAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, font);
                m_string_paper[i].AddAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, paint);
                if (m_ID != null && i == 0)             //	first line only - create special Attributed String
                    m_string_view[i] = new AttributedString(line);
                    m_string_view[i].AddAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, font);
                    int endIndex = line.Length;
                    m_string_view[i].AddAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, LINK_COLOR);
                    m_string_view[i].AddAttribute(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE, TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_LOW_ONE_PIXEL, 0, endIndex);
                    m_string_view[i] = m_string_paper[i];
            //	Load Image
Exemple #3
        // constructor
        public AttributedStringIterator(Attributes[] attributes, int beginIndex, int endIndex, AttributedString aString)
            attString = aString;

            if (beginIndex < 0 || beginIndex > endIndex || endIndex > attString.Length())
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid substring range");

            this.beginIndex   = beginIndex;
            this.endIndex     = endIndex;
            this.currentIndex = beginIndex;
            if (attributes != null)
                relevantAttributes = (Attributes[])attributes.Clone();
        }       //	setData

        public void SetData(int row, int col, String stringData, Font font, Color foreground)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringData))

            TextLayout       layout;
            AttributedString aString = new AttributedString(stringData);

            aString.AddAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, font);
            aString.AddAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, foreground);
            AttributedCharacterIterator iter = aString.GetIterator();

            //HashMap<TextAttribute, object> map = new HashMap<TextAttribute, object>();
            //map.Put(TextAttribute.FONT, font);
            //map.Put(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, foreground);
            layout = new TextLayout(iter);
            SetData(row, col, layout, iter);
        }       //	translate

        public override void PaintPdf(XGraphics g2D, int pageNo, PointF pageStart, Ctx ctx, bool isView)
            m_solidbrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
            PointF location = GetAbsoluteLocation(pageStart);

            if (m_originalString != null)

            AttributedString            aString = null;
            AttributedCharacterIterator iter    = null;
            //	AttributedCharacterIterator iter2 = null;
            float xPos   = (float)location.X;
            float yPos   = (float)location.Y;
            float yPen   = 0f;
            float height = 0f;
            float width  = 0f;

            //	for all lines
            for (int i = 0; i < m_string_paper.Length; i++)
                //	Get Text
                if (isView)
                    if (m_string_view[i] == null)
                    aString = m_string_view[i];
                    if (m_string_paper[i] == null)
                    aString = m_string_paper[i];
                iter = aString.GetIterator();
                //	Zero Length
                if (iter.GetBeginIndex() == iter.GetEndIndex())

                //	Check for Tab (just first) and 16 bit characters
                int  tabPos = -1;
                bool is8Bit = true;
                for (char c = iter.First(); c != DONE; c = iter.Next())
                    if (c == '\t' && tabPos == -1)
                        tabPos = iter.GetIndex();
                    if (c > 255)
                        is8Bit = false;

                TextLayout layout = null;
                float      xPen   = xPos;

                //	No Limit
                if (p_maxWidth == 0f)
                    if (tabPos == -1)
                        layout = new TextLayout(iter);
                        yPen   = yPos + layout.GetAscent();
                        //	layout.draw(g2D, xPen, yPen);
                        //XFont d = new XFont(m_font, new XPdfFontOptions(PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfFontEncoding.Unicode, PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfFontEmbedding.Automatic));

                        //StringBuilder txt = new StringBuilder();

                        XPdfFontOptions options = new XPdfFontOptions(PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfFontEncoding.Unicode, PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfFontEmbedding.Always);

                        PdfSharp.Drawing.Layout.XTextFormatter tf = new PdfSharp.Drawing.Layout.XTextFormatter(g2D);

                        //XStringFormat sf = new XStringFormat();
                        //sf.Alignment = XStringAlignment.Near;

                        //tf.Alignment = PdfSharp.Drawing.Layout.XParagraphAlignment.Left;

                        //tf.DrawString(iter.GetText(), new XFont(m_font, options), new XSolidBrush(XColors.Black), (double)xPen, (double)yPen);
                        g2D.DrawString(iter.GetText(), new XFont(m_font, options), new XSolidBrush(XColors.Black), (double)xPen, (double)yPen, new XStringFormat()
                            Alignment = XStringAlignment.Near
                        yPos += layout.GetAscent() + layout.GetDescent() + layout.GetLeading();
                        if (width < layout.GetAdvance())
                            width = layout.GetAdvance();
                    else        //	we have a tab
                        LineBreakMeasurer measurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(iter);
                        layout = measurer.NextLayout(9999, tabPos);
                        float lineHeight_1 = layout.GetAscent() + layout.GetDescent() + layout.GetLeading();
                        yPen = yPos + layout.GetAscent();
                        g2D.DrawString(iter.GetText(), new XFont(m_font, new XPdfFontOptions(PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfFontEncoding.Unicode, PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfFontEmbedding.Always)), new XSolidBrush(XColors.Black), (double)xPen, (double)yPen);          //	first part before tab
                        xPen = GetTabPos(xPos, layout.GetAdvance());
                        float lineWidth = xPen - xPos;
                        layout = measurer.NextLayout(9999);//, iter.getEndIndex(), true);
                        float lineHeight_2 = layout.GetAscent() + layout.GetDescent() + layout.GetLeading();
                        //layout.draw(g2D, xPen, yPen);		//	second part after tab
                        yPos      += Math.Max(lineHeight_1, lineHeight_2);
                        lineWidth += layout.GetAdvance();
                        if (width < lineWidth)
                            width = lineWidth;
                    //	log.finest( "StringElement.paint - No Limit - " + location.x + "/" + yPos
                    //		+ " w=" + layout.getAdvance() + ",h=" + lineHeight + ", Bounds=" + layout.getBounds());
                //	Size Limits
                    bool fastDraw = LayoutEngine.s_FASTDRAW;
                    if (fastDraw && !isView && !is8Bit)
                        fastDraw = false;
                    LineBreakMeasurer measurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(iter);
                    while (measurer.GetPosition() < iter.GetEndIndex())
                        if (tabPos == -1)
                            layout = measurer.NextLayout(p_maxWidth);
                            // use fastDraw if the string fits in one line
                            if (fastDraw && iter.GetEndIndex() != measurer.GetPosition())
                                fastDraw = false;
                        else    //	tab
                            fastDraw = false;
                            layout   = measurer.NextLayout(p_maxWidth, tabPos);
                        //	Line Height
                        float lineHeight = layout.GetAscent() + layout.GetDescent() + layout.GetLeading();
                        if (p_maxHeight == -1f && i == 0)               //	one line only
                            p_maxHeight = lineHeight;
                        //	If we have hight left over
                        if (p_maxHeight == 0f || (height + lineHeight) <= p_maxHeight)
                            yPen = (float)location.Y + height + layout.GetAscent();
                            //	Tab in Text
                            if (tabPos != -1)
                                layout.Draw(g2D, (double)xPen, (double)yPen);   //	first part before tab
                                xPen   = GetTabPos(xPos, layout.GetAdvance());
                                layout = measurer.NextLayout(p_width, iter.GetEndIndex());
                                tabPos = -1;    //	reset (just one tab)
                            else if ((X_AD_PrintFormatItem.FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_TrailingRight.Equals(p_FieldAlignmentType) && layout.IsLeftToRight()) ||
                                     (X_AD_PrintFormatItem.FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_LeadingLeft.Equals(p_FieldAlignmentType)) && !layout.IsLeftToRight())
                                xPen += p_maxWidth - layout.GetAdvance();
                            else if (X_AD_PrintFormatItem.FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_Center.Equals(p_FieldAlignmentType))
                                xPen += (p_maxWidth - layout.GetAdvance()) / 2;
                            else if (X_AD_PrintFormatItem.FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_Block.Equals(p_FieldAlignmentType) && measurer.GetPosition() < iter.GetEndIndex())
                                //layout = layout.getJustifiedLayout(p_maxWidth);
                                fastDraw = false;
                            if (fastDraw)
                                g2D.DrawString(iter.GetText(), new XFont(m_font, new XPdfFontOptions(PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfFontEncoding.Unicode, PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfFontEmbedding.Always)), new XSolidBrush(XColors.Black), (double)xPen, (double)yPen - 7);
                                layout.Draw(g2D, (double)xPen, (double)yPen);
                            height += lineHeight;
                            //	log.finest( "StringElement.paint - Limit - " + xPen + "/" + yPen
                            //		+ " w=" + layout.getAdvance() + ",h=" + lineHeight + ", Align=" + p_FieldAlignmentType + ", Max w=" + p_maxWidth + ",h=" + p_maxHeight + ", Bounds=" + layout.getBounds());
                    width = p_maxWidth;
                } //	size limits
            }     //	for all strings
            if (m_check != null)
                int x = (int)(location.X + width + 1);
                int y = (int)(location.Y);
                //g2D.DrawImage((bool)m_check ? LayoutEngine.IMAGE_TRUE : LayoutEngine.IMAGE_FALSE, x, y);
        }       //	StringElement

        public StringElement(Object content, Font font, Color paint, NamePair ID, String label, String labelSuffix)
            log.Finest("Label=" + label + "|" + labelSuffix
                       + ", Content=" + content + ", ID=" + ID);
            m_font  = font;
            m_paint = paint;
            int startIndex = 0;
            int endOffset  = 0;

            StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();


            if (label != null && label.Length > 0 && (content != null && content.ToString() != ""))
                text.Append(label).Append(" ");
                startIndex = label.Length + 1;

            if (content is Boolean)
                m_check = (Boolean)content;

            else if (content is DateTime)
                if (content.ToString().Length > 10)
                    text.Append(content.ToString().Substring(0, 10));

            if (labelSuffix != null && labelSuffix.Length > 0)
                endOffset = labelSuffix.Length;
            m_ID = ID;
            //String[] lines = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("$", java.util.regex.Pattern.MULTILINE).split(text.ToString());
            String[] lines = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(text.ToString(), "$", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline);
            m_string_paper = new AttributedString[lines.Length];
            m_string_view  = new AttributedString[lines.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[i]))
                String line = Utility.Util.RemoveCRLF(lines[i]);
                m_string_paper[i] = new AttributedString(line);
                if (line.Length == 0)
                log.Finest(" - line=" + i + " - " + line);
                m_string_paper[i].AddAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, font);
                m_string_paper[i].AddAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, paint);
                if (m_ID != null && i == 0)             //	first line only - create special Attributed String
                    m_string_view[i] = new AttributedString(line);
                    m_string_view[i].AddAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, font);
                    m_string_view[i].AddAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, paint);
                    int endIndex = line.Length - endOffset;
                    if (endIndex > startIndex)
                        m_string_view[i].AddAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, LINK_COLOR, startIndex, endIndex);
                        m_string_view[i].AddAttribute(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE, TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_LOW_ONE_PIXEL, startIndex, endIndex);
                    m_string_view[i] = m_string_paper[i];
        }       //	StringElement
 public StringElement(AttributedString str)
     m_string_paper = new AttributedString[] { str };
     m_string_view  = m_string_paper;
 }       //	StringElement