//public PregnancyResult GetMostRecentPregnancy(string patientDfn)
        //    PregnancyResult result = new PregnancyResult();

        //    PregnancyListResult listResult = GetPregnancies(patientDfn, "");

        //    if (listResult.Success)
        //    {
        //        if (listResult.Pregnancies != null)
        //        {
        //            Pregnancy mostRecent;
        //            foreach (Pregnancy preg in listResult.Pregnancies)
        //            {

        //                if (mostRecent == null)
        //                    mostRecent = preg;
        //                else if (preg.RecordType == PregnancyRecordType.Current)
        //                    mostRecent = preg;

        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //    return result;

        private List <DsioObservation> GetObservationsToSave(string patientDfn, PregnancyHistory pregnancyHistory)
            PregnancyHistory origHist = null;

            // *** Get original history ***
            PregnancyHistoryResult histResult = this.GetPregnancyHistory(patientDfn);

            // *** Create a list of items that need to be saved ***
            List <DsioObservation> observationsToSave = new List <DsioObservation>();

            // *** Set original history ***
            if (histResult.Success)
                origHist = histResult.PregnancyHistory;

            // *** Loop through all the observations ***
            foreach (Observation newObservation in pregnancyHistory.Observations.Values)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newObservation.Value)) // *** Add if there's something there
                    // *** If we have previous entries ***
                    if (origHist != null)
                        // *** Compare current with previous and only save if different ***

                        string origVal = origHist.GetValue(newObservation.Code);

                        if (origVal == null)
                            origVal = "";

                        if (origVal != newObservation.Value)
                            DsioObservation dsioObs = ObservationUtility.GetDsioObservation(newObservation);
                        DsioObservation dsioObs = ObservationUtility.GetDsioObservation(newObservation);

        public PregnancyHistoryResult GetPregnancyHistory(string patientDfn)
            // *** Gets pregnancy history ***

            PregnancyHistoryResult result = new PregnancyHistoryResult();

            // *** Create the command ***
            DsioGetObservationsCommand command = new DsioGetObservationsCommand(this.broker);

            // *** Add command arguments ***
            command.AddCommandArguments(patientDfn, "", "", "", "", "", "", "Pregnancy History", 1, 1000);

            // *** Execute command ***
            RpcResponse response = command.Execute();

            // *** Add results to return ***
            result.Success = response.Status == RpcResponseStatus.Success;
            result.Message = response.InformationalMessage;

            // *** Create pregnancy history ***
            if (result.Success)
                // *** Check that there are observations ***
                if (command.ObservationsList != null)
                    if (command.ObservationsList.Count > 0)
                        // *** Create a dictionary to hold only most recent ***
                        Dictionary <string, DsioObservation> mostRecentList = new Dictionary <string, DsioObservation>();

                        // *** Loop through the list, if it does not exist add it, or if it is newer, replace ***
                        foreach (DsioObservation dsioObservation in command.ObservationsList)
                            if (!mostRecentList.ContainsKey(dsioObservation.Code.Code))
                                mostRecentList.Add(dsioObservation.Code.Code, dsioObservation);
                                // *** Get dates to compare ***
                                DateTime existingDate = VistaDates.ParseDateString(mostRecentList[dsioObservation.Code.Code].EntryDate, VistaDates.VistADateFormatTwo);
                                DateTime newDate      = VistaDates.ParseDateString(dsioObservation.EntryDate, VistaDates.VistADateFormatTwo);

                                // *** If newer replace ***
                                if (newDate > existingDate)
                                    mostRecentList[dsioObservation.Code.Code] = dsioObservation;

                        // *** Loop through most recent and add to pregnancy history ***
                        foreach (DsioObservation dsioObservation in mostRecentList.Values)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dsioObservation.Code.Code))
                                Observation tempObs = ObservationUtility.GetObservation(dsioObservation);
                                result.PregnancyHistory.Observations[dsioObservation.Code.Code] = tempObs;
                                //result.PregnancyHistory.SetValue(dsioObservation.Code, dsioObservation.Value);
