Exemple #1
 // Entry point for retracting a constraint. Remove the given
 // constraint and incrementally update the dataflow graph.
 // Details: Retracting the given constraint may allow some currently
 // unsatisfiable downstream constraint to be satisfied. We therefore collect
 // a list of unsatisfied downstream constraints and attempt to
 // satisfy each one in turn. This list is traversed by constraint
 // strength, strongest first, as a heuristic for avoiding
 // unnecessarily adding and then overriding weak constraints.
 // Assume: c is satisfied.
 public void incrementalRemove(Constraint c)
     Variable outvar = c.output();
     ArrayList unsatisfied = removePropagateFrom(outvar);
     Strength strength = Strength.required;
         for (int i = 0; i < unsatisfied.Count; ++i)
             Constraint u = (Constraint)unsatisfied[i];
             if (u.strength == strength)
         strength = strength.nextWeaker();
     } while (strength != Strength.weakest);
Exemple #2
    // Recompute the walkabout strengths and stay flags of all variables
    // downstream of the given constraint and recompute the actual
    // values of all variables whose stay flag is true. If a cycle is
    // detected, remove the given constraint and answer
    // false. Otherwise, answer true.
    // Details: Cycles are detected when a marked variable is
    // encountered downstream of the given constraint. The sender is
    // assumed to have marked the inputs of the given constraint with
    // the given mark. Thus, encountering a marked node downstream of
    // the output constraint means that there is a path from the
    // constraint's output to one of its inputs.
    public Boolean addPropagate(Constraint c, int mark)
        ArrayList todo = new ArrayList();
        while (!(todo.Count == 0))
            Constraint d = (Constraint)todo[todo.Count - 1];
            todo.RemoveAt(todo.Count - 1);
            Constraint d= (Constraint)todo[0];
            if (d.output().mark == mark)
                return false;
            addConstraintsConsumingTo(d.output(), todo);
        return true;
Exemple #3
 // Attempt to satisfy the given constraint and, if successful,
 // incrementally update the dataflow graph.  Details: If satifying
 // the constraint is successful, it may override a weaker constraint
 // on its output. The algorithm attempts to resatisfy that
 // constraint using some other method. This process is repeated
 // until either a) it reaches a variable that was not previously
 // determined by any constraint or b) it reaches a constraint that
 // is too weak to be satisfied using any of its methods. The
 // variables of constraints that have been processed are marked with
 // a unique mark value so that we know where we've been. This allows
 // the algorithm to avoid getting into an infinite loop even if the
 // constraint graph has an inadvertent cycle.
 public void incrementalAdd(Constraint c)
     int mark = newMark();
     Constraint overridden = c.satisfy(mark);
     while (overridden != null)
         overridden = overridden.satisfy(mark);
Exemple #4
 public void addConstraint(Constraint c) { _v.Add(c); }
Exemple #5
 // Remove all traces of c from this variable.
 public void removeConstraint(Constraint c)
     if (determinedBy == c) determinedBy = null;
Exemple #6
 // Add the given constraint to the set of all constraints that refer to me.
 public void addConstraint(Constraint c)
Exemple #7
    public String name;             // a symbolic name for reporting purposes

    private Variable(String name, int initialValue, Strength walkStrength,
             int nconstraints)
        value = initialValue;
        constraints = new ArrayList(nconstraints);
        determinedBy = null;
        mark = 0;
        this.walkStrength = walkStrength;
        stay = true;
        this.name = name;