Exemple #1
        public TreeNode[] GetSubObjectHierarchy(TreeNode node)
            // Show the column breakdown for the selected table
            if (node is SqlNode)
                SqlNode sn = (SqlNode)node;
                this.DbClient.Database = sn.database;
                if (sn.type == "U" || sn.type == "V")                                           // break down columns for user tables and views
                    DataSet ds = dbClient.Execute("select COLUMN_NAME name, DATA_TYPE type, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH clength, NUMERIC_PRECISION nprecision, NUMERIC_SCALE nscale, IS_NULLABLE nullable  from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_CATALOG = db_name() and TABLE_SCHEMA = '"
                                                  + sn.owner + "' and TABLE_NAME = '" + sn.name + "' order by ORDINAL_POSITION", timeout);
                    if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count == 0)

                    TreeNode[] tn    = new SqlNode [ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count];
                    int        count = 0;

                    foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        string length;
                        if (row ["clength"].ToString() != "")
                            length = "(" + row ["clength"].ToString() + ")";
                        else if (row ["nprecision"].ToString() != "")
                            length = "(" + row ["nprecision"].ToString() + "," + row ["nscale"].ToString() + ")";
                            length = "";

                        string nullable = row ["nullable"].ToString().StartsWith("Y") ? "null" : "not null";

                        SqlNode column = new SqlNode(row ["name"].ToString() + " ("
                                                     + row ["type"].ToString() + length + ", " + nullable + ")");
                        column.type     = "CO";                 // column
                        column.dragText = row ["name"].ToString();
                        if (column.dragText.IndexOf(' ') >= 0)
                            column.dragText = "[" + column.dragText + "]";
                        column.safeName = column.dragText;
                        tn [count++]    = column;
Exemple #2
        public DataSet  GetSubObjectDataSet(TreeNode thenode)
            if (thenode is SqlNode)
                SqlNode sn = (SqlNode)thenode;

                this.DbClient.Database = sn.database;
                if (sn.type == "U" || sn.type == "V")                                           // break down columns for user tables and views
                    DataSet ds = dbClient.Execute("select COLUMN_NAME name, DATA_TYPE type, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH clength, NUMERIC_PRECISION nprecision, NUMERIC_SCALE nscale, IS_NULLABLE nullable  from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_CATALOG = db_name() and TABLE_SCHEMA = '"
                                                  + sn.owner + "' and TABLE_NAME = '" + sn.name + "' order by ORDINAL_POSITION", timeout);
Exemple #3
        public StringCollection GetActionList(TreeNode node)
            if (!(node is SqlNode))

            SqlNode          sn     = (SqlNode)node;
            StringCollection output = new StringCollection();

            if (sn.type == "U" || sn.type == "S" || sn.type == "V")
                output.Add("select * from " + sn.safeName);
                output.Add("sp_help " + sn.safeName);
                if (sn.type != "V")
                    output.Add("sp_helpindex " + sn.safeName);
                    output.Add("sp_helpconstraint " + sn.safeName);
                    output.Add("sp_helptrigger " + sn.safeName);
                output.Add("(insert all fields)");
                output.Add("(insert all fields, table prefixed)");

            if (sn.type == "V" || sn.type == "P" || sn.type == "FN")
                output.Add("View / Modify " + sn.name);

            if (sn.type == "CO" && ((SqlNode)sn.Parent).type == "U")
                output.Add("Alter column...");

            return(output.Count == 0 ? null : output);
Exemple #4
        public string GetActionText(TreeNode node, string action)
            if (!(node is SqlNode))

            SqlNode sn = (SqlNode)node;

            if (action.StartsWith("select * from ") || action.StartsWith("sp_"))

            if (action.StartsWith("(insert all fields"))
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                // If the table-prefixed option has been selected, add the table name to all the fields
                string prefix = action == "(insert all fields)" ? "" : sn.safeName + ".";
                int    chars  = 0;
                foreach (TreeNode subNode in GetSubObjectHierarchy(node))
                    if (chars > 50)
                        chars = 0;
                    string s = (sb.Length == 0 ? "" : ", ") + prefix + ((SqlNode)subNode).dragText;
                    chars += s.Length;
                return(sb.Length == 0 ? null : sb.ToString());

            if (action.StartsWith("View / Modify "))
                DataSet ds = dbClient.Execute("sp_helptext " + sn.safeName, timeout);
                if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count == 0)

                StringBuilder sb      = new StringBuilder();
                bool          altered = false;
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    string line = row[0].ToString();
                    if (!altered && line.Trim().ToUpper().StartsWith("CREATE"))
                        sb.Append("ALTER" + line.Trim().Substring(6, line.Trim().Length - 6) + "\r\n");
                        altered = true;

            if (action == "Alter column...")
                return("alter table " + ((SqlNode)sn.Parent).dragText + " alter column " + sn.safeName + " ");

Exemple #5
        public TreeNode[] GetObjectHierarchy()
            TreeNode[] top = new TreeNode[]
                new TreeNode("User Tables"),
                new TreeNode("System Tables"),
                new TreeNode("Views"),
                new TreeNode("User Stored Procs"),
                new TreeNode("MS Stored Procs"),
                new TreeNode("Functions")

            DataSet ds = dbClient.Execute("select type, ObjectProperty (id, N'IsMSShipped') shipped, object_name(id) object, user_name(uid) owner from sysobjects where type in (N'U', N'S', N'V', N'P', N'FN') order by object, owner", timeout);

            if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count == 0)

            foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                string type = row ["type"].ToString().Substring(0, 2).Trim();

                int position;
                if (type == "U")
                    position = 0;                                                                                               // user table
                else if (type == "S")
                    position = 1;                                                                               // system table
                else if (type == "V")
                    position = 2;                                                                               // view
                else if (type == "FN")
                    position = 5;                                                                                       // function
                else if ((int)row ["shipped"] == 0)
                    position = 3;                                                               // user stored proc
                    position = 4;                                                                                                               // MS stored proc
                string  prefix = row ["owner"].ToString() == "dbo" ? "" : row ["owner"].ToString() + ".";
                SqlNode node   = new SqlNode(prefix + row ["object"].ToString());
                node.type     = type;
                node.database = dbClient.Database;
                node.name     = row ["object"].ToString();
                node.owner    = row ["owner"].ToString();

                // If the object name contains a space, wrap the "safe name" in square brackets.
                if (node.owner.IndexOf(' ') >= 0 || node.name.IndexOf(' ') >= 0)
                    node.safeName = "[" + node.name + "]";
                    node.dragText = "[" + node.owner + "].[" + node.name + "]";
                    node.safeName = node.name;
                    node.dragText = node.owner + "." + node.name;
                top [position].Nodes.Add(node);

                // Add a dummy sub-node to user tables and views so they'll have a clickable expand sign
                // allowing us to have GetSubObjectHierarchy called so the user can view the columns
                if (type == "U" || type == "V")
                    node.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode());