public void copy(TxtLocation loc)
     m_path    = loc.m_path;
     column    = loc.column;
     line      = loc.line;
     m_context = loc.m_context;
Exemple #2
 public LexicalError(TxtLocation loc, char cin, char peek, string message)
     : base(loc, message)
     Data.Add("cin", cin);
     Data.Add("peek", peek);
     Data.Add("is_eof", '\0' == cin);
 public object apply(TxtLocation loc, Closure fn, object[] args)
     try {
         return fn.fn(args);
     } catch (Exception e) {
         throw new InterpreterException(loc, "exception occured in method: " + fn.fn.Method.Name, e);
        public object lookup(TxtLocation loc, Symbol sym)
            object def;

            if (definitions.TryGetValue(sym, out def)) {
                return def;
            } else if (m_parent != null) {
                return m_parent.lookup(loc, sym);
            } else if (m_trap(sym, out def)) {
                return def;
            } else {
                throw new InterpreterException(loc, + " is undefined");
 public TxtException(TxtLocation loc, string message, Exception innerException)
     : base(message, innerException)
 public TxtException(TxtLocation loc, string message)
     : base(message)
     Data.Add("loc", loc);
Exemple #7
 public TypeExpected(TxtLocation loc, string type)
     : base(loc, "internal error! expected object of type <" + type + ">")
Exemple #8
 static string make_message(TxtLocation loc, Token lookahead, Token[] tokens)
     return String.Format(
         "{0}: expected {1} got {2}\n{3}\n",
         fancy_token(lookahead), loc.FancyContext());
Exemple #9
 public SyntaxError(TxtLocation loc, Token lookahead, params Token[] expected)
     : base(loc, make_message(loc, lookahead, expected))
     Data.Add("lookahead", lookahead);
     Data.Add("expected", expected);
 public InterpreterException(TxtLocation loc, string message)
     : base(loc, message)
Exemple #11
 static void compare_logs2(string path1, string path2)
     Console.WriteLine("testing the multivisitor with files {0} and {1}", path1, path2);
     using (Reader file1 = new Reader(path1)) {
         using (Reader file2 = new Reader(path2)) {
             Log log1 = new Log();
             Log log2 = new Log();
             Util.TxtLocation loc1 = new Util.TxtLocation(path1);
             Util.TxtLocation loc2 = new Util.TxtLocation(path2);
             VectorLogger logger1 = new VectorLogger(log1, loc1, new SafeVectorVisitor(null));
             VectorLogger logger2 = new VectorLogger(log2, loc2, new SafeVectorVisitor(null));
             VectorMultiVisitor mv = new VectorMultiVisitor(logger1, logger2);
             Parser p1 = new Parser(file1, mv, loc1);
             LogComparer.compare_logs(log1, log2);
 public VectInterpreter(Environment env, TxtLocation loc, IBox outbox)
     : base(outbox)
     m_env = env;
     m_loc = loc;
 public TopLevelVectInterpreter(Environment env, TxtLocation loc, Print print, IBox outbox)
     : base(env, loc, outbox)
     m_print = print;
 public ArgsInterpreter(Environment env, TxtLocation loc, ListBox args)
     m_env = env;
     m_loc = loc;
     m_args = args;
 public InterpreterException(TxtLocation loc, string message, Exception innerException)
     : base(loc, message, innerException)
 public object transform(TxtLocation loc, SpecialForm m, object source)
     try {
         return m.m(source);
     } catch (Exception e) {
         throw new InterpreterException(loc, "exception occured in special form: " + m.m.Method.Name, e);
Exemple #17
        static void compare_logs(string path)
            Console.WriteLine("comparing the visitation logs for the parser and dynamic visitor for file {0}", path);

            Log log1 = new Log();

            using (Reader file = new Reader(path)) {
                Util.TxtLocation loc = new Util.TxtLocation(path);
                VectorLogger logger = new VectorLogger(log1, loc, new SafeVectorVisitor(null));
                Parser p = new Parser(file, logger, loc);

            Log log2 = new Log();

            using (Reader file = new Reader(path)) {
                VectBox top = new VectBox();
                VectBuilder builder = new VectBuilder(top);
                Parser p = new Parser(file, builder);
                Util.TxtLocation loc = new Util.TxtLocation(path);

                VectorLogger logger = new VectorLogger(log2, loc, new SafeVectorVisitor(null));
                if (top.value != null) DynamicVisitor.accept(top.value, logger);

            LogComparer.compare_logs(log1, log2);

Exemple #18
 public Parser(Reader reader, VectVisitor visitor, TxtLocation loc)
     m_scanner = new Scanner(reader);
     m_visitor = visitor;
     m_loc = loc;
Exemple #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #if false
            Parent p = new Parent("Karen");
            p.children.Add(new Son("Jason"));
            p.children.Add(new Daughter("April"));

            ParentVisitor pv = new ParentVisitor();

            DynamicVisitor.accept(p, pv);
            #if false


            #if false
            parse_and_write("test.txt", "test-output1.txt");
            parse_and_write("test-output1.txt", "test-output2.txt");
            compare_files("test.txt", "test-output1.txt");
            compare_files("test-output1.txt", "test-output2.txt");
            compare_logs("test.txt", "test-output1.txt");
            compare_logs("test-output1.txt", "test-output2.txt");
            parse_build_write("test.txt", "test-output3.txt");
            compare_files("test.txt", "test-output3.txt");
            compare_logs("test.txt", "test-output3.txt");
            compare_logs2("test.txt", "test-output3.txt");
            compare_logs("test.txt", "test2.txt");
            #if false
            using (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("construct1.txt")) {
                Code c = code_builder_test2();
                Dictionary<string, string> aliases = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                //aliases.Add("Sexp.Cons", "cons");
                //aliases.Add("System.Object[]", "vector");
                List<string> ns = new List<string>();
                //                ns.Add("Sexp");
                //                object[] test1 = build("test.txt");
                //                object[] test1 = ConstructLang.tour(build("test.txt"), ns, aliases);

                aliases.Add("Flat.Type", ".type");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Prototype", ".prototype");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Operator", ".operator");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Relation", ".relation");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Constant", ".constant");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Global", ".global");

                aliases.Add("Flat.Local", ".local");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Parameter", ".param");

                aliases.Add("Flat.Do", ".do");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Move", ".move");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Call", ".call");
                aliases.Add("Flat.DoLambda", ".gosub");
                aliases.Add("Flat.If", ".if");

                aliases.Add("Flat.Lambda", ".lambda");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Operands", "<-");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Lvalues", "->");

                aliases.Add("Flat.Types", "types:");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Prototypes", "prototypes:");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Constants", "constants:");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Globals", "globals:");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Operators", "operators:");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Relations", "relations:");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Lambdas", "lambdas:");
                aliases.Add("Flat.Listing", "listing:");

                object[] test1 = ConstructLang.tour(c, ns, aliases);
                //VectorLogger logger = new VectorLogger(new Log(), new TxtLocation(""), GetTopLevelWriter.create(writer));
                Format fmt = new Format();
                //fmt.format_vect = true;
                //fmt.format_data = false;
                //fmt.format_head = false;
                //fmt.format_appl = true;
                //fmt.do_abbrev = true;
                //fmt.do_abbrev = false;
                //fmt.do_debug = true;
                DynamicVisitor.accept(test1, GetTopLevelWriter.create(writer, fmt, ConstructFormat.get_construct_lang_config));
            //            int foo = 2+2;
            #if true
            //System.IO.TextWriter my_out = new System.IO.StreamWriter("output.txt");

            Reader f = new Reader("test4.txt");
            Util.TxtLocation loc = new Util.TxtLocation("test4.txt");
            Parser p = new Parser(f, new SafeVectorVisitor(new Interpreter(new StandardEnvironment(null/*delegate(Symbol sym, out object def) { def = null; return true; }*/), loc)), loc);


            //object[] v = build("test.txt");
            //DynamicVisitor.accept(v, new IntVisitor());
            //DynamicVisitor.accept(v, new Interpreter(new TestEnvironment(), null));
 public Interpreter(Environment env, TxtLocation loc)
     m_env = env;
     m_loc = loc;