private void DownloadFile(string[] p)
            for (int i = 0; i < p.Count(); i++)
                p[i] = id + " - " + p[i];

            string realpath = usbpath + @"SchoolInteligentUSB\FileRoom";

            //프로그래스바 ㄱㄱ
            MultiProgressBar mbar = new MultiProgressBar(service, p, 6, realpath);
            mbar.getfile += GetFile;
        private void DownloadFile(string[] filepath)
            string npath = "";
            if (flag == 2)
                npath = @"SchoolInteligentUSB\FileRoom";
                npath = @"SchoolInteligentUSB\BookRoom";

            System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog()
                ShowNewFolderButton = true,     
                Description = 
            "Select the directory that you want to use as the default.",
                SelectedPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(usbpath, npath),
             //   RootFolder = new DirectoryInfo(System.IO.Path.Combine(usbpath, npath)),

                //프로그래스바 ㄱㄱ
            MultiProgressBar mbar = new MultiProgressBar(service, filepath, flag, dlg.SelectedPath);
            mbar.getfile += GetFile;
        private void DownloadedBookCheck()
            ArrayList downfilelist = new ArrayList();
            string[] fileinfo;
            foreach (string str in service.GetUploadedXmlInfo(1))
                fileinfo = new string[2];
                fileinfo = str.Split('\a');

                if (Xml.DownloadedXml.DownloadedBookCheck(fileinfo[0].ToString(), fileinfo[1].ToString()) != null)
                    downfilelist.Add(Xml.DownloadedXml.DownloadedBookCheck(fileinfo[0].ToString(), fileinfo[1].ToString()));

            if (downfilelist.Count != 0)
                StorageFileInfo[] files = null;
                files = service.List(null, 1);
                //   double fileSize = 0;
                string[] Time = new string[downfilelist.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < downfilelist.Count; i++)
                    foreach (var file in files)
                        if (downfilelist[i].ToString() == file.VirtualPathk__BackingField)
                            Time[i] = file.Timek__BackingField.ToString();
                //프로그래스바 ㄱㄱ
                string realpath = usbpath + @"SchoolInteligentUSB\BookRoom";
                MultiProgressBar mbar = new MultiProgressBar(service, (string[])downfilelist.ToArray(typeof(string)), 1, realpath);
                mbar.Closed += mbar_Closed;
                for (int i = 0; i < downfilelist.Count; i++)
                    Xml.DownloadedXml.DownloadedBookWrite(downfilelist[i].ToString(), Time[i]);