Exemple #1
        private void InvDbAnalysis(MySql dbAccess, RowData row)
            var qry = from DataRow record in dbAccess.invLicCombined.Rows
                      where ((record["mr_serial_number"] != DBNull.Value) ? (string)record["mr_serial_number"] : "") == row.mSerNo && ((record["mr_manufacturer"] != DBNull.Value) ? (string)record["mr_manufacturer"] : "") == row.mMfr
                      select new { rec = record, indx = dbAccess.invLicCombined.Rows.IndexOf(record) };

            switch (qry.Count())
            case 0:
                row.mRsult = "No Entry in Inventory or License Database";

            case 1:

                row.mRsult = "Multiple Entries in Inventory Database - major DB error";
            //at this point have only 1 record which is correct and desirable
            DataRow     rowInvTable     = qry.ElementAtOrDefault(0).rec;  //row in license table to be processed
            int         invTableRow     = qry.ElementAtOrDefault(0).indx; //index of that row - needed for later updating of the database after row processing
            Func <bool> testIfActive000 = () => ((sbyte)rowInvTable["active"] & 1) == 0;
            Func <bool> qualified4Nlk00 = () => ((sbyte)rowInvTable["active"] & 2) == 2;
            Func <bool> localW7LicAvail = () => ((sbyte)rowInvTable["inv_flags"] & 4) == 4;
            Func <bool> locW7withKtype0 = () => (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)rowInvTable["os_product_key_type"])) == false;
            //Func<bool> locW7withlast5c = () => (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)rowInvTable["os_partial_product_key"])) == false;
            Action errMessageNotActiv = () => { row.mRsult = "Flagged as Not Active System in Inventory database"; };
            Action errMessNotW7Eligab = () => { row.mStatus = "System in Inventory DB, but is not eligible for NLK Win 7 installation"; ProcessNewKeyInv(row, "System Status updated in Inventory DB to allow key download and install", rowInvTable); };
            Action statusPartKeyExist = () => { row.mStatus = "Windows 7, Key Type is " + rowInvTable["os_product_key_type"] + " with last 5 of " + rowInvTable["os_partial_product_key"]; ProcessNewKeyInv(row, "Inventory DB Product Key updated and ready for download", rowInvTable); };
            Action statusWindowsXP000 = () => { row.mStatus = "Windows XP or No data for Windows 7"; ProcessNewKeyInv(row, "Inventory DB Product Key added and is ready for download", rowInvTable); };

            //Action statusNlkEligible0 = () => { row.mStatus = "NLK Eligible"; ProcessNewKeyInv(row, "Product Key added and is ready for download", rowInvTable); };
            .Condition(testIfActive000, "TFFF")
            .Condition(qualified4Nlk00, "-F-T")
            .Condition(localW7LicAvail, "-FT-")
            .Condition(locW7withKtype0, "---F")
            .Action(errMessageNotActiv, "X   ")
            .Action(errMessNotW7Eligab, " X  ")       // W7 Home premium will end on this action
            .Action(statusPartKeyExist, "  X ")
            .Action(statusWindowsXP000, "   X");
            dbAccess.invLicCombined.Rows[invTableRow]["active"]         = rowInvTable["active"];
            dbAccess.invLicCombined.Rows[invTableRow]["inv_flags"]      = rowInvTable["inv_flags"];
            dbAccess.invLicCombined.Rows[invTableRow]["os_product_key"] = rowInvTable["os_product_key"];
            if (sqlQryResultInventory.Length != 0)
                sqlQryResultInventory.Append(" OR ");
            sqlQryResultInventory.Append("(`mr_manufacturer` = " + "'" + row.mMfr + "' AND " + "`mr_serial_number` = " + "'" + row.mSerNo + "')");
Exemple #2
        internal void ProcessRows(MySql dbAccess)
            userMessageCell.Value2 = "Updating local copy of license and inventory database entries";
            foreach (var row in rowList)
                if (dbAccess.systemlicEx == null)
                    row.mRsult = "No Entry in License Database";
                    InvDbAnalysis(dbAccess, row);
                var qry = from DataRow record in dbAccess.systemlicEx.Rows
                          where ((record["mr_serial_number"] != DBNull.Value) ? (string)record["mr_serial_number"] : "") == row.mSerNo && ((record["mr_manufacturer"] != DBNull.Value) ? (string)record["mr_manufacturer"] : "") == row.mMfr
                          select new { rec = record, indx = dbAccess.systemlicEx.Rows.IndexOf(record) };
                switch (qry.Count())
                case 0:
                    row.mRsult = "No Entry in License Database";
                    InvDbAnalysis(dbAccess, row);

                case 1:

                    row.mRsult = "Multiple Entries in License Database - major DB error";
                //at this point have only 1 record which is correct and desirable
                DataRow     rowlicTable        = qry.ElementAtOrDefault(0).rec;  //row in license table to be processed
                int         licTableRow        = qry.ElementAtOrDefault(0).indx; //index of that row - needed for later updating of the database after row processing
                Func <bool> notValid0000000    = () => ((sbyte)rowlicTable["valid"] & 1) == 0;
                Func <bool> forceKeyUpload0    = () => ((sbyte)rowlicTable["valid"] & 4) == 4;
                Func <bool> forcKeyUplodOEM    = () => ((string)rowlicTable["product_code"]) == "OEM:SLP";
                Func <bool> keyfordownload0    = () => ((sbyte)rowlicTable["valid"] & 2) == 2;
                Func <bool> nlkfordownload0    = () => ((string)rowlicTable["product_code"]) == "NLK";
                Action      statusNotValid0000 = () => row.mRsult = "Flagged \"Not Valid\" in License Database";
                Action      statusKeyUpload000 = () => ProcessNewKeyLic(row, "Upload Product Key - VLK(Techsoup??)", rowlicTable);
                Action      statusKeyUploadOEM = () => ProcessNewKeyLic(row, "Upload OEM COA Product Key", rowlicTable);
                Action      statKeyForDownload = () => { string l5 = GetExistKeyLast5(rowlicTable); ProcessNewKeyLic(row, "Product Key Ending " + l5 + " available for download", rowlicTable); };
                Action      statNLKForDownload = () => ProcessNewKeyLic(row, "NLK available for download", rowlicTable);
                .Condition(notValid0000000, "TFFFF")
                .Condition(forceKeyUpload0, "-TTFF")
                .Condition(forcKeyUplodOEM, "-FTFF")
                .Condition(keyfordownload0, "-FFTF")
                .Condition(nlkfordownload0, "-FF-T")
                .Action(statusNotValid0000, "X    ")
                .Action(statusKeyUploadOEM, "  X  ")
                .Action(statusKeyUpload000, " X   ")
                .Action(statKeyForDownload, "   X ")
                .Action(statNLKForDownload, "    X");
                dbAccess.systemlicEx.Rows[licTableRow]["valid"]        = rowlicTable["valid"];
                dbAccess.systemlicEx.Rows[licTableRow]["product_code"] = rowlicTable["product_code"];
                if (sqlQryResultLicense.Length > 0)
                    sqlQryResultLicense.Append(" OR ");
                sqlQryResultLicense.Append("(`mr_manufacturer` = " + "'" + row.mMfr + "' AND " + "`mr_serial_number` = " + "'" + row.mSerNo + "')");