Exemple #1
 static extern void SetVectorParameter(IntPtr _this, string ParameterName, ref FVector Param);
Exemple #2
 extern static float CalculateDirection(IntPtr _this, ref FVector Velocity, ref FRotator BaseRotation);
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks line to center and top of other actor
 /// @param Other is the actor whose visibility is being checked.
 /// @param ViewPoint is eye position visibility is being checked from.  If vect(0,0,0) passed in, uses current viewtarget's eye position.
 /// @param bAlternateChecks used only in AIController implementation
 /// @return true if controller's pawn can see Other actor.
 /// </summary>
 public extern virtual bool LineOfSightTo(AActor Other, FVector ViewPoint, bool bAlternateChecks = false);
 /// <summary>Pass in reference orientation in (maintains reference position). If the constraint is currently active, this will set its active local pose. Otherwise the change will take affect in InitConstraint.</summary>
 public extern void SetConstraintReferenceOrientation(EConstraintFrame Frame, FVector PriAxis, FVector SecAxis);
 /// <summary>Retrieve the constraint force most recently applied to maintain this constraint. Returns 0 forces if the constraint is not initialized or broken.</summary>
 public extern void GetConstraintForce(out FVector OutLinearForce, out FVector OutAngularForce);
 public FAITouchEvent(AActor inTouchReceiver, AActor inOtherActor, FVector eventLocation) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FAITouchEvent_AActor_AActor_FVector(inTouchReceiver, inOtherActor, eventLocation), false)
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the target velocity for the linear drive.
 ///     @param InVelTarget              Target velocity
 /// </summary>
 public extern void SetLinearVelocityTarget(FVector InVelTarget);
Exemple #8
 static extern void SetBeamTargetPoint(IntPtr _this, int EmitterIndex, ref FVector NewTargetPoint, int TargetIndex);
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the beam target point
 /// @param  EmitterIndex            The index of the emitter to set it on
 /// @param  NewTargetPoint          The value to set it to
 /// @param  TargetIndex                     Which beam within the emitter to set it on
 /// </summary>
 public void SetBeamTargetPoint(int EmitterIndex, FVector NewTargetPoint, int TargetIndex)
     SetBeamTargetPoint(_this.Get(), EmitterIndex, ref NewTargetPoint, TargetIndex);
Exemple #10
 static extern int GetBeamSourcePoint(IntPtr _this, int EmitterIndex, int SourceIndex, out FVector OutSourcePoint);
Exemple #11
 static extern int GetBeamEndPoint(IntPtr _this, int EmitterIndex, out FVector OutEndPoint);
Exemple #12
 static extern int GetBeamTargetPoint(IntPtr _this, int EmitterIndex, int TargetIndex, out FVector OutTargetPoint);
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Record a kismet event.
 /// @param  InEventName                             The name of the event that fired.
 /// @param  InEmitterTime                   The emitter time when the event fired.
 /// @param  InLocation                              The location of the particle when the event fired.
 /// @param  InVelocity                              The velocity of the particle when the event fired.
 /// @param  InNormal                                Normal vector of the collision in coordinate system of the returner. Zero=none.
 /// </summary>
 public void GenerateParticleEvent(string InEventName, float InEmitterTime, FVector InLocation, FVector InDirection, FVector InVelocity)
     GenerateParticleEvent(_this.Get(), InEventName, InEmitterTime, ref InLocation, ref InDirection, ref InVelocity);
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Set a named vector instance parameter on this ParticleSystemComponent.
 /// Updates the parameter if it already exists, or creates a new entry if not.
 /// </summary>
 public void SetVectorParameter(string ParameterName, FVector Param)
     SetVectorParameter(_this.Get(), ParameterName, ref Param);
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// <return>true if the simulation should stop. </return>
 /// </summary>
 protected bool HandleHitWall(FHitResult Hit, float TimeTick, FVector MoveDelta)
 => E_UInterpToMovementComponent_HandleHitWall(this, Hit, TimeTick, MoveDelta);
Exemple #16
 static extern void SetBeamSourcePoint(IntPtr _this, int EmitterIndex, ref FVector NewSourcePoint, int SourceIndex);
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>draw overlays for actors that were rendered this tick and have added themselves to the PostRenderedActors array </para>
 /// </summary>
 public override void DrawActorOverlays(FVector viewpoint, FRotator viewRotation)
Exemple #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the beam source point
 /// @param  EmitterIndex            The index of the emitter to set it on
 /// @param  NewSourcePoint          The value to set it to
 /// @param  SourceIndex                     Which beam within the emitter to set it on
 /// </summary>
 public void SetBeamSourcePoint(int EmitterIndex, FVector NewSourcePoint, int SourceIndex)
     SetBeamSourcePoint(_this.Get(), EmitterIndex, ref NewSourcePoint, SourceIndex);
Exemple #19
 /// <summary>
 /// <return>true if the simulation should stop. </return>
 /// </summary>
 protected bool HandleHitWall(FHitResult hit, float timeTick, FVector moveDelta)
 => E_UInterpToMovementComponent_HandleHitWall(this, hit, timeTick, moveDelta);
Exemple #20
 static extern void SetBeamEndPoint(IntPtr _this, int EmitterIndex, ref FVector NewEndPoint);
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the target position for the linear drive.
 ///     @param InPosTarget              Target position
 /// </summary>
 public extern void SetLinearPositionTarget(FVector InPosTarget);
Exemple #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the beam end point
 /// @param  EmitterIndex            The index of the emitter to set it on
 /// @param  NewEndPoint                     The value to set it to
 /// </summary>
 public void SetBeamEndPoint(int EmitterIndex, FVector NewEndPoint)
     SetBeamEndPoint(_this.Get(), EmitterIndex, ref NewEndPoint);
 /// <summary>Pass in reference position in (maintains reference orientation). If the constraint is currently active, this will set its active local pose. Otherwise the change will take affect in InitConstraint.</summary>
 public extern void SetConstraintReferencePosition(EConstraintFrame Frame, FVector RefPosition);
Exemple #24
 static extern void GenerateParticleEvent(IntPtr _this, string InEventName, float InEmitterTime, ref FVector InLocation, ref FVector InDirection, ref FVector InVelocity);
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the target velocity for the angular drive.
 ///     @param InVelTarget              Target velocity
 /// </summary>
 public extern void SetAngularVelocityTarget(FVector InVelTarget);
Exemple #26
 extern static string Conv_VectorToText(IntPtr _this, ref FVector InVec);
Exemple #27
 /// <summary>Replicated function to set the pawn location and rotation, allowing server to force (ex. teleports).</summary>
 public extern virtual void ClientSetLocation(FVector NewLocation, FRotator NewRotation);
Exemple #28
/// <summary>Converts a vector value to a localizable text, in the form 'X= Y= Z='</summary>
        public static string Conv_VectorToText(FVector InVec)
            string ___ret = Conv_VectorToText(IntPtr.Zero, ref InVec);

Exemple #29
 /// <summary>Set the initial location and rotation of the controller, as well as the control rotation. Typically used when the controller is first created.</summary>
 public extern virtual void SetInitialLocationAndRotation(FVector NewLocation, FRotator NewRotation);
Exemple #30
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Constructor. </para>
 /// <param name="InVector">3D Vector to set first three components. </param>
 /// <param name="InW">W Coordinate. </param>
 /// </summary>
 public FVector4(FVector InVector, float InW) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FVector4_FVector_float(InVector, InW), false)