Exemple #1
/// <summary>Sets the fill color of the progress bar.</summary>
        public void SetFillColorAndOpacity(FLinearColor InColor)
            SetFillColorAndOpacity(_this.Get(), ref InColor);
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the color and opacity of the text drop shadow
 /// Note: if opacity is zero no shadow will be drawn
 /// @param InShadowColorAndOpacity               The new drop shadow color and opacity
 /// </summary>
 public void SetShadowColorAndOpacity(FLinearColor InShadowColorAndOpacity)
     SetShadowColorAndOpacity(_this.Get(), ref InShadowColorAndOpacity);
Exemple #3
 public void EnableDebugDrawing(bool bShouldDrawDebugData, FLinearColor PathColor = default(FLinearColor))
     EnableDebugDrawing(_this.Get(), bShouldDrawDebugData?1:0, ref PathColor);
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Set a named color instance parameter on this ParticleSystemComponent.
 /// Updates the parameter if it already exists, or creates a new entry if not.
 /// </summary>
 public void SetColorParameter(string ParameterName, FLinearColor Param)
     SetColorParameter(_this.Get(), ParameterName, ref Param);
Exemple #5
/// <summary>Converts a linear color value to a localizable text, in the form '(R=,G=,B=,A=)'</summary>
        public static string Conv_ColorToText(FLinearColor InColor)
            string ___ret = Conv_ColorToText(IntPtr.Zero, ref InColor);

 public extern void EnableDebugDrawing(bool bShouldDrawDebugData, FLinearColor PathColor = default(FLinearColor));
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>Sets the color multiplier for the button background</summary>
 public void SetBackgroundColor(FLinearColor InBackgroundColor)
     SetBackgroundColor(_this.Get(), ref InBackgroundColor);
 extern static void DrawLines(IntPtr _this, out FPaintContext Context, FVector2D[] Points, ref FLinearColor Tint, int bAntiAlias);
/// <summary>
/// Draws several line segments.
/// @param Points                Line pairs, each line needs to be 2 separate points in the array.
/// @param Thickness             How many pixels thick this line should be.
/// @param Tint                  Color to render the line.
/// </summary>
        public static void DrawLines(out FPaintContext Context, FVector2D[] Points, FLinearColor Tint = default(FLinearColor), bool bAntiAlias = true)
            DrawLines(IntPtr.Zero, out Context, Points, ref Tint, bAntiAlias?1:0);
 extern static void DrawTextFormatted(IntPtr _this, out FPaintContext Context, string Text, ref FVector2D Position, IntPtr Font, int FontSize, string FontTypeFace, ref FLinearColor Tint);
/// <summary>
/// Draws text.
/// @param Text                  The string to draw.
/// @param Position              The starting position where the text is drawn in local space.
/// @param Tint                  Color to render the line.
/// </summary>
        public static void DrawTextFormatted(out FPaintContext Context, string Text, FVector2D Position, UFont Font, int FontSize = 16, string FontTypeFace = "Regular", FLinearColor Tint = default(FLinearColor))
            DrawTextFormatted(IntPtr.Zero, out Context, Text, ref Position, Font, FontSize, FontTypeFace, ref Tint);
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates and initializes a new vector from a color value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inColour">Color used to set vector.</param>
 public FVector4(FLinearColor inColor) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FVector4_FLinearColor(inColor), false)
 public FFixedRGBASigned8(FLinearColor src) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FFixedRGBASigned8_FLinearColor(src), false)
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the color and opacity of the text drop shadow
 /// Note: if opacity is zero no shadow will be drawn
 /// @param InShadowColorAndOpacity               The new drop shadow color and opacity
 /// </summary>
 public extern void SetShadowColorAndOpacity(FLinearColor InShadowColorAndOpacity);
Exemple #15
/// <summary>Specify unselected spline component segment color in the editor</summary>
        public void SetUnselectedSplineSegmentColor(FLinearColor SegmentColor)
            SetUnselectedSplineSegmentColor(_this.Get(), ref SegmentColor);
 extern static void DrawLine(IntPtr _this, out FPaintContext Context, ref FVector2D PositionA, ref FVector2D PositionB, ref FLinearColor Tint, int bAntiAlias);
 /// <summary>Sets a vector parameter value on the material collection instance. Logs if ParameterName is invalid.</summary>
 public extern static void SetVectorParameterValue(UObject WorldContextObject, UMaterialParameterCollection Collection, FName ParameterName, FLinearColor ParameterValue);
/// <summary>
/// Draws a line.
/// @param PositionA             Starting position of the line in local space.
/// @param PositionB             Ending position of the line in local space.
/// @param Thickness             How many pixels thick this line should be.
/// @param Tint                  Color to render the line.
/// </summary>
        public static void DrawLine(out FPaintContext Context, FVector2D PositionA, FVector2D PositionB, FLinearColor Tint = default(FLinearColor), bool bAntiAlias = true)
            DrawLine(IntPtr.Zero, out Context, ref PositionA, ref PositionB, ref Tint, bAntiAlias?1:0);
Exemple #19
 static extern void SetBackgroundColor(IntPtr _this, ref FLinearColor InBackgroundColor);
 extern static void DrawBox(IntPtr _this, out FPaintContext Context, ref FVector2D Position, ref FVector2D Size, IntPtr Brush, ref FLinearColor Tint);
Exemple #21
 static extern void SetColorParameter(IntPtr _this, string ParameterName, ref FLinearColor Param);
/// <summary>Draws a box</summary>
        public static void DrawBox(out FPaintContext Context, FVector2D Position, FVector2D Size, USlateBrushAsset Brush, FLinearColor Tint = default(FLinearColor))
            DrawBox(IntPtr.Zero, out Context, ref Position, ref Size, Brush, ref Tint);
Exemple #23
 extern static string Conv_ColorToText(IntPtr _this, ref FLinearColor InColor);
Exemple #24
 extern static void SetColorAndOpacity(IntPtr _this, ref FLinearColor InColorAndOpacity);
Exemple #25
 static extern void SetShadowColorAndOpacity(IntPtr _this, ref FLinearColor InShadowColorAndOpacity);
Exemple #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor from a linear color.
 /// </summary>
 public FFloat16Color(FLinearColor src) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FFloat16Color_FLinearColor(src), false)
Exemple #27
 static extern void EnableDebugDrawing(IntPtr _this, int bShouldDrawDebugData, ref FLinearColor PathColor);
Exemple #28
 extern static void SetUnselectedSplineSegmentColor(IntPtr _this, ref FLinearColor SegmentColor);
Exemple #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Set a named color instance parameter on this ParticleSystemComponent.
 /// Updates the parameter if it already exists, or creates a new entry if not.
 /// </summary>
 public extern void SetColorParameter(FName ParameterName, FLinearColor Param);
 /// <summary>Set color of the light</summary>
 public void SetLightColor(FLinearColor NewLightColor)
     SetLightColor(_this.Get(), ref NewLightColor);