Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks whether a module manifest on disk is out of date (whether any of the binaries it references are newer than it is)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ManifestFileName">Path to the manifest</param>
 /// <param name="Manifest">The manifest contents</param>
 /// <returns>True if the manifest is out of date</returns>
 bool IsOutOfDate(FileReference ManifestFileName, ModuleManifest Manifest)
     if (!UnrealBuildTool.IsFileInstalled(ManifestFileName))
         DateTime ManifestTime = FileReference.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(ManifestFileName);
         foreach (string FileName in Manifest.ModuleNameToFileName.Values)
             FileInfo ModuleInfo = new FileInfo(FileReference.Combine(ManifestFileName.Directory, FileName).FullName);
             if (!ModuleInfo.Exists || ModuleInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc > ManifestTime)
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a rules assembly
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Scope">Scope for items created from this assembly</param>
        /// <param name="RootDirectories">The root directories to create rules for</param>
        /// <param name="AssemblyPrefix">A prefix for the assembly file name</param>
        /// <param name="Plugins">List of plugins to include in this assembly</param>
        /// <param name="bReadOnly">Whether the assembly should be marked as installed</param>
        /// <param name="bSkipCompile">Whether to skip compilation for this assembly</param>
        /// <param name="Parent">The parent rules assembly</param>
        /// <returns>New rules assembly</returns>
        private static RulesAssembly CreateEngineOrEnterpriseRulesAssembly(RulesScope Scope, List <DirectoryReference> RootDirectories, string AssemblyPrefix, IReadOnlyList <PluginInfo> Plugins, bool bReadOnly, bool bSkipCompile, RulesAssembly Parent)
            // Scope hierarchy
            RulesScope PluginsScope  = new RulesScope(Scope.Name + " Plugins", Scope);
            RulesScope ProgramsScope = new RulesScope(Scope.Name + " Programs", PluginsScope);

            // Find the shared modules, excluding the programs directory. These are used to create an assembly with the bContainsEngineModules flag set to true.
            Dictionary <FileReference, ModuleRulesContext> ModuleFileToContext = new Dictionary <FileReference, ModuleRulesContext>();
            ModuleRulesContext DefaultModuleContext = new ModuleRulesContext(Scope, RootDirectories[0]);

            foreach (DirectoryReference RootDirectory in RootDirectories)
                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("Finding engine modules"))
                    DirectoryReference SourceDirectory = DirectoryReference.Combine(RootDirectory, "Source");

                    AddEngineModuleRulesWithContext(SourceDirectory, "Runtime", DefaultModuleContext, UHTModuleType.EngineRuntime, ModuleFileToContext);
                    AddEngineModuleRulesWithContext(SourceDirectory, "Developer", DefaultModuleContext, UHTModuleType.EngineDeveloper, ModuleFileToContext);
                    AddEngineModuleRulesWithContext(SourceDirectory, "Editor", DefaultModuleContext, UHTModuleType.EngineEditor, ModuleFileToContext);
                    AddEngineModuleRulesWithContext(SourceDirectory, "ThirdParty", DefaultModuleContext, UHTModuleType.EngineThirdParty, ModuleFileToContext);

            // Add all the plugin modules too (don't need to loop over RootDirectories since the plugins come in already found
            using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("Finding plugin modules"))
                ModuleRulesContext PluginsModuleContext = new ModuleRulesContext(PluginsScope, RootDirectories[0]);
                FindModuleRulesForPlugins(Plugins, PluginsModuleContext, ModuleFileToContext);

            // Get the path to store any generated assemblies
            DirectoryReference AssemblyDir = RootDirectories[0];

            if (UnrealBuildTool.IsFileInstalled(FileReference.Combine(AssemblyDir, AssemblyPrefix)))
                DirectoryReference UserDir = Utils.GetUserSettingDirectory();
                if (UserDir != null)
                    ReadOnlyBuildVersion Version = ReadOnlyBuildVersion.Current;
                    AssemblyDir = DirectoryReference.Combine(UserDir, "UnrealEngine", String.Format("{0}.{1}", Version.MajorVersion, Version.MinorVersion));

            // Create the assembly
            FileReference EngineAssemblyFileName = FileReference.Combine(AssemblyDir, "Intermediate", "Build", "BuildRules", AssemblyPrefix + "Rules" + FrameworkAssemblyExtension);
            RulesAssembly EngineAssembly         = new RulesAssembly(Scope, RootDirectories, Plugins, ModuleFileToContext, new List <FileReference>(), EngineAssemblyFileName, bContainsEngineModules: true, DefaultBuildSettings: BuildSettingsVersion.Latest, bReadOnly: bReadOnly, bSkipCompile: bSkipCompile, Parent: Parent);

            List <FileReference> ProgramTargetFiles = new List <FileReference>();
            Dictionary <FileReference, ModuleRulesContext> ProgramModuleFiles = new Dictionary <FileReference, ModuleRulesContext>();

            foreach (DirectoryReference RootDirectory in RootDirectories)
                DirectoryReference SourceDirectory   = DirectoryReference.Combine(RootDirectory, "Source");
                DirectoryReference ProgramsDirectory = DirectoryReference.Combine(SourceDirectory, "Programs");

                // Also create a scope for them, and update the UHT module type
                ModuleRulesContext ProgramsModuleContext = new ModuleRulesContext(ProgramsScope, RootDirectory);
                ProgramsModuleContext.DefaultUHTModuleType = UHTModuleType.Program;

                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("Finding program modules"))
                    // Find all the rules files
                    AddModuleRulesWithContext(ProgramsDirectory, ProgramsModuleContext, ProgramModuleFiles);

                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("Finding program targets"))
                    ProgramTargetFiles.AddRange(FindAllRulesFiles(SourceDirectory, RulesFileType.Target));

            // Create a path to the assembly that we'll either load or compile
            FileReference ProgramAssemblyFileName = FileReference.Combine(AssemblyDir, "Intermediate", "Build", "BuildRules", AssemblyPrefix + "ProgramRules" + FrameworkAssemblyExtension);
            RulesAssembly ProgramAssembly         = new RulesAssembly(ProgramsScope, RootDirectories, new List <PluginInfo>().AsReadOnly(), ProgramModuleFiles, ProgramTargetFiles, ProgramAssemblyFileName, bContainsEngineModules: false, DefaultBuildSettings: BuildSettingsVersion.Latest, bReadOnly: bReadOnly, bSkipCompile: bSkipCompile, Parent: EngineAssembly);

            // Return the combined assembly
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the command, having obtained the appropriate mutex
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Arguments">Command line arguments</param>
        /// <returns>Exit code</returns>
        private int ExecuteInternal(CommandLineArguments Arguments)
            // Read the target info
            WriteMetadataTargetInfo TargetInfo = BinaryFormatterUtils.Load <WriteMetadataTargetInfo>(Arguments.GetFileReference("-Input="));
            bool bNoManifestChanges            = Arguments.HasOption("-NoManifestChanges");
            int  VersionNumber = Arguments.GetInteger("-Version=");


            // Make sure the version number is correct
            if (VersionNumber != CurrentVersionNumber)
                throw new BuildException("Version number to WriteMetadataMode is incorrect (expected {0}, got {1})", CurrentVersionNumber, VersionNumber);

            // Check if we need to set a build id
            TargetReceipt Receipt = TargetInfo.Receipt;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Receipt.Version.BuildId))
                // Check if there's an existing version file. If it exists, try to merge in any manifests that are valid (and reuse the existing build id)
                BuildVersion PreviousVersion;
                if (TargetInfo.VersionFile != null && BuildVersion.TryRead(TargetInfo.VersionFile, out PreviousVersion))
                    // Check if we can reuse the existing manifests. This prevents unnecessary builds when switching between projects.
                    Dictionary <FileReference, ModuleManifest> PreviousFileToManifest = new Dictionary <FileReference, ModuleManifest>();
                    if (TryRecyclingManifests(PreviousVersion.BuildId, TargetInfo.FileToManifest.Keys, PreviousFileToManifest))
                        // Merge files from the existing manifests with the new ones
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <FileReference, ModuleManifest> Pair in PreviousFileToManifest)
                            ModuleManifest TargetManifest = TargetInfo.FileToManifest[Pair.Key];
                            MergeManifests(Pair.Value, TargetManifest);

                        // Update the build id to use the current one
                        Receipt.Version.BuildId = PreviousVersion.BuildId;

                // If the build id is still not set, generate a new one from a GUID
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Receipt.Version.BuildId))
                    Receipt.Version.BuildId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                // Read all the manifests and merge them into the new ones, if they have the same build id
                foreach (KeyValuePair <FileReference, ModuleManifest> Pair in TargetInfo.FileToManifest)
                    ModuleManifest SourceManifest;
                    if (TryReadManifest(Pair.Key, out SourceManifest) && SourceManifest.BuildId == Receipt.Version.BuildId)
                        MergeManifests(SourceManifest, Pair.Value);

            // Update the build id in all the manifests, and write them out
            foreach (KeyValuePair <FileReference, ModuleManifest> Pair in TargetInfo.FileToManifest)
                FileReference ManifestFile = Pair.Key;
                if (!UnrealBuildTool.IsFileInstalled(ManifestFile))
                    ModuleManifest Manifest = Pair.Value;
                    Manifest.BuildId = Receipt.Version.BuildId;

                    if (!FileReference.Exists(ManifestFile))
                        // If the file doesn't already exist, just write it out
                        // Otherwise write it to a buffer first
                        string OutputText;
                        using (StringWriter Writer = new StringWriter())
                            OutputText = Writer.ToString();

                        // And only write it to disk if it's been modified. Note that if a manifest is out of date, we should have generated a new build id causing the contents to differ.
                        string CurrentText = FileReference.ReadAllText(ManifestFile);
                        if (CurrentText != OutputText)
                            if (bNoManifestChanges)
                                Log.TraceError("Build modifies {0}. This is not permitted. Before:\n    {1}\nAfter:\n    {2}", ManifestFile, CurrentText.Replace("\n", "\n    "), OutputText.Replace("\n", "\n    "));
                                FileReference.WriteAllText(ManifestFile, OutputText);

            // Write out the version file, if it's changed. Since this file is next to the executable, it may be used by multiple targets, and we should avoid modifying it unless necessary.
            if (TargetInfo.VersionFile != null && !UnrealBuildTool.IsFileInstalled(TargetInfo.VersionFile))

                StringWriter Writer = new StringWriter();

                string Text = Writer.ToString();
                if (!FileReference.Exists(TargetInfo.VersionFile) || File.ReadAllText(TargetInfo.VersionFile.FullName) != Text)
                    File.WriteAllText(TargetInfo.VersionFile.FullName, Text);

            // Write out the receipt
            if (!UnrealBuildTool.IsFileInstalled(TargetInfo.ReceiptFile))
