public override bool ExecuteActions(List <Action> Actions, bool bLogDetailedActionStats)
            bool SNDBSResult = true;

            if (Actions.Count > 0)
                // Generate any needed templates. Can only generate one per executable, so just use the first Action for reference
                IEnumerable <Action> CommandPaths = Actions.GroupBy(a => a.CommandPath).Select(g => g.FirstOrDefault()).ToList();
                foreach (Action CommandPath in CommandPaths)

                // Generate include-rewrite-rules.ini.

                // Use WMI to figure out physical cores, excluding hyper threading.
                int NumCores = Utils.GetPhysicalProcessorCount();

                // If we failed to detect the number of cores, default to the logical processor count
                if (NumCores == -1)
                    NumCores = System.Environment.ProcessorCount;
                // The number of actions to execute in parallel is trying to keep the CPU busy enough in presence of I/O stalls.
                MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = 0;
                // The CPU has more logical cores than physical ones, aka uses hyper-threading.
                if (NumCores < System.Environment.ProcessorCount)
                    MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = (int)(NumCores * ProcessorCountMultiplier);
                // No hyper-threading. Only kicking off a task per CPU to keep machine responsive.
                    MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = NumCores;
                MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = Math.Min(MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel, MaxProcessorCount);

                JobNumber = 1;
                Dictionary <Action, ActionThread> ActionThreadDictionary = new Dictionary <Action, ActionThread>();

                while (true)
                    bool bUnexecutedActions = false;
                    foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                        ActionThread ActionThread        = null;
                        bool         bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionThread);
                        if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                            bUnexecutedActions = true;
                            if (!ExecuteActions(Actions, ActionThreadDictionary))

                    if (bUnexecutedActions == false)

                Log.WriteLineIf(bLogDetailedActionStats, LogEventType.Console, "-------- Begin Detailed Action Stats ----------------------------------------------------------");
                Log.WriteLineIf(bLogDetailedActionStats, LogEventType.Console, "^Action Type^Duration (seconds)^Tool^Task^Using PCH");

                double TotalThreadSeconds = 0;

                // Check whether any of the tasks failed and log action stats if wanted.
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Action, ActionThread> ActionProcess in ActionThreadDictionary)
                    Action       Action       = ActionProcess.Key;
                    ActionThread ActionThread = ActionProcess.Value;

                    // Check for pending actions, preemptive failure
                    if (ActionThread == null)
                        SNDBSResult = false;
                    // Check for executed action but general failure
                    if (ActionThread.ExitCode != 0)
                        SNDBSResult = false;
                    // Log CPU time, tool and task.
                    double ThreadSeconds = Action.Duration.TotalSeconds;


                    // Keep track of total thread seconds spent on tasks.
                    TotalThreadSeconds += ThreadSeconds;

                Log.TraceInformation("-------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------");

                // Log total CPU seconds and numbers of processors involved in tasks.
                                LogEventType.Console, "Cumulative thread seconds ({0} processors): {1:0.00}", System.Environment.ProcessorCount, TotalThreadSeconds);

            // Delete the include-rewrite-rules.ini if it was generated.
            if (File.Exists(IncludeRewriteRulesFile.FullName))

Exemple #2
        internal bool ExecuteActions(List <Action> InActions, Dictionary <Action, ActionThread> InActionThreadDictionary)
            // Build the script file that will be executed by SN-DBS
            StreamWriter ScriptFile;
            string       ScriptFilename = Path.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory.FullName, "Intermediate", "Build", "SNDBS.bat");

            FileStream ScriptFileStream = new FileStream(ScriptFilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read);

            ScriptFile           = new StreamWriter(ScriptFileStream);
            ScriptFile.AutoFlush = true;

            int           NumScriptedActions = 0;
            List <Action> LocalActions       = new List <Action>();
            ActionThread  DummyActionThread  = new ActionThread(null, 1, 1);

            foreach (Action Action in InActions)
                ActionThread ActionProcess       = null;
                bool         bFoundActionProcess = InActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionProcess);
                if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                    // Determine whether there are any prerequisites of the action that are outdated.
                    bool bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = false;
                    bool bHasFailedPrerequisites   = false;
                    foreach (FileItem PrerequisiteItem in Action.PrerequisiteItems)
                        if (PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction != null && InActions.Contains(PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction))
                            ActionThread PrerequisiteProcess       = null;
                            bool         bFoundPrerequisiteProcess = InActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction, out PrerequisiteProcess);
                            if (bFoundPrerequisiteProcess == true)
                                if (PrerequisiteProcess == null)
                                    bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                else if (PrerequisiteProcess.bComplete == false)
                                    bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;
                                else if (PrerequisiteProcess.ExitCode != 0)
                                    bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;

                    // If there are any failed prerequisites of this action, don't execute it.
                    if (bHasFailedPrerequisites)
                        // Add a null entry in the dictionary for this action.
                        InActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, null);
                    // If there aren't any outdated prerequisites of this action, execute it.
                    else if (!bHasOutdatedPrerequisites)
                        if (Action.bCanExecuteRemotely == false || Action.bCanExecuteRemotelyWithSNDBS == false)
                            // Execute locally
                            // Add to script for execution by SN-DBS
                            string NewCommandArguments = "\"" + Action.CommandPath + "\"" + " " + Action.CommandArguments;
                            InActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, DummyActionThread);
                            Action.StartTime = Action.EndTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                            Log.TraceInformation("[{0}/{1}] {2} {3}", JobNumber, InActions.Count, Action.CommandDescription, Action.StatusDescription);

            ScriptFile = null;

            if (NumScriptedActions > 0)
                // Create the process
                string           SCERoot         = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCE_ROOT_DIR");
                string           SNDBSExecutable = Path.Combine(SCERoot, "Common/SN-DBS/bin/dbsbuild.exe");
                ProcessStartInfo PSI             = new ProcessStartInfo(SNDBSExecutable, String.Format("-q -p UE4 -s \"{0}\"", FileReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory, "Intermediate", "Build", "sndbs.bat").FullName));
                PSI.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                PSI.RedirectStandardError  = true;
                PSI.UseShellExecute        = false;
                PSI.CreateNoWindow         = true;
                PSI.WorkingDirectory       = Path.GetFullPath(".");;
                Process NewProcess = new Process();
                NewProcess.StartInfo           = PSI;
                NewProcess.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(ActionDebugOutput);
                NewProcess.ErrorDataReceived  += new DataReceivedEventHandler(ActionDebugOutput);
                DateTimeOffset StartTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;


                TimeSpan       Duration;
                DateTimeOffset EndTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                if (EndTime == DateTimeOffset.MinValue)
                    Duration = DateTimeOffset.Now - StartTime;
                    Duration = EndTime - StartTime;

                DummyActionThread.bComplete = true;
                int ExitCode = NewProcess.ExitCode;
                if (ExitCode != 0)

            // Execute local tasks
            if (LocalActions.Count > 0)
                return(ExecuteLocalActions(LocalActions, InActionThreadDictionary, InActions.Count));

        internal bool ExecuteActions(List <Action> InActions, Dictionary <Action, ActionThread> InActionThreadDictionary)
            // Build the script file that will be executed by SN-DBS
            StreamWriter ScriptFile;
            string       ScriptFilename = Path.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory.FullName, "Intermediate", "Build", "SNDBS.bat");

            FileStream ScriptFileStream = new FileStream(ScriptFilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read);

            ScriptFile           = new StreamWriter(ScriptFileStream);
            ScriptFile.AutoFlush = true;

            int           NumScriptedActions = 0;
            List <Action> LocalActions       = new List <Action>();
            ActionThread  DummyActionThread  = new ActionThread(null, 1, 1);
            bool          PrintDebugInfo     = false;

            foreach (Action Action in InActions)
                ActionThread ActionProcess       = null;
                bool         bFoundActionProcess = InActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionProcess);
                if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                    // Determine whether there are any prerequisites of the action that are outdated.
                    bool bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = false;
                    bool bHasFailedPrerequisites   = false;
                    foreach (Action PrerequisiteAction in Action.PrerequisiteActions)
                        if (InActions.Contains(PrerequisiteAction))
                            ActionThread PrerequisiteProcess       = null;
                            bool         bFoundPrerequisiteProcess = InActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(PrerequisiteAction, out PrerequisiteProcess);
                            if (bFoundPrerequisiteProcess == true)
                                if (PrerequisiteProcess == null)
                                    bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                else if (PrerequisiteProcess.bComplete == false)
                                    bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;
                                else if (PrerequisiteProcess.ExitCode != 0)
                                    bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;

                    // If there are any failed prerequisites of this action, don't execute it.
                    if (bHasFailedPrerequisites)
                        // Add a null entry in the dictionary for this action.
                        InActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, null);
                    // If there aren't any outdated prerequisites of this action, execute it.
                    else if (!bHasOutdatedPrerequisites)
                        if (Action.bCanExecuteRemotely == false || Action.bCanExecuteRemotelyWithSNDBS == false)
                            // Execute locally
                            // Create a dummy force-included file which references PCH files, so that SN-DBS knows they are dependencies.
                            string AdditionalStubIncludes = "";
                            if (Action.CommandPath.GetFileName().Equals("cl.exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                string        ResponseFile    = Action.CommandArguments.Replace("\"", "").Replace("@", "").Trim();
                                StringBuilder WrapperContents = new StringBuilder();
                                using (StringWriter Writer = new StringWriter(WrapperContents))
                                    Writer.WriteLine("// PCH dependencies for {0}", ResponseFile);
                                    Writer.WriteLine("#if 0");
                                    foreach (FileItem Preqrequisite in Action.PrerequisiteItems)
                                        if (Preqrequisite.AbsolutePath.EndsWith(".pch"))
                                            Writer.WriteLine("#include \"{0}\"", Preqrequisite.AbsolutePath.Replace(".pch", ".obj"));

                                FileItem DummyResponseFileDependency = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(new FileReference(ResponseFile + ".dummy.h"), WrapperContents.ToString());
                                AdditionalStubIncludes = string.Format("/FI\"{0}\"", DummyResponseFileDependency);

                            // Add to script for execution by SN-DBS
                            string NewCommandArguments = "\"" + Action.CommandPath + "\"" + " " + AdditionalStubIncludes + " " + Action.CommandArguments;
                            InActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, DummyActionThread);
                            Action.StartTime = Action.EndTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                            Log.TraceInformation("[{0}/{1}] {2} {3}", JobNumber, InActions.Count, Action.CommandDescription, Action.StatusDescription);
                            PrintDebugInfo |= Action.bPrintDebugInfo;

                            if (Action.DependencyListFile != null && File.Exists(Action.DependencyListFile.AbsolutePath))
                                Log.TraceVerbose("Deleting dependency list file {0}", Action.DependencyListFile.AbsolutePath);

            ScriptFile = null;

            if (NumScriptedActions > 0)
                // Create the process
                string             SCERoot                = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCE_ROOT_DIR");
                string             SNDBSExecutable        = Path.Combine(SCERoot, "Common/SN-DBS/bin/dbsbuild.exe");
                DirectoryReference TemplatesDir           = DirectoryReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory, "Programs", "UnrealBuildTool", "SndbsTemplates");
                string             IncludeRewriteRulesArg = String.Format("--include-rewrite-rules \"{0}\"", IncludeRewriteRulesFile.FullName);
                string             VerbosityLevel         = PrintDebugInfo ? "-v" : "-q";
                ProcessStartInfo   PSI = new ProcessStartInfo(SNDBSExecutable, String.Format("{0} -p UE4 -s \"{1}\" -templates \"{2}\" {3}", VerbosityLevel, FileReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory, "Intermediate", "Build", "sndbs.bat").FullName, TemplatesDir.FullName, IncludeRewriteRulesArg));
                PSI.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                PSI.RedirectStandardError  = true;
                PSI.UseShellExecute        = false;
                PSI.CreateNoWindow         = true;
                PSI.WorkingDirectory       = Path.GetFullPath(".");
                Process NewProcess = new Process();
                NewProcess.StartInfo           = PSI;
                NewProcess.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(ActionDebugOutput);
                NewProcess.ErrorDataReceived  += new DataReceivedEventHandler(ActionDebugOutput);
                DateTimeOffset StartTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;


                TimeSpan       Duration;
                DateTimeOffset EndTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                if (EndTime == DateTimeOffset.MinValue)
                    Duration = DateTimeOffset.Now - StartTime;
                    Duration = EndTime - StartTime;

                DummyActionThread.bComplete = true;
                int ExitCode = NewProcess.ExitCode;
                if (ExitCode != 0)

            // Execute local tasks
            if (LocalActions.Count > 0)
                return(ExecuteLocalActions(LocalActions, InActionThreadDictionary, InActions.Count));

		public override FileItem[] LinkAllFiles(LinkEnvironment LinkEnvironment, bool bBuildImportLibraryOnly)
			List<FileItem> Outputs = new List<FileItem>();

			var NDKRoot = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NDKROOT").Replace("\\", "/");
			int NDKApiLevelInt = GetNdkApiLevelInt();
			string OptionalLinkArguments;

			for (int ArchIndex = 0; ArchIndex < Arches.Count; ArchIndex++)
				string Arch = Arches[ArchIndex];

				// 32-bit ABI may need fixup for removed bsd_signal in NDK11 for android-21+
				OptionalLinkArguments = "";
				if (NDKApiLevelInt >= 21)
					// this file was added in NDK11 so use existence to detect (RELEASE.TXT no longer present)
					if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(NDKRoot, "")))
						switch (Arch)
							case "-armv7":
								OptionalLinkArguments = string.Format(" \"{0}\"", Path.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory.FullName, "Build/Android/Prebuilt/bsdsignal/lib/armeabi-v7a/libbsdsignal.a"));

							case "-x86":
								OptionalLinkArguments = string.Format(" \"{0}\"", Path.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory.FullName, "Build/Android/Prebuilt/bsdsignal/lib/x86/libbsdsignal.a"));

				for (int GPUArchIndex = 0; GPUArchIndex < GPUArchitectures.Count; GPUArchIndex++)
					string GPUArchitecture = GPUArchitectures[GPUArchIndex];
					int OutputPathIndex = ArchIndex * GPUArchitectures.Count + GPUArchIndex;

					// Android will have an array of outputs
					if (LinkEnvironment.Config.OutputFilePaths.Count < OutputPathIndex ||
						!LinkEnvironment.Config.OutputFilePaths[OutputPathIndex].GetFileNameWithoutExtension().EndsWith(Arch + GPUArchitecture))
						throw new BuildException("The OutputFilePaths array didn't match the Arches array in AndroidToolChain.LinkAllFiles");

					// Create an action that invokes the linker.
					Action LinkAction = new Action(ActionType.Link);
					LinkAction.WorkingDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;

					if (LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary)
						switch (Arch)
							case "-armv7": LinkAction.CommandPath = ArPathArm; break;
							case "-arm64": LinkAction.CommandPath = ArPathArm64; break;
							case "-x86": LinkAction.CommandPath = ArPathx86; ; break;
							case "-x64": LinkAction.CommandPath = ArPathx64; ; break;
							default: LinkAction.CommandPath = ArPathArm; ; break;
						LinkAction.CommandPath = ClangPath;

					string LinkerPath = LinkAction.WorkingDirectory;

					LinkAction.WorkingDirectory = LinkEnvironment.Config.IntermediateDirectory.FullName;

					// Get link arguments.
					LinkAction.CommandArguments = LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary ? GetArArguments(LinkEnvironment) : GetLinkArguments(LinkEnvironment, Arch);

					// Add the output file as a production of the link action.
					FileItem OutputFile;
					OutputFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(LinkEnvironment.Config.OutputFilePaths[OutputPathIndex]);
					LinkAction.StatusDescription = string.Format("{0}", Path.GetFileName(OutputFile.AbsolutePath));

					// LinkAction.bPrintDebugInfo = true;

					// Add the output file to the command-line.
					if (LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary)
						LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" \"{0}\"", OutputFile.AbsolutePath);
						LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", OutputFile.AbsolutePath);

					// Add the input files to a response file, and pass the response file on the command-line.
					List<string> InputFileNames = new List<string>();
					foreach (FileItem InputFile in LinkEnvironment.InputFiles)
						// make sure it's for current Arch
						if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(InputFile.AbsolutePath).EndsWith(Arch + GPUArchitecture))
							string AbsolutePath = InputFile.AbsolutePath.Replace("\\", "/");

							AbsolutePath = AbsolutePath.Replace(LinkEnvironment.Config.IntermediateDirectory.FullName.Replace("\\", "/"), "");
							AbsolutePath = AbsolutePath.TrimStart(new char[] { '/' });

							InputFileNames.Add(string.Format("\"{0}\"", AbsolutePath));

					FileReference ResponseFileName = GetResponseFileName(LinkEnvironment, OutputFile);
					LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" @\"{0}\"", ResponseFile.Create(ResponseFileName, InputFileNames));

					// libs don't link in other libs
					if (!LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary)
						// Add the library paths to the argument list.
						foreach (string LibraryPath in LinkEnvironment.Config.LibraryPaths)
							// LinkerPaths could be relative or absolute
							string AbsoluteLibraryPath = ActionThread.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(LibraryPath);
							if (IsDirectoryForArch(AbsoluteLibraryPath, Arch))
								// environment variables aren't expanded when using the $( style
								if (Path.IsPathRooted(AbsoluteLibraryPath) == false)
									AbsoluteLibraryPath = Path.Combine(LinkerPath, AbsoluteLibraryPath);
								LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" -L\"{0}\"", AbsoluteLibraryPath);

						// add libraries in a library group
						LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" -Wl,--start-group");
						foreach (string AdditionalLibrary in LinkEnvironment.Config.AdditionalLibraries)
							if (!ShouldSkipLib(AdditionalLibrary, Arch, GPUArchitecture))
								if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetDirectoryName(AdditionalLibrary)))
									LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" \"-l{0}\"", AdditionalLibrary);
									// full pathed libs are compiled by us, so we depend on linking them
									LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" \"{0}\"", Path.GetFullPath(AdditionalLibrary));
						LinkAction.CommandArguments += OptionalLinkArguments;
						LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" -Wl,--end-group");

					// Add the additional arguments specified by the environment.
					LinkAction.CommandArguments += LinkEnvironment.Config.AdditionalArguments;
					LinkAction.CommandArguments = LinkAction.CommandArguments.Replace("\\", "/");

					// Only execute linking on the local PC.
					LinkAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = false;

			return Outputs.ToArray();
		public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(UEBuildTarget Target, CPPEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List<FileItem> SourceFiles, string ModuleName)
			if (Arches.Count == 0)
				throw new BuildException("At least one architecture (armv7, x86, etc) needs to be selected in the project settings to build");

			if (!bHasPrintedApiLevel)
				Console.WriteLine("Compiling Native code with NDK API '{0}'", GetNdkApiLevel());
				bHasPrintedApiLevel = true;

			string BaseArguments = "";

			if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create)
				BaseArguments += " -Werror";


			// Directly added NDK files for NDK extensions
			ConditionallyAddNDKSourceFiles(SourceFiles, ModuleName);

			// Deal with dynamic modules removed by architecture
			GenerateEmptyLinkFunctionsForRemovedModules(SourceFiles, ModuleName, CompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory);

			// Add preprocessor definitions to the argument list.
			foreach (string Definition in CompileEnvironment.Config.Definitions)
				BaseArguments += string.Format(" -D \"{0}\"", Definition);

			var BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatformForCPPTargetPlatform(CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Platform);
			var NDKRoot = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NDKROOT").Replace("\\", "/");

			string BasePCHName = "";
			var PCHExtension = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(UnrealTargetPlatform.Android).GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.PrecompiledHeader);
			if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include)
				BasePCHName = RemoveArchName(CompileEnvironment.PrecompiledHeaderFile.AbsolutePath).Replace(PCHExtension, "");

			// Create a compile action for each source file.
			CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput();
			foreach (string Arch in Arches)
				if (ShouldSkipModule(ModuleName, Arch))

				foreach (string GPUArchitecture in GPUArchitectures)
					// which toolchain to use
					string Arguments = GetCLArguments_Global(CompileEnvironment, Arch) + BaseArguments;

					switch (Arch)
						case "-armv7": Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_64BITS=0 -DPLATFORM_ANDROID_ARM=1"; break;
						case "-arm64": Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_64BITS=1 -DPLATFORM_ANDROID_ARM64=1"; break;
						case "-x86": Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_64BITS=0 -DPLATFORM_ANDROID_X86=1"; break;
						case "-x64": Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_64BITS=1 -DPLATFORM_ANDROID_X64=1"; break;
						default: Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_64BITS=0 -DPLATFORM_ANDROID_ARM=1"; break;

                    if (GPUArchitecture == "-esdeferred")

					// which PCH file to include
					string PCHArguments = "";
					if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include)
						// Add the precompiled header file's path to the include path so Clang can find it.
						// This needs to be before the other include paths to ensure Clang uses it instead of the source header file.
						PCHArguments += string.Format(" -include \"{0}\"", InlineArchName(BasePCHName, Arch, GPUArchitecture));

					// Add include paths to the argument list (filtered by architecture)
					foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.SystemIncludePaths)
						if (IsDirectoryForArch(IncludePath, Arch))
							Arguments += string.Format(" -I\"{0}\"", IncludePath);
					foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.IncludePaths)
						if (IsDirectoryForArch(IncludePath, Arch))
							Arguments += string.Format(" -I\"{0}\"", IncludePath);

					foreach (FileItem SourceFile in SourceFiles)
						Action CompileAction = new Action(ActionType.Compile);
						string FileArguments = "";
						bool bIsPlainCFile = Path.GetExtension(SourceFile.AbsolutePath).ToUpperInvariant() == ".C";
						bool bDisableShadowWarning = false;

						// should we disable optimizations on this file?
						// @todo android - We wouldn't need this if we could disable optimizations per function (via pragma)
						bool bDisableOptimizations = false;// SourceFile.AbsolutePath.ToUpperInvariant().IndexOf("\\SLATE\\") != -1;
						if (bDisableOptimizations && CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Configuration != CPPTargetConfiguration.Debug)
							Log.TraceWarning("Disabling optimizations on {0}", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);

						bDisableOptimizations = bDisableOptimizations || CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Configuration == CPPTargetConfiguration.Debug;

						// Add C or C++ specific compiler arguments.
						if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create)
							FileArguments += GetCompileArguments_PCH(bDisableOptimizations);
						else if (bIsPlainCFile)
							FileArguments += GetCompileArguments_C(bDisableOptimizations);

							// remove shadow variable warnings for NDK files
							if (SourceFile.AbsolutePath.Replace("\\", "/").StartsWith(NDKRoot))
								bDisableShadowWarning = true;
							FileArguments += GetCompileArguments_CPP(bDisableOptimizations);

							// only use PCH for .cpp files
							FileArguments += PCHArguments;

						// Add the C++ source file and its included files to the prerequisite item list.
						AddPrerequisiteSourceFile(Target, BuildPlatform, CompileEnvironment, SourceFile, CompileAction.PrerequisiteItems);

						if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create)
							// Add the precompiled header file to the produced item list.
							FileItem PrecompiledHeaderFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
									Path.GetFileName(InlineArchName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath, Arch, GPUArchitecture) + PCHExtension)

							Result.PrecompiledHeaderFile = PrecompiledHeaderFile;

							// Add the parameters needed to compile the precompiled header file to the command-line.
							FileArguments += string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", PrecompiledHeaderFile.AbsolutePath, false);
							if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include)
								CompileAction.bIsUsingPCH = true;
								FileItem ArchPrecompiledHeaderFile = FileItem.GetItemByPath(InlineArchName(BasePCHName, Arch, GPUArchitecture) + PCHExtension);

							var ObjectFileExtension = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(UnrealTargetPlatform.Android).GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.Object);

							// Add the object file to the produced item list.
							FileItem ObjectFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
									InlineArchName(Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath) + ObjectFileExtension, Arch, GPUArchitecture)

							FileArguments += string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", ObjectFile.AbsolutePath, false);

						// Add the source file path to the command-line.
						FileArguments += string.Format(" \"{0}\"", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);

						// Build a full argument list
						string AllArguments = Arguments + FileArguments + CompileEnvironment.Config.AdditionalArguments;
						AllArguments = ActionThread.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(AllArguments);
						AllArguments = AllArguments.Replace("\\", "/");

						// Remove shadow warning for this file if requested
						if (bDisableShadowWarning)
							int WarningIndex = AllArguments.IndexOf(" -Wshadow");
							if (WarningIndex > 0)
								AllArguments = AllArguments.Remove(WarningIndex, 9);

						// Create the response file
						FileReference ResponseFileName = CompileAction.ProducedItems[0].Reference + "_" + AllArguments.GetHashCode().ToString("X") + ".response";
						string ResponseArgument = string.Format("@\"{0}\"", ResponseFile.Create(ResponseFileName, new List<string> { AllArguments }).FullName);

						CompileAction.WorkingDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
						CompileAction.CommandPath = ClangPath;
						CompileAction.CommandArguments = ResponseArgument;
						CompileAction.StatusDescription = string.Format("{0} [{1}-{2}]", Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath), Arch.Replace("-", ""), GPUArchitecture.Replace("-", ""));

						// VC++ always outputs the source file name being compiled, so we don't need to emit this ourselves
						CompileAction.bShouldOutputStatusDescription = true;

						// Don't farm out creation of pre-compiled headers as it is the critical path task.
						CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely =
							CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create ||

			return Result;
Exemple #6
        internal static ExecutionResult ExecuteActions(List<Action> InActions, Dictionary<Action, ActionThread> InActionThreadDictionary)
            // Build the script file that will be executed by SN-DBS
            StreamWriter ScriptFile;
            string ScriptFilename = Path.Combine(BuildConfiguration.BaseIntermediatePath, "SNDBS.bat");

            FileStream ScriptFileStream = new FileStream(ScriptFilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read);
            ScriptFile = new StreamWriter(ScriptFileStream);
            ScriptFile.AutoFlush = true;

            int NumScriptedActions = 0;
            List<Action> LocalActions = new List<Action>();
            ActionThread DummyActionThread = new ActionThread(null, 1, 1);
            foreach (Action Action in InActions)
                ActionThread ActionProcess = null;
                bool bFoundActionProcess = InActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionProcess);
                if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                    // Determine whether there are any prerequisites of the action that are outdated.
                    bool bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = false;
                    bool bHasFailedPrerequisites = false;
                    foreach (FileItem PrerequisiteItem in Action.PrerequisiteItems)
                        if (PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction != null && InActions.Contains(PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction))
                            ActionThread PrerequisiteProcess = null;
                            bool bFoundPrerequisiteProcess = InActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction, out PrerequisiteProcess);
                            if (bFoundPrerequisiteProcess == true)
                                if (PrerequisiteProcess == null)
                                    bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                else if (PrerequisiteProcess.bComplete == false)
                                    bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;
                                else if (PrerequisiteProcess.ExitCode != 0)
                                    bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;

                    // If there are any failed prerequisites of this action, don't execute it.
                    if (bHasFailedPrerequisites)
                        // Add a null entry in the dictionary for this action.
                        InActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, null);
                    // If there aren't any outdated prerequisites of this action, execute it.
                    else if (!bHasOutdatedPrerequisites)
                        if (Action.bCanExecuteRemotely == false)
                            // Execute locally
                            // Add to script for execution by SN-DBS
                            string NewCommandArguments = "\"" + Action.CommandPath + "\"" + " " + Action.CommandArguments;
                            InActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, DummyActionThread);
                            Action.StartTime = Action.EndTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                            Log.TraceInformation("[{0}/{1}] {2} {3}", JobNumber, InActions.Count, Action.CommandDescription, Action.StatusDescription);

            ScriptFile = null;

            if( NumScriptedActions > 0 )
                // Create the process
                ProcessStartInfo PSI = new ProcessStartInfo("dbsbuild", "-q -p UE4 -s " + BuildConfiguration.BaseIntermediatePath + "/sndbs.bat");
                PSI.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                PSI.RedirectStandardError = true;
                PSI.UseShellExecute = false;
                PSI.CreateNoWindow = true;
                PSI.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetFullPath("."); ;
                Process NewProcess = new Process();
                NewProcess.StartInfo = PSI;
                NewProcess.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(ActionDebugOutput);
                NewProcess.ErrorDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(ActionDebugOutput);
                DateTimeOffset StartTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;


                TimeSpan Duration;
                DateTimeOffset EndTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                if (EndTime == DateTimeOffset.MinValue)
                    Duration = DateTimeOffset.Now - StartTime;
                    Duration = EndTime - StartTime;

                DummyActionThread.bComplete = true;
                int ExitCode = NewProcess.ExitCode;
                if (ExitCode != 0)
                    return ExecutionResult.TasksFailed;
                    UnrealBuildTool.TotalCompileTime += Duration.TotalSeconds;

            // Execute local tasks
            if( LocalActions.Count > 0 )
                return ExecuteLocalActions(LocalActions, InActionThreadDictionary, InActions.Count);

            return ExecutionResult.TasksSucceeded;
         * Executes the specified actions locally.
         * @return True if all the tasks successfully executed, or false if any of them failed.
        public static bool ExecuteActions(List <Action> Actions)
            // Time to sleep after each iteration of the loop in order to not busy wait.
            const float LoopSleepTime = 0.1f;

            // Use WMI to figure out physical cores, excluding hyper threading.
            int NumCores = 0;

            if (!Utils.IsRunningOnMono)
                    using (var Mos = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * from Win32_Processor"))
                        var MosCollection = Mos.Get();
                        foreach (var Item in MosCollection)
                            NumCores += int.Parse(Item["NumberOfCores"].ToString());
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    Log.TraceWarning("Unable to get the number of Cores: {0}", Ex.ToString());
                    Log.TraceWarning("Falling back to processor count.");
            // On some systems this requires a hot fix to work so we fall back to using the (logical) processor count.
            if (NumCores == 0)
                NumCores = System.Environment.ProcessorCount;
            // The number of actions to execute in parallel is trying to keep the CPU busy enough in presence of I/O stalls.
            int MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = 0;

            // The CPU has more logical cores than physical ones, aka uses hyper-threading.
            if (NumCores < System.Environment.ProcessorCount)
                MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = (int)(NumCores * BuildConfiguration.ProcessorCountMultiplier);
            // No hyper-threading. Only kicking off a task per CPU to keep machine responsive.
                MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = NumCores;

            if (Utils.IsRunningOnMono)
                // heuristic: give each action at least 1.5GB of RAM (some clang instances will need more, actually)
                long MinMemoryPerActionMB       = 3 * 1024 / 2;
                long PhysicalRAMAvailableMB     = (new PerformanceCounter("Mono Memory", "Total Physical Memory").RawValue) / (1024 * 1024);
                int  MaxActionsAffordedByMemory = (int)(Math.Max(1, (PhysicalRAMAvailableMB) / MinMemoryPerActionMB));

                MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = Math.Min(MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel, MaxActionsAffordedByMemory);

            MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = Math.Min(MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel, BuildConfiguration.MaxProcessorCount);

            Log.TraceInformation("Performing {0} actions ({1} in parallel)", Actions.Count, MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel);

            Dictionary <Action, ActionThread> ActionThreadDictionary = new Dictionary <Action, ActionThread>();
            int JobNumber = 1;

            using (ProgressWriter ProgressWriter = new ProgressWriter("Compiling source code...", false))
                int ProgressValue = 0;
                while (true)
                    // Count the number of pending and still executing actions.
                    int NumUnexecutedActions = 0;
                    int NumExecutingActions  = 0;
                    foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                        ActionThread ActionThread        = null;
                        bool         bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionThread);
                        if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                        else if (ActionThread != null)
                            if (ActionThread.bComplete == false)

                    // Update the current progress
                    int NewProgressValue = Actions.Count + 1 - NumUnexecutedActions;
                    if (ProgressValue != NewProgressValue)
                        ProgressWriter.Write(ProgressValue, Actions.Count + 1);
                        ProgressValue = NewProgressValue;

                    // If there aren't any pending actions left, we're done executing.
                    if (NumUnexecutedActions == 0)

                    // If there are fewer actions executing than the maximum, look for pending actions that don't have any outdated
                    // prerequisites.
                    foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                        ActionThread ActionProcess       = null;
                        bool         bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionProcess);
                        if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                            if (NumExecutingActions < Math.Max(1, MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel))
                                // Determine whether there are any prerequisites of the action that are outdated.
                                bool bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = false;
                                bool bHasFailedPrerequisites   = false;
                                foreach (FileItem PrerequisiteItem in Action.PrerequisiteItems)
                                    if (PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction != null && Actions.Contains(PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction))
                                        ActionThread PrerequisiteProcess       = null;
                                        bool         bFoundPrerequisiteProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction, out PrerequisiteProcess);
                                        if (bFoundPrerequisiteProcess == true)
                                            if (PrerequisiteProcess == null)
                                                bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                            else if (PrerequisiteProcess.bComplete == false)
                                                bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;
                                            else if (PrerequisiteProcess.ExitCode != 0)
                                                bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                            bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;

                                // If there are any failed prerequisites of this action, don't execute it.
                                if (bHasFailedPrerequisites)
                                    // Add a null entry in the dictionary for this action.
                                    ActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, null);
                                // If there aren't any outdated prerequisites of this action, execute it.
                                else if (!bHasOutdatedPrerequisites)
                                    ActionThread ActionThread = new ActionThread(Action, JobNumber, Actions.Count);

                                    ActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, ActionThread);



            Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats, TraceEventType.Information, "-------- Begin Detailed Action Stats ----------------------------------------------------------");
            Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats, TraceEventType.Information, "^Action Type^Duration (seconds)^Tool^Task^Using PCH");

            double TotalThreadSeconds = 0;

            // Check whether any of the tasks failed and log action stats if wanted.
            bool bSuccess = true;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Action, ActionThread> ActionProcess in ActionThreadDictionary)
                Action       Action       = ActionProcess.Key;
                ActionThread ActionThread = ActionProcess.Value;

                // Check for pending actions, preemptive failure
                if (ActionThread == null)
                    bSuccess = false;
                // Check for executed action but general failure
                if (ActionThread.ExitCode != 0)
                    bSuccess = false;
                // Log CPU time, tool and task.
                double ThreadSeconds = Action.Duration.TotalSeconds;


                // Update statistics
                switch (Action.ActionType)
                case ActionType.BuildProject:
                    UnrealBuildTool.TotalBuildProjectTime += ThreadSeconds;

                case ActionType.Compile:
                    UnrealBuildTool.TotalCompileTime += ThreadSeconds;

                case ActionType.CreateAppBundle:
                    UnrealBuildTool.TotalCreateAppBundleTime += ThreadSeconds;

                case ActionType.GenerateDebugInfo:
                    UnrealBuildTool.TotalGenerateDebugInfoTime += ThreadSeconds;

                case ActionType.Link:
                    UnrealBuildTool.TotalLinkTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    UnrealBuildTool.TotalOtherActionsTime += ThreadSeconds;

                // Keep track of total thread seconds spent on tasks.
                TotalThreadSeconds += ThreadSeconds;

            Log.TraceInformation("-------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------");

            // Log total CPU seconds and numbers of processors involved in tasks.
            Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats || BuildConfiguration.bPrintDebugInfo,
                            TraceEventType.Information, "Cumulative thread seconds ({0} processors): {1:0.00}", System.Environment.ProcessorCount, TotalThreadSeconds);

		 * Executes the specified actions locally.
		 * @return True if all the tasks successfully executed, or false if any of them failed.
		public static bool ExecuteActions(List<Action> Actions)
			// Time to sleep after each iteration of the loop in order to not busy wait.
			const float LoopSleepTime = 0.1f;

			// Use WMI to figure out physical cores, excluding hyper threading.
			int NumCores = 0;
			if (!Utils.IsRunningOnMono)
					using (var Mos = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * from Win32_Processor"))
						var MosCollection = Mos.Get();
						foreach (var Item in MosCollection)
							NumCores += int.Parse(Item["NumberOfCores"].ToString());
				catch (Exception Ex)
					Log.TraceWarning("Unable to get the number of Cores: {0}", Ex.ToString());
					Log.TraceWarning("Falling back to processor count.");
			// On some systems this requires a hot fix to work so we fall back to using the (logical) processor count.
			if( NumCores == 0 )
				NumCores = System.Environment.ProcessorCount;
			// The number of actions to execute in parallel is trying to keep the CPU busy enough in presence of I/O stalls.
			int MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = 0;
			if (NumCores < System.Environment.ProcessorCount && BuildConfiguration.ProcessorCountMultiplier != 1.0)
				// The CPU has more logical cores than physical ones, aka uses hyper-threading. 
				// Use multiplier if provided
				MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = (int)(NumCores * BuildConfiguration.ProcessorCountMultiplier);
			else if (NumCores < System.Environment.ProcessorCount && NumCores > 4)
				// The CPU has more logical cores than physical ones, aka uses hyper-threading. 
				// Use average of logical and physical if we have "lots of cores"
				MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = (int)(NumCores + System.Environment.ProcessorCount) / 2;
			// No hyper-threading. Only kicking off a task per CPU to keep machine responsive.
				MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = NumCores;

            if (Utils.IsRunningOnMono)
				// heuristic: give each action at least 1.5GB of RAM (some clang instances will need more, actually)
				long MinMemoryPerActionMB = 3 * 1024 / 2;
				long PhysicalRAMAvailableMB = (new PerformanceCounter ("Mono Memory", "Total Physical Memory").RawValue) / (1024 * 1024);
				int MaxActionsAffordedByMemory = (int)(Math.Max(1, (PhysicalRAMAvailableMB) / MinMemoryPerActionMB));

				MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = Math.Min(MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel, MaxActionsAffordedByMemory);

			MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = Math.Max( 1, Math.Min(MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel, BuildConfiguration.MaxProcessorCount) );

            Log.TraceInformation("Performing {0} actions ({1} in parallel)", Actions.Count, MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel);

			Dictionary<Action, ActionThread> ActionThreadDictionary = new Dictionary<Action, ActionThread>();
            int JobNumber = 1;
			using(ProgressWriter ProgressWriter = new ProgressWriter("Compiling C++ source code...", false))
				int ProgressValue = 0;
					// Count the number of pending and still executing actions.
					int NumUnexecutedActions = 0;
					int NumExecutingActions = 0;
					foreach (Action Action in Actions)
						ActionThread ActionThread = null;
						bool bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionThread);
						if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
						else if (ActionThread != null)
							if (ActionThread.bComplete == false)

					// Update the current progress
					int NewProgressValue = Actions.Count + 1 - NumUnexecutedActions;
					if (ProgressValue != NewProgressValue)
						ProgressWriter.Write(ProgressValue, Actions.Count + 1);
						ProgressValue = NewProgressValue;

					// If there aren't any pending actions left, we're done executing.
					if (NumUnexecutedActions == 0)

					// If there are fewer actions executing than the maximum, look for pending actions that don't have any outdated
					// prerequisites.
					foreach (Action Action in Actions)
						ActionThread ActionProcess = null;
						bool bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionProcess);
						if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
							if (NumExecutingActions < Math.Max(1,MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel))
								// Determine whether there are any prerequisites of the action that are outdated.
								bool bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = false;
								bool bHasFailedPrerequisites = false;
								foreach (FileItem PrerequisiteItem in Action.PrerequisiteItems)
									if (PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction != null && Actions.Contains(PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction))
										ActionThread PrerequisiteProcess = null;
										bool bFoundPrerequisiteProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue( PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction, out PrerequisiteProcess );
										if (bFoundPrerequisiteProcess == true)
											if (PrerequisiteProcess == null)
												bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
											else if (PrerequisiteProcess.bComplete == false)
												bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;
											else if (PrerequisiteProcess.ExitCode != 0)
												bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
											bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;

								// If there are any failed prerequisites of this action, don't execute it.
								if (bHasFailedPrerequisites)
									// Add a null entry in the dictionary for this action.
									ActionThreadDictionary.Add( Action, null );
								// If there aren't any outdated prerequisites of this action, execute it.
								else if (!bHasOutdatedPrerequisites)
									ActionThread ActionThread = new ActionThread(Action, JobNumber, Actions.Count);

									ActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, ActionThread);



			Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats, LogEventType.Console, "-------- Begin Detailed Action Stats ----------------------------------------------------------");
			Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats, LogEventType.Console, "^Action Type^Duration (seconds)^Tool^Task^Using PCH");

			double TotalThreadSeconds = 0;

			// Check whether any of the tasks failed and log action stats if wanted.
			bool bSuccess = true;
			foreach (KeyValuePair<Action, ActionThread> ActionProcess in ActionThreadDictionary)
				Action Action = ActionProcess.Key;
				ActionThread ActionThread = ActionProcess.Value;

				// Check for pending actions, preemptive failure
				if (ActionThread == null)
                    bSuccess = false;
				// Check for executed action but general failure
				if (ActionThread.ExitCode != 0)
					bSuccess = false;
                // Log CPU time, tool and task.
				double ThreadSeconds = Action.Duration.TotalSeconds;


				// Update statistics
				switch (Action.ActionType)
					case ActionType.BuildProject:
						UnrealBuildTool.TotalBuildProjectTime += ThreadSeconds;

					case ActionType.Compile:
						UnrealBuildTool.TotalCompileTime += ThreadSeconds;

					case ActionType.CreateAppBundle:
						UnrealBuildTool.TotalCreateAppBundleTime += ThreadSeconds;

					case ActionType.GenerateDebugInfo:
						UnrealBuildTool.TotalGenerateDebugInfoTime += ThreadSeconds;

					case ActionType.Link:
						UnrealBuildTool.TotalLinkTime += ThreadSeconds;

						UnrealBuildTool.TotalOtherActionsTime += ThreadSeconds;

				// Keep track of total thread seconds spent on tasks.
				TotalThreadSeconds += ThreadSeconds;

			Log.TraceInformation("-------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------");

			// Log total CPU seconds and numbers of processors involved in tasks.
			Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats || BuildConfiguration.bPrintDebugInfo,
				LogEventType.Console, "Cumulative thread seconds ({0} processors): {1:0.00}", System.Environment.ProcessorCount, TotalThreadSeconds);

			return bSuccess;
Exemple #9
        public override bool ExecuteActions(List <Action> Actions, bool bLogDetailedActionStats)
            bool bDistccResult = true;

            if (Actions.Count > 0)
                // Time to sleep after each iteration of the loop in order to not busy wait.
                const float LoopSleepTime = 0.1f;

                int MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = 0;

                string UserDir          = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME");
                string HostsInfo        = UserDir + "/.dmucs/hosts-info";
                string NumUBTBuildTasks = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NumUBTBuildTasks");
                Int32  MaxUBTBuildTasks = MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel;
                if (Int32.TryParse(NumUBTBuildTasks, out MaxUBTBuildTasks))
                    MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = MaxUBTBuildTasks;
                else if (BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac)
                    using (System.Diagnostics.Process DefaultsProcess = new System.Diagnostics.Process())
                            DefaultsProcess.StartInfo.FileName               = "/usr/bin/defaults";
                            DefaultsProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow         = true;
                            DefaultsProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                            DefaultsProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                            DefaultsProcess.StartInfo.Arguments              = "read IDEBuildOperationMaxNumberOfConcurrentCompileTasks";
                            string Output = DefaultsProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
                            if (DefaultsProcess.ExitCode == 0 && Int32.TryParse(Output, out MaxUBTBuildTasks))
                                MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = MaxUBTBuildTasks;
                        catch (Exception)
                else if (System.IO.File.Exists(HostsInfo))
                    System.IO.StreamReader File = new System.IO.StreamReader(HostsInfo);
                    string Line = null;
                    while ((Line = File.ReadLine()) != null)
                        string[] HostInfo = Line.Split(' ');
                        if (HostInfo.Count() == 3)
                            int NumCPUs = 0;
                            if (System.Int32.TryParse(HostInfo[1], out NumCPUs))
                                MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel += NumCPUs;
                    MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = System.Environment.ProcessorCount;

                if (bAllowDistccLocalFallback == false)
                    Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("DISTCC_FALLBACK", "0");

                if (bVerboseDistccOutput == true)
                    Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("DISTCC_VERBOSE", "1");

                FileReference DistccExecutable  = new FileReference(DistccExecutablesPath + "/distcc");
                FileReference GetHostExecutable = new FileReference(DistccExecutablesPath + "/gethost");

                Log.TraceInformation("Performing {0} actions ({1} in parallel)", Actions.Count, MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel, DistccExecutable, GetHostExecutable);

                Dictionary <Action, ActionThread> ActionThreadDictionary = new Dictionary <Action, ActionThread>();
                int JobNumber = 1;
                using (ProgressWriter ProgressWriter = new ProgressWriter("Compiling source code...", false))
                    int ProgressValue = 0;
                    while (true)
                        // Count the number of pending and still executing actions.
                        int NumUnexecutedActions = 0;
                        int NumExecutingActions  = 0;
                        foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                            ActionThread ActionThread        = null;
                            bool         bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionThread);
                            if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                            else if (ActionThread != null)
                                if (ActionThread.bComplete == false)

                        // Update the current progress
                        int NewProgressValue = Actions.Count + 1 - NumUnexecutedActions;
                        if (ProgressValue != NewProgressValue)
                            ProgressWriter.Write(ProgressValue, Actions.Count + 1);
                            ProgressValue = NewProgressValue;

                        // If there aren't any pending actions left, we're done executing.
                        if (NumUnexecutedActions == 0)

                        // If there are fewer actions executing than the maximum, look for pending actions that don't have any outdated
                        // prerequisites.
                        foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                            ActionThread ActionProcess       = null;
                            bool         bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionProcess);
                            if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                                if (NumExecutingActions < Math.Max(1, MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel))
                                    // Determine whether there are any prerequisites of the action that are outdated.
                                    bool bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = false;
                                    bool bHasFailedPrerequisites   = false;
                                    foreach (Action PrerequisiteAction in Action.PrerequisiteActions)
                                        ActionThread PrerequisiteProcess       = null;
                                        bool         bFoundPrerequisiteProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(PrerequisiteAction, out PrerequisiteProcess);
                                        if (bFoundPrerequisiteProcess == true)
                                            if (PrerequisiteProcess == null)
                                                bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                            else if (PrerequisiteProcess.bComplete == false)
                                                bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;
                                            else if (PrerequisiteProcess.ExitCode != 0)
                                                bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                            bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;

                                    // If there are any failed prerequisites of this action, don't execute it.
                                    if (bHasFailedPrerequisites)
                                        // Add a null entry in the dictionary for this action.
                                        ActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, null);
                                    // If there aren't any outdated prerequisites of this action, execute it.
                                    else if (!bHasOutdatedPrerequisites)
                                        if (Action.ActionType == ActionType.Compile || Action.ActionType == ActionType.Link)
                                            string TypeCommand         = String.IsNullOrEmpty(DMUCSDistProp) ? "" : (" --type " + DMUCSDistProp);
                                            string NewCommandArguments = "--server " + DMUCSCoordinator + TypeCommand + " --wait -1 \"" + DistccExecutable + "\" " + Action.CommandPath + " " + Action.CommandArguments;

                                            if (Action.ActionType == ActionType.Compile)
                                                // Distcc separates preprocessing and compilation which means we must silence these warnings
                                                NewCommandArguments += " -Wno-constant-logical-operand";
                                                NewCommandArguments += " -Wno-parentheses-equality";

                                            Action.CommandPath      = GetHostExecutable;
                                            Action.CommandArguments = NewCommandArguments;

                                        ActionThread ActionThread = new ActionThread(Action, JobNumber, Actions.Count);

                                        ActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, ActionThread);



                Log.WriteLineIf(bLogDetailedActionStats, LogEventType.Console, "-------- Begin Detailed Action Stats ----------------------------------------------------------");
                Log.WriteLineIf(bLogDetailedActionStats, LogEventType.Console, "^Action Type^Duration (seconds)^Tool^Task^Using PCH");

                double TotalThreadSeconds = 0;

                // Check whether any of the tasks failed and log action stats if wanted.
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Action, ActionThread> ActionProcess in ActionThreadDictionary)
                    Action       Action       = ActionProcess.Key;
                    ActionThread ActionThread = ActionProcess.Value;

                    // Check for pending actions, preemptive failure
                    if (ActionThread == null)
                        bDistccResult = false;
                    // Check for executed action but general failure
                    if (ActionThread.ExitCode != 0)
                        bDistccResult = false;
                    // Log CPU time, tool and task.
                    double ThreadSeconds = Action.Duration.TotalSeconds;


                    // Keep track of total thread seconds spent on tasks.
                    TotalThreadSeconds += ThreadSeconds;

                                "-------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------");

                // Log total CPU seconds and numbers of processors involved in tasks.
                                LogEventType.Console, "Cumulative thread seconds ({0} processors): {1:0.00}", System.Environment.ProcessorCount, TotalThreadSeconds);
        public override FileItem[] LinkAllFiles(LinkEnvironment LinkEnvironment, bool bBuildImportLibraryOnly)
            List <FileItem> Outputs = new List <FileItem>();

            for (int ArchIndex = 0; ArchIndex < Arches.Length; ArchIndex++)
                string Arch = Arches[ArchIndex];
                for (int GPUArchIndex = 0; GPUArchIndex < GPUArchitectures.Length; GPUArchIndex++)
                    string GPUArchitecture = GPUArchitectures[GPUArchIndex];
                    int    OutputPathIndex = ArchIndex * GPUArchitectures.Length + GPUArchIndex;

                    // Android will have an array of outputs
                    if (LinkEnvironment.Config.OutputFilePaths.Length < OutputPathIndex ||
                        !Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(LinkEnvironment.Config.OutputFilePaths[OutputPathIndex]).EndsWith(Arch + GPUArchitecture))
                        throw new BuildException("The OutputFilePaths array didn't match the Arches array in AndroidToolChain.LinkAllFiles");

                    // Create an action that invokes the linker.
                    Action LinkAction = new Action(ActionType.Link);
                    LinkAction.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(".");

                    if (LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary)
                        LinkAction.CommandPath = Arch == "-armv7" ? ArPathArm : ArPathx86;
                        LinkAction.CommandPath = ClangPath;

                    string LinkerPath = LinkAction.WorkingDirectory;

                    LinkAction.WorkingDirectory = LinkEnvironment.Config.IntermediateDirectory;

                    // Get link arguments.
                    LinkAction.CommandArguments = LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary ? GetArArguments(LinkEnvironment) : GetLinkArguments(LinkEnvironment, Arch);

                    // Add the output file as a production of the link action.
                    FileItem OutputFile;
                    OutputFile = FileItem.GetItemByPath(LinkEnvironment.Config.OutputFilePaths[OutputPathIndex]);
                    LinkAction.StatusDescription = string.Format("{0}", Path.GetFileName(OutputFile.AbsolutePath));

                    // LinkAction.bPrintDebugInfo = true;

                    // Add the output file to the command-line.
                    if (LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary)
                        LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" \"{0}\"", OutputFile.AbsolutePath);
                        LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", OutputFile.AbsolutePath);

                    // Add the input files to a response file, and pass the response file on the command-line.
                    List <string> InputFileNames = new List <string>();
                    foreach (FileItem InputFile in LinkEnvironment.InputFiles)
                        // make sure it's for current Arch
                        if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(InputFile.AbsolutePath).EndsWith(Arch + GPUArchitecture))
                            string AbsolutePath = InputFile.AbsolutePath.Replace("\\", "/");

                            AbsolutePath = AbsolutePath.Replace(LinkEnvironment.Config.IntermediateDirectory.Replace("\\", "/"), "");
                            AbsolutePath = AbsolutePath.TrimStart(new char[] { '/' });

                            InputFileNames.Add(string.Format("\"{0}\"", AbsolutePath));

                    string ResponseFileName = GetResponseFileName(LinkEnvironment, OutputFile);
                    LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" @\"{0}\"", ResponseFile.Create(ResponseFileName, InputFileNames));

                    // libs don't link in other libs
                    if (!LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary)
                        // Add the library paths to the argument list.
                        foreach (string LibraryPath in LinkEnvironment.Config.LibraryPaths)
                            // LinkerPaths could be relative or absolute
                            string AbsoluteLibraryPath = ActionThread.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(LibraryPath);
                            if (IsDirectoryForArch(AbsoluteLibraryPath, Arch))
                                // environment variables aren't expanded when using the $( style
                                if (Path.IsPathRooted(AbsoluteLibraryPath) == false)
                                    AbsoluteLibraryPath = Path.Combine(LinkerPath, AbsoluteLibraryPath);
                                LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" -L\"{0}\"", AbsoluteLibraryPath);

                        // add libraries in a library group
                        LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" -Wl,--start-group");
                        foreach (string AdditionalLibrary in LinkEnvironment.Config.AdditionalLibraries)
                            if (!ShouldSkipLib(AdditionalLibrary, Arch, GPUArchitecture))
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetDirectoryName(AdditionalLibrary)))
                                    LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" \"-l{0}\"", AdditionalLibrary);
                                    // full pathed libs are compiled by us, so we depend on linking them
                                    LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" \"{0}\"", AdditionalLibrary);
                        LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" -Wl,--end-group");

                    // Add the additional arguments specified by the environment.
                    LinkAction.CommandArguments += LinkEnvironment.Config.AdditionalArguments;
                    LinkAction.CommandArguments  = LinkAction.CommandArguments.Replace("\\", "/");

                    // Only execute linking on the local PC.
                    LinkAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = false;

Exemple #11
        public static bool ExecuteActions(List <Action> Actions)
            bool bDistccResult = true;

            if (Actions.Count > 0)
                // Time to sleep after each iteration of the loop in order to not busy wait.
                const float LoopSleepTime = 0.1f;

                int    MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = 0;
                string UserDir              = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME");
                string HostsInfo            = UserDir + "/.dmucs/hosts-info";
                System.IO.StreamReader File = new System.IO.StreamReader(HostsInfo);
                string Line = null;
                while ((Line = File.ReadLine()) != null)
                    var HostInfo = Line.Split(' ');
                    if (HostInfo.Count() == 3)
                        int NumCPUs = 0;
                        if (System.Int32.TryParse(HostInfo [1], out NumCPUs))
                            MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel += NumCPUs;

                if (BuildConfiguration.bAllowDistccLocalFallback == false)
                    Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("DISTCC_FALLBACK", "0");

                string DistccExecutable  = BuildConfiguration.DistccExecutablesPath + "/distcc";
                string GetHostExecutable = BuildConfiguration.DistccExecutablesPath + "/gethost";

                Log.TraceInformation("Performing {0} actions ({1} in parallel)", Actions.Count, MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel, DistccExecutable, GetHostExecutable);

                Dictionary <Action, ActionThread> ActionThreadDictionary = new Dictionary <Action, ActionThread>();
                int JobNumber = 1;
                using (ProgressWriter ProgressWriter = new ProgressWriter("Compiling source code...", false))
                    int ProgressValue = 0;
                    while (true)
                        // Count the number of pending and still executing actions.
                        int NumUnexecutedActions = 0;
                        int NumExecutingActions  = 0;
                        foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                            ActionThread ActionThread        = null;
                            bool         bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionThread);
                            if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                            else if (ActionThread != null)
                                if (ActionThread.bComplete == false)

                        // Update the current progress
                        int NewProgressValue = Actions.Count + 1 - NumUnexecutedActions;
                        if (ProgressValue != NewProgressValue)
                            ProgressWriter.Write(ProgressValue, Actions.Count + 1);
                            ProgressValue = NewProgressValue;

                        // If there aren't any pending actions left, we're done executing.
                        if (NumUnexecutedActions == 0)

                        // If there are fewer actions executing than the maximum, look for pending actions that don't have any outdated
                        // prerequisites.
                        foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                            ActionThread ActionProcess       = null;
                            bool         bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionProcess);
                            if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                                if (NumExecutingActions < Math.Max(1, MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel))
                                    // Determine whether there are any prerequisites of the action that are outdated.
                                    bool bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = false;
                                    bool bHasFailedPrerequisites   = false;
                                    foreach (FileItem PrerequisiteItem in Action.PrerequisiteItems)
                                        if (PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction != null && Actions.Contains(PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction))
                                            ActionThread PrerequisiteProcess       = null;
                                            bool         bFoundPrerequisiteProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction, out PrerequisiteProcess);
                                            if (bFoundPrerequisiteProcess == true)
                                                if (PrerequisiteProcess == null)
                                                    bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                                else if (PrerequisiteProcess.bComplete == false)
                                                    bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;
                                                else if (PrerequisiteProcess.ExitCode != 0)
                                                    bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                                bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;

                                    // If there are any failed prerequisites of this action, don't execute it.
                                    if (bHasFailedPrerequisites)
                                        // Add a null entry in the dictionary for this action.
                                        ActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, null);
                                    // If there aren't any outdated prerequisites of this action, execute it.
                                    else if (!bHasOutdatedPrerequisites)
                                        if ((Action.ActionType == ActionType.Compile || Action.ActionType == ActionType.Link) && DistccExecutable != null && GetHostExecutable != null)
                                            string NewCommandArguments = "--wait -1 \"" + DistccExecutable + "\" " + Action.CommandPath + " " + Action.CommandArguments;
                                            Action.CommandPath      = GetHostExecutable;
                                            Action.CommandArguments = NewCommandArguments;

                                        ActionThread ActionThread = new ActionThread(Action, JobNumber, Actions.Count);

                                        ActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, ActionThread);



                Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats, TraceEventType.Information, "-------- Begin Detailed Action Stats ----------------------------------------------------------");
                Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats, TraceEventType.Information, "^Action Type^Duration (seconds)^Tool^Task^Using PCH");

                double TotalThreadSeconds = 0;

                // Check whether any of the tasks failed and log action stats if wanted.
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Action, ActionThread> ActionProcess in ActionThreadDictionary)
                    Action       Action       = ActionProcess.Key;
                    ActionThread ActionThread = ActionProcess.Value;

                    // Check for pending actions, preemptive failure
                    if (ActionThread == null)
                        bDistccResult = false;
                    // Check for executed action but general failure
                    if (ActionThread.ExitCode != 0)
                        bDistccResult = false;
                    // Log CPU time, tool and task.
                    double ThreadSeconds = Action.Duration.TotalSeconds;


                    // Update statistics
                    switch (Action.ActionType)
                    case ActionType.BuildProject:
                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalBuildProjectTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    case ActionType.Compile:
                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalCompileTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    case ActionType.CreateAppBundle:
                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalCreateAppBundleTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    case ActionType.GenerateDebugInfo:
                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalGenerateDebugInfoTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    case ActionType.Link:
                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalLinkTime += ThreadSeconds;

                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalOtherActionsTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    // Keep track of total thread seconds spent on tasks.
                    TotalThreadSeconds += ThreadSeconds;

                Log.TraceInformation("-------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------");

                // Log total CPU seconds and numbers of processors involved in tasks.
                Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats || BuildConfiguration.bPrintDebugInfo,
                                TraceEventType.Information, "Cumulative thread seconds ({0} processors): {1:0.00}", System.Environment.ProcessorCount, TotalThreadSeconds);
        public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(UEBuildTarget Target, CPPEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <FileItem> SourceFiles, string ModuleName)
            if (Arches.Length == 0)
                throw new BuildException("At least one architecture (armv7, x86, etc) needs to be selected in the project settings to build");

            if (!bHasPrintedApiLevel)
                Console.WriteLine("Compiling with NDK API '{0}'", GetNdkApiLevel());
                bHasPrintedApiLevel = true;

            string BaseArguments = "";

            if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create)
                BaseArguments += " -Werror";

            // Directly added NDK files for NDK extensions
            if (!UnrealBuildTool.RunningRocket())

            // Add preprocessor definitions to the argument list.
            foreach (string Definition in CompileEnvironment.Config.Definitions)
                BaseArguments += string.Format(" -D \"{0}\"", Definition);

            var BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatformForCPPTargetPlatform(CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Platform);

            string BasePCHName  = "";
            var    PCHExtension = UEBuildPlatform.BuildPlatformDictionary[UnrealTargetPlatform.Android].GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.PrecompiledHeader);

            if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include)
                BasePCHName = RemoveArchName(CompileEnvironment.PrecompiledHeaderFile.AbsolutePath).Replace(PCHExtension, "");

            // Create a compile action for each source file.
            CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput();

            foreach (string Arch in Arches)
                foreach (string GPUArchitecture in GPUArchitectures)
                    // which toolchain to use
                    string Arguments = GetCLArguments_Global(CompileEnvironment, Arch) + BaseArguments;

                    if (GPUArchitecture == "-gl4")
                        Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_ANDROIDGL4=1";
                    else if (GPUArchitecture == "-es31")
                        Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_ANDROIDES31=1";

                    // which PCH file to include
                    string PCHArguments = "";
                    if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include)
                        // Add the precompiled header file's path to the include path so Clang can find it.
                        // This needs to be before the other include paths to ensure Clang uses it instead of the source header file.
                        PCHArguments += string.Format(" -include \"{0}\"", InlineArchName(BasePCHName, Arch, GPUArchitecture));

                    // Add include paths to the argument list (filtered by architecture)
                    foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.SystemIncludePaths)
                        if (IsDirectoryForArch(IncludePath, Arch))
                            Arguments += string.Format(" -I\"{0}\"", IncludePath);
                    foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.IncludePaths)
                        if (IsDirectoryForArch(IncludePath, Arch))
                            Arguments += string.Format(" -I\"{0}\"", IncludePath);

                    foreach (FileItem SourceFile in SourceFiles)
                        Action CompileAction = new Action(ActionType.Compile);
                        string FileArguments = "";
                        bool   bIsPlainCFile = Path.GetExtension(SourceFile.AbsolutePath).ToUpperInvariant() == ".C";

                        // should we disable optimizations on this file?
                        // @todo android - We wouldn't need this if we could disable optimizations per function (via pragma)
                        bool bDisableOptimizations = false;                        // SourceFile.AbsolutePath.ToUpperInvariant().IndexOf("\\SLATE\\") != -1;
                        if (bDisableOptimizations && CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Configuration != CPPTargetConfiguration.Debug)
                            Log.TraceWarning("Disabling optimizations on {0}", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);

                        bDisableOptimizations = bDisableOptimizations || CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Configuration == CPPTargetConfiguration.Debug;

                        // Add C or C++ specific compiler arguments.
                        if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create)
                            FileArguments += GetCompileArguments_PCH(bDisableOptimizations);
                        else if (bIsPlainCFile)
                            FileArguments += GetCompileArguments_C(bDisableOptimizations);
                            FileArguments += GetCompileArguments_CPP(bDisableOptimizations);

                            // only use PCH for .cpp files
                            FileArguments += PCHArguments;

                        // Add the C++ source file and its included files to the prerequisite item list.
                        AddPrerequisiteSourceFile(Target, BuildPlatform, CompileEnvironment, SourceFile, CompileAction.PrerequisiteItems);

                        if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create)
                            // Add the precompiled header file to the produced item list.
                            FileItem PrecompiledHeaderFile = FileItem.GetItemByPath(
                                    Path.GetFileName(InlineArchName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath, Arch, GPUArchitecture) + PCHExtension)

                            Result.PrecompiledHeaderFile = PrecompiledHeaderFile;

                            // Add the parameters needed to compile the precompiled header file to the command-line.
                            FileArguments += string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", PrecompiledHeaderFile.AbsolutePath, false);
                            if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include)
                                CompileAction.bIsUsingPCH = true;
                                FileItem ArchPrecompiledHeaderFile = FileItem.GetItemByPath(InlineArchName(BasePCHName, Arch, GPUArchitecture) + PCHExtension);

                            var ObjectFileExtension = UEBuildPlatform.BuildPlatformDictionary[UnrealTargetPlatform.Android].GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.Object);

                            // Add the object file to the produced item list.
                            FileItem ObjectFile = FileItem.GetItemByPath(
                                                   Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath) + ObjectFileExtension), Arch, GPUArchitecture

                            FileArguments += string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", ObjectFile.AbsolutePath, false);

                        // Add the source file path to the command-line.
                        FileArguments += string.Format(" \"{0}\"", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);

                        // Build a full argument list
                        string AllArguments = Arguments + FileArguments + CompileEnvironment.Config.AdditionalArguments;
                        AllArguments = ActionThread.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(AllArguments);
                        AllArguments = AllArguments.Replace("\\", "/");

                        // Create the response file
                        string ResponseFileName = CompileAction.ProducedItems[0].AbsolutePath + ".response";
                        string ResponseArgument = string.Format("@\"{0}\"", ResponseFile.Create(ResponseFileName, new List <string> {

                        CompileAction.WorkingDirectory  = Path.GetFullPath(".");
                        CompileAction.CommandPath       = ClangPath;
                        CompileAction.CommandArguments  = ResponseArgument;
                        CompileAction.StatusDescription = string.Format("{0} [{1}-{2}]", Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath), Arch.Replace("-", ""), GPUArchitecture.Replace("-", ""));

                        CompileAction.OutputEventHandler = new DataReceivedEventHandler(CompileOutputReceivedDataEventHandler);

                        // VC++ always outputs the source file name being compiled, so we don't need to emit this ourselves
                        CompileAction.bShouldOutputStatusDescription = true;

                        // Don't farm out creation of pre-compiled headers as it is the critical path task.
                        CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely =
                            CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create ||

Exemple #13
        public static ExecutionResult ExecuteActions(List <Action> Actions)
            ExecutionResult SNDBSResult = ExecutionResult.TasksSucceeded;

            if (Actions.Count > 0)
                string SCERoot = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCE_ROOT_DIR");

                bool bSNDBSExists = false;
                if (SCERoot != null)
                    string SNDBSExecutable = Path.Combine(SCERoot, "Common/SN-DBS/bin/dbsbuild.exe");

                    // Check that SN-DBS is available
                    bSNDBSExists = File.Exists(SNDBSExecutable);

                if (bSNDBSExists == false)

                // Use WMI to figure out physical cores, excluding hyper threading.
                int NumCores = 0;
                if (!Utils.IsRunningOnMono)
                        using (ManagementObjectSearcher Mos = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * from Win32_Processor"))
                            ManagementObjectCollection MosCollection = Mos.Get();
                            foreach (ManagementBaseObject Item in MosCollection)
                                NumCores += int.Parse(Item["NumberOfCores"].ToString());
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        Log.TraceWarning("Unable to get the number of Cores: {0}", Ex.ToString());
                        Log.TraceWarning("Falling back to processor count.");
                // On some systems this requires a hot fix to work so we fall back to using the (logical) processor count.
                if (NumCores == 0)
                    NumCores = System.Environment.ProcessorCount;
                // The number of actions to execute in parallel is trying to keep the CPU busy enough in presence of I/O stalls.
                MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = 0;
                // The CPU has more logical cores than physical ones, aka uses hyper-threading.
                if (NumCores < System.Environment.ProcessorCount)
                    MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = (int)(NumCores * BuildConfiguration.ProcessorCountMultiplier);
                // No hyper-threading. Only kicking off a task per CPU to keep machine responsive.
                    MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = NumCores;
                MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = Math.Min(MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel, BuildConfiguration.MaxProcessorCount);

                JobNumber = 1;
                Dictionary <Action, ActionThread> ActionThreadDictionary = new Dictionary <Action, ActionThread>();

                while (true)
                    bool bUnexecutedActions = false;
                    foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                        ActionThread ActionThread        = null;
                        bool         bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionThread);
                        if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                            bUnexecutedActions = true;
                            ExecutionResult CompileResult = ExecuteActions(Actions, ActionThreadDictionary);
                            if (CompileResult != ExecutionResult.TasksSucceeded)

                    if (bUnexecutedActions == false)

                Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats, LogEventType.Console, "-------- Begin Detailed Action Stats ----------------------------------------------------------");
                Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats, LogEventType.Console, "^Action Type^Duration (seconds)^Tool^Task^Using PCH");

                double TotalThreadSeconds = 0;

                // Check whether any of the tasks failed and log action stats if wanted.
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Action, ActionThread> ActionProcess in ActionThreadDictionary)
                    Action       Action       = ActionProcess.Key;
                    ActionThread ActionThread = ActionProcess.Value;

                    // Check for pending actions, preemptive failure
                    if (ActionThread == null)
                        SNDBSResult = ExecutionResult.TasksFailed;
                    // Check for executed action but general failure
                    if (ActionThread.ExitCode != 0)
                        SNDBSResult = ExecutionResult.TasksFailed;
                    // Log CPU time, tool and task.
                    double ThreadSeconds = Action.Duration.TotalSeconds;


                    // Update statistics
                    switch (Action.ActionType)
                    case ActionType.BuildProject:
                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalBuildProjectTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    case ActionType.Compile:
                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalCompileTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    case ActionType.CreateAppBundle:
                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalCreateAppBundleTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    case ActionType.GenerateDebugInfo:
                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalGenerateDebugInfoTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    case ActionType.Link:
                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalLinkTime += ThreadSeconds;

                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalOtherActionsTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    // Keep track of total thread seconds spent on tasks.
                    TotalThreadSeconds += ThreadSeconds;

                Log.TraceInformation("-------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------");

                // Log total CPU seconds and numbers of processors involved in tasks.
                Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats || BuildConfiguration.bPrintDebugInfo,
                                LogEventType.Console, "Cumulative thread seconds ({0} processors): {1:0.00}", System.Environment.ProcessorCount, TotalThreadSeconds);
Exemple #14
		public static bool ExecuteActions(List<Action> Actions)
			bool bDistccResult = true;
			if (Actions.Count > 0)
				// Time to sleep after each iteration of the loop in order to not busy wait.
				const float LoopSleepTime = 0.1f;

				int MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = 0;

				string UserDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME");
				string HostsInfo = UserDir + "/.dmucs/hosts-info";
				string NumUBTBuildTasks = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NumUBTBuildTasks");
				Int32 MaxUBTBuildTasks = MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel;
				if(Int32.TryParse(NumUBTBuildTasks, out MaxUBTBuildTasks))
					MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = MaxUBTBuildTasks;
				else if (BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac)
					using (System.Diagnostics.Process DefaultsProcess = new System.Diagnostics.Process())
							DefaultsProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "/usr/bin/defaults";
							DefaultsProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
							DefaultsProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
							DefaultsProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
							DefaultsProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = " IDEBuildOperationMaxNumberOfConcurrentCompileTasks";
							string Output = DefaultsProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
							if(DefaultsProcess.ExitCode == 0 && Int32.TryParse(Output, out MaxUBTBuildTasks))
								MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = MaxUBTBuildTasks;
						catch (Exception)
				else if (System.IO.File.Exists (HostsInfo))
					System.IO.StreamReader File = new System.IO.StreamReader(HostsInfo);
					string Line = null;
					while((Line = File.ReadLine()) != null)
						var HostInfo = Line.Split(' ');
						if (HostInfo.Count () == 3) 
							int NumCPUs = 0;
							if (System.Int32.TryParse (HostInfo [1], out NumCPUs)) 
								MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel += NumCPUs;
					MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = System.Environment.ProcessorCount;

				if (BuildConfiguration.bAllowDistccLocalFallback == false)
					Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("DISTCC_FALLBACK", "0");

				if (BuildConfiguration.bVerboseDistccOutput == true)
					Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("DISTCC_VERBOSE", "1");

				string DistccExecutable = BuildConfiguration.DistccExecutablesPath + "/distcc";
				string GetHostExecutable = BuildConfiguration.DistccExecutablesPath + "/gethost";

				Log.TraceInformation("Performing {0} actions ({1} in parallel)", Actions.Count, MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel, DistccExecutable, GetHostExecutable);

				Dictionary<Action, ActionThread> ActionThreadDictionary = new Dictionary<Action, ActionThread>();
				int JobNumber = 1;
				using(ProgressWriter ProgressWriter = new ProgressWriter("Compiling source code...", false))
					int ProgressValue = 0;
						// Count the number of pending and still executing actions.
						int NumUnexecutedActions = 0;
						int NumExecutingActions = 0;
						foreach (Action Action in Actions)
							ActionThread ActionThread = null;
							bool bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionThread);
							if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
							else if (ActionThread != null)
								if (ActionThread.bComplete == false)

						// Update the current progress
						int NewProgressValue = Actions.Count + 1 - NumUnexecutedActions;
						if (ProgressValue != NewProgressValue)
							ProgressWriter.Write(ProgressValue, Actions.Count + 1);
							ProgressValue = NewProgressValue;

						// If there aren't any pending actions left, we're done executing.
						if (NumUnexecutedActions == 0)

						// If there are fewer actions executing than the maximum, look for pending actions that don't have any outdated
						// prerequisites.
						foreach (Action Action in Actions)
							ActionThread ActionProcess = null;
							bool bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionProcess);
							if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
								if (NumExecutingActions < Math.Max(1,MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel))
									// Determine whether there are any prerequisites of the action that are outdated.
									bool bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = false;
									bool bHasFailedPrerequisites = false;
									foreach (FileItem PrerequisiteItem in Action.PrerequisiteItems)
										if (PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction != null && Actions.Contains(PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction))
											ActionThread PrerequisiteProcess = null;
											bool bFoundPrerequisiteProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue( PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction, out PrerequisiteProcess );
											if (bFoundPrerequisiteProcess == true)
												if (PrerequisiteProcess == null)
													bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
												else if (PrerequisiteProcess.bComplete == false)
													bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;
												else if (PrerequisiteProcess.ExitCode != 0)
													bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
												bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;

									// If there are any failed prerequisites of this action, don't execute it.
									if (bHasFailedPrerequisites)
										// Add a null entry in the dictionary for this action.
										ActionThreadDictionary.Add( Action, null );
									// If there aren't any outdated prerequisites of this action, execute it.
									else if (!bHasOutdatedPrerequisites)
										if ((Action.ActionType == ActionType.Compile || Action.ActionType == ActionType.Link) && DistccExecutable != null && GetHostExecutable != null) 
											string TypeCommand = String.IsNullOrEmpty(BuildConfiguration.DMUCSDistProp) ? "" : (" --type " + BuildConfiguration.DMUCSDistProp);
											string NewCommandArguments = "--server " + BuildConfiguration.DMUCSCoordinator + TypeCommand + " --wait -1 \"" + DistccExecutable + "\" " + Action.CommandPath + " " + Action.CommandArguments;
											Action.CommandPath = GetHostExecutable;
											Action.CommandArguments = NewCommandArguments;

										ActionThread ActionThread = new ActionThread(Action, JobNumber, Actions.Count);

										ActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, ActionThread);



				Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats, LogEventType.Console, "-------- Begin Detailed Action Stats ----------------------------------------------------------");
				Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats, LogEventType.Console, "^Action Type^Duration (seconds)^Tool^Task^Using PCH");

				double TotalThreadSeconds = 0;

				// Check whether any of the tasks failed and log action stats if wanted.
				foreach (KeyValuePair<Action, ActionThread> ActionProcess in ActionThreadDictionary)
					Action Action = ActionProcess.Key;
					ActionThread ActionThread = ActionProcess.Value;

					// Check for pending actions, preemptive failure
					if (ActionThread == null)
						bDistccResult = false;
					// Check for executed action but general failure
					if (ActionThread.ExitCode != 0)
						bDistccResult = false;
					// Log CPU time, tool and task.
					double ThreadSeconds = Action.Duration.TotalSeconds;


					// Update statistics
					switch (Action.ActionType)
					case ActionType.BuildProject:
						UnrealBuildTool.TotalBuildProjectTime += ThreadSeconds;

					case ActionType.Compile:
						UnrealBuildTool.TotalCompileTime += ThreadSeconds;

					case ActionType.CreateAppBundle:
						UnrealBuildTool.TotalCreateAppBundleTime += ThreadSeconds;

					case ActionType.GenerateDebugInfo:
						UnrealBuildTool.TotalGenerateDebugInfoTime += ThreadSeconds;

					case ActionType.Link:
						UnrealBuildTool.TotalLinkTime += ThreadSeconds;

						UnrealBuildTool.TotalOtherActionsTime += ThreadSeconds;

					// Keep track of total thread seconds spent on tasks.
					TotalThreadSeconds += ThreadSeconds;

				Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats || BuildConfiguration.bPrintDebugInfo,
					"-------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------");

				// Log total CPU seconds and numbers of processors involved in tasks.
				Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats || BuildConfiguration.bPrintDebugInfo,
					LogEventType.Console, "Cumulative thread seconds ({0} processors): {1:0.00}", System.Environment.ProcessorCount, TotalThreadSeconds);
			return bDistccResult;
        internal bool ExecuteLocalActions(List <Action> InLocalActions, Dictionary <Action, ActionThread> InActionThreadDictionary, int TotalNumJobs)
            // Time to sleep after each iteration of the loop in order to not busy wait.
            const float LoopSleepTime = 0.1f;

            bool LocalActionsResult = true;

            while (true)
                // Count the number of pending and still executing actions.
                int NumUnexecutedActions = 0;
                int NumExecutingActions  = 0;
                foreach (Action Action in InLocalActions)
                    ActionThread ActionThread        = null;
                    bool         bFoundActionProcess = InActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionThread);
                    if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                    else if (ActionThread != null)
                        if (ActionThread.bComplete == false)

                // If there aren't any pending actions left, we're done executing.
                if (NumUnexecutedActions == 0)

                // If there are fewer actions executing than the maximum, look for pending actions that don't have any outdated
                // prerequisites.
                foreach (Action Action in InLocalActions)
                    ActionThread ActionProcess       = null;
                    bool         bFoundActionProcess = InActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionProcess);
                    if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                        if (NumExecutingActions < Math.Max(1, MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel))
                            // Determine whether there are any prerequisites of the action that are outdated.
                            bool bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = false;
                            bool bHasFailedPrerequisites   = false;
                            foreach (Action PrerequisiteAction in Action.PrerequisiteActions)
                                if (InLocalActions.Contains(PrerequisiteAction))
                                    ActionThread PrerequisiteProcess       = null;
                                    bool         bFoundPrerequisiteProcess = InActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(PrerequisiteAction, out PrerequisiteProcess);
                                    if (bFoundPrerequisiteProcess == true)
                                        if (PrerequisiteProcess == null)
                                            bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                        else if (PrerequisiteProcess.bComplete == false)
                                            bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;
                                        else if (PrerequisiteProcess.ExitCode != 0)
                                            bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                        bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;

                            // If there are any failed prerequisites of this action, don't execute it.
                            if (bHasFailedPrerequisites)
                                // Add a null entry in the dictionary for this action.
                                InActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, null);
                            // If there aren't any outdated prerequisites of this action, execute it.
                            else if (!bHasOutdatedPrerequisites)
                                ActionThread ActionThread = new ActionThread(Action, JobNumber, TotalNumJobs);

                                InActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, ActionThread);



        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified actions locally.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if all the tasks successfully executed, or false if any of them failed.</returns>
        public override bool ExecuteActions(List <Action> Actions, bool bLogDetailedActionStats)
            // Time to sleep after each iteration of the loop in order to not busy wait.
            const float LoopSleepTime = 0.1f;

            // The number of actions to execute in parallel is trying to keep the CPU busy enough in presence of I/O stalls.
            int MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = GetMaxActionsToExecuteInParallel();

            Log.TraceInformation("Performing {0} actions ({1} in parallel)", Actions.Count, MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel);

            Dictionary <Action, ActionThread> ActionThreadDictionary = new Dictionary <Action, ActionThread>();
            int JobNumber = 1;

            using (ProgressWriter ProgressWriter = new ProgressWriter("Compiling C++ source code...", false))
                int ProgressValue = 0;
                while (true)
                    // Count the number of pending and still executing actions.
                    int NumUnexecutedActions = 0;
                    int NumExecutingActions  = 0;
                    foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                        ActionThread ActionThread        = null;
                        bool         bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionThread);
                        if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                        else if (ActionThread != null)
                            if (ActionThread.bComplete == false)

                    // Update the current progress
                    int NewProgressValue = Actions.Count + 1 - NumUnexecutedActions;
                    if (ProgressValue != NewProgressValue)
                        ProgressWriter.Write(ProgressValue, Actions.Count + 1);
                        ProgressValue = NewProgressValue;

                    // If there aren't any pending actions left, we're done executing.
                    if (NumUnexecutedActions == 0)

                    // If there are fewer actions executing than the maximum, look for pending actions that don't have any outdated
                    // prerequisites.
                    foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                        ActionThread ActionProcess       = null;
                        bool         bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionProcess);
                        if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                            if (NumExecutingActions < Math.Max(1, MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel))
                                // Determine whether there are any prerequisites of the action that are outdated.
                                bool bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = false;
                                bool bHasFailedPrerequisites   = false;
                                foreach (Action PrerequisiteAction in Action.PrerequisiteActions)
                                    if (Actions.Contains(PrerequisiteAction))
                                        ActionThread PrerequisiteProcess       = null;
                                        bool         bFoundPrerequisiteProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(PrerequisiteAction, out PrerequisiteProcess);
                                        if (bFoundPrerequisiteProcess == true)
                                            if (PrerequisiteProcess == null)
                                                bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                            else if (PrerequisiteProcess.bComplete == false)
                                                bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;
                                            else if (PrerequisiteProcess.ExitCode != 0)
                                                bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                            bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;

                                // If there are any failed prerequisites of this action, don't execute it.
                                if (bHasFailedPrerequisites)
                                    // Add a null entry in the dictionary for this action.
                                    ActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, null);
                                // If there aren't any outdated prerequisites of this action, execute it.
                                else if (!bHasOutdatedPrerequisites)
                                    ActionThread ActionThread = new ActionThread(Action, JobNumber, Actions.Count);

                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        throw new BuildException(ex, "Failed to start thread for action: {0} {1}\r\n{2}", Action.CommandPath, Action.CommandArguments, ex.ToString());

                                    ActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, ActionThread);



            Log.WriteLineIf(bLogDetailedActionStats, LogEventType.Console, "-------- Begin Detailed Action Stats ----------------------------------------------------------");
            Log.WriteLineIf(bLogDetailedActionStats, LogEventType.Console, "^Action Type^Duration (seconds)^Tool^Task^Using PCH");

            double TotalThreadSeconds = 0;

            // Check whether any of the tasks failed and log action stats if wanted.
            bool   bSuccess = true;
            double TotalBuildProjectTime      = 0;
            double TotalCompileTime           = 0;
            double TotalCreateAppBundleTime   = 0;
            double TotalGenerateDebugInfoTime = 0;
            double TotalLinkTime         = 0;
            double TotalOtherActionsTime = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Action, ActionThread> ActionProcess in ActionThreadDictionary)
                Action       Action       = ActionProcess.Key;
                ActionThread ActionThread = ActionProcess.Value;

                // Check for pending actions, preemptive failure
                if (ActionThread == null)
                    bSuccess = false;
                // Check for executed action but general failure
                if (ActionThread.ExitCode != 0)
                    bSuccess = false;
                // Log CPU time, tool and task.
                double ThreadSeconds = Action.Duration.TotalSeconds;


                // Update statistics
                switch (Action.ActionType)
                case ActionType.BuildProject:
                    TotalBuildProjectTime += ThreadSeconds;

                case ActionType.Compile:
                    TotalCompileTime += ThreadSeconds;

                case ActionType.CreateAppBundle:
                    TotalCreateAppBundleTime += ThreadSeconds;

                case ActionType.GenerateDebugInfo:
                    TotalGenerateDebugInfoTime += ThreadSeconds;

                case ActionType.Link:
                    TotalLinkTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    TotalOtherActionsTime += ThreadSeconds;

                // Keep track of total thread seconds spent on tasks.
                TotalThreadSeconds += ThreadSeconds;

            Log.WriteLineIf(bLogDetailedActionStats, LogEventType.Console, "-------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------");

            // Log total CPU seconds and numbers of processors involved in tasks.
                            LogEventType.Console, "Cumulative thread seconds ({0} processors): {1:0.00}", System.Environment.ProcessorCount, TotalThreadSeconds);

            // Log detailed stats
                            "Cumulative action seconds ({0} processors): {1:0.00} building projects, {2:0.00} compiling, {3:0.00} creating app bundles, {4:0.00} generating debug info, {5:0.00} linking, {6:0.00} other",

 static string GetFullIncludePath(string IncludePath)
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified actions locally.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if all the tasks successfully executed, or false if any of them failed.</returns>
        public override bool ExecuteActions(List <Action> Actions, bool bLogDetailedActionStats)
            // Time to sleep after each iteration of the loop in order to not busy wait.
            const float LoopSleepTime = 0.1f;

            // Use WMI to figure out physical cores, excluding hyper threading.
            int NumCores = Utils.GetPhysicalProcessorCount();

            if (NumCores == -1)
                NumCores = System.Environment.ProcessorCount;
            // The number of actions to execute in parallel is trying to keep the CPU busy enough in presence of I/O stalls.
            int MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = 0;

            if (NumCores < System.Environment.ProcessorCount && ProcessorCountMultiplier != 1.0)
                // The CPU has more logical cores than physical ones, aka uses hyper-threading.
                // Use multiplier if provided
                MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = (int)(NumCores * ProcessorCountMultiplier);
            else if (NumCores < System.Environment.ProcessorCount && NumCores > 4)
                // The CPU has more logical cores than physical ones, aka uses hyper-threading.
                // Use average of logical and physical if we have "lots of cores"
                MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = (int)(NumCores + System.Environment.ProcessorCount) / 2;
            // No hyper-threading. Only kicking off a task per CPU to keep machine responsive.
                MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = NumCores;

            if (Utils.IsRunningOnMono)
                // heuristic: give each action at least 1.5GB of RAM (some clang instances will need more, actually)
                long MinMemoryPerActionMB       = 3 * 1024 / 2;
                long PhysicalRAMAvailableMB     = (new PerformanceCounter("Mono Memory", "Total Physical Memory").RawValue) / (1024 * 1024);
                int  MaxActionsAffordedByMemory = (int)(Math.Max(1, (PhysicalRAMAvailableMB) / MinMemoryPerActionMB));

                MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = Math.Min(MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel, MaxActionsAffordedByMemory);

            MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel, MaxProcessorCount));

            Log.TraceInformation("Performing {0} actions ({1} in parallel)", Actions.Count, MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel);

            Dictionary <Action, ActionThread> ActionThreadDictionary = new Dictionary <Action, ActionThread>();
            int JobNumber = 1;

            using (ProgressWriter ProgressWriter = new ProgressWriter("Compiling C++ source code...", false))
                int ProgressValue = 0;
                while (true)
                    // Count the number of pending and still executing actions.
                    int NumUnexecutedActions = 0;
                    int NumExecutingActions  = 0;
                    foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                        ActionThread ActionThread        = null;
                        bool         bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionThread);
                        if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                        else if (ActionThread != null)
                            if (ActionThread.bComplete == false)

                    // Update the current progress
                    int NewProgressValue = Actions.Count + 1 - NumUnexecutedActions;
                    if (ProgressValue != NewProgressValue)
                        ProgressWriter.Write(ProgressValue, Actions.Count + 1);
                        ProgressValue = NewProgressValue;

                    // If there aren't any pending actions left, we're done executing.
                    if (NumUnexecutedActions == 0)

                    // If there are fewer actions executing than the maximum, look for pending actions that don't have any outdated
                    // prerequisites.
                    foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                        ActionThread ActionProcess       = null;
                        bool         bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionProcess);
                        if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                            if (NumExecutingActions < Math.Max(1, MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel))
                                // Determine whether there are any prerequisites of the action that are outdated.
                                bool bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = false;
                                bool bHasFailedPrerequisites   = false;
                                foreach (FileItem PrerequisiteItem in Action.PrerequisiteItems)
                                    if (PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction != null && Actions.Contains(PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction))
                                        ActionThread PrerequisiteProcess       = null;
                                        bool         bFoundPrerequisiteProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction, out PrerequisiteProcess);
                                        if (bFoundPrerequisiteProcess == true)
                                            if (PrerequisiteProcess == null)
                                                bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                            else if (PrerequisiteProcess.bComplete == false)
                                                bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;
                                            else if (PrerequisiteProcess.ExitCode != 0)
                                                bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                            bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;

                                // If there are any failed prerequisites of this action, don't execute it.
                                if (bHasFailedPrerequisites)
                                    // Add a null entry in the dictionary for this action.
                                    ActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, null);
                                // If there aren't any outdated prerequisites of this action, execute it.
                                else if (!bHasOutdatedPrerequisites)
                                    ActionThread ActionThread = new ActionThread(Action, JobNumber, Actions.Count);

                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        throw new BuildException(ex, "Failed to start thread for action: {0} {1}\r\n{2}", Action.CommandPath, Action.CommandArguments, ex.ToString());

                                    ActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, ActionThread);



            Log.WriteLineIf(bLogDetailedActionStats, LogEventType.Console, "-------- Begin Detailed Action Stats ----------------------------------------------------------");
            Log.WriteLineIf(bLogDetailedActionStats, LogEventType.Console, "^Action Type^Duration (seconds)^Tool^Task^Using PCH");

            double TotalThreadSeconds = 0;

            // Check whether any of the tasks failed and log action stats if wanted.
            bool   bSuccess = true;
            double TotalBuildProjectTime      = 0;
            double TotalCompileTime           = 0;
            double TotalCreateAppBundleTime   = 0;
            double TotalGenerateDebugInfoTime = 0;
            double TotalLinkTime         = 0;
            double TotalOtherActionsTime = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Action, ActionThread> ActionProcess in ActionThreadDictionary)
                Action       Action       = ActionProcess.Key;
                ActionThread ActionThread = ActionProcess.Value;

                // Check for pending actions, preemptive failure
                if (ActionThread == null)
                    bSuccess = false;
                // Check for executed action but general failure
                if (ActionThread.ExitCode != 0)
                    bSuccess = false;
                // Log CPU time, tool and task.
                double ThreadSeconds = Action.Duration.TotalSeconds;


                // Update statistics
                switch (Action.ActionType)
                case ActionType.BuildProject:
                    TotalBuildProjectTime += ThreadSeconds;

                case ActionType.Compile:
                    TotalCompileTime += ThreadSeconds;

                case ActionType.CreateAppBundle:
                    TotalCreateAppBundleTime += ThreadSeconds;

                case ActionType.GenerateDebugInfo:
                    TotalGenerateDebugInfoTime += ThreadSeconds;

                case ActionType.Link:
                    TotalLinkTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    TotalOtherActionsTime += ThreadSeconds;

                // Keep track of total thread seconds spent on tasks.
                TotalThreadSeconds += ThreadSeconds;

            Log.WriteLineIf(bLogDetailedActionStats, LogEventType.Console, "-------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------");

            // Log total CPU seconds and numbers of processors involved in tasks.
            Log.WriteLineIf(bLogDetailedActionStats || UnrealBuildTool.bPrintDebugInfo,
                            LogEventType.Console, "Cumulative thread seconds ({0} processors): {1:0.00}", System.Environment.ProcessorCount, TotalThreadSeconds);

            // Log detailed stats
            Log.WriteLineIf(bLogDetailedActionStats || UnrealBuildTool.bPrintDebugInfo,
                            "Cumulative action seconds ({0} processors): {1:0.00} building projects, {2:0.00} compiling, {3:0.00} creating app bundles, {4:0.00} generating debug info, {5:0.00} linking, {6:0.00} other",

Exemple #19
        internal static ExecutionResult ExecuteLocalActions(List<Action> InLocalActions, Dictionary<Action, ActionThread> InActionThreadDictionary, int TotalNumJobs)
            // Time to sleep after each iteration of the loop in order to not busy wait.
            const float LoopSleepTime = 0.1f;

            ExecutionResult LocalActionsResult = ExecutionResult.TasksSucceeded;

            while (true)
                // Count the number of pending and still executing actions.
                int NumUnexecutedActions = 0;
                int NumExecutingActions = 0;
                foreach (Action Action in InLocalActions)
                    ActionThread ActionThread = null;
                    bool bFoundActionProcess = InActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionThread);
                    if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                    else if (ActionThread != null)
                        if (ActionThread.bComplete == false)

                // If there aren't any pending actions left, we're done executing.
                if (NumUnexecutedActions == 0)

                // If there are fewer actions executing than the maximum, look for pending actions that don't have any outdated
                // prerequisites.
                foreach (Action Action in InLocalActions)
                    ActionThread ActionProcess = null;
                    bool bFoundActionProcess = InActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionProcess);
                    if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                        if (NumExecutingActions < Math.Max(1, MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel))
                            // Determine whether there are any prerequisites of the action that are outdated.
                            bool bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = false;
                            bool bHasFailedPrerequisites = false;
                            foreach (FileItem PrerequisiteItem in Action.PrerequisiteItems)
                                if (PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction != null && InLocalActions.Contains(PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction))
                                    ActionThread PrerequisiteProcess = null;
                                    bool bFoundPrerequisiteProcess = InActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction, out PrerequisiteProcess);
                                    if (bFoundPrerequisiteProcess == true)
                                        if (PrerequisiteProcess == null)
                                            bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                        else if (PrerequisiteProcess.bComplete == false)
                                            bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;
                                        else if (PrerequisiteProcess.ExitCode != 0)
                                            bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                        bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;

                            // If there are any failed prerequisites of this action, don't execute it.
                            if (bHasFailedPrerequisites)
                                // Add a null entry in the dictionary for this action.
                                InActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, null);
                            // If there aren't any outdated prerequisites of this action, execute it.
                            else if (!bHasOutdatedPrerequisites)
                                ActionThread ActionThread = new ActionThread(Action, JobNumber, TotalNumJobs);

                                InActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, ActionThread);



            return LocalActionsResult;
         * Executes the specified actions locally.
         * @return True if all the tasks successfully executed, or false if any of them failed.
        public static bool ExecuteActions(List<Action> Actions)
            // Time to sleep after each iteration of the loop in order to not busy wait.
            const float LoopSleepTime = 0.1f;

            // Use WMI to figure out physical cores, excluding hyper threading.
            int NumCores = 0;
            if (!Utils.IsRunningOnMono)
                foreach(var Item in new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * from Win32_Processor").Get())
                    NumCores += int.Parse(Item["NumberOfCores"].ToString());
            // On some systems this requires a hot fix to work so we fall back to using the (logical) processor count.
            if( NumCores == 0 )
                NumCores = System.Environment.ProcessorCount;
            // The number of actions to execute in parallel is trying to keep the CPU busy enough in presence of I/O stalls.
            int MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = 0;
            // The CPU has more logical cores than physical ones, aka uses hyper-threading.
            if( NumCores < System.Environment.ProcessorCount )
                MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = (int) (NumCores * BuildConfiguration.ProcessorCountMultiplier);
            // No hyper-threading. Only kicking off a task per CPU to keep machine responsive.
                MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel = NumCores;

            if( Utils.IsRunningOnMono )
                // @todo iosmerge: this should be looking at available memory as well since some of our
                // Macs have a poor memory/CPU ratio
                MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel /= 2;

            Dictionary<Action, ActionThread> ActionThreadDictionary = new Dictionary<Action, ActionThread>();
                // Count the number of pending and still executing actions.
                int NumUnexecutedActions = 0;
                int NumExecutingActions = 0;
                foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                    ActionThread ActionThread = null;
                    bool bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionThread);
                    if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                    else if (ActionThread != null)
                        if (ActionThread.bComplete == false)

                // If there aren't any pending actions left, we're done executing.
                if (NumUnexecutedActions == 0)

                // If there are fewer actions executing than the maximum, look for pending actions that don't have any outdated
                // prerequisites.
                foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                    ActionThread ActionProcess = null;
                    bool bFoundActionProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionProcess);
                    if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                        if (NumExecutingActions < Math.Max(1,MaxActionsToExecuteInParallel))
                            // Determine whether there are any prerequisites of the action that are outdated.
                            bool bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = false;
                            bool bHasFailedPrerequisites = false;
                            foreach (FileItem PrerequisiteItem in Action.PrerequisiteItems)
                                if (PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction != null && Actions.Contains(PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction))
                                    ActionThread PrerequisiteProcess = null;
                                    bool bFoundPrerequisiteProcess = ActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue( PrerequisiteItem.ProducingAction, out PrerequisiteProcess );
                                    if (bFoundPrerequisiteProcess == true)
                                        if (PrerequisiteProcess == null)
                                            bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                        else if (PrerequisiteProcess.bComplete == false)
                                            bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;
                                        else if (PrerequisiteProcess.ExitCode != 0)
                                            bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                        bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;

                            // If there are any failed prerequisites of this action, don't execute it.
                            if (bHasFailedPrerequisites)
                                // Add a null entry in the dictionary for this action.
                                ActionThreadDictionary.Add( Action, null );
                            // If there aren't any outdated prerequisites of this action, execute it.
                            else if (!bHasOutdatedPrerequisites)
                                ActionThread ActionThread = new ActionThread(Action);

                                ActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, ActionThread);



            Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats, TraceEventType.Information, "-------- Begin Detailed Action Stats ----------------------------------------------------------");
            Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats, TraceEventType.Information, "^Action Type^Duration (seconds)^Tool^Task^Using PCH^Description");

            double TotalThreadSeconds = 0;

            // Check whether any of the tasks failed and log action stats if wanted.
            bool bSuccess = true;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<Action, ActionThread> ActionProcess in ActionThreadDictionary)
                Action Action = ActionProcess.Key;
                ActionThread ActionThread = ActionProcess.Value;

                // Check for pending actions, preemptive failure
                if (ActionThread == null)
                    bSuccess = false;
                // Check for executed action but general failure
                if (ActionThread.ExitCode != 0)
                    bSuccess = false;
                // Log CPU time, tool and task.
                double ThreadSeconds = Action.Duration.TotalSeconds;


                // Update statistics
                switch (Action.ActionType)
                    case ActionType.BuildProject:
                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalBuildProjectTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    case ActionType.Compile:
                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalCompileTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    case ActionType.CreateAppBundle:
                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalCreateAppBundleTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    case ActionType.GenerateDebugInfo:
                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalGenerateDebugInfoTime += ThreadSeconds;

                    case ActionType.Link:
                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalLinkTime += ThreadSeconds;

                        UnrealBuildTool.TotalOtherActionsTime += ThreadSeconds;

                // Keep track of total thread seconds spent on tasks.
                TotalThreadSeconds += ThreadSeconds;

            Log.TraceInformation("-------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------");

            // Log total CPU seconds and numbers of processors involved in tasks.
            Log.WriteLineIf(BuildConfiguration.bLogDetailedActionStats || BuildConfiguration.bPrintDebugInfo,
                TraceEventType.Information, "Cumulative thread seconds ({0} processors): {1:0.00}", System.Environment.ProcessorCount, TotalThreadSeconds);

            return bSuccess;