internal IPrincipal ParseBasicAuthentication(string authData)
                // Basic AUTH Data is a formatted Base64 String
                //string domain = null;
                var authString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(authData));

                // The format is DOMAIN\username:password
                // Domain is optional

                var pos = authString.IndexOf(':');

                // parse the password off the end
                var password = authString.Substring(pos + 1);

                // discard the password
                authString = authString.Substring(0, pos);

                // check if there is a domain
                pos = authString.IndexOf('\\');

                var user = pos > 0 ? authString.Substring(pos) : authString;

                var identity = new HttpListenerBasicIdentity(user, password);
                // TODO: What are the roles MS sets
                return(new GenericPrincipal(identity, new string[0]));
            catch (Exception)
                // Invalid auth data is swallowed silently
        internal IPrincipal ParseBasicAuthentication(string authData)
                // Basic AUTH Data is a formatted Base64 String
                //string domain = null;
                var authString = Encoding.GetEncoding(0).GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(authData));

                // The format is DOMAIN\username:password
                // Domain is optional

                var pos = authString.IndexOf(':');

                // parse the password off the end
                var password = authString.Substring(pos + 1);

                // discard the password
                authString = authString.Substring(0, pos);

                // check if there is a domain
                pos = authString.IndexOf('\\');

                var user = pos > 0 ? authString.Substring(pos) : authString;

                var identity = new HttpListenerBasicIdentity(user, password);
                // TODO: What are the roles MS sets
                return new GenericPrincipal(identity, new string[0]);
            catch (Exception)
                // Invalid auth data is swallowed silently
                return null;