Exemple #1
            internal static Vector3[] Do(int id, Axis axis, Vector3[] points, Vector3 handleOrigin, Vector3 handleDirection, Vector3 slideDirection, float snappingStep = 0, float handleSize = 0, SceneHandles.CapFunction capFunction = null, bool selectLockingAxisOnClick = false)
                if (snappingStep == 0)
                    snappingStep = Snapping.MoveSnappingSteps[(int)axis];
                if (handleSize == 0)
                    handleSize = UnityEditor.HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(handleOrigin) * 0.05f;

                if (handleDirection.sqrMagnitude == 0)

                var evt  = Event.current;
                var type = evt.GetTypeForControl(id);

                switch (type)
                case EventType.MouseDown:
                    if (SceneHandles.InCameraOrbitMode)

                    if (GUIUtility.hotControl != 0)

                    if ((UnityEditor.HandleUtility.nearestControl != id || evt.button != 0) &&
                        (GUIUtility.keyboardControl != id || evt.button != 2))

                    GUIUtility.hotControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl = id;

                    s_CurrentMousePosition = evt.mousePosition;
                    s_StartPoints          = points.ToArray();
                    var handleMatrix = SceneHandles.matrix;

                                            snappingStep, axis);
                    s_Snapping1D.CalculateExtents(SceneHandles.inverseMatrix, s_StartPoints);
                    s_MovedMouse = false;

                case EventType.MouseDrag:
                    if (GUIUtility.hotControl != id)

                    s_MovedMouse = true;

                    if (SceneHandles.disabled || Snapping.IsAxisLocked(axis))

                    s_CurrentMousePosition += evt.delta;

                    if (!s_Snapping1D.Move(s_CurrentMousePosition))

                    var handleInverseMatrix = SceneHandles.inverseMatrix;
                    var pointDelta          = handleInverseMatrix.MultiplyVector(s_Snapping1D.WorldSnappedOffset);

                    if (s_StartPoints != null)
                        points = new Vector3[points.Length];     // if we don't, it's hard to do Undo properly
                        for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                            points[i] = SnappingUtility.Quantize(s_StartPoints[i] + pointDelta);
                    GUI.changed = true;

                case EventType.MouseUp:
                    if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id && (evt.button == 0 || evt.button == 2))
                        GUIUtility.hotControl      = 0;
                        GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;
                        //Grid.currentGrid = s_PrevGrid;
                        s_StartPoints = null;
                        if (!s_MovedMouse && selectLockingAxisOnClick)
                            switch (axis)
                            case Axis.X: { Snapping.ActiveAxes = Axes.X; break; }

                            case Axis.Y: { Snapping.ActiveAxes = Axes.Y; break; }

                            case Axis.Z: { Snapping.ActiveAxes = Axes.Z; break; }

#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
                case EventType.MouseMove:
                    if (SceneHandles.InCameraOrbitMode)

                    var position = handleOrigin;
                    var rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(handleDirection);

                    if (handleSize > 0)
                        if (capFunction != null)
                            capFunction(id, position, rotation, handleSize, type);

                    int currentFocusControl = SceneHandleUtility.focusControl;
                    if ((currentFocusControl == id && s_PrevFocusControl != id) ||
                        (currentFocusControl != id && s_PrevFocusControl == id))
                        s_PrevFocusControl = currentFocusControl;
                case EventType.Layout:
                    if (SceneHandles.InCameraOrbitMode)

                    var position = handleOrigin;
                    var rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(handleDirection);

                    if (handleSize > 0)
                        if (capFunction != null)
                            capFunction(id, position, rotation, handleSize, type);
                            UnityEditor.HandleUtility.AddControl(id, UnityEditor.HandleUtility.DistanceToCircle(position, handleSize * .2f));

                    int currentFocusControl = SceneHandleUtility.focusControl;
                    if ((currentFocusControl == id && s_PrevFocusControl != id) ||
                        (currentFocusControl != id && s_PrevFocusControl == id))
                        s_PrevFocusControl = currentFocusControl;

                case EventType.Repaint:
                    if (axis != Axis.None)
                        if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                            var selectedColor = SceneHandles.StateColor(SceneHandles.MultiplyTransparency(SceneHandles.selectedColor, 0.5f));
                            using (new SceneHandles.DrawingScope(selectedColor))
                                HandleRendering.RenderSnapping1D(s_Snapping1D.Min, s_Snapping1D.Max, s_Snapping1D.WorldSnappedPosition, s_Snapping1D.SlideDirection, s_Snapping1D.SnapResult, axis);

                    if (capFunction == null)

                    var position = handleOrigin;
                    var rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(handleDirection);
                    var color    = SceneHandles.StateColor(SceneHandles.color, isSelected: (id == s_PrevFocusControl));

                    using (new SceneHandles.DrawingScope(color))
                        capFunction(id, position, rotation, handleSize, EventType.Repaint);
Exemple #2
        public static float Radius3DHandle(Quaternion rotation, Vector3 position, float radius, float minRadius = 0, float maxRadius = float.PositiveInfinity)
            minRadius = Mathf.Abs(minRadius);
            maxRadius = Mathf.Abs(maxRadius); if (maxRadius < minRadius)
                maxRadius = minRadius;

            const float kEpsilon = 0.000001F;

            var camera               = Camera.current;
            var cameraLocalPos       = SceneHandles.inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint(camera.transform.position);
            var cameraLocalForward   = SceneHandles.inverseMatrix.MultiplyVector(camera.transform.forward);
            var isCameraInsideSphere = (cameraLocalPos - position).magnitude < radius;
            var isCameraOrthographic = camera.orthographic;

            var isStatic     = (!Tools.hidden && EditorApplication.isPlaying && GameObjectUtility.ContainsStatic(Selection.gameObjects));
            var prevDisabled = SceneHandles.disabled;
            var prevColor    = SceneHandles.color;

            var forward = rotation * Vector3.forward;
            var up      = rotation * Vector3.up;
            var right   = rotation * Vector3.right;

            bool guiHasChanged = GUI.changed;

            GUI.changed = false;

            Vector3 positiveXDir = right;
            Vector3 negativeXDir = -right;
            Vector3 positiveYDir = up;
            Vector3 negativeYDir = -up;
            Vector3 positiveZDir = forward;
            Vector3 negativeZDir = -forward;

            Vector3 positiveXHandle = position + positiveXDir * radius;
            Vector3 negativeXHandle = position + negativeXDir * radius;
            Vector3 positiveYHandle = position + positiveYDir * radius;
            Vector3 negativeYHandle = position + negativeYDir * radius;
            Vector3 positiveZHandle = position + positiveZDir * radius;
            Vector3 negativeZHandle = position + negativeZDir * radius;

            bool positiveXBackfaced = false;
            bool negativeXBackfaced = false;
            bool positiveYBackfaced = false;
            bool negativeYBackfaced = false;
            bool positiveZBackfaced = false;
            bool negativeZBackfaced = false;

            if (!isCameraInsideSphere)
                float cosV;

                cosV = isCameraOrthographic ? Vector3.Dot(positiveXDir, -cameraLocalForward) :
                       Vector3.Dot(positiveXDir, (cameraLocalPos - positiveXHandle));
                positiveXBackfaced = (cosV < -0.0001f);

                cosV = isCameraOrthographic ? Vector3.Dot(negativeXDir, -cameraLocalForward) :
                       Vector3.Dot(negativeXDir, (cameraLocalPos - negativeXHandle));
                negativeXBackfaced = (cosV < -0.0001f);

                cosV = isCameraOrthographic ? Vector3.Dot(positiveYDir, -cameraLocalForward) :
                       Vector3.Dot(positiveYDir, (cameraLocalPos - positiveYHandle));
                positiveYBackfaced = (cosV < -0.0001f);

                cosV = isCameraOrthographic ? Vector3.Dot(negativeYDir, -cameraLocalForward) :
                       Vector3.Dot(negativeYDir, (cameraLocalPos - negativeYHandle));
                negativeYBackfaced = (cosV < -0.0001f);

                cosV = isCameraOrthographic ? Vector3.Dot(positiveZDir, -cameraLocalForward) :
                       Vector3.Dot(positiveZDir, (cameraLocalPos - positiveZHandle));
                positiveZBackfaced = (cosV < -0.0001f);

                cosV = isCameraOrthographic ? Vector3.Dot(negativeZDir, -cameraLocalForward) :
                       Vector3.Dot(negativeZDir, (cameraLocalPos - negativeZHandle));
                negativeZBackfaced = (cosV < -0.0001f);

            float positiveXSize = UnityEditor.HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(positiveXHandle) * 0.05f * (positiveXBackfaced ? backfaceSizeMultiplier : 1);
            float negativeXSize = UnityEditor.HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(negativeXHandle) * 0.05f * (negativeXBackfaced ? backfaceSizeMultiplier : 1);
            float positiveYSize = UnityEditor.HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(positiveYHandle) * 0.05f * (positiveYBackfaced ? backfaceSizeMultiplier : 1);
            float negativeYSize = UnityEditor.HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(negativeYHandle) * 0.05f * (negativeYBackfaced ? backfaceSizeMultiplier : 1);
            float positiveZSize = UnityEditor.HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(positiveZHandle) * 0.05f * (positiveZBackfaced ? backfaceSizeMultiplier : 1);
            float negativeZSize = UnityEditor.HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(negativeZHandle) * 0.05f * (negativeZBackfaced ? backfaceSizeMultiplier : 1);

            var isDisabled     = isStatic || prevDisabled || Snapping.AxisLocking[0];
            var color          = SceneHandles.StateColor(prevColor, isDisabled, false);
            var backfacedColor = SceneHandles.MultiplyTransparency(color, SceneHandles.backfaceAlphaMultiplier);

            GUI.changed        = false;
            SceneHandles.color = positiveXBackfaced ? backfacedColor : color;
            positiveXHandle    = Slider2DHandle(positiveXHandle, Vector3.zero, forward, up, right, positiveXSize, OutlinedDotHandleCap);
            if (GUI.changed)
                radius = Vector3.Dot(positiveXHandle - position, positiveXDir); guiHasChanged = true;

            GUI.changed        = false;
            SceneHandles.color = negativeXBackfaced ? backfacedColor : color;
            negativeXHandle    = Slider2DHandle(negativeXHandle, Vector3.zero, forward, up, right, negativeXSize, OutlinedDotHandleCap);
            if (GUI.changed)
                radius = Vector3.Dot(negativeXHandle - position, negativeXDir); guiHasChanged = true;

            isDisabled     = isStatic || prevDisabled || Snapping.AxisLocking[1];
            color          = SceneHandles.StateColor(prevColor, isDisabled, false);
            backfacedColor = SceneHandles.MultiplyTransparency(color, SceneHandles.backfaceAlphaMultiplier);

            GUI.changed        = false;
            SceneHandles.color = positiveYBackfaced ? backfacedColor : color;
            positiveYHandle    = Slider2DHandle(positiveYHandle, Vector3.zero, forward, up, right, positiveYSize, OutlinedDotHandleCap);
            if (GUI.changed)
                radius = Vector3.Dot(positiveYHandle - position, positiveYDir); guiHasChanged = true;

            GUI.changed        = false;
            SceneHandles.color = negativeYBackfaced ? backfacedColor : color;
            negativeYHandle    = Slider2DHandle(negativeYHandle, Vector3.zero, forward, up, right, negativeYSize, OutlinedDotHandleCap);
            if (GUI.changed)
                radius = Vector3.Dot(negativeYHandle - position, negativeYDir); guiHasChanged = true;

            isDisabled     = isStatic || prevDisabled || Snapping.AxisLocking[2];
            color          = SceneHandles.StateColor(prevColor, isDisabled, false);
            backfacedColor = SceneHandles.MultiplyTransparency(color, SceneHandles.backfaceAlphaMultiplier);

            GUI.changed        = false;
            SceneHandles.color = positiveZBackfaced ? backfacedColor : color;
            positiveZHandle    = Slider2DHandle(positiveZHandle, Vector3.zero, up, forward, right, positiveZSize, OutlinedDotHandleCap);
            if (GUI.changed)
                radius = Vector3.Dot(positiveZHandle - position, positiveZDir); guiHasChanged = true;

            GUI.changed        = false;
            SceneHandles.color = negativeZBackfaced ? backfacedColor : color;
            negativeZHandle    = Slider2DHandle(negativeZHandle, Vector3.zero, up, forward, right, negativeZSize, OutlinedDotHandleCap);
            if (GUI.changed)
                radius = Vector3.Dot(negativeZHandle - position, negativeZDir); guiHasChanged = true;

            radius = Mathf.Max(minRadius, Mathf.Min(Mathf.Abs(radius), maxRadius));

            GUI.changed |= guiHasChanged;

            if (radius > 0)
                isDisabled     = isStatic || prevDisabled || (Snapping.AxisLocking[0] && Snapping.AxisLocking[1]);
                color          = SceneHandles.StateColor(prevColor, isDisabled, false);
                backfacedColor = SceneHandles.MultiplyTransparency(color, SceneHandles.backfaceAlphaMultiplier);
                var discOrientations = new Vector3[]
                    rotation *Vector3.right,
                    rotation *Vector3.up,
                    rotation *Vector3.forward

                var currentCamera   = Camera.current;
                var cameraTransform = currentCamera.transform;
                if (currentCamera.orthographic)
                    var planeNormal = cameraTransform.forward;
                    SceneHandles.DrawWireDisc(position, planeNormal, radius);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        var discOrientation = discOrientations[i];
                        var discTangent     = Vector3.Cross(discOrientation, planeNormal);

                        // we may have view dir locked to one axis
                        if (discTangent.sqrMagnitude > kEpsilon)
                            SceneHandles.color = color;
                            SceneHandles.DrawWireArc(position, discOrientation, discTangent, 180, radius);
                            SceneHandles.color = backfacedColor;
                            SceneHandles.DrawWireArc(position, discOrientation, discTangent, -180, radius);
                    // Since the geometry is transformed by Handles.matrix during rendering, we transform the camera position
                    // by the inverse matrix so that the two-shaded wireframe will have the proper orientation.
                    var invMatrix = SceneHandles.inverseMatrix;

                    var cameraCenter          = cameraTransform.position;
                    var cameraToCenter        = position - invMatrix.MultiplyPoint(cameraCenter);           // vector from camera to center
                    var sqrDistCameraToCenter = cameraToCenter.sqrMagnitude;
                    var sqrRadius             = radius * radius;                                            // squared radius
                    var sqrOffset             = sqrRadius * sqrRadius / sqrDistCameraToCenter;              // squared distance from actual center to drawn disc center
                    var insideAmount          = sqrOffset / sqrRadius;
                    if (insideAmount < 1)
                        if (Mathf.Abs(sqrDistCameraToCenter) < kEpsilon)

                        var horizonRadius = Mathf.Sqrt(sqrRadius - sqrOffset);
                        var horizonCenter = position - sqrRadius * cameraToCenter / sqrDistCameraToCenter;
                        SceneHandles.color = color;
                        SceneHandles.DrawWireDisc(horizonCenter, cameraToCenter, horizonRadius);

                        var planeNormal = cameraToCenter.normalized;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                            var discOrientation = discOrientations[i];

                            var angleBetweenDiscAndNormal = Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(discOrientation, planeNormal));
                            angleBetweenDiscAndNormal = (Mathf.PI * 0.5f) - Mathf.Min(angleBetweenDiscAndNormal, Mathf.PI - angleBetweenDiscAndNormal);

                            float f = Mathf.Tan(angleBetweenDiscAndNormal);
                            float g = Mathf.Sqrt(sqrOffset + f * f * sqrOffset) / radius;
                            if (g < 1)
                                var angleToHorizon         = Mathf.Asin(g) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                                var discTangent            = Vector3.Cross(discOrientation, planeNormal);
                                var vectorToPointOnHorizon = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angleToHorizon, discOrientation) * discTangent;
                                var horizonArcLength       = (90 - angleToHorizon) * 2.0f;

                                SceneHandles.color = color;
                                SceneHandles.DrawWireArc(position, discOrientation, vectorToPointOnHorizon, horizonArcLength, radius);
                                SceneHandles.color = backfacedColor;
                                SceneHandles.DrawWireArc(position, discOrientation, vectorToPointOnHorizon, horizonArcLength - 360, radius);
                                SceneHandles.color = backfacedColor;
                                SceneHandles.DrawWireDisc(position, discOrientation, radius);
                        SceneHandles.color = backfacedColor;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                            var discOrientation = discOrientations[i];
                            SceneHandles.DrawWireDisc(position, discOrientation, radius);

            SceneHandles.disabled = prevDisabled;
            SceneHandles.color    = prevColor;
