public void DestroyObject(object obj) { BridgeObject bridgeObject = obj as BridgeObject; //Debug.Log("Bridge: DestroyObject: ======== obj: " + obj + " bridgeObject: " + bridgeObject + " destroying: " + bridgeObject.destroying + " destroyed: " + bridgeObject.destroyed); string id = null; if ((bridgeObject != null) && (bridgeObject.gameObject != null)) { id =; //Debug.Log("Bridge: DestroyObject: bridgeObject: " + bridgeObject + " id: " + id + " checking destroyed: " + bridgeObject.destroyed + " destroying: " + bridgeObject.destroying); if (bridgeObject.destroyed) { Debug.Log("Bridge: DestroyObject: already destroyed!"); return; } bridgeObject.destroyed = true; //Debug.Log("Bridge: DestroyObject: bridgeObject: " + bridgeObject + " id: " + id + " restarting: " + restarting); if (!restarting) { bridgeObject.SendEventName("Destroyed"); } //Debug.Log("Bridge: DestroyObject: DestroyImmediate: id: " + + " gameObject: " + bridgeObject.gameObject + " destroying: " + bridgeObject.destroying); if (!bridgeObject.destroying) { DestroyImmediate(bridgeObject.gameObject); } } if (objectToID.ContainsKey(obj)) { id = objectToID[obj]; objectToID.Remove(obj); } else { //Debug.Log("Bridge: DestroyObject: objectToID missing obj: " + obj, this); } if ((id != null) && (id != "bridge") && idToObject.ContainsKey(id)) { idToObject.Remove(id); } else { //Debug.Log("Bridge: DestroyObject: idToObject missing id: " + id, this); } }
public void DestroyObject(object obj) { BridgeObject bridgeObject = obj as BridgeObject; string id = null; if (bridgeObject != null) { if (bridgeObject.destroyed) { return; } id =; bridgeObject.destroyed = true; //Debug.Log("Bridge: DestroyObject: bridgeObject: " + bridgeObject); if (!restarting) { bridgeObject.SendEventName("Destroyed"); } Destroy(bridgeObject.gameObject); } if (objectToID.ContainsKey(obj)) { id = objectToID[obj]; objectToID.Remove(obj); } else { //Debug.Log("Bridge: DestroyObject: objectToID missing obj: " + obj, this); } if ((id != null) && (id != "bridge") && idToObject.ContainsKey(id)) { idToObject.Remove(; } else { //Debug.Log("Bridge: DestroyObject: idToObject missing id: " + id, this); } }
public bool ConvertFromType(object value, ref JToken result) { //Debug.Log("Bridge: ConvertFromType: value: " + value + " type: " + ((value == null) ? "NULL" : ("" + value.GetType()))); if (value == null) { result = null; return(true); } // Convert bridge objects into object references. BridgeObject bo = value as BridgeObject; if (bo) { value = "object:" +; } result = JToken.FromObject(value, jsonSerializer); //Debug.Log("Bridge: ConvertFromType: result: " + result + " TokenType: " + result.Type); return(true); }
public virtual void TrackMousePosition() { mouseRaycastHitBridgeObject = null; mouseRaycastHitBridgeObjectID = null; mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObject = null; mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObjectID = null; TrackKeyModifiers(); isPointerOverUIObject = IsPointerOverUIObject(); if (!mouseTrackingPosition) { return; } mousePosition = Input.mousePosition; mousePositionChanged = mousePosition != mousePositionLast; screenSize = new Vector2( Screen.width, Screen.height); screenPosition = new Vector2( mousePosition.x - (screenSize.x * 0.5f), mousePosition.y - (screenSize.y * 0.5f)); if (mouseTrackingPositionHover) { if (mouseTrackingPositionHovering) { if (mousePositionChanged) { mouseTrackingPositionHovering = false; mouseTrackingPositionDriftTime = Time.time; SendEventName("Drift"); } } else { if (mousePositionChanged) { mouseTrackingPositionDriftTime = Time.time; } if ((Time.time - mouseTrackingPositionDriftTime) >= mouseTrackingPositionDriftDelay) { mouseTrackingPositionHovering = true; SendEventName("Hover"); } } } mousePositionLast = mousePosition; if (Camera.main == null) { return; } mouseRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay( mousePosition); if (!mouseTrackingRaycast) { mouseRaycastResult = false; } else { mouseRaycastResult = Physics.Raycast( mouseRay, out mouseRaycastHit, mouseRayMaxDistance, mouseRayLayerMask, mouseRayQueryTriggerInteraction); //Debug.Log("Tracker: TrackMousePosition: mouseRaycastResult: " + mouseRaycastResult + " mouseRaycastHitPoint: " + mouseRaycastHit.point.x + " " + mouseRaycastHit.point.y + " " + mouseRaycastHit.point.z); if (!mouseRaycastResult) { } else { Vector3 cameraPosition = Camera.main.transform.position; Vector3 offset = cameraPosition - mouseRaycastHit.point; offset.y = 0.0f; float direction = (offset == ? 0.0f : (180.0f + (Mathf.Atan2(offset.x, offset.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg)); mouseRaycastHitPointFaceCameraRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, direction, 0.0f); mouseRaycastHitBridgeObject = null; Transform xform = mouseRaycastHit.transform; while (xform != null) { mouseRaycastHitBridgeObject = xform.gameObject.GetComponent <BridgeObject>(); if (mouseRaycastHitBridgeObject != null) { break; } xform = xform.parent; } mouseRaycastHitBridgeObjectID = (mouseRaycastHitBridgeObject == null) ? null :; mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObject = null; xform = mouseRaycastHit.collider.transform; while (xform != null) { mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObject = xform.gameObject.GetComponent <BridgeObject>(); if (mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObject != null) { break; } xform = xform.parent; } mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObjectID = (mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObject == null) ? null :; } //Debug.Log("Tracker: TrackMousePosition: cameraPosition: " + cameraPosition.x + " " + cameraPosition.y + " " + cameraPosition.z + " point: " + mouseRaycastHit.point.x + " " + mouseRaycastHit.point.y + " " + mouseRaycastHit.point.z + " offset: " + offset.x + " " + offset.y + " " + offset.z + " direction: " + direction); } if (dragging) { float horizontalScale = -2.0f; float verticalScale = 0.5f; dragScreenDistance = mousePosition - dragLastMousePosition; dragLastMousePosition = mousePosition; float enter = 0.0f; if (dragPlane.Raycast(mouseRay, out enter)) { dragPlanePosition = mouseRay.GetPoint(enter); dragPlaneDistance = dragPlanePosition - dragLastPlanePosition; dragLastPlanePosition = dragPlanePosition; if (Input.GetKey("left shift") || Input.GetKey("right shift")) { rotateAmount = dragScreenDistance.x * horizontalScale; dragPlaneDistance = new Vector3(0.0f, dragScreenDistance.y * verticalScale, 0.0f); } else { rotateAmount = 0.0f; } } else { dragPlaneDistance =; rotateAmount = 0.0f; } if ((dragPlaneDistance != || (rotateAmount != 0.0f)) { Vector3 newPosition = gameObject.transform.position + dragPlaneDistance; Quaternion newRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, rotateAmount, 0.0f) * gameObject.transform.rotation; Rigidbody rb = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); if (rb != null) { rb.MovePosition(newPosition); if (rotateAmount != 0.0f) { rb.MoveRotation(newRotation); } } else { transform.position = newPosition; if (rotateAmount != 0.0f) { transform.rotation = newRotation; } } SendEventName("DragMove"); } } HandleMouseMove(); }
void DistributeUnityEvent(JObject ev) { string eventName = (string)ev["event"]; //Debug.Log("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: eventName: " + eventName + " ev: " + ev); JObject data = ev["data"] as JObject; switch (eventName) { case "StartedJS": { //Debug.Log("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: StartedJS: " + ev); startedJS = true; break; } case "Log": { string line = (string)data["line"]; Debug.Log("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: Log: line: " + line); break; } case "Create": { string id = data.GetString("id"); string prefab = data.GetString("prefab"); string component = data.GetString("component"); JArray preEvents = data.GetArray("preEvents"); string parent = data.GetString("parent"); bool worldPositionStays = data.GetBoolean("worldPositionStays", true); JObject update = data.GetObject("update"); JObject interests = data.GetObject("interests"); JArray postEvents = data.GetArray("postEvents"); //Debug.Log("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: Create: id: " + id + " prefab: " + prefab + " component: " + component + " preEvents: " + preEvents + " parent: " + parent + " worldPositionStay: " + worldPositionStays + " update: " + update + " interests: " + interests + " postEvents: " + postEvents); GameObject instance = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefab)) { instance = new GameObject(); } else { GameObject prefabObject = Resources.Load <GameObject>(prefab); //Debug.Log("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: Create: prefab: " + prefab + " prefabObject: " + prefabObject); if (prefabObject == null) { Debug.LogError("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: Create: Can't find prefab: " + prefab); return; } instance = Instantiate(prefabObject); //Debug.Log("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: Create: instance: " + instance); if (instance == null) { Debug.LogError("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: Create: Can't instantiate prefab: " + prefab + " prefabObject: " + prefabObject); return; } } BridgeObject bridgeObject; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(component)) { bridgeObject = instance.GetComponent <BridgeObject>(); //Debug.Log("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: Create: bridgeObject: " + bridgeObject); if (bridgeObject == null) { bridgeObject = instance.AddComponent <BridgeObject>(); } } else { Type componentType = Type.GetType(component); if (componentType == null) { componentType = Type.GetType("UnityJS." + component); } if (componentType == null) { componentType = Type.GetType("UnityEngine." + component); } if (componentType == null) { Debug.LogError("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: Create: undefined component class: " + component); return; } if ((componentType != typeof(BridgeObject)) && (!componentType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BridgeObject)))) { Debug.LogError("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: Create: component class is not subclass of BridgeObject: " + component); return; } bridgeObject = (BridgeObject)instance.AddComponent(componentType); } = id; = id; bridgeObject.bridge = this; bridgeObject.AddInterests(interests); objectToID[bridgeObject] = id; idToObject[id] = bridgeObject; //Debug.Log("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: Create: created, position: " + bridgeObject.transform.position.x + " " + bridgeObject.transform.position.y + " " + bridgeObject.transform.position.z + " bridgeObject: " + bridgeObject, bridgeObject); if (preEvents != null) { bridgeObject.HandleEvents(preEvents); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parent)) { //Debug.Log("BridgeObject: DistributeUnityEvent: Create: parent: bridgeObject: " + bridgeObject + " parent: " + parent); Accessor accessor = null; if (!Accessor.FindAccessor( bridgeObject, parent, ref accessor)) { Debug.LogError("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: Create: parent: can't find accessor for bridgeObject: " + bridgeObject + " parent: " + parent); } else { object obj = null; if (!accessor.Get(ref obj)) { if (!accessor.conditional) { Debug.LogError("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: Create: parent: can't get accessor: " + accessor + " bridgeObject: " + bridgeObject + " parent: " + parent); } } else { Component comp = obj as Component; if (comp == null) { if (!accessor.conditional) { Debug.LogError("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: Create: parent: expected Component obj: " + obj + " this: " + this + " parent: " + parent); } } else { GameObject go = comp.gameObject; Transform xform = go.transform; //Debug.Log("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: Create: parent: xform: " + xform + " parent: " + parent + " worldPositionStays: " + worldPositionStays); bridgeObject.transform.SetParent(xform, worldPositionStays); } } } } if (update != null) { bridgeObject.LoadUpdate(update); } bridgeObject.SendEventName("Created"); if (postEvents != null) { bridgeObject.HandleEvents(postEvents); } //Debug.Log("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: Create: done, position: " + bridgeObject.transform.position.x + " " + bridgeObject.transform.position.y + " " + bridgeObject.transform.position.z + " bridgeObject: " + bridgeObject); break; } default: { string id = (string)ev["id"]; //Debug.Log("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: id: " + id + " ev: " + ev); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { Debug.LogError("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: undefined id on eventName: " + eventName + " ev: " + ev); return; } if (!idToObject.ContainsKey(id)) { Debug.LogWarning("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: missing id: " + id + " ev: " + ev); return; } object obj = idToObject[id]; //Debug.Log("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: obj: " + obj); BridgeObject bridgeObject = obj as BridgeObject; if (bridgeObject == null) { Debug.LogError("Bridge: DistributeUnityEvent: tried to send eventName: " + eventName + " to non-BridgeObject obj: " + obj + " id: " + id + " ev: " + ev); return; } bridgeObject.HandleEvent(ev); break; } } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Static Methods public static void AnimateData(BridgeObject bridgeObject, JArray dataArray) { GameObject go = bridgeObject.gameObject; if (leanTweenBridge == null) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: no leanTweenBridge has been created."); return; } foreach (JObject data in dataArray) { LTDescr result = null; GameObject target = go; float time = 1.0f; if (data.ContainsKey("time")) { time = data.GetFloat("time"); if (time <= 0.0f) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: time must be > 0. data: " + data); return; } } if (data.ContainsKey("target")) { string targetPath = data.GetString("target"); if (targetPath == "") { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: empty targetPath"); return; } Accessor accessor = null; if (!Accessor.FindAccessor( bridgeObject, targetPath, ref accessor)) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: target: can't find accessor for targetPath: " + targetPath); return; } object obj = null; if (!accessor.Get(ref obj)) { if (!accessor.conditional) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: target: can't get accessor: " + accessor + " targetPath: " + targetPath); return; } } GameObject goTarget = obj as GameObject; if (goTarget == null) { Transform xform = obj as Transform; if (xform != null) { goTarget = xform.gameObject; } else { Component component = obj as Component; if (component != null) { goTarget = component.gameObject; } } } if (goTarget == null) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: null targetPath: " + targetPath + " obj: " + obj); return; } //Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: targetPath: " + targetPath + " goTarget: " + goTarget); target = goTarget; } var command = (string)data.GetString("command"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: missing command from data: " + data); return; } switch (command) { case "init": Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: TODO: command: " + command + " data: " + data); break; case "play": Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: TODO: command: " + command + " data: " + data); break; case "cancel": Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: TODO: command: " + command + " data: " + data); break; case "cancelAll": Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: TODO: command: " + command + " data: " + data); break; case "pause": Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: TODO: command: " + command + " data: " + data); break; case "pauseAll": Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: TODO: command: " + command + " data: " + data); break; case "resume": Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: TODO: command: " + command + " data: " + data); break; case "resumeAll": Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: TODO: command: " + command + " data: " + data); break; case "sequence": Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: TODO: command: " + command + " data: " + data); break; case "value": Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: TODO: command: " + command + " data: " + data); break; case "move": case "moveLocal": case "moveSpline": case "moveSplineLocal": //Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: command: " + command + " data: " + data); // TODO: handle RectTransform instead of GameObject if (data.ContainsKey("position")) { Vector3 position =; if (!Bridge.mainBridge.ConvertToType <Vector3>(data["position"], ref position)) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: position must be a Vector3. data: " + data); return; } switch (command) { case "move": result = LeanTween.move(target, position, time); break; case "moveLocal": result = LeanTween.moveLocal(target, position, time); break; case "moveSpline": case "moveSplineLocal": Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: position not supported for " + command + ". data: " + data); return; } } else if (data.ContainsKey("transform")) { Transform xform = null; string path = data.GetString("transform"); Accessor accessor = null; if (!Accessor.FindAccessor( bridgeObject, path, ref accessor)) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: transform must be a path. path: " + path + " data: " + data); return; } object val = null; if (!accessor.Get(ref val) || (val == null)) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: error getting path to transform. path: " + path + " data: " + data); return; } xform = val as Transform; if (xform == null) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: path does not point to transform. path: " + path + " data: " + data); return; } switch (command) { case "move": result = LeanTween.move(target, xform, time); break; case "moveLocal": case "moveSpline": case "moveSplineLocal": Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: transform not supported for " + command + ". data: " + data); return; } } else if (data.ContainsKey("path")) { Vector3[] path = null; if (!Bridge.mainBridge.ConvertToType <Vector3[]>(data["path"], ref path)) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: path must be an Vector3[]. data: " + data); return; } switch (command) { case "move": result = LeanTween.move(target, path, time); break; case "moveLocal": result = LeanTween.moveLocal(target, path, time); break; case "moveSpline": result = LeanTween.moveSpline(target, path, time); break; case "moveSplineLocal": result = LeanTween.moveSplineLocal(target, path, time); break; } } else if (data.ContainsKey("spline")) { LTSpline spline = null; if (!Bridge.mainBridge.ConvertToType <LTSpline>(data["spline"], ref spline)) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: spline must be a LTSpline. data: " + data); return; } switch (command) { case "moveSpline": result = LeanTween.moveSpline(target, spline, time); break; case "move": case "moveLocal": case "moveSplineLocal": Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: spline not supported for " + command + ". data: " + data); break; } } else { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: command: " + command + " should contain position, transform, path or spline. data: " + data); return; } break; case "moveX": case "moveY": case "moveZ": // TODO: handle RectTransform instead of GameObject if (!data.ContainsKey("to")) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: missing to parameter. data: " + data); return; } float moveTo = data.GetFloat("to"); switch (command) { case "moveX": result = LeanTween.moveX(target, moveTo, time); break; case "moveY": result = LeanTween.moveY(target, moveTo, time); break; case "moveZ": result = LeanTween.moveZ(target, moveTo, time); break; } break; case "rotate": case "rotateLocal": //Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: TODO: command: " + command + " data: " + data); // TODO: handle RectTransform instead of GameObject if (!data.ContainsKey("to")) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: missing to. data: " + data); return; } Vector3 rotateTo =; if (!Bridge.mainBridge.ConvertToType <Vector3>(data["to"], ref rotateTo)) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: to must be an Vector3. data: " + data); return; } switch (command) { case "rotate": result = LeanTween.rotate(target, rotateTo, time); break; case "rotateLocal": result = LeanTween.rotateLocal(target, rotateTo, time); break; } break; case "rotateX": case "rotateY": case "rotateZ": //Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: TODO: command: " + command + " data: " + data); // TODO: handle RectTransform instead of GameObject if (!data.ContainsKey("to")) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: missing to. data: " + data); return; } float rotateToValue = data.GetFloat("to"); switch (command) { case "rotateX": result = LeanTween.rotateX(target, rotateToValue, time); break; case "rotateY": result = LeanTween.rotateY(target, rotateToValue, time); break; case "rotateZ": result = LeanTween.rotateZ(target, rotateToValue, time); break; } break; case "rotateAround": case "rotateAroundLocal": //Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: command: " + command + " data: " + data); // TODO: handle RectTransform instead of GameObject if (!data.ContainsKey("axis")) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: missing axis. data: " + data); return; } if (!data.ContainsKey("to")) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: missing to. data: " + data); return; } Vector3 rotateAroundAxis =; if (!Bridge.mainBridge.ConvertToType <Vector3>(data["axis"], ref rotateAroundAxis)) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: to must be an Vector3. data: " + data); return; } float rotateAroundTo = data.GetFloat("to"); switch (command) { case "rotateAround": result = LeanTween.rotateAround(target, rotateAroundAxis, rotateAroundTo, time); break; case "rotateLocalLocal": result = LeanTween.rotateAroundLocal(target, rotateAroundAxis, rotateAroundTo, time); break; } break; case "scale": //Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: command: " + command + " data: " + data); // TODO: handle RectTransform instead of GameObject if (!data.ContainsKey("to")) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: missing to. data: " + data); return; } Vector3 to =; JToken toToken = data["to"]; if (toToken.IsNumber()) { float s = (float)toToken; to = new Vector3(s, s, s); } else if (toToken.IsObject()) { if (!Bridge.mainBridge.ConvertToType <Vector3>(toToken, ref to)) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: error converting to object to Vector3. data: " + data); return; } } else { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: to should be number or object. toToken: " + toToken + " " + toToken.Type + " data: " + data); return; } result = LeanTween.scale(target, to, time); break; case "scaleX": case "scaleY": case "scaleZ": //Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: command: " + command + " data: " + data); if (!data.ContainsKey("to")) { Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: missing to. data: " + data); return; } float scaleTo = data.GetFloat("to"); switch (command) { case "scaleX": result = LeanTween.scaleX(target, scaleTo, time); break; case "scaleY": result = LeanTween.scaleY(target, scaleTo, time); break; case "scaleZ": result = LeanTween.scaleZ(target, scaleTo, time); break; } break; case "size": Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: TODO: command: " + command + " data: " + data); // TODO: handle RectTransform but not GameObject break; case "alpha": Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: TODO: command: " + command + " data: " + data); break; case "color": Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: TODO: command: " + command + " data: " + data); break; case "colorText": Debug.Log("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: TODO: command: " + command + " data: " + data); break; default: Debug.LogError("LeanTweenBridge: AnimateData: unknown command: " + command + " in data: " + data); return; } if (result != null) { /* * pause * resume * axis * delay * direction * ease * from * ignoreTimeScale * loopClamp * loopOnce * loopPingPong * onComplete * onCompleteOnRepeat * onCompleteOnStart * onCompleteParam * onStart * onUpdate * onUpdateParam * orientToPath * orientToPath2d * overshoot * passed * period * point * recursive * repeat * scale * speed * time * to * useFrames * updateNow */ } } }
public static void TrackPointer() { if ((!EventSystem.current) || (pointerFrameCount == Time.frameCount)) { return; } mouseRaycastHitBridgeObject = null; mouseRaycastHitBridgeObjectID = null; mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObject = null; mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObjectID = null; pointerFrameCount = Time.frameCount; mousePosition = Input.mousePosition; mousePositionChanged = mousePosition != mousePositionLast; screenSize = new Vector2( Screen.width, Screen.height); screenPosition = new Vector2( mousePosition.x - (screenSize.x * 0.5f), mousePosition.y - (screenSize.y * 0.5f)); PointerEventData eventDataCurrentPosition = new PointerEventData(EventSystem.current); eventDataCurrentPosition.position = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y); List <RaycastResult> results = new List <RaycastResult>(); EventSystem.current.RaycastAll(eventDataCurrentPosition, results); #if false foreach (RaycastResult result in results) { Debug.Log("Tracker: TrackPointer: RaycastAll result: " + result + " " + result.gameObject); } #endif isPointerOverUIObject = results.Count > 0; mouseRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay( mousePosition); mouseRaycastResult = Physics.Raycast( mouseRay, out mouseRaycastHit, mouseRayMaxDistance, mouseRayLayerMask, mouseRayQueryTriggerInteraction); //Debug.Log("Tracker: TrackMousePosition: mouseRaycastResult: " + mouseRaycastResult + " mouseRaycastHitPoint: " + mouseRaycastHit.point.x + " " + mouseRaycastHit.point.y + " " + mouseRaycastHit.point.z); if (!mouseRaycastResult) { } else { Vector3 cameraPosition = Camera.main.transform.position; Vector3 offset = cameraPosition - mouseRaycastHit.point; offset.y = 0.0f; float direction = (offset == ? 0.0f : (180.0f + (Mathf.Atan2(offset.x, offset.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg)); mouseRaycastHitPointFaceCameraRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, direction, 0.0f); mouseRaycastHitBridgeObject = null; Transform xform = mouseRaycastHit.transform; while (xform != null) { mouseRaycastHitBridgeObject = xform.gameObject.GetComponent <BridgeObject>(); //Debug.Log("Tracker: xform: " + xform + " mouseRaycastHitBridgeObject: " + mouseRaycastHitBridgeObject); if (mouseRaycastHitBridgeObject != null) { break; } xform = xform.parent; } mouseRaycastHitBridgeObjectID = (mouseRaycastHitBridgeObject == null) ? null :; mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObject = null; xform = mouseRaycastHit.collider.transform; while (xform != null) { mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObject = xform.gameObject.GetComponent <BridgeObject>(); if (mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObject != null) { break; } xform = xform.parent; } mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObjectID = (mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObject == null) ? null :; //Debug.Log("Tracker: TrackMousePosition: mouseRaycastHitBridgeObjectID: " + mouseRaycastHitBridgeObjectID + " mouseRaycastHitBridgeObject: " + mouseRaycastHitBridgeObject + " mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObject: " + mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObject + " mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObjectID: " + mouseRaycastHitColliderBridgeObject + " xform: " + xform); } }