SetDetailResolution() public méthode

Set the resolution of the detail map.

public SetDetailResolution ( int detailResolution, int resolutionPerPatch ) : void
detailResolution int Specifies the number of pixels in the detail resolution map. A larger detailResolution, leads to more accurate detail object painting.
resolutionPerPatch int Specifies the size in pixels of each individually rendered detail patch. A larger number reduces draw calls, but might increase triangle count since detail patches are culled on a per batch basis. A recommended value is 16. If you use a very large detail object distance and your grass is very sparse, it makes sense to increase the value.
Résultat void
 void CopyTerrainDataFromTo(TerrainData tDataFrom, ref TerrainData tDataTo)
     tDataTo.SetDetailResolution(tDataFrom.detailResolution, 8);
     tDataTo.heightmapResolution = tDataFrom.heightmapResolution;
     tDataTo.alphamapResolution = tDataFrom.alphamapResolution;
     tDataTo.baseMapResolution = tDataFrom.baseMapResolution;
     tDataTo.size = tDataFrom.size;
     tDataTo.splatPrototypes = tDataFrom.splatPrototypes;
 private TerrainData CreateTerrain()
     TerrainData terrainData = new TerrainData ();
     terrainData.size = terrainPrefab.terrainData.size;
     terrainData.heightmapResolution = terrainPrefab.terrainData.heightmapHeight;
     terrainData.baseMapResolution = terrainPrefab.terrainData.baseMapResolution;
     terrainData.SetDetailResolution (terrainPrefab.terrainData.detailResolution, 1);
     return terrainData;
		private static void ResizeDetailResolution(TerrainData terrainData, int resolution, int resolutionPerPatch)
			if (resolution == terrainData.detailResolution)
				List<int[,]> list = new List<int[,]>();
				for (int i = 0; i < terrainData.detailPrototypes.Length; i++)
					list.Add(terrainData.GetDetailLayer(0, 0, terrainData.detailWidth, terrainData.detailHeight, i));
				terrainData.SetDetailResolution(resolution, resolutionPerPatch);
				for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++)
					terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, j, list[j]);
				terrainData.SetDetailResolution(resolution, resolutionPerPatch);
		private static void CreateTerrain(MenuCommand menuCommand)
			TerrainData terrainData = new TerrainData();
			terrainData.heightmapResolution = 1025;
			terrainData.size = new Vector3(1000f, 600f, 1000f);
			terrainData.heightmapResolution = 512;
			terrainData.baseMapResolution = 1024;
			terrainData.SetDetailResolution(1024, terrainData.detailResolutionPerPatch);
			AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(terrainData, AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath("Assets/New Terrain.asset"));
			GameObject gameObject = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(terrainData);
			GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign(gameObject, menuCommand.context as GameObject);
			Selection.activeObject = gameObject;
			Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(gameObject, "Create terrain");
Exemple #5
 private static void CreateTerrain(MenuCommand menuCommand)
     TerrainData asset = new TerrainData {
         heightmapResolution = 0x401,
         size = new Vector3(1000f, 600f, 1000f),
         heightmapResolution = 0x200,
         baseMapResolution = 0x400
     asset.SetDetailResolution(0x400, asset.detailResolutionPerPatch);
     AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(asset, AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath("Assets/New Terrain.asset"));
     GameObject child = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(asset);
     GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign(child, menuCommand.context as GameObject);
     Selection.activeObject = child;
     Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(child, "Create terrain");
	/// <summary>
	/// Clone TerrainData object
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="source">
	/// A <see cref="TerrainData"/>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="detailResolutionPerPatch">
	/// A <see cref="System.Int32"/>
	/// </param>
	/// <returns>
	/// A <see cref="TerrainData"/>
	/// </returns>
	public static TerrainData Clone(TerrainData source, int detailResolutionPerPatch)
		TerrainData dest = new TerrainData();
		dest.alphamapResolution = source.alphamapResolution;
		dest.baseMapResolution = source.baseMapResolution;
		dest.SetDetailResolution(source.detailResolution, detailResolutionPerPatch);
		DetailPrototype[] dp = new DetailPrototype[source.detailPrototypes.Length];
		for (int i=0; i<dp.Length; i++) dp[i] = new DetailPrototype();
		dest.detailPrototypes = dp;
		for (int i=0; i<dp.Length; i++)
			dest.detailPrototypes[i].bendFactor =			source.detailPrototypes[i].bendFactor;
			dest.detailPrototypes[i].dryColor =			source.detailPrototypes[i].dryColor;
			dest.detailPrototypes[i].healthyColor =		source.detailPrototypes[i].healthyColor;
			dest.detailPrototypes[i].maxHeight =			source.detailPrototypes[i].maxHeight;
			dest.detailPrototypes[i].maxWidth =			source.detailPrototypes[i].maxWidth;
			dest.detailPrototypes[i].minHeight =			source.detailPrototypes[i].minHeight;
			dest.detailPrototypes[i].minWidth =			source.detailPrototypes[i].minWidth;
			dest.detailPrototypes[i].noiseSpread =			source.detailPrototypes[i].noiseSpread;
			dest.detailPrototypes[i].prototype =			source.detailPrototypes[i].prototype;
			dest.detailPrototypes[i].prototypeTexture =	source.detailPrototypes[i].prototypeTexture;
			dest.detailPrototypes[i].renderMode =			source.detailPrototypes[i].renderMode;
			dest.detailPrototypes[i].usePrototypeMesh =	source.detailPrototypes[i].usePrototypeMesh;
		dest.heightmapResolution = source.heightmapResolution;
		dest.hideFlags = source.hideFlags; =" (Clone)";
		dest.size = source.size;
		dest.splatPrototypes = source.splatPrototypes;
		dest.treeInstances = source.treeInstances;
		dest.treePrototypes = source.treePrototypes;
		dest.wavingGrassAmount = source.wavingGrassAmount;
		dest.wavingGrassSpeed = source.wavingGrassSpeed;
		dest.wavingGrassStrength = source.wavingGrassStrength;
		dest.wavingGrassTint = source.wavingGrassTint;
		return dest;
Exemple #7
    void finalizeHeightmap(RenderedHeightmap rh)
        TerrainData tData = new TerrainData();

        tData.heightmapResolution = chunkResolution;
        tData.alphamapResolution  = chunkResolution;
        tData.SetDetailResolution(chunkResolution*2, 1);
        tData.size = new Vector3(chunkWidth, terrainHeight, chunkWidth);

        tData.splatPrototypes  = splats;
        tData.detailPrototypes = grassProto;
        tData.treePrototypes   = treeProto;

        // tree placement
        tData.treeInstances = rh.treeInstances.ToArray();

        /* Create and position the terrain */
        GameObject terrain = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(tData);
        terrain.transform.position = new Vector3 (
            chunkWidth * rh.coord.x,
            chunkWidth * rh.coord.z);

        /* Set the heightmap data from the background thread. */
        tData.SetHeights(0, 0, rh.heightmap);

        stitchTerrain(tData, rh.coord);

        chunks[rh.coord] = tData;

        // texturing
        tData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, rh.splatmap);

        // grass placement
        /*if (texturesToAffect.Length != 0) {
            var detailedLayer = grassPlacement (tData.detailResolution, tData.GetAlphamaps (0, 0,
            tData.SetDetailLayer (0, 0, grassType, detailedLayer);
 // these are copied from UnityEditor.dll
 private void CreateTerrain(string name, int size)
     TerrainData theAsset = new TerrainData();
     //		theAsset.heightmapResolution = 0x201;
     theAsset.heightmapResolution = size + 1;
     theAsset.size = new Vector3(2000f, 1000f, 2000f);
     //		AssetUtility.CreateAsset(theAsset, name);
     AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(theAsset, name + ".asset");
     //		theAsset.heightmapResolution = 0x200;
     theAsset.heightmapResolution = size;
     theAsset.baseMapResolution = 0x400;
     //		theAsset.SetDetailResolution(0x400, theAsset.detailResolutionPerPatch);
     theAsset.SetDetailResolution(0x400, 16); // recommended value from documentation
     //		AssetUtility.SaveAsset(theAsset);
     Selection.activeObject = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(theAsset);
    void makeTerrain(int x, int z)
        EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Expand Terrain", "Creating GameObject...", 0.5f);
        TerrainData terrainData = new TerrainData();
        TerrainData selTerrainData = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData;
        terrainData.heightmapResolution = selTerrainData.heightmapResolution;
        terrainData.alphamapResolution = selTerrainData.alphamapResolution;
        terrainData.baseMapResolution = selTerrainData.baseMapResolution;
        terrainData.SetDetailResolution(selTerrainData.detailResolution, 8); = "Terrain" + x + "_" + z;
        Vector3 pos;
        pos.x = selTerrainData.size.x * x;
        pos.y = 0.0f;
        pos.z = selTerrainData.size.z * z;
        terrainData.size = selTerrainData.size;
        GameObject terrObj = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(terrainData);
        terrObj.transform.position = pos; = "t" + x + "." + z;
        AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(terrainData, "Assets/Terrain" + x + "_" + z + ".asset");
        if (teExpandOpts[0] == true) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Expand Terrain", "Generating Heightmap...", 0.5f); TENoiseLab.genIt(terrObj); }
        if (teExpandOpts[1] == true) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Expand Terrain", "Generating Textures...", 0.5f); terrainData.splatPrototypes = selTerrainData.splatPrototypes; TETextures.genIt(terrObj); }
        if (teExpandOpts[2] == true) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Expand Terrain", "Generating Detail...", 0.5f); terrainData.detailPrototypes = selTerrainData.detailPrototypes; TEDetail.genIt(terrObj); }
        if (teExpandOpts[3] == true) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Expand Terrain", "Generating Foliage...", 0.5f); terrainData.treePrototypes = selTerrainData.treePrototypes; TETrees.genIt(terrObj); }
Exemple #10
		public static void reRes(GameObject go,int detailRes, int heightRes, int alphaRes)
			TerrainData tdat = go.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData;
			TerrainData terrainData = new TerrainData();
			string goName ="_new";
			string terName =;
			terrainData.heightmapResolution = heightRes;
			terrainData.alphamapResolution = alphaRes;
			terrainData.baseMapResolution = tdat.baseMapResolution;
			terrainData.detailPrototypes = tdat.detailPrototypes;
			terrainData.splatPrototypes	 = tdat.splatPrototypes;
			terrainData.treePrototypes   = tdat.treePrototypes;
			terrainData.treeInstances    = tdat.treeInstances;
			terrainData.size = tdat.size;
			GameObject terrObj = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(terrainData);
			terrObj.transform.position=new Vector3(0f,0f,0f); = goName;	
			float mult = 0.0f;	
			int destres = 0;
			destres = detailRes;
			int[,] detaildatasource = new int[tdat.detailResolution,tdat.detailResolution];
			int[,] detaildatadest = new int[destres,destres];
			for(int layer=0; layer<tdat.detailPrototypes.Length; layer++){
				detaildatasource = tdat.GetDetailLayer(0,0,tdat.detailResolution,tdat.detailResolution,layer);
				for(int y=0;y<destres;y++){
					for(int x=0;x<destres;x++){
						int xold = (int)(mult * (float)x);
						int yold = (int)(mult * (float)y);
			destres = heightRes;
			float[,] heightdatasource = new float[tdat.heightmapResolution,tdat.heightmapResolution];
			float[,] heightdatadest = new float[destres,destres];
			heightdatasource = tdat.GetHeights(0,0,tdat.heightmapResolution,tdat.heightmapResolution);
			for(int y=0;y<destres;y++){
				for(int x=0;x<destres;x++){
					int xold = (int)(mult * (float)x);
					int yold = (int)(mult * (float)y);
			destres = alphaRes;
			float[,,] alphadata = tdat.GetAlphamaps(0,0,tdat.alphamapResolution,tdat.alphamapResolution);
			float[,,] alphadatadest = new float[destres,destres,tdat.splatPrototypes.Length];
			for(int i=0;i<tdat.splatPrototypes.Length;i++){
				for(int y=0;y<destres;y++){
					for(int x=0;x<destres;x++){
						int xold = (int)(mult * (float)x);
						int yold = (int)(mult * (float)y);
						alphadatadest[x,y,i] = alphadata[xold,yold,i];
			AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(terrainData, "Assets/"+terName+"_new.asset");
			TerrainData terrainData2Splat = (TerrainData)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/"+terName+"_new.asset", typeof(TerrainData));
			terrainData2Splat.splatPrototypes = tdat.splatPrototypes;
	        terrainData2Splat.SetAlphamaps (0, 0, alphadatadest);
			AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Promote data to live terrain.
        /// This must be called after other processing complete.
        /// </summary>
        public void PromoteTerrainData()
            // Basemap not used and is just pushed far away
            const float basemapDistance = 10000f;

            // Ensure TerrainData is created
            Terrain terrain = GetComponent<Terrain>();
            if (terrain.terrainData == null)
                // Calculate width and length of terrain in world units
                float terrainSize = (MapsFile.WorldMapTerrainDim * MeshReader.GlobalScale);

                // Setup terrain data
                // Must set terrainData.heightmapResolution before size (thanks Nystul!)
                TerrainData terrainData = new TerrainData();
       = "TerrainData";
                terrainData.heightmapResolution = heightmapResolution;
                terrainData.size = new Vector3(terrainSize, TerrainHelper.maxTerrainHeight, terrainSize);
                terrainData.SetDetailResolution(detailResolution, resolutionPerPatch);
                terrainData.alphamapResolution = detailResolution;
                terrainData.baseMapResolution = detailResolution;

                // Apply terrain data
                terrain.terrainData = terrainData;
                terrain.GetComponent<TerrainCollider>().terrainData = terrainData;
                terrain.basemapDistance = basemapDistance;

            // Promote tileMap

            // Promote material
            terrain.materialTemplate = terrainMaterial;
            terrain.materialType = Terrain.MaterialType.Custom;

            // Promote heights
            Vector3 size = terrain.terrainData.size;
            terrain.terrainData.size = new Vector3(size.x, TerrainHelper.maxTerrainHeight * TerrainScale, size.z);
            terrain.terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, heights);

            // Raise event
 private void ResizeDetailResolution(TerrainData terrainData, int resolution, int resolutionPerPatch)
   if (resolution == terrainData.detailResolution)
     List<int[,]> numArrayList = new List<int[,]>();
     for (int layer = 0; layer < terrainData.detailPrototypes.Length; ++layer)
       numArrayList.Add(terrainData.GetDetailLayer(0, 0, terrainData.detailWidth, terrainData.detailHeight, layer));
     terrainData.SetDetailResolution(resolution, resolutionPerPatch);
     for (int layer = 0; layer < numArrayList.Count; ++layer)
       terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, layer, numArrayList[layer]);
     terrainData.SetDetailResolution(resolution, resolutionPerPatch);
	private void createTerrain(){

		TerrainData terrainData = new TerrainData();
		terrainData.alphamapResolution = alphaMapSize;
		terrainData.heightmapResolution = heightMapSize;
		terrainData.SetDetailResolution (detailMapSize, m_detailResolutionPerPatch);
		terrainData.size = new Vector3((float)terrainSizeX, (float)terrainHeight, (float)terrainSizeY);
		terrainData.splatPrototypes = texturePrototypes.ToArray();
		terrainData.treePrototypes = treePrototypes.ToArray();
		terrainData.detailPrototypes = detailPrototypes.ToArray();

		//p_terrain.transform.position = new Vector3(-terrainSizeX*0.5f, 0,-terrainSizeY*0.5f);

		p_terrain = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(terrainData).GetComponent<Terrain>();

		p_terrain.terrainData.wavingGrassStrength = m_wavingGrassStrength;
		p_terrain.terrainData.wavingGrassAmount = m_wavingGrassAmount;
		p_terrain.terrainData.wavingGrassSpeed = m_wavingGrassSpeed;
		p_terrain.terrainData.wavingGrassTint = m_wavingGrassTint;
		p_terrain.detailObjectDensity = m_detailObjectDensity;
		p_terrain.detailObjectDistance = m_detailObjectDistance;
		p_terrain.treeDistance = m_treeDistance;
		p_terrain.treeBillboardDistance = m_treeBillboardDistance;
		p_terrain.treeCrossFadeLength = m_treeCrossFadeLength;
		p_terrain.treeMaximumFullLODCount = m_treeMaximumFullLODCount;
		p_terrain.castShadows = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create terrain for the given tile
        /// </summary>
        private Terrain CreateTerrainTile(int x, int z)
            float height = _terrainSettings.TerrainHeight;
            var centerTile = x == (_tilesX / 2) && z == (_tilesZ / 2);

            //Create terrain data and set prototypes
            var data = new TerrainData
                heightmapResolution = _terrainSettings.HeightmapSize,
                alphamapResolution = _terrainSettings.AlphamapSize,
                size = new Vector3(_terrainSize, height, _terrainSize),
                splatPrototypes = _splatPrototypes,
                treePrototypes = _treePrototypes,
                detailPrototypes = _detailPrototypes

            //Generate heightmap
            data.SetHeights(0, 0, GenerateHeightMap(x, z));

            //create terrain gameobject and position it correctly
            var xPos = _terrainSize * x + _terrainOffset.x;
            var zPos = _terrainSize * z + _terrainOffset.y;

            var terrain = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(data).GetComponent<Terrain>();
            terrain.transform.position = new Vector3(xPos, 0, zPos);
   = string.Format("tile{0}x{1}", x, z);
            terrain.castShadows = false;
            terrain.detailObjectDensity = _terrainSettings.GrassDensity;
            terrain.detailObjectDistance = 200.0f;
            terrain.treeDistance = 1000.0f;
            terrain.treeBillboardDistance = 400.0f;
            terrain.treeCrossFadeLength = 20.0f;
            terrain.treeMaximumFullLODCount = 400;

            //Generate trees
            if (!centerTile)
                //Possibly generate some lakes
                var rng = Random.value;

                if (_terrainSettings.GenerateLake && rng < 0.75f)
                    var it = Random.Range(1, 4);
                    for (int i = 0; i < it; i++)
                        //add a lake o the terrain with a random size
                        AddLake(terrain, x, z, Random.Range(25, 60));

                var trees = GenerateTrees(data, x, z);
                if (trees != null)
                    foreach (var tree in trees)

            //Generate alphamap if valid
            var alphamap = GenerateAlphaMap(data);
            if (alphamap != null)
                data.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, alphamap);

            //Generate Detailsmap if valid for every layer
            var detailLayers = GenerateDetailLayers(data, x, z);
            if (detailLayers != null)
                //set some detail settings
                data.SetDetailResolution(_terrainSettings.DetailMapSize, _terrainSettings.DetailResolution);
                data.wavingGrassStrength = 0.1f;
                data.wavingGrassAmount = 0.1f;
                data.wavingGrassSpeed = 0.2f;
                data.wavingGrassTint = Color.white;
                for (int layer = 0; layer < detailLayers.Count; ++layer)
                    data.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, layer, detailLayers[layer]);

            //make sure the changes are updated

            return terrain;
        // Add Grass
        private void AddGrass(DaggerfallTerrain daggerTerrain, TerrainData terrainData)
            //			Used to check performance
            //			Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            //			stopwatch.Start();

            details = new int[256, 256];

            //Get the current season
            currentSeason = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.WorldTime.Now.SeasonValue;

            //Proceed if it's NOT winter, and if the worldClimate contains grass, which is everything above 225, with the exception of 229
            if (currentSeason != DaggerfallDateTime.Seasons.Winter && (daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate > 225 && daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate != 229))
                //Switch the grass texture based on the climate
                if (daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate == 226 || daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate == 227 || daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate == 228 || daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate == 230)
                    detailPrototype[0].prototypeTexture = brownGrass;
                    detailPrototype[0].prototypeTexture = greenGrass;

                tilemap = daggerTerrain.TileMap;
                terrainData.detailPrototypes = detailPrototype;
                terrainData.wavingGrassTint = Color.gray;
                terrainData.SetDetailResolution(256, 8);

                int colorValue;

                //Check all the tiles, Daggerfall uses the red color value to draw tiles
                for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 128; j++)
                        colorValue = tilemap[(i * 128) + j].r; //For easier checking

                        switch (colorValue)
                            //Four corner tiles
                            case 8:
                            case 9:
                            case 10:
                            case 11:
                                details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thickLower, thickHigher);
                                details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thickLower, thickHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thickLower, thickHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thickLower, thickHigher);

                            //Upper left corner
                            case 40:
                            case 224:
                            case 164:
                            case 176:
                            case 181:
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //Lower left corner
                            case 41:
                            case 221:
                            case 165:
                            case 177:
                            case 182:
                                details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //Lower right corner
                            case 42:
                            case 222:
                            case 166:
                            case 178:
                            case 183:
                                details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //Upper right corner
                            case 43:
                            case 223:
                            case 167:
                            case 179:
                            case 180:
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //Left side
                            case 44:
                            case 66:
                            case 84:
                            case 160:
                            case 168:
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //lower side
                            case 45:
                            case 67:
                            case 85:
                            case 161:
                            case 169:
                                details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //right side
                            case 46:
                            case 64:
                            case 86:
                            case 162:
                            case 170:
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //upper side
                            case 47:
                            case 65:
                            case 87:
                            case 163:
                            case 171:
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //All expect lower right
                            case 48:
                            case 62:
                            case 88:
                            case 156:
                                details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //All expect upper right
                            case 49:
                            case 63:
                            case 89:
                            case 157:
                                details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //All expect upper left
                            case 50:
                            case 60:
                            case 90:
                            case 158:
                                details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //All expect lower left
                            case 51:
                            case 61:
                            case 91:
                            case 159:
                                details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //Left to right
                            case 204:
                            case 206:
                            case 214:
                                details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //Right to left
                            case 205:
                            case 207:
                            case 213:
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);



            terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, 0, details);

            //			stopwatch.Stop();
            //			// Write result
            //			UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Time elapsed: " +
            //			                      stopwatch.Elapsed);
    void CreateTerrain()
        //fire up the progress bar
        ShowProgressBar (1, 100);

        TerrainData terrain = new TerrainData ();
        terrain.heightmapResolution = resolution;
        terrain.SetDetailResolution(resolution, 8);
        GameObject terrainObject = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject (terrain);

        Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo (terrainObject, "Object to Terrain");

        MeshCollider collider = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent<MeshCollider> ();
        CleanUp cleanUp = null;

        //Add a collider to our source object if it does not exist.
        //Otherwise raycasting doesn't work.
        if (!collider) {

            collider = Selection.activeGameObject.AddComponent<MeshCollider> ();
            cleanUp = () => DestroyImmediate (collider);

        Bounds bounds = collider.bounds;
        float sizeFactor = collider.bounds.size.y / (collider.bounds.size.y + addTerrain.y);
        terrain.size = collider.bounds.size + addTerrain;
        bounds.size = new Vector3 (terrain.size.x, collider.bounds.size.y, terrain.size.z);

        // Do raycasting samples over the object to see what terrain heights should be
        float[,] heights = new float[terrain.heightmapWidth, terrain.heightmapHeight];
        Ray ray = new Ray (new Vector3 (bounds.min.x, bounds.max.y + bounds.size.y, bounds.min.z), -Vector3.up);
        RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit ();
        float meshHeightInverse = 1 / bounds.size.y;
        Vector3 rayOrigin = ray.origin;

        int maxHeight = heights.GetLength (0);
        int maxLength = heights.GetLength (1);

        Vector2 stepXZ = new Vector2 (bounds.size.x / maxLength, bounds.size.z / maxHeight);

        for (int zCount = 0; zCount < maxHeight; zCount++) {

            ShowProgressBar (zCount, maxHeight);

            for (int xCount = 0; xCount < maxLength; xCount++) {

                float height = 0.0f;

                if (collider.Raycast (ray, out hit, bounds.size.y * 3)) {

                    height = (hit.point.y - bounds.min.y) * meshHeightInverse;
                    height += shiftHeight;

                    //bottom up
                    if (bottomTopRadioSelected == 0) {

                        height *= sizeFactor;

                    if (height < 0) {

                        height = 0;

                heights [zCount, xCount] = height;
                rayOrigin.x += stepXZ [0];
                ray.origin = rayOrigin;

            rayOrigin.z += stepXZ [1];
            rayOrigin.x = bounds.min.x;
            ray.origin = rayOrigin;

        terrain.SetHeights (0, 0, heights);
        terrainObject.transform.position = Selection.activeGameObject.transform.position;

        string name =;
        AssetDatabase.CreateAsset (terrain, "Assets/" + name + " - Terrain.asset");

        EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar ();

        if (cleanUp != null) {

            cleanUp ();
Exemple #17
    private void CreateLand()
        #region Preparations

        var mapData = Data.Battle["gamebody"]["map_info"]["types"];
        var worldSize = realMapSize * Settings.DimensionScaleFactor;
        var resolution = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Sqrt(realMapSize.x * realMapSize.y) * Settings.Terrain.Smoothness);
        var terrainData = new TerrainData { heightmapResolution = Mathf.ClosestPowerOfTwo(resolution) + 1, size = new Vector3(worldSize.y, Settings.Map.HeightOfLevel[2], worldSize.x), alphamapResolution = resolution, baseMapResolution = resolution };


        #region Set Heights

        float landArea = 0;
        var heights = new float[terrainData.heightmapHeight, terrainData.heightmapWidth];
        var mapRect = new Rect(0, 0, Data.MapSize.x, Data.MapSize.y);
        for (int bumpNum = Mathf.RoundToInt(realMapSize.x * realMapSize.y / 10), i = 0; i < bumpNum; ++i)
            var sigmaX = Random.Range(0.8f, 2) * terrainData.heightmapHeight / realMapSize.x;
            var sigmaY = Random.Range(0.8f, 2) * terrainData.heightmapWidth / realMapSize.y;
            var muX = Random.Range(0, terrainData.heightmapHeight);
            var muY = Random.Range(0, terrainData.heightmapWidth);
            var h = Random.Range(-0.6f, 0.4f);
            for (var x = Mathf.Max(-muX, -Mathf.RoundToInt(sigmaX * 3)); x < Mathf.Min(terrainData.heightmapHeight - muX, Mathf.RoundToInt(sigmaX * 3)); ++x)
                for (var y = Mathf.Max(-muY, -Mathf.RoundToInt(sigmaY * 3)); y < Mathf.Min(terrainData.heightmapWidth - muY, Mathf.RoundToInt(sigmaY * 3)); ++y)
                    heights[muX + x, muY + y] += h * Mathf.Exp(-Mathf.Pow(x / sigmaX, 2) - Mathf.Pow(y / sigmaY, 2));
        var threshold = Settings.Map.HeightOfLevel[0] / Settings.Map.HeightOfLevel[2] * 0.8f;
        for (var x = 0; x < terrainData.heightmapHeight; ++x)
            for (var y = 0; y < terrainData.heightmapWidth; ++y)
                if ((heights[x, y] += threshold / 2) > threshold)
                    heights[x, y] = threshold;
                var i = (float)x / (terrainData.heightmapHeight - 1) * realMapSize.x -;
                var j = (1 - (float)y / (terrainData.heightmapWidth - 1)) * realMapSize.y - Settings.Map.MapSizeOffset.left;
                int i0 = Mathf.FloorToInt(i), j0 = Mathf.FloorToInt(j);
                float ul = 0, ur = 0, br = 0, bl = 0, di = i - i0, dj = j - j0;
                if (mapRect.Contains(new Vector2(i0, j0)))
                    ul = mapData[i0][j0].n;
                if (mapRect.Contains(new Vector2(i0, j0 + 1)))
                    ur = mapData[i0][j0 + 1].n;
                if (mapRect.Contains(new Vector2(i0 + 1, j0 + 1)))
                    br = mapData[i0 + 1][j0 + 1].n;
                if (mapRect.Contains(new Vector2(i0 + 1, j0)))
                    bl = mapData[i0 + 1][j0].n;
                var height = (1 - di) * (1 - dj) * ul + (1 - di) * dj * ur + di * (1 - dj) * bl + di * dj * br;
                if (Math.Abs(height) < Mathf.Epsilon)
                heights[x, y] = Mathf.Max(heights[x, y], height = Mathf.Sign(height - 0.5f) * Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(height * 2 - 1), 0.25f) / 2 + 0.5f);
                landArea += height;
        terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, heights);
        landArea *= realMapSize.x * realMapSize.y / (terrainData.heightmapHeight * terrainData.heightmapWidth);


        #region Paint Texture

        var splatPrototypes = new SplatPrototype[splatTextures.Length];
        for (var i = 0; i < splatPrototypes.Length; i++)
            var splatPrototype = new SplatPrototype { texture = splatTextures[i], tileSize = * Settings.DimensionScaleFactor * 4 };
            splatPrototypes[i] = splatPrototype;
        terrainData.splatPrototypes = splatPrototypes;
        var alphamapResolution = terrainData.alphamapResolution;
        var alphamaps = new float[alphamapResolution, alphamapResolution, splatPrototypes.Length];
        for (var i = 0; i < alphamapResolution; i++)
            for (var j = 0; j < alphamapResolution; j++)
                var height = heights[Mathf.RoundToInt((float)i / (alphamapResolution - 1) * (terrainData.heightmapHeight - 1)), Mathf.RoundToInt((float)j / (alphamapResolution - 1) * (terrainData.heightmapWidth - 1))];
                alphamaps[i, j, 0] = height;
                alphamaps[i, j, 1] = 1 - height;
        terrainData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, alphamaps);


        #region Place Trees

        var treePrototypes = new TreePrototype[treePrefabs.Length];
        for (var i = 0; i < treePrototypes.Length; i++)
            var treePrototype = new TreePrototype { prefab = treePrefabs[i], bendFactor = 1 };
            treePrototypes[i] = treePrototype;
        terrainData.treePrototypes = treePrototypes;
        var treeInstances = new TreeInstance[Mathf.RoundToInt(landArea * Settings.Terrain.Tree.Density)];
        var range = new Vector4(Settings.Map.MapSizeOffset.right / realMapSize.y, 1 - Settings.Map.MapSizeOffset.left / realMapSize.y, / realMapSize.x, 1 - Settings.Map.MapSizeOffset.bottom / realMapSize.x);
        for (var i = 0; i < treeInstances.Length; i++)
            var treeScale = Random.Range(0.08f, 0.16f) * Settings.DimensionScaleFactor;
            Vector3 treePosition;
                treePosition = new Vector3(Random.Range(range.x, range.y), 0, Random.Range(range.z, range.w));
            while ((treePosition.y = heights[Mathf.RoundToInt(treePosition.z * (terrainData.heightmapHeight - 1)), Mathf.RoundToInt(treePosition.x * (terrainData.heightmapWidth - 1))]) < Mathf.Lerp(Settings.Map.HeightOfLevel[1] / Settings.Map.HeightOfLevel[2], 1, 0.6f) || Methods.Coordinates.IsOccupied(Methods.Coordinates.InternalToExternal(Vector3.Scale(treePosition, new Vector3(worldSize.y, 0, worldSize.x)))));
            var treeInstance = new TreeInstance { prototypeIndex = Random.Range(0, treePrototypes.Length), position = treePosition + Vector3.up * Settings.Terrain.Tree.VerticalPositionOffset * treeScale, color = new Color(0, 0.8f, 0, 1), lightmapColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1), heightScale = treeScale, widthScale = treeScale };
            treeInstances[i] = treeInstance;
        terrainData.treeInstances = treeInstances;


        #region Paint Details

        var detailPrototypes = new DetailPrototype[detailTextures.Length];
        for (var i = 0; i < detailPrototypes.Length; i++)
            var detailPrototype = new DetailPrototype { prototypeTexture = detailTextures[i], minWidth = Settings.Terrain.Detail.MinDimension, minHeight = Settings.Terrain.Detail.MinDimension, maxWidth = Settings.Terrain.Detail.MaxDimension, maxHeight = Settings.Terrain.Detail.MaxDimension, renderMode = DetailRenderMode.GrassBillboard };
            detailPrototypes[i] = detailPrototype;
        terrainData.detailPrototypes = detailPrototypes;
        terrainData.SetDetailResolution(resolution, Mathf.Clamp(resolution, 8, 128));
        var detailLayers = new int[detailPrototypes.Length][,];
        for (var i = 0; i < detailPrototypes.Length; i++)
            detailLayers[i] = new int[terrainData.detailResolution, terrainData.detailResolution];
        for (var i = 0; i < terrainData.detailResolution; i++)
            for (var j = 0; j < terrainData.detailResolution; j++)
                var layer = Random.Range(0, detailPrototypes.Length);
                var height = heights[Mathf.RoundToInt((float)i / (terrainData.detailResolution - 1) * (terrainData.heightmapHeight - 1)), Mathf.RoundToInt((float)j / (terrainData.detailResolution - 1) * (terrainData.heightmapWidth - 1))];
                if (height > Mathf.Lerp(Settings.Map.HeightOfLevel[1] / Settings.Map.HeightOfLevel[2], 1, 0.4f))
                    detailLayers[layer][i, j] = 1;
        for (var i = 0; i < detailPrototypes.Length; i++)
            terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, i, detailLayers[i]);
        terrainData.wavingGrassAmount = Settings.Terrain.Detail.Waving.Amount;
        terrainData.wavingGrassSpeed = Settings.Terrain.Detail.Waving.Speed;
        terrainData.wavingGrassStrength = Settings.Terrain.Detail.Waving.Strength;


        #region Final Settings

        var terrain = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(terrainData).GetComponent<Terrain>();
        terrain.treeBillboardDistance = Settings.Terrain.Tree.BillboardDistance;
        terrain.detailObjectDistance = Settings.Terrain.Detail.MaxVisibleDistance;
        terrain.detailObjectDensity = Settings.Terrain.Detail.Density;

    void SplitIt()
        if ( Selection.activeGameObject == null )
            Debug.LogWarning("No terrain was selected");

        parentTerrain = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent(typeof(Terrain)) as Terrain;

        if ( parentTerrain == null )
            Debug.LogWarning("Current selection is not a terrain");

        //Split terrain
        for ( int i=0; i< terrainsCount; i++)

            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Split terrain","Process " + i, (float) i / terrainsCount );

            TerrainData td = new TerrainData();
            GameObject tgo = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject( td );

   = + " " + i;

            terrainData.Add( td );
            terrainGo.Add ( tgo );

            Terrain genTer = tgo.GetComponent(typeof(Terrain)) as Terrain;
            genTer.terrainData = td;

            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(td, "Assets/" + ".asset");

            // Assign splatmaps
            genTer.terrainData.splatPrototypes = parentTerrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes;

            // Assign detail prototypes
            genTer.terrainData.detailPrototypes = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailPrototypes;

            // Assign tree information
            genTer.terrainData.treePrototypes = parentTerrain.terrainData.treePrototypes;

            // Copy parent terrain propeties
            #region parent properties
            genTer.basemapDistance = parentTerrain.basemapDistance;
            genTer.castShadows = parentTerrain.castShadows;
            genTer.detailObjectDensity = parentTerrain.detailObjectDensity;
            genTer.detailObjectDistance = parentTerrain.detailObjectDistance;
            genTer.heightmapMaximumLOD = parentTerrain.heightmapMaximumLOD;
            genTer.heightmapPixelError = parentTerrain.heightmapPixelError;
            genTer.treeBillboardDistance = parentTerrain.treeBillboardDistance;
            genTer.treeCrossFadeLength = parentTerrain.treeCrossFadeLength;
            genTer.treeDistance = parentTerrain.treeDistance;
            genTer.treeMaximumFullLODCount = parentTerrain.treeMaximumFullLODCount;


            //Start processing it

            // Translate peace to position
            #region translate peace to right position

            Vector3 parentPosition = parentTerrain.GetPosition();

            int terraPeaces = (int) Mathf.Sqrt( terrainsCount );

            float spaceShiftX = parentTerrain.terrainData.size.z / terraPeaces;
            float spaceShiftY = parentTerrain.terrainData.size.x / terraPeaces;

            float xWShift = (i % terraPeaces ) * spaceShiftX;
            float zWShift = ( i / terraPeaces ) * spaceShiftY;

            tgo.transform.position = new Vector3( tgo.transform.position.x + zWShift,
                                                  tgo.transform.position.z + xWShift );

            // Shift last position
            tgo.transform.position = new Vector3( tgo.transform.position.x + parentPosition.x,
                                                  tgo.transform.position.y + parentPosition.y,
                                                  tgo.transform.position.z + parentPosition.z


            // Split height
            #region split height

            Debug.Log ( "Split height" );

            //Copy heightmap
            td.heightmapResolution = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution /  terraPeaces;

            //Keep y same
            td.size = new Vector3( parentTerrain.terrainData.size.x / terraPeaces,
                                   parentTerrain.terrainData.size.z / terraPeaces

            float[,] parentHeight = parentTerrain.terrainData.GetHeights(0,0, parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution, parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution );

            float[,] peaceHeight = new float[ parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1,
                                              parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1

            // Shift calc
            int heightShift = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces;

            int startX = 0;
            int startY = 0;

            int endX = 0;
            int endY = 0;

            if ( i==0 )
                startX = startY = 0;
                endX = endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1;

            if ( i==1 )
                startX = startY = 0;
                endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1;
                endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1;

            if ( i==2 )
                startX = startY = 0;
                endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1;
                endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1;

            if ( i==3 )
                startX = startY = 0;
                endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1;
                endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution / terraPeaces + 1;

            // iterate
            for ( int x=startX;x< endX;x++)

                EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Split terrain","Split height", (float) x / ( endX - startX ));

                for ( int y=startY;y< endY;y++)

                    int xShift=0;
                    int yShift=0;

                    if ( i==0 )
                        xShift = 0;
                        yShift = 0;

                    if ( i==1 )
                        xShift = heightShift;
                        yShift = 0;

                    if ( i==2 )
                        xShift = 0;
                        yShift = heightShift;

                    if ( i==3 )
                        xShift = heightShift;
                        yShift = heightShift;

                    float ph = parentHeight[ x + xShift,y + yShift];

                    peaceHeight[x ,y ] = ph;




            // Set heightmap to child
            genTer.terrainData.SetHeights( 0,0, peaceHeight );

            // Split splat map
            #region split splat map

            td.alphamapResolution = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution /  terraPeaces;

            float[,,] parentSplat = parentTerrain.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0,0, parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution, parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution );

            float[,,] peaceSplat = new float[ parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces ,
                                              parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces,

            // Shift calc
            int splatShift = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;

            if ( i==0 )
                startX = startY = 0;
                endX = endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;

            if ( i==1 )
                startX = startY = 0;
                endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;
                endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;

            if ( i==2 )
                startX = startY = 0;
                endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;
                endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;

            if ( i==3 )
                startX = startY = 0;
                endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;
                endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution / terraPeaces;

            // iterate
            for ( int s=0;s<parentTerrain.terrainData.alphamapLayers;s++)
                for ( int x=startX;x< endX;x++)

                    EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Split terrain","Split splat", (float) x / ( endX - startX ));

                    for ( int y=startY;y< endY;y++)

                        int xShift=0;
                        int yShift=0;

                        if ( i==0 )
                            xShift = 0;
                            yShift = 0;

                        if ( i==1 )
                            xShift = splatShift;
                            yShift = 0;

                        if ( i==2 )
                            xShift = 0;
                            yShift = splatShift;

                        if ( i==3 )
                            xShift = splatShift;
                            yShift = splatShift;

                        float ph = parentSplat[x + xShift,y + yShift, s];
                        peaceSplat[x ,y, s] = ph;




            // Set heightmap to child
            genTer.terrainData.SetAlphamaps( 0,0, peaceSplat );

            // Split detail map
            #region split detail map

            td.SetDetailResolution( parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces, 8 );

            for ( int detLay=0; detLay< parentTerrain.terrainData.detailPrototypes.Length; detLay++)
                int[,] parentDetail = parentTerrain.terrainData.GetDetailLayer(0,0, parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution, parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution, detLay );

                int[,] peaceDetail = new int[ parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces,
                                              parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces

                // Shift calc
                int detailShift = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces;

                if ( i==0 )
                    startX = startY = 0;
                    endX = endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces;

                if ( i==1 )
                    startX = startY = 0;
                    endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces;
                    endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces;

                if ( i==2 )
                    startX = startY = 0;
                    endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces;
                    endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces;

                if ( i==3 )
                    startX = startY = 0;
                    endX = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces;
                    endY = parentTerrain.terrainData.detailResolution / terraPeaces;

                // iterate
                    for ( int x=startX;x< endX;x++)

                        EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Split terrain","Split detail", (float) x / (endX - startX ));

                        for ( int y=startY;y< endY;y++)

                            int xShift=0;
                            int yShift=0;

                            if ( i==0 )
                                xShift = 0;
                                yShift = 0;

                            if ( i==1 )
                                xShift = detailShift;
                                yShift = 0;

                            if ( i==2 )
                                xShift = 0;
                                yShift = detailShift;

                            if ( i==3 )
                                xShift = detailShift;
                                yShift = detailShift;

                            int ph = parentDetail[x + xShift,y + yShift];
                            peaceDetail[x ,y] = ph;



                // Set heightmap to child
                genTer.terrainData.SetDetailLayer( 0,0, detLay, peaceDetail );


            // Split tree data
            #region  split tree data

            for( int t=0; t< parentTerrain.terrainData.treeInstances.Length;t++)

                EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Split terrain","Split trees "  , (float) t / parentTerrain.terrainData.treeInstances.Length );

                // Get tree instance
                TreeInstance ti = parentTerrain.terrainData.treeInstances[t];

                // First section
                if ( i==0 &&
                     ti.position.x > 0f &&	ti.position.x < 0.5f &&
                     ti.position.z > 0f &&	ti.position.z < 0.5f
                    // Recalculate new tree position
                    ti.position = new Vector3( ti.position.x * 2f, ti.position.y, ti.position.z * 2f );

                    // Add tree instance
                    genTer.AddTreeInstance( ti );

                // Second section
                if ( i==1 &&
                     ti.position.x > 0.0f &&ti.position.x < 0.5f &&
                     ti.position.z >= 0.5f &&	ti.position.z <= 1.0f
                    // Recalculate new tree position
                    ti.position = new Vector3( (ti.position.x ) * 2f, ti.position.y, ( ti.position.z - 0.5f ) * 2f );

                    // Add tree instance
                    genTer.AddTreeInstance( ti );

                // Third section
                if ( i==2 &&
                     ti.position.x >= 0.5f && ti.position.x <= 1.0f &&
                     ti.position.z > 0.0f && ti.position.z < 0.5f
                    // Recalculate new tree position
                    ti.position = new Vector3( (ti.position.x - 0.5f ) * 2f, ti.position.y, ( ti.position.z ) * 2f );

                    // Add tree instance
                    genTer.AddTreeInstance( ti );

                // Fourth section
                if ( i==3 &&
                     ti.position.x >= 0.5f && ti.position.x <= 1.0f &&
                     ti.position.z >= 0.5f && ti.position.z <= 1.0f
                    // Recalculate new tree position
                    ti.position = new Vector3( (ti.position.x - 0.5f ) * 2f, ti.position.y, ( ti.position.z - 0.5f ) * 2f );

                    // Add tree instance
                    genTer.AddTreeInstance( ti );




        private void generateWorldTerrain()
            // Create Unity Terrain game object
            GameObject terrainGameObject = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(null);
   = string.Format("WorldTerrain");
            terrainGameObject.gameObject.transform.localPosition =;

            // assign terrainGameObject to layer "WorldTerrain" if available (used for rendering with secondary camera to prevent floating-point precision problems with huge clipping ranges)
            int layerExtendedTerrain = LayerMask.NameToLayer("WorldTerrain");
            if (layerExtendedTerrain != -1)
                terrainGameObject.layer = layerExtendedTerrain;

            int worldMapResolution = Math.Max(worldMapWidth, worldMapHeight);

            if (worldHeights == null)
                worldHeights = new float[worldMapResolution, worldMapResolution];
            for (int y = 0; y < worldMapHeight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < worldMapWidth; x++)
                    // get height data for this map pixel from world map and scale it to approximately match StreamingWorld's terrain heights
                    float sampleHeight = Convert.ToSingle(dfUnity.ContentReader.WoodsFileReader.GetHeightMapValue(x, y));

                    sampleHeight *= (ImprovedWorldTerrain.computeHeightMultiplier(x, y) * ImprovedTerrainSampler.baseHeightScale + ImprovedTerrainSampler.noiseMapScale);
                    // make ocean elevation the lower limit
                    if (sampleHeight < ImprovedTerrainSampler.scaledOceanElevation)
                        sampleHeight = ImprovedTerrainSampler.scaledOceanElevation;

                    // normalize with TerrainHelper.maxTerrainHeight
                    worldHeights[worldMapHeight - 1 - y, x] = Mathf.Clamp01(sampleHeight / ImprovedTerrainSampler.maxTerrainHeight);

            // Basemap not used and is just pushed far away
            const float basemapDistance = 1000000f;

            // Ensure TerrainData is created
            Terrain terrain = terrainGameObject.GetComponent<Terrain>();
            if (terrain.terrainData == null)
                // Setup terrain data
                TerrainData terrainData = new TerrainData();
       = "TerrainData";

                // this is not really an assignment! you tell unity terrain what resolution you want for your heightmap and it will allocate resources and take the next power of 2 increased by 1 as heightmapResolution...
                terrainData.heightmapResolution = worldMapResolution;

                float heightmapResolution = terrainData.heightmapResolution;
                // Calculate width and length of terrain in world units
                float terrainSize = ((MapsFile.WorldMapTerrainDim * MeshReader.GlobalScale) * (heightmapResolution - 1.0f));

                terrainData.size = new Vector3(terrainSize, ImprovedTerrainSampler.maxTerrainHeight, terrainSize);

                //terrainData.size = new Vector3(terrainSize, TerrainHelper.maxTerrainHeight * TerrainScale * worldMapResolution, terrainSize);
                terrainData.SetDetailResolution(worldMapResolution, 16);
                terrainData.alphamapResolution = worldMapResolution;
                terrainData.baseMapResolution = worldMapResolution;

                // Apply terrain data
                terrain.terrainData = terrainData;
                terrain.basemapDistance = basemapDistance;

            terrain.heightmapPixelError = 0; // 0 ... prevent unity terrain lod approach, set to higher values to enable it
            //terrain.castShadows = true;

            // Promote heights
            Vector3 size = terrain.terrainData.size;
            terrain.terrainData.size = new Vector3(size.x, ImprovedTerrainSampler.maxTerrainHeight * streamingWorld.TerrainScale, size.z);
            terrain.terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, worldHeights);

            // update world terrain position - do this before terrainGameObject.transform invocation, so that object2world matrix is updated with correct values
            Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            updatePositionWorldTerrain(ref terrainGameObject, offset);

            textureAtlasDesertSummer = dfUnity.MaterialReader.TextureReader.GetTerrainTilesetTexture(2).albedoMap;
            textureAtlasDesertSummer.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

            textureAtlasWoodlandSummer = dfUnity.MaterialReader.TextureReader.GetTerrainTilesetTexture(302).albedoMap;
            textureAtlasWoodlandSummer.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

            textureAtlasMountainSummer = dfUnity.MaterialReader.TextureReader.GetTerrainTilesetTexture(102).albedoMap;
            textureAtlasMountainSummer.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

            textureAtlasSwampSummer = dfUnity.MaterialReader.TextureReader.GetTerrainTilesetTexture(402).albedoMap;
            textureAtlasSwampSummer.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

            textureAtlasDesertWinter = dfUnity.MaterialReader.TextureReader.GetTerrainTilesetTexture(3).albedoMap;
            textureAtlasDesertWinter.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

            textureAtlasWoodlandWinter = dfUnity.MaterialReader.TextureReader.GetTerrainTilesetTexture(303).albedoMap;
            textureAtlasWoodlandWinter.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

            textureAtlasMountainWinter = dfUnity.MaterialReader.TextureReader.GetTerrainTilesetTexture(103).albedoMap;
            textureAtlasMountainWinter.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

            textureAtlasSwampWinter = dfUnity.MaterialReader.TextureReader.GetTerrainTilesetTexture(403).albedoMap;
            textureAtlasSwampWinter.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

            textureAtlasDesertRain = dfUnity.MaterialReader.TextureReader.GetTerrainTilesetTexture(4).albedoMap;
            textureAtlasDesertRain.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

            textureAtlasWoodlandRain = dfUnity.MaterialReader.TextureReader.GetTerrainTilesetTexture(304).albedoMap;
            textureAtlasWoodlandRain.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

            textureAtlasMountainRain = dfUnity.MaterialReader.TextureReader.GetTerrainTilesetTexture(104).albedoMap;
            textureAtlasMountainRain.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

            textureAtlasSwampRain = dfUnity.MaterialReader.TextureReader.GetTerrainTilesetTexture(404).albedoMap;
            textureAtlasSwampRain.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
            terrainMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Daggerfall/IncreasedTerrainTilemap"));
   = string.Format("world terrain material");

            // Assign textures and parameters     
            terrainMaterial.SetTexture("_TileAtlasTexDesert", textureAtlasDesertSummer);
            terrainMaterial.SetTexture("_TileAtlasTexWoodland", textureAtlasWoodlandSummer);
            terrainMaterial.SetTexture("_TileAtlasTexMountain", textureAtlasMountainSummer);
            terrainMaterial.SetTexture("_TileAtlasTexSwamp", textureAtlasSwampSummer);
            //terrainMaterial.SetTexture("_FarTerrainTilemapTex", textureTerrainInfoTileMap);

            terrainMaterial.SetInt("_TextureSetSeasonCode", 0);

            updateMaterialSeasonalTextures(ref terrainMaterial, currentSeason); // change seasonal textures if necessary

            terrainMaterial.SetInt("_PlayerPosX", this.playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.X);
            terrainMaterial.SetInt("_PlayerPosY", this.playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.Y);

            terrainMaterial.SetInt("_TerrainDistance", streamingWorld.TerrainDistance);

            Vector3 vecWaterHeight = new Vector3(0.0f, (ImprovedTerrainSampler.scaledOceanElevation + 1.0f) * streamingWorld.TerrainScale, 0.0f); // water height level on y-axis (+1.0f some coastlines are incorrect otherwise)
            Vector3 vecWaterHeightTransformed = terrainGameObject.transform.TransformPoint(vecWaterHeight); // transform to world coordinates
            terrainMaterial.SetFloat("_WaterHeightTransformed", vecWaterHeightTransformed.y);

            terrainMaterial.SetTexture("_SkyTex", renderTextureSky);           

            setMaterialFogParameters(ref terrainMaterial);

            //terrainMaterial.SetFloat("_BlendFactor", blendFactor);
            terrainMaterial.SetFloat("_BlendStart", blendStart);
            terrainMaterial.SetFloat("_BlendEnd", blendEnd);

            if (isActiveReflectionsMod)
                reflectionSeaTexture = GameObject.Find("ReflectionsMod").GetComponent<ReflectionsMod.UpdateReflectionTextures>().getSeaReflectionRenderTexture();
                if (reflectionSeaTexture != null)
                    terrainMaterial.SetTexture("_SeaReflectionTex", reflectionSeaTexture);
                    terrainMaterial.SetInt("_UseSeaReflectionTex", 1);
                    terrainMaterial.SetInt("_UseSeaReflectionTex", 0);
            terrainMaterial.SetInt("_UseSeaReflectionTex", 0);

            // Promote material
            terrain.materialType = Terrain.MaterialType.Custom;
            terrain.materialTemplate = terrainMaterial;            


            worldTerrainGameObject = terrainGameObject;
        private void CreateTerrain()
            var parent = (GameObject) Instantiate(new GameObject("Terrain"));

             parent.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

             for (int x = 1; x <= tileAmount.x; x++)
            for (int y = 1; y <= tileAmount.y; y++)
               var terrainData = new TerrainData();
               alphabet = (Alphabet) x;
               string name = alphabet + "-" + y;
               terrainData.size = new Vector3(width/16f,

               terrainData.baseMapResolution = baseTextureReolution;
               terrainData.heightmapResolution = heightmapResoltion;
               terrainData.alphamapResolution = controlTextureResolution;
               terrainData.SetDetailResolution(detailResolution, detailResolutionPerPatch);
      = name;
               GameObject terrain = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(terrainData);
      = name;
               terrain.transform.parent = parent.transform;
               terrain.transform.position = new Vector3(lenght*(x - 1), 0, width*(y - 1));
               AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(terrainData, "Assets/" + path + name + ".asset");
Exemple #21
    void CopyTerrainDataFromTo(TerrainData tDataFrom, ref TerrainData tDataTo)
        //TerrainCollider tc = terrainBlock.gameObject.GetComponent<TerrainCollider>();
        //tc.terrainData = terrainBlock.terrainData;

        tDataTo.SetDetailResolution(tDataFrom.detailResolution, 8);
        tDataTo.heightmapResolution = tDataFrom.heightmapResolution;
        tDataTo.alphamapResolution = tDataFrom.alphamapResolution;
        tDataTo.baseMapResolution = tDataFrom.baseMapResolution;
        tDataTo.size = tDataFrom.size;
        tDataTo.splatPrototypes = tDataFrom.splatPrototypes;
        tDataTo.treePrototypes = tDataFrom.treePrototypes;
        tDataTo.treeInstances = tDataFrom.treeInstances;

        float[,] heights = tDataFrom.GetHeights(0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight);

        tDataTo.SetHeights(0,0, heights);
 TerrainData InitializeTerrain(float[,] noise)
     TerrainData t = new TerrainData();
     t.heightmapResolution = terrainSizePOT;
     t.alphamapResolution = textureRes;
     t.SetDetailResolution(textureRes, 16);
     t.baseMapResolution = textureRes;
     t.size = new Vector3(terrainSizePOT, terrainHeight, terrainSizePOT);
     t.splatPrototypes = splatProto;
     return t;
    void Awake()
        splat[0] = Resources.Load("Textures/" + "rock_2048") as Texture2D;
        splat[1] = Resources.Load("Textures/" + "forst_1024") as Texture2D;
        splat[2] = Resources.Load("Textures/" + "snow_512") as Texture2D;
        splat[3] = Resources.Load("Textures/" + "GoodDirt") as Texture2D;

        detailTexture[0] = Resources.Load("Details/SimpleGrass/" + "Grass") as Texture2D;
        detailTexture[1] = Resources.Load("Details/SimpleGrass/" + "WhiteFlowers") as Texture2D;

        trees[0] = Resources.Load("Trees/" + "Tree4Master") as GameObject;
        trees[1] = Resources.Load("Trees/" + "Tree5") as GameObject;
        trees[2] = Resources.Load("Trees/" + "Tree4Master") as GameObject;
        trees[3] = Resources.Load("Trees/" + "Bush1") as GameObject;

        Vector2[] splatTileSize = new Vector2[4] { new Vector2(Tile0, Tile0), new Vector2(Tile1, Tile1), new Vector2(Tile2, Tile2), new Vector2(Tile3, Tile3) };
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfSplatPrototypes; i++)
            m_splatPrototypes[i] = new SplatPrototype();

        for (int i = 0; i < numOfSplatPrototypes; i++)
            m_splatPrototypes[i].texture = splat[i];
            m_splatPrototypes[i].tileOffset =;
            m_splatPrototypes[i].tileSize = splatTileSize[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < numOfDetailPrototypes; i++)
            m_detailProtoTypes[i] = new DetailPrototype();
            m_detailProtoTypes[i].prototypeTexture = detailTexture[i];
            m_detailProtoTypes[i].renderMode = detailMode;
            m_detailProtoTypes[i].healthyColor = m_grassHealthyColor;
            m_detailProtoTypes[i].dryColor = m_grassDryColor;
            m_detailProtoTypes[i].maxHeight = 0.5f;
            m_detailProtoTypes[i].maxWidth = 0.2f;
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfTreePrototypes; i++)
            m_treeProtoTypes[i] = new TreePrototype();
            m_treeProtoTypes[i].prefab = trees[i];
        for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
                TerrainData terrainData = new TerrainData();

                terrainData.wavingGrassStrength = m_wavingGrassStrength;
                terrainData.wavingGrassAmount = m_wavingGrassAmount;
                terrainData.wavingGrassSpeed = m_wavingGrassSpeed;
                terrainData.wavingGrassTint = m_wavingGrassTint;
                terrainData.heightmapResolution = m_heightMapSize;
                terrainData.size = new Vector3(m_landScapeSize, m_terrainHeight, m_landScapeSize);
                terrainData.alphamapResolution = m_alphaMapSize;
                terrainData.splatPrototypes = m_splatPrototypes;
                terrainData.treePrototypes = m_treeProtoTypes;
                terrainData.SetDetailResolution(m_detailMapSize, m_detailResolutionPerPatch);
                terrainData.detailPrototypes = m_detailProtoTypes;

                m_terrainGrid[i, j] = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(terrainData).GetComponent<Terrain>();

        for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
                m_terrainGrid[i, j].gameObject.AddComponent<TerrainScript>();
                m_terrainGrid[i, j].transform.parent = gameObject.transform;

                m_terrainGrid[i, j].transform.position = new Vector3(
                m_terrainGrid[1, 1].transform.position.x + (i - 1) * m_landScapeSize, m_terrainGrid[1, 1].transform.position.y,
                m_terrainGrid[1, 1].transform.position.z + (j - 1) * m_landScapeSize);

                m_terrainGrid[i, j].treeDistance = m_treeDistance;
                m_terrainGrid[i, j].treeBillboardDistance = m_treeBillboardDistance;
                m_terrainGrid[i, j].treeCrossFadeLength = m_treeCrossFadeLength;
                m_terrainGrid[i, j].treeMaximumFullLODCount = m_treeMaximumFullLODCount;

                m_terrainGrid[i, j].detailObjectDensity = m_detailObjectDensity;
                m_terrainGrid[i, j].detailObjectDistance = m_detailObjectDistance;

                m_terrainGrid[i, j].GetComponent<Collider>().enabled = false;
                m_terrainGrid[i, j].basemapDistance = 4000;
                m_terrainGrid[i, j].castShadows = false;

                PatchManager.AddTerrainInfo(curGlobalIndexX + i - 1, curGlobalIndexZ + j - 1, m_terrainGrid[i, j], m_terrainGrid[i, j].transform.position);

        int patchCount = PatchManager.patchQueue.Count;
        for(int i = 0; i < patchCount; i++)


        terrainIsFlushed = true;

        m_terrainGrid[curCyclicIndexX, curCyclicIndexZ].GetComponent<Collider>().enabled = false;
        m_terrainGrid[curCyclicIndexX, curCyclicIndexZ].GetComponent<Collider>().enabled = true;
Exemple #24
    private void createNewTerrains()
        terrain = new List<Terrain>();

        const string containerName = "Generated terrains";
        string cName = containerName;
        int index = 1;
        while (GameObject.Find(cName) != null)
            cName = containerName + " " + index.ToString();

        container = new GameObject(cName);
        container.transform.position = new Vector3(0, minBounds.y - 5, 0);

        float w = maxBounds.x - minBounds.x;
        float h = maxBounds.z - minBounds.z;

        int sW = Mathf.FloorToInt(w / newTerrainCountX);
        int sH = Mathf.FloorToInt(h / newTerrainCountY);
        int sY = Mathf.FloorToInt((maxBounds.y - minBounds.y) * 1.5f);
        float offX = (w - sW * newTerrainCountX) / 2;
        float offY = (h - sH * newTerrainCountY) / 2;

        for (int j = 0; j < newTerrainCountY; j++)
            for (int i = 0; i < newTerrainCountX; i++)
                TerrainData tdata = new TerrainData();
                tdata.SetDetailResolution(detailResolution, resolutionPerPatch);
                tdata.baseMapResolution = baseMapResolution;
                tdata.heightmapResolution = heightmapResolution;
                tdata.size = new Vector3(sW, sY, sH);
                string terrainName = string.Format("Generated Terrain {0}x{1}", i, j);
                string filename = Path.Combine("Assets", terrainName + ".asset");
                index = 1;

                while(File.Exists(filename) && !overwriteExists)
                    filename = Path.Combine("Assets", terrainName + " " + index.ToString() + ".asset");

                AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(tdata, filename);
                GameObject terrainGO = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(tdata);
       = terrainName;
                terrainGO.transform.parent = container.transform;
                terrainGO.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(minBounds.x + i * sW + offX, 0, minBounds.z + j * sH + offY);

        if (terrain.Count > 1)
            for (int i = 0; i < terrain.Count; i++)
                int leftIndex = (i % newTerrainCountX != 0)? i - 1: -1;
                int rightIndex = (i % newTerrainCountX != newTerrainCountX - 1)? i + 1: -1;
                int topIndex = i - newTerrainCountX;
                int bottomIndex = i + newTerrainCountX;
                Terrain left = (newTerrainCountX > 1 && leftIndex != -1)? terrain[leftIndex]: null;
                Terrain right = (newTerrainCountX > 1 && rightIndex != -1)? terrain[rightIndex]: null;
                Terrain top = (newTerrainCountY > 1 && topIndex >= 0)? terrain[topIndex]: null;
                Terrain bottom = (newTerrainCountY > 1 && bottomIndex < terrain.Count)? terrain[bottomIndex]: null;
                terrain[i].SetNeighbors(left, bottom, right, top);
Exemple #25
		public static void newTerrainAutoName(int x, int z, float hMapWidth, float hMapHeight, int hMapRes, int aMapRes, int bMapRes, int dRes, int dResPP){
			TerrainData terrainData = new TerrainData();
			terrainData.heightmapResolution = hMapRes;
			terrainData.alphamapResolution = aMapRes;
			terrainData.baseMapResolution = bMapRes;
			terrainData.SetDetailResolution(dRes,dResPP); = "Terrain"+x+"_"+z;
			Vector3 size;
			size.x = hMapWidth;
			size.y = hMapHeight;
			size.z = hMapWidth;
			Vector3 pos;
			pos.x = hMapWidth * x;
			pos.y = 0.0f;
			pos.z = hMapWidth * z;
	        terrainData.size = size;
			GameObject terrObj = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(terrainData);
			terrObj.transform.position=pos; = "t"+x+"."+z;
			AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(terrainData, "Assets/Terrain"+x+"_"+z+".asset");