public void OnSerializeNetworkView(UnityEngine.BitStream a, UnityEngine.NetworkMessageInfo b) { if (fn != null) { fn.invoke(gameObject, a, b); } }
public static bool Serialize (BitStream stream, bool boolean) // Serialize a bool to a BitStream { int integer = boolean ? 1 : 0; stream.Serialize (ref integer); return integer == 1; }
// assumes a reading stream public void DeSerialize( BitStream stream ) { int x = 0; int y = 0; stream.Serialize( ref x ); stream.Serialize( ref y ); this.x = x; this.y = y; }
void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info) { float ping = 1.0F; if (stream.isWriting) { stream.Serialize(ref ping); } else { transitTime = (Network.time - info.timestamp)*1000; stream.Serialize(ref ping); } }
public static Vector3 Serialize (BitStream stream, Vector3 vector) // Serialize a Vector3 to a BitStream { float x = vector.x, y = vector.y, z = vector.z; stream.Serialize (ref x); stream.Serialize (ref y); stream.Serialize (ref z); return new Vector3 (x, y, z); }
public void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info) { if(stream.isReading) { mRefreshRecSum++; } else { mRefreshSentSum++; } parent.SingleEndpoint_OnSerialize(stream, ConnectedUser); }
public static Quaternion Serialize (BitStream stream, Quaternion quaternion) // Serialize a Quaternion to a BitStream { float x = quaternion.x, y = quaternion.y, z = quaternion.z, w = quaternion.w; stream.Serialize (ref x); stream.Serialize (ref y); stream.Serialize (ref z); stream.Serialize (ref w); return new Quaternion (x, y, z, w); }
void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info) { int count = packets.Count; if (stream.isWriting) { stream.Serialize(ref count); while (packets.Count > 0) { VoiceChatPacket packet = packets.Dequeue(); stream.WritePacket(packet); // If this packet is the same size as the sample size, we can return it if (packet.Data.Length == VoiceChatSettings.Instance.SampleSize) { VoiceChatBytePool.Instance.Return(packet.Data); } } } else { if (Network.isServer) { stream.Serialize(ref count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { packets.Enqueue(stream.ReadPacket()); if (Network.connections.Length < 2) { packets.Dequeue(); } } } else { stream.Serialize(ref count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var packet = stream.ReadPacket(); if (player != null) { player.OnNewSample(packet); } } } } }
public override void SerializeNetwork(UnityEngine.BitStream stream) { float _attackingTimer = attackingTimer; if (stream.isWriting) { stream.Serialize(ref _attackingTimer); } else { stream.Serialize(ref _attackingTimer); attackingTimer = _attackingTimer; } }
public override void SerializeNetwork(UnityEngine.BitStream stream) { float _stunTime = StunTime; if (stream.isWriting) { stream.Serialize(ref _stunTime); } else { stream.Serialize(ref _stunTime); StunTime = _stunTime; } }
protected void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo msg) { var time = 0; //mID = (int) ID; if (stream.isWriting) { stream.Serialize(ref DoubleMissileTime); //stream.Serialize(ref mID); } else { stream.Serialize(ref time); DoubleMissileTime = time; //stream.Serialize(ref mID); //ID = (PlayerIndex) mID; } }
private void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info) { // Serialize the position and color if (stream.isWriting) { Color color = _renderer.material.color; stream.Serialize(ref color.r); stream.Serialize(ref color.g); stream.Serialize(ref color.b); stream.Serialize(ref color.a); } else { Color color = Color.white; stream.Serialize(ref color.r); stream.Serialize(ref color.g); stream.Serialize(ref color.b); stream.Serialize(ref color.a); _renderer.material.color = color; } _transformInterpolation.OnSerializeNetworkView(stream, info, _transform.position, _transform.rotation); }
public void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) { // Always send transform (depending on reliability of the network view) if (stream.isWriting) { // When receiving, buffer the information stream.Serialize(ref position); stream.Serialize(ref rotation); } else { // Receive latest state information position =; rotation = Quaternion.identity; stream.Serialize(ref position); stream.Serialize(ref rotation); // Shift buffer contents, oldest data erased, 18 becomes 19, ... , 0 becomes 1 for (int i = _bufferedStates.Length - 1; i >= 1; i--) { _bufferedStates[i] = _bufferedStates[i - 1]; } // Save currect received state as 0 in the buffer, safe to overwrite after shifting State state; state.Timestamp = info.timestamp; state.Position = position; state.Rotation = rotation; _bufferedStates[0] = state; // Increment state count but never exceed buffer size _timestampCount = Mathf.Min(_timestampCount + 1, _bufferedStates.Length); // Check integrity, lowest numbered state in the buffer is newest and so on for (int i = 0; i < _timestampCount - 1; i++) { if (_bufferedStates[i].Timestamp < _bufferedStates[i + 1].Timestamp) Debug.Log("State inconsistent"); } _isReceivedFirstInfo = true; // Debug.Log("stamp: " + info.Timestamp + "my time: " + Network.time + "delta: " + (Network.time - info.Timestamp)); } }
public void FireOnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info) { if (OnSerializeNetworkView != null) { OnSerializeNetworkView(UnityObject, stream, info); } }
public void SingleEndpoint_OnSerialize(BitStream stream, NetworkPlayer senderOrReceiver) { //doesnt work. server sends messages automatically to all others if (stream.isReading) { char countin = (char)0; stream.Serialize(ref countin); int count = (int)countin; //Debug.Log(count + " packages sent"); for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) { int length = 0; short lengthin = 0; stream.Serialize(ref lengthin); length = ((int)(ushort)lengthin); //just making sure it converts the - values back into high positive values ByteArrayBuffer msg = ByteArrayBuffer.Get(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = 'v'; stream.Serialize(ref c); msg.array[i] = (byte)c; msg.positionWrite++; } NetworkEvent ev = new NetworkEvent(NetEventType.UnreliableMessageReceived, NetworkPlayerToConnectionId(senderOrReceiver), msg); mEvents.Enqueue(ev); } } else { Queue<ByteArrayBuffer> userOut; ConnectionId userid; userid = NetworkPlayerToConnectionId(senderOrReceiver); // NetworkPlayerToInt(senderOrReceiver); bool found = mOutgoingUnreliableMessages.TryGetValue(userid, out userOut); if (found && userOut.Count > 0) { char count = (char)0; if (userOut.Count > 255) { Debug.LogWarning("Too many messages at once"); count = (char)255; }else { count = (char)userOut.Count; } stream.Serialize(ref count); for(int i = 0; userOut.Count > 0 && i < 256; i++) { ByteArrayBuffer msg = userOut.Dequeue(); short length = (short)msg.positionWrite; stream.Serialize(ref length); for (int k = 0; k < length; k++) { char c = (char)msg.array[k]; stream.Serialize(ref c); } msg.Dispose(); } //Debug.Log(count + " messages sent to " + userid); } } }
public void OnSerializeNetworkView(UnityEngine.BitStream a, UnityEngine.NetworkMessageInfo b) { RunFunctions(a, b); }
void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info) { InvokeInManagers ("OnSerializeNetworkView", stream, info); }
private void Serializev(ref Vector3 value, float maximumDelta) { BitStream.INTERNAL_CALL_Serializev(this, ref value, maximumDelta); }
private static extern void INTERNAL_CALL_Serializeq(BitStream self, ref Quaternion value, float maximumDelta);
public void SyncInput(ref BitStream stream) { if (stream.isWriting) { //Debug.Log (string.Format("[WRITING] player: {0} sender: {1} time: {2}", owner, mnInfo.sender, mnInfo.timestamp)); if (m_player.IsMine()) { float horMoveVal = m_horMov; float verMoveVal = m_verMov; bool lookingRight = m_lookingDirection.x > 0; stream.Serialize(ref horMoveVal); stream.Serialize(ref verMoveVal); stream.Serialize(ref lookingRight); } } else if (stream.isReading) { //Debug.Log(string.Format("[READING] player: {0} sender: {1} time: {2}", owner, mnInfo.sender, mnInfo.timestamp)); float horMoveVal = 0; float verMoveVal = 0; bool lookingRight = true; stream.Serialize(ref horMoveVal); stream.Serialize(ref verMoveVal); stream.Serialize(ref lookingRight); m_horMov = horMoveVal; m_verMov = verMoveVal; m_lookingRight = lookingRight; } }
private void Serializen(ref NetworkViewID viewID) { BitStream.INTERNAL_CALL_Serializen(this, ref viewID); }
/// <summary>Used to customize synchronization of variables in a script watched by a network view.</summary> public override void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info) { if (onSerializeNetworkView != null) onSerializeNetworkView.OnNext(Tuple.Create(stream, info)); }
public override void SerializeNetwork(UnityEngine.BitStream stream) { stateMachine.SerializeNetwork(stream); }
public void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info) { var vessel = GetComponent<Vessel>(); if (stream.isWriting) { var eccentricity = (float)vessel.orbit.eccentricity; var semiMajorAxis = (float)vessel.orbit.semiMajorAxis; var inclination = (float)vessel.orbit.inclination; var lan = (float)vessel.orbit.LAN; var argumentOfPeriapsis = (float)vessel.orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis; var meanAnomalyAtEpoch = (float)vessel.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch; var epoch = (float)vessel.orbit.epoch; var bodyId = FlightGlobals.Bodies.IndexOf(vessel.orbit.referenceBody); stream.Serialize(ref eccentricity, float.Epsilon); stream.Serialize(ref semiMajorAxis, float.Epsilon); stream.Serialize(ref inclination, float.Epsilon); stream.Serialize(ref lan, float.Epsilon); stream.Serialize(ref argumentOfPeriapsis, float.Epsilon); stream.Serialize(ref meanAnomalyAtEpoch, float.Epsilon); stream.Serialize(ref epoch, float.Epsilon); stream.Serialize(ref bodyId); } else { float eccentricity = 0f, semiMajorAxis = 0f, inclination = 0f, lan = 0f, argumentOfPeriapsis = 0f; var meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0f; var epoch = 0f; var bodyId = 0; stream.Serialize(ref eccentricity, float.Epsilon); stream.Serialize(ref semiMajorAxis, float.Epsilon); stream.Serialize(ref inclination, float.Epsilon); stream.Serialize(ref lan, float.Epsilon); stream.Serialize(ref argumentOfPeriapsis, float.Epsilon); stream.Serialize(ref meanAnomalyAtEpoch, float.Epsilon); stream.Serialize(ref epoch, float.Epsilon); stream.Serialize(ref bodyId); var newOrbit = new Orbit(inclination, eccentricity, semiMajorAxis, lan, argumentOfPeriapsis, meanAnomalyAtEpoch, epoch, FlightGlobals.Bodies[bodyId]); newOrbit.UpdateFromUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()); if (vessel.packed) { if (vessel.Landed) vessel.Landed = false; if (vessel.Splashed) vessel.Splashed = false; vessel.orbit.UpdateFromOrbitAtUT(newOrbit, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime(), newOrbit.referenceBody); } else { vessel.SetPosition(newOrbit.pos); vessel.SetWorldVelocity(newOrbit.vel); } } }
void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info) { LogTime("OnSerializeNetworkView"); CallScriptMethod("OnSerializeNetworkView"); }
private static extern void INTERNAL_CALL_Serializen(BitStream self, ref NetworkViewID viewID);
public override void SerializeNetwork(UnityEngine.BitStream stream) { }
/// <summary>Used to customize synchronization of variables in a script watched by a network view.</summary> public virtual void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info) { }
// assumes a writing stream public void Serialize( BitStream stream ) { location.Serialize( stream ); offset.Serialize( stream ); }
private static extern void INTERNAL_CALL_Serializev(BitStream self, ref Vector3 value, float maximumDelta);
public virtual void OnSerializeNetworkView (BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo messageInfo) { targetPosition = Utility.Serialize (stream, targetPosition); targetRotation = Utility.Serialize (stream, targetRotation); targetVelocity = Utility.Serialize (stream, targetVelocity); stream.Serialize (ref drag); if (!stream.isWriting) { if (firstSync) // On first sync of remote players, set position and rotation directly { firstSync = false; transform.position = targetPosition; transform.rotation = targetRotation; } else { PredictPosition ((float)(Network.time - messageInfo.timestamp)); // If we're reading back movement from another client, apply the predicted movement since message send to the target position } } }
protected virtual void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info) { MethodParamList paramTypeList = CLRSharpManager.instance.getParamTypeList(typeof(BitStream), typeof(NetworkMessageInfo)); object[] paramList = new object[] { stream, info }; doFun(GMBEventMethod.OnSerializeNetworkView, paramTypeList, paramList); }
// assumes a writing stream public void Serialize( BitStream stream ) { int x = this.x; int y = this.y; stream.Serialize( ref x ); stream.Serialize( ref y ); }
private void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info) { Vector3 position = transform.position; Quaternion rotation = transform.rotation; Vector3 scale = transform.localScale; stream.Serialize (ref position); stream.Serialize (ref rotation); stream.Serialize (ref scale); if (stream.isReading) { transform.position = position; transform.rotation = rotation; _targetRotation = rotation; transform.localScale = scale; } _animationControl.OnSerializeNetworkView (stream, info); }
private void Serializeq(ref Quaternion value, float maximumDelta) { BitStream.INTERNAL_CALL_Serializeq(this, ref value, maximumDelta); }