public IEnumerator SelectItem()
            var mst = new MultiSelectTests();

            yield return(mst.CheckDefaults());

            yield return(mst.Show());

            Assert.IsNotNull(mst.Option1, "Expected to find Option1");
            Assert.IsNotNull(mst.Toggle1, "Expected to find toggle component");
                          string.Format("Expected toggle1 {0} to be on but it was {1}",
                              , mst.Toggle1.isOn));

            Assert.IsNotNull(mst.Option2, "Expected to find Option2");
            Assert.IsNotNull(mst.Toggle2, "Expected to find toggle component");
            Assert.IsFalse(mst.Toggle2.isOn, "Expected toggle2 to be off");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, mst.Dropdown.value);
            Assert.IsTrue(1 == mst.Dropdown.SelectedCount);
            Assert.IsTrue(mst.Dropdown.options[0].selected, "Expected options[0].selected to be true");
            Assert.IsFalse(mst.Dropdown.options[1].selected, "Expected options[1].selected to be false");
            Assert.IsFalse(mst.Dropdown.options[2].selected, "Expected options[2].selected to be false");

            Assert.IsNotNull(mst.Option3, "Expected to find Option3");
            Assert.IsNotNull(mst.Toggle3, "Expected to find toggle component");
            Assert.IsFalse(mst.Toggle3.isOn, "Expected toggle3 to be off");

            // Click option 3 to turn it on, turning option 1 off
            yield return(mst.ClickOption(mst.Option3));

            yield return(mst.Show());

            Assert.AreEqual(2, mst.Dropdown.value);
            Assert.IsTrue(1 == mst.Dropdown.SelectedCount);
            Assert.IsFalse(mst.Dropdown.options[0].selected, "Expected options[0].selected to be false");
            Assert.IsFalse(mst.Dropdown.options[1].selected, "Expected options[1].selected to be false");
            Assert.IsTrue(mst.Dropdown.options[2].selected, "Expected options[2].selected to be true");

            yield return(mst.Show());

            // Click option 2 to turn it on, turning option 3 off
            yield return(mst.ClickOption(mst.Option2));

            yield return(mst.Show());

            Assert.AreEqual(1, mst.Dropdown.value);
            Assert.IsTrue(1 == mst.Dropdown.SelectedCount);
            Assert.IsFalse(mst.Dropdown.options[0].selected, "Expected options[0].selected to be false");
            Assert.IsTrue(mst.Dropdown.options[1].selected, "Expected options[1].selected to be true");
            Assert.IsFalse(mst.Dropdown.options[2].selected, "Expected options[2].selected to be false");
        public IEnumerator Events()
            var mst = new MultiSelectTests();

            yield return(mst.CheckDefaults());

            // Set up the event handlers
            var deselected = uint.MaxValue;

            mst.Dropdown.onItemDeselected.AddListener((i) =>
                deselected = i;

            var selected = uint.MaxValue;

            mst.Dropdown.onItemSelected.AddListener((i) =>
                selected = i;

            var oldValue = mst.Dropdown.value;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, oldValue, "Expected old value to be 0");
            Assert.IsTrue(mst.Dropdown.SelectedCount == 1, "Expected one item to be selected");

            var newValue = uint.MaxValue;

            mst.Dropdown.onValueChanged.AddListener((i) =>
                newValue = i;

            yield return(mst.Show());

            yield return(mst.ClickOption(mst.Option2));

            yield return(mst.Show());

            Assert.AreEqual(1, mst.Dropdown.value, "Expected value to be 1");
            Assert.IsFalse(mst.Toggle1.isOn, "Expected toggle 1 to be off");
            Assert.IsTrue(mst.Toggle2.isOn, "Expected toggle 2 to be on");
            Assert.IsFalse(mst.Toggle3.isOn, "Expected toggle 3 to be off");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, deselected, "Expected onItemDeselected to be called with index 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, selected, "Expected onItemSelected to be called with index 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, newValue, "Expected onValueChanged to be called with value 1");