Exemple #1
        public override void Prepare(BuildTarget target,
                                     Model.NodeData node,
                                     IEnumerable <PerformGraph.AssetGroups> incoming,
                                     IEnumerable <Model.ConnectionData> connectionsToOutput,
                                     PerformGraph.Output Output)
            ValidatePrefabBuilder(node, target, incoming,
                                  () => {
                throw new NodeException(node.Name + ":Output directory not found.", node);
                                  () => {
                throw new NodeException(node.Name + " :PrefabBuilder is not configured. Please configure from Inspector.", node);
                                  () => {
                throw new NodeException(node.Name + " :Failed to create PrefabBuilder from settings. Please fix settings from Inspector.", node);
                                  (string groupKey) => {
                throw new NodeException(string.Format("{0} :Can not create prefab with incoming assets for group {1}.", node.Name, groupKey), node);
                                  (AssetReference badAsset) => {
                throw new NodeException(string.Format("{0} :Can not import incoming asset {1}.", node.Name, badAsset.fileNameAndExtension), node);

            if (incoming == null)

            var prefabOutputDir = PrepareOutputDirectory(target, node);

            var builder = m_instance.Get <IPrefabBuilder>(target);


            Dictionary <string, List <AssetReference> > output = null;

            if (Output != null)
                output = new Dictionary <string, List <AssetReference> >();

            var aggregatedGroups = new Dictionary <string, List <AssetReference> >();

            foreach (var ag in incoming)
                foreach (var key in ag.assetGroups.Keys)
                    if (!aggregatedGroups.ContainsKey(key))
                        aggregatedGroups[key] = new List <AssetReference>();

            foreach (var key in aggregatedGroups.Keys)
                var assets   = aggregatedGroups[key];
                var thresold = PrefabBuilderUtility.GetPrefabBuilderAssetThreshold(m_instance.ClassName);
                if (thresold < assets.Count)
                    var guiName = PrefabBuilderUtility.GetPrefabBuilderGUIName(m_instance.ClassName);
                    throw new NodeException(string.Format("{0} :Too many assets passed to {1} for group:{2}. {3}'s threshold is set to {4}",
                                                          node.Name, guiName, key, guiName, thresold), node);

                GameObject previousPrefab = null; //TODO

                List <UnityEngine.Object> allAssets = LoadAllAssets(assets);
                var prefabFileName = builder.CanCreatePrefab(key, allAssets, previousPrefab);
                if (output != null && prefabFileName != null)
                    output[key] = new List <AssetReference> ()
                        AssetReferenceDatabase.GetPrefabReference(FileUtility.PathCombine(prefabOutputDir, prefabFileName + ".prefab"))

            if (Output != null)
                var dst = (connectionsToOutput == null || !connectionsToOutput.Any())?
                          null : connectionsToOutput.First();
                Output(dst, output);
Exemple #2
        public override void Prepare(BuildTarget target,
                                     Model.NodeData node,
                                     IEnumerable <PerformGraph.AssetGroups> incoming,
                                     IEnumerable <Model.ConnectionData> connectionsToOutput,
                                     PerformGraph.Output Output)
            ValidatePrefabBuilder(node, target, incoming,
                                  () => throw new NodeException("Output directory not found.", "Create output directory or set a valid directory path.", node),
                                  () => throw new NodeException("PrefabBuilder is not configured.", "Configure PrefabBuilder from inspector.", node),
                                  () => throw new NodeException("Failed to create PrefabBuilder from settings.", "Fix settings from inspector.", node),
                                  (string groupKey) => throw new NodeException(
                                      $"Can not create prefab with incoming assets for group {groupKey}.", "Fix group input assets for selected PrefabBuilder.", node),
                                  (AssetReference badAsset) => throw new NodeException(
                                      $"Can not import incoming asset {badAsset.fileNameAndExtension}.", "", node));

            if (incoming == null)

            var prefabOutputDir = PrepareOutputDirectory(target, node);

            var builder = m_instance.Get <IPrefabBuilder>(target);


            Dictionary <string, List <AssetReference> > output = null;

            if (Output != null)
                output = new Dictionary <string, List <AssetReference> >();

            var aggregatedGroups = new Dictionary <string, List <AssetReference> >();

            foreach (var ag in incoming)
                foreach (var key in ag.assetGroups.Keys)
                    if (!aggregatedGroups.ContainsKey(key))
                        aggregatedGroups[key] = new List <AssetReference>();

            foreach (var key in aggregatedGroups.Keys)
                var assets    = aggregatedGroups[key];
                var threshold = PrefabBuilderUtility.GetPrefabBuilderAssetThreshold(m_instance.ClassName);
                if (threshold < assets.Count)
                    var guiName = PrefabBuilderUtility.GetPrefabBuilderGUIName(m_instance.ClassName);
                    throw new NodeException(
                              string.Format("Too many assets passed to {0} for group:{1}. {2}'s threshold is set to {4}", guiName, key, guiName, threshold),
                              string.Format("Limit number of assets in a group to {4}", threshold), node);

                List <UnityEngine.Object> allAssets = LoadAllAssets(assets);
                bool canCreatePrefab;

                if (m_createDescription == null)
                    m_createDescription = new PrefabCreateDescription();

                    canCreatePrefab = builder.CanCreatePrefab(key, allAssets, ref m_createDescription);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new NodeException(e.Message, "See reason for detail.", node);

                if (output != null && canCreatePrefab)
                    output[key] = new List <AssetReference> ()
                        AssetReferenceDatabase.GetPrefabReference(FileUtility.PathCombine(prefabOutputDir, m_createDescription.prefabName + ".prefab"))

            if (Output != null)
                var dst = (connectionsToOutput == null || !connectionsToOutput.Any())?
                          null : connectionsToOutput.First();
                Output(dst, output);