private static void AddKey(AnimationWindowState state, EditorCurveBinding binding, System.Type type, PropertyModification modification)
     GameObject activeRootGameObject = state.activeRootGameObject;
     AnimationClip activeAnimationClip = state.activeAnimationClip;
     AnimationWindowCurve curve = new AnimationWindowCurve(activeAnimationClip, binding, type);
     object currentValue = CurveBindingUtility.GetCurrentValue(activeRootGameObject, binding);
     if (curve.length == 0)
         object outObject = null;
         if (!ValueFromPropertyModification(modification, binding, out outObject))
             outObject = currentValue;
         if (state.frame != 0)
             AnimationWindowUtility.AddKeyframeToCurve(curve, outObject, type, AnimationKeyTime.Frame(0, activeAnimationClip.frameRate));
     AnimationWindowUtility.AddKeyframeToCurve(curve, currentValue, type, AnimationKeyTime.Frame(state.frame, activeAnimationClip.frameRate));
		private static bool ValueFromPropertyModification(PropertyModification modification, EditorCurveBinding binding, out object outObject)
			if (modification == null)
				outObject = null;
				return false;
			if (binding.isPPtrCurve)
				outObject = modification.objectReference;
				return true;
			float num;
			if (float.TryParse(modification.value, out num))
				outObject = num;
				return true;
			outObject = null;
			return false;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to extract the name of serialized key for the given property modification.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The object that that modification is applied to.</param>
        /// <param name="mod">The modification.</param>
        /// <param name="keyName">An output parameter containing the name of the key that the
        /// modification maps to.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the key was found, false otherwise.</returns>
        private static bool TryExtractPropertyName(ISerializedObject obj, PropertyModification mod,
            out string keyName) {

            // We want to extract 2 from[2]
            // We could probably use a regular expression, but this is fine for now
            if (mod.propertyPath.StartsWith("[")) {
                string front = mod.propertyPath.Remove(0, "".Length + 1);
                string num = front.Substring(0, front.Length - 1);

                int index;
                if (int.TryParse(num, out index) &&
                    index >= 0 && index < obj.SerializedStateKeys.Count) {

                    keyName = obj.SerializedStateKeys[index];
                    return true;

            keyName = string.Empty;
            return false;
Exemple #4
 extern public static bool IsDefaultOverride(PropertyModification modification);
 extern private static Type Internal_PropertyModificationToEditorCurveBinding(PropertyModification modification, [NotNull] GameObject gameObject, out EditorCurveBinding binding);
 internal static void AddCandidate(EditorCurveBinding binding, PropertyModification modification, bool keepPrefabOverride)
     AnimationMode.AddCandidate_Injected(ref binding, modification, keepPrefabOverride);
Exemple #7
 public static extern Type PropertyModificationToEditorCurveBinding(PropertyModification modification, GameObject gameObject, out EditorCurveBinding binding);
Exemple #8
 public static extern void SetPropertyModifications(UnityEngine.Object targetPrefab, PropertyModification[] modifications);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time">Time.</param>
        /// <param name="rootGameObject">Root game object.</param>
        /// <param name="activeAnimationClip">Active animation clip.</param>
        /// <param name="binding">Binding.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Type.</param>
        /// <param name="modification">Modification.</param>
        private static void AddKey(float time, GameObject rootGameObject, AnimationClip activeAnimationClip, EditorCurveBinding binding, Type type, PropertyModification modification)
            object currentValue = GetCurrentValue (rootGameObject, binding);

                        //Debug.Log (rootGameObject.transform.position + " " + binding.propertyName+"="+currentValue);
                        object value = null;

                        ObjectReferenceKeyframe[] keyframesCurveReferenced;
                        bool isCurveReferenced = binding.isPPtrCurve;
                        AnimationCurve curve;
                        int frameCurrent = (int)(time * activeAnimationClip.frameRate);

                        if (isCurveReferenced) {
                                keyframesCurveReferenced = AnimationUtility.GetObjectReferenceCurve (activeAnimationClip, binding);

                                if (keyframesCurveReferenced.Length == 0 && frameCurrent != 0) {
                                        if (!ValueFromPropertyModification (modification, binding, out value)) {
                                                value = currentValue;

                                        AddKeyframeToObjectReferenceCurve (keyframesCurveReferenced, activeAnimationClip, binding, value, type, 0);


                                AddKeyframeToObjectReferenceCurve (keyframesCurveReferenced, activeAnimationClip, binding, currentValue, type, time);

                        } else {
                                curve = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve (activeAnimationClip, binding);

                                if (curve == null)
                                        curve = new AnimationCurve ();

                                if (curve.length == 0 && frameCurrent != 0) {
                                        if (!ValueFromPropertyModification (modification, binding, out value)) {
                                                value = currentValue;

                                        AddKeyframeToCurve (curve, activeAnimationClip, binding, (float)value, type, 0);

                                AddKeyframeToCurve (curve, activeAnimationClip, binding, (float)currentValue, type, time);

 public static extern System.Type PropertyModificationToEditorCurveBinding(PropertyModification modification, GameObject gameObject, out EditorCurveBinding binding);
 private static void AddKey(AnimationWindowState state, EditorCurveBinding binding, System.Type type, PropertyModification modification)
   GameObject activeRootGameObject = state.activeRootGameObject;
   AnimationClip activeAnimationClip = state.activeAnimationClip;
   if ((activeAnimationClip.hideFlags & HideFlags.NotEditable) != HideFlags.None)
   AnimationWindowCurve curve = new AnimationWindowCurve(activeAnimationClip, binding, type);
   object currentValue = CurveBindingUtility.GetCurrentValue(activeRootGameObject, binding);
   if (curve.length == 0)
     object outObject = (object) null;
     if (!AnimationRecording.ValueFromPropertyModification(modification, binding, out outObject))
       outObject = currentValue;
     if (state.frame != 0)
       AnimationWindowUtility.AddKeyframeToCurve(curve, outObject, type, AnimationKeyTime.Frame(0, activeAnimationClip.frameRate));
   AnimationWindowUtility.AddKeyframeToCurve(curve, currentValue, type, AnimationKeyTime.Frame(state.frame, activeAnimationClip.frameRate));
 private static extern void INTERNAL_CALL_AddPropertyModification(ref EditorCurveBinding binding, PropertyModification modification, bool keepPrefabOverride);
 public static void AddPropertyModification(EditorCurveBinding binding, PropertyModification modification, bool keepPrefabOverride)
     AnimationMode.AddPropertyModification_Injected(ref binding, modification, keepPrefabOverride);
 public static void AddPropertyModification(EditorCurveBinding binding, PropertyModification modification, bool keepPrefabOverride)
     INTERNAL_CALL_AddPropertyModification(ref binding, modification, keepPrefabOverride);
 static bool ComparePropertyModifications(PropertyModification a, PropertyModification b)
     return a.objectReference == b.objectReference && a.propertyPath == b.propertyPath && == && a.value == b.value;
    public static void ApplySpecificChanges (GameObject obj, PropertyModification[] changes)

    public static void RevertSpecificChanges(Object obj, PropertyModification[] changes)
        var root = PrefabUtility.FindPrefabRoot(GetGameObject(obj));
        var modsArray = PrefabUtility.GetPropertyModifications(root);
        var mods = new List<PropertyModification>(modsArray != null ? modsArray:new PropertyModification[0]);

        if(obj == root.transform)
            var prefabTForm = (Transform)PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(root.transform);
            var baseMods = new PropertyModification[]
            { new PropertyModification() { propertyPath = "m_LocalPosition.x", target = prefabTForm, value=prefabTForm.localPosition.x.ToString() },
              new PropertyModification() { propertyPath = "m_LocalPosition.y", target = prefabTForm, value=prefabTForm.localPosition.y.ToString() },
              new PropertyModification() { propertyPath = "m_LocalPosition.z", target = prefabTForm, value=prefabTForm.localPosition.z.ToString() },
              new PropertyModification() { propertyPath = "m_LocalRotation.x", target = prefabTForm, value=prefabTForm.localRotation.x.ToString() },
              new PropertyModification() { propertyPath = "m_LocalRotation.y", target = prefabTForm, value=prefabTForm.localRotation.y.ToString() },
              new PropertyModification() { propertyPath = "m_LocalRotation.z", target = prefabTForm, value=prefabTForm.localRotation.z.ToString() },
              new PropertyModification() { propertyPath = "m_LocalRotation.w", target = prefabTForm, value=prefabTForm.localRotation.w.ToString() },
              new PropertyModification() { propertyPath = "m_LocalScale.x", target = prefabTForm, value=prefabTForm.localScale.x.ToString() },
              new PropertyModification() { propertyPath = "m_LocalScale.y", target = prefabTForm, value=prefabTForm.localScale.y.ToString() },
              new PropertyModification() { propertyPath = "m_LocalScale.z", target = prefabTForm, value=prefabTForm.localScale.z.ToString() } };
            mods = new List<PropertyModification>(baseMods);
            foreach(var i in changes)
                mods.RemoveAll((a) => ComparePropertyModifications(i,a));

        var newChanges = mods.ToArray();
        PrefabUtility.SetPropertyModifications(obj, newChanges);
    public static void AddInstanceComponentToPrefab(Component obj)
        var gameObject = PrefabUtility.FindPrefabRoot(GetGameObject(obj));
        var prefab = (GameObject)PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(gameObject);

        foreach(var i in GetRequiredComponents(obj))
            if(i && PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(i) == null && prefab.GetComponent(i.GetType()) == null)

        // add the prefab to the target
        var prefabComp = prefab.AddComponent(obj.GetType());
            var mods = new List<PropertyModification>(PrefabUtility.GetPropertyModifications(gameObject));

            // copy data
            EditorUtility.CopySerialized(obj, prefabComp);

            // fix up any references to their prefabs
            SerializedObject so = new SerializedObject(obj);
            SerializedObject prefabCompSo = new SerializedObject(prefabComp);
            var i = so.GetIterator();
                if(i.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference)
                    if(i.propertyPath == "m_PrefabParentObject"
                        || i.propertyPath == "m_PrefabInternal"
                        || i.propertyPath == "m_GameObject"
                        || i.propertyPath == "m_Script")

                    var prefabRef = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(i.objectReferenceValue);
                    var prefabRefRoot = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(PrefabUtility.FindPrefabRoot(PrefabUtilityEx.GetGameObject(i.objectReferenceValue)));
                    var prefabType = i.objectReferenceValue!= null ? PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(i.objectReferenceValue):PrefabType.None;

                    if(prefabType != PrefabType.Prefab && prefabType != PrefabType.ModelPrefab)
                        // link to an object in the scene.
                        // we must add a modification for this.
                        if(i.objectReferenceValue != null && (prefabRef == null || prefab != prefabRefRoot))
                            var propertyMod = new PropertyModification();
                            propertyMod.objectReference = i.objectReferenceValue;
                   = prefabComp;
                            propertyMod.propertyPath = i.propertyPath;

                            prefabCompSo.FindProperty(i.propertyPath).objectReferenceValue = null;
                            prefabCompSo.FindProperty(i.propertyPath).objectReferenceValue = prefabRef;

            so = null;

            // save
            // remove the applied value from our instance.

            // add property mods
            var components = gameObject.GetComponents(prefabComp.GetType());
            Component newComponent = System.Array.Find(components, ((arg) => PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(arg)==prefabComp));
            PrefabUtility.SetPropertyModifications(newComponent, mods.ToArray());
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "Can't apply this component to the prefab as it cannot own more than one prefab of this type", "Ok");
 private static extern void AddPropertyModification_Injected(ref EditorCurveBinding binding, PropertyModification modification, bool keepPrefabOverride);
		public static extern void AddPropertyModification(EditorCurveBinding binding, PropertyModification modification, bool keepPrefabOverride);
		private static void AddKey(AnimationWindowState state, EditorCurveBinding binding, Type type, PropertyModification modification)
			GameObject rootGameObject = state.m_RootGameObject;
			AnimationClip activeAnimationClip = state.m_ActiveAnimationClip;
			AnimationWindowCurve animationWindowCurve = new AnimationWindowCurve(activeAnimationClip, binding, type);
			object currentValue = AnimationWindowUtility.GetCurrentValue(rootGameObject, binding);
			object value = null;
			if (animationWindowCurve.length == 0 && state.m_Frame != 0)
				if (!AnimationRecording.ValueFromPropertyModification(modification, binding, out value))
					value = currentValue;
				AnimationWindowUtility.AddKeyframeToCurve(animationWindowCurve, value, type, AnimationKeyTime.Frame(0, activeAnimationClip.frameRate));
			AnimationWindowUtility.AddKeyframeToCurve(animationWindowCurve, currentValue, type, AnimationKeyTime.Frame(state.m_Frame, activeAnimationClip.frameRate));
        internal static void SaveCrossSceneReference( this SceneData instance, SerializedProperty property )
            Object objRef = property.objectReferenceValue;
            if ( !objRef )
                throw new UnassignedReferenceException( "Cannot save a null cross-scene reference" );

            if ( !(objRef is Component || objRef is GameObject) )
                throw new UnityException( "You are only able to reference Components or GameObjects across scenes, not " + objRef.GetType() );

            // Book keeping on the FROM side.
            Object fromObj = property.serializedObject.targetObject;
            SubScene fromSubScene = SubSceneEx.GetSubScene( fromObj );
            SceneData fromSceneData = SceneDataEx.GetSceneData( fromSubScene );
            string fromHash = fromSceneData.FindOrCreateHashCode( fromObj );

            if ( fromObj is SceneData )

            // Book keeping on the TO side.
            SubScene toSubScene = SubSceneEx.GetSubScene( objRef );
            bool bIsDestinationUnlocked = !toSubScene || !toSubScene.IsLocked();
            var toSceneData = SceneDataEx.GetSceneData( toSubScene, bIsDestinationUnlocked );

            string toCompHash = null;
            if ( bIsDestinationUnlocked )
                toCompHash = toSceneData.FindOrCreateHashCode( objRef );
            else if ( toSceneData )
                toCompHash = toSceneData.FindHashCodeForObject( objRef );

            SceneData.CrossSceneReference entry = new SceneData.CrossSceneReference()
                fromSubScene = fromSubScene,
                fromObjectHash = fromHash,
                fromPropertyPath = property.propertyPath,
                toSubScene = toSubScene,
                toObjectHash = toCompHash

            if ( !toSceneData )
                throw new UnityException( string.Format("Cannot save cross-scene reference {0}. The SubScene '{1}' needs to be unlocked in order to record its referenced objects", entry, toSubScene) );
            else if ( fromSubScene && fromSubScene.GetRuntimeLoadSettings() != SubScene.RuntimeLoadSettings.BakeIntoScene )
                throw new UnityException( string.Format("Cannot save cross-scene reference {0}. The Source SubScene is not set to BakeIntoScene.  See the documentation on 'Cross-Scene References'", entry) );
            else if ( toSubScene && toSubScene.GetRuntimeLoadSettings() != SubScene.RuntimeLoadSettings.BakeIntoScene )
                throw new UnityException( string.Format("Cannot save cross-scene reference {0}. The Destination SubScene is not set to BakeIntoScene.  See the documentation on 'Cross-Scene References'", entry) );

            instance.AddOrUpdateCrossSceneReference( entry );
            EditorUtility.SetDirty( instance );

            // Now reference the newly created component instead...
            Object placeHolder = GetPlaceholder( fromSubScene, objRef, toCompHash );

            // Deal with Prefab issues in Unity 5.x by specifying this is definitely an override
            if ( property.isInstantiatedPrefab )
                var targetObject = property.serializedObject.targetObject;
                var prefabParent = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(targetObject);
                var propMod = new PropertyModification() { objectReference = placeHolder, propertyPath = property.propertyPath, target = prefabParent };
                // Create at least this change...
                var newMods = new List<PropertyModification>();
                newMods.Add( propMod );

                // Get the existing ones
                var existingMods = PrefabUtility.GetPropertyModifications(targetObject);
                if ( existingMods != null )
                    newMods.AddRange( existingMods );

                // Now change all of the existing ones to match ours...
                foreach( var mod in newMods )
                    if ( mod.propertyPath.Equals(propMod.propertyPath) )
                        mod.objectReference = propMod.objectReference;

                // Tell the prefab this is an override
                PrefabUtility.SetPropertyModifications( targetObject, newMods.ToArray() );

            property.objectReferenceValue = placeHolder;
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Marks a property as currently being animated.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="binding">Description of the animation clip curve being modified.</param>
 /// <param name="modification">Object property being modified.</param>
 /// <param name="keepPrefabOverride">Indicates whether to retain modifications when the targeted object is an instance of prefab.</param>
 public static void AddPropertyModification(EditorCurveBinding binding, PropertyModification modification, bool keepPrefabOverride)
     INTERNAL_CALL_AddPropertyModification(ref binding, modification, keepPrefabOverride);
 private static extern void INTERNAL_CALL_AddPropertyModification(ref EditorCurveBinding binding, PropertyModification modification, bool keepPrefabOverride);
 extern internal static void AddCandidate(EditorCurveBinding binding, PropertyModification modification, bool keepPrefabOverride);
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the
		/// <see cref="PropertyBackingFieldDrawer+HashableSerializedProperty"/> struct.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mod">Property modification.</param>
		public HashableSerializedProperty(PropertyModification mod) : this(mod.propertyPath,

 public static extern void AddPropertyModification(EditorCurveBinding binding, PropertyModification modification, bool keepPrefabOverride);
 private static bool TryExtractPropertyName(ISerializedObject obj, PropertyModification mod, out string keyName)
     if (mod.propertyPath.StartsWith("["))
         string text = mod.propertyPath.Remove(0, "".Length + 1);
         string s = text.Substring(0, text.Length - 1);
         int num;
         if (int.TryParse(s, out num) && num >= 0 && num < obj.SerializedStateKeys.Count)
             keyName = obj.SerializedStateKeys[num];
             return true;
     keyName = string.Empty;
     return false;
Exemple #28
 extern internal static void ApplyPropertyModificationToObject([NotNull("NullExceptionObject")] Object target, PropertyModification value);