internal string GetWindowID() { HostView v = rootView as HostView; if (v == null && rootView is SplitView && rootView.children.Length > 0) { v = rootView.children[0] as HostView; } if (v == null || !v.actualView) { return(rootView.GetType().ToString()); } if (rootView.children.Length > 0) { var dockArea = rootView.children.FirstOrDefault(c => c is DockArea) as DockArea; if (dockArea && dockArea.m_Panes.Count > 0) { return((m_ShowMode == (int)ShowMode.Utility || m_ShowMode == (int)ShowMode.AuxWindow) ? v.actualView.GetType().ToString() : dockArea.m_Panes[0].GetType().ToString()); } } return(v.actualView.GetType().ToString()); }
private string NotDockedWindowID() { if (IsNotDocked()) { HostView v = rootView as HostView; if (v == null) { if (rootView is SplitView) { v = (HostView)rootView.children[0]; } else { return(rootView.GetType().ToString()); } } return((m_ShowMode == (int)ShowMode.Utility || m_ShowMode == (int)ShowMode.AuxWindow) ? v.actualView.GetType().ToString() : ((DockArea)rootView.children[0]).m_Panes[0].GetType().ToString()); } return(null); }
private static void OneShotUxmlLiveReload() { try { Dictionary <int, Panel> .Enumerator panelsIterator = UIElementsUtility.GetPanelsIterator(); while (panelsIterator.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <int, Panel> current = panelsIterator.Current; HostView hostView = current.Value.ownerObject as HostView; if (hostView != null && hostView.actualView != null) { hostView.Reload(hostView.actualView); } } } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.LogException(exception); } Delegate arg_96_0 = EditorApplication.update; if (RetainedMode.< > f__mg$cache3 == null) { RetainedMode.< > f__mg$cache3 = new EditorApplication.CallbackFunction(RetainedMode.OneShotUxmlLiveReload); } EditorApplication.update = (EditorApplication.CallbackFunction)Delegate.Remove(arg_96_0, RetainedMode.< > f__mg$cache3); }
private static EditorWindow GetEditorWindow(GUIView view) { HostView hostView = view as HostView; if (hostView != null) { return(hostView.actualView); } return(null); }
private static EditorWindow GetEditorWindow(GUIView view) { HostView hostView = view as HostView; if ((UnityEngine.Object)hostView != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { return(hostView.actualView); } return((EditorWindow)null); }
private static EditorWindow GetEditorWindow(GUIView view) { HostView view2 = view as HostView; if (view2 != null) { return(view2.actualView); } return(null); }
static string GetGUIViewName(GUIView view) { HostView host = view as HostView; if (host != null) { return(host.actualView.GetType().Name); } return("Window"); }
private static string GetGUIViewName(GUIView view) { HostView hostView = view as HostView; if ((Object)hostView != (Object)null) { return(hostView.actualView.GetType().Name); } return("Window"); }
private static string GetGUIViewName(GUIView view) { HostView view2 = view as HostView; if (view2 != null) { return(view2.actualView.GetType().Name); } return("Window"); }
public void ShowPopup() { if (this.m_Parent == null) { ContainerWindow containerWindow = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ContainerWindow>(); containerWindow.title = this.titleContent.text; HostView hostView = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <HostView>(); hostView.actualView = this; Rect position = this.m_Parent.borderSize.Add(new Rect(this.position.x, this.position.y, this.position.width, this.position.height)); containerWindow.position = position; containerWindow.rootView = hostView; this.MakeParentsSettingsMatchMe(); containerWindow.ShowPopup(); } }
private static EditorWindow GetEditorWindow(GUIView view) { HostView hostView = view as HostView; EditorWindow result; if (hostView != null) { result = hostView.actualView; } else { result = null; } return(result); }
private static string GetGUIViewName(GUIView view) { HostView hostView = view as HostView; string result; if (hostView != null) { result = hostView.actualView.GetType().Name; } else { result = "Window"; } return(result); }
public void InvokeOnGUI(Rect onGUIPosition) { if (Unsupported.IsDeveloperMode() && this.actualView != null && Event.current.type == EventType.KeyUp && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.F5) { this.Reload(this.actualView); } else { base.DoWindowDecorationStart(); GUIStyle gUIStyle = "dockareaoverlay"; if (this.actualView is GameView) { GUI.Box(onGUIPosition, GUIContent.none, gUIStyle); } HostView.BeginOffsetArea(new Rect(onGUIPosition.x + 2f, onGUIPosition.y + 17f, onGUIPosition.width - 4f, onGUIPosition.height - 17f - 2f), GUIContent.none, "TabWindowBackground"); EditorGUIUtility.ResetGUIState(); bool flag = false; try { this.Invoke("OnGUI"); } catch (TargetInvocationException ex) { if (ex.InnerException is ExitGUIException) { flag = true; } throw; } finally { if (!flag) { if (this.actualView != null && this.actualView.m_FadeoutTime != 0f && Event.current != null && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { this.actualView.DrawNotification(); } HostView.EndOffsetArea(); EditorGUIUtility.ResetGUIState(); base.DoWindowDecorationEnd(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { gUIStyle.Draw(onGUIPosition, GUIContent.none, 0); } } } } }
internal void ShowWithMode(ShowMode mode) { if (this.m_Parent == null) { SavedGUIState savedGUIState = SavedGUIState.Create(); ContainerWindow containerWindow = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ContainerWindow>(); containerWindow.title = this.titleContent.text; HostView hostView = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <HostView>(); hostView.actualView = this; Rect position = this.m_Parent.borderSize.Add(new Rect(this.position.x, this.position.y, this.position.width, this.position.height)); containerWindow.position = position; containerWindow.rootView = hostView; this.MakeParentsSettingsMatchMe(); containerWindow.Show(mode, true, false); savedGUIState.ApplyAndForget(); } }
private string NotDockedWindowID() { if (this.IsNotDocked()) { HostView hostView = this.mainView as HostView; if (hostView == null) { if (!(this.mainView is SplitView)) { return(this.mainView.GetType().ToString()); } hostView = (HostView)this.mainView.children[0]; } return((this.m_ShowMode != 2 && this.m_ShowMode != 5) ? ((DockArea)this.mainView.children[0]).m_Panes[0].GetType().ToString() : hostView.actualView.GetType().ToString()); } return(null); }
public static void AddSplitViewAndChildrenRecurse(View splitview, ArrayList list) { list.Add(splitview); DockArea area = splitview as DockArea; if (area != null) { list.AddRange(area.m_Panes); } HostView view = splitview as DockArea; if (view != null) { list.Add(area.actualView); } foreach (View view2 in splitview.children) { AddSplitViewAndChildrenRecurse(view2, list); } }
// Used for popup style windows. internal void ShowPopupWithMode(ShowMode mode, bool giveFocus) { if (m_Parent == null) { ContainerWindow cw = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ContainerWindow>(); cw.title = titleContent.text; HostView host = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <HostView>(); host.actualView = this; // Among other things, this sets m_Parent to host Rect r = m_Parent.borderSize.Add(new Rect(position.x, position.y, position.width, position.height)); // Order is important here: first set rect of container, then assign main view, then apply various settings, then show. // Otherwise the rect won't be set until first resize happens. cw.position = r; cw.rootView = host; MakeParentsSettingsMatchMe(); cw.ShowPopupWithMode(mode, giveFocus); } }
/// <summary> /// <para>Shows an Editor window using popup-style framing.</para> /// </summary> public void ShowPopup() { if (!((UnityEngine.Object) this.m_Parent == (UnityEngine.Object)null)) { return; } ContainerWindow instance1 = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ContainerWindow>(); instance1.title = this.titleContent.text; HostView instance2 = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <HostView>(); instance2.actualView = this; Rect rect = this.m_Parent.borderSize.Add(new Rect(this.position.x, this.position.y, this.position.width, this.position.height)); instance1.position = rect; instance1.mainView = (View)instance2; this.MakeParentsSettingsMatchMe(); instance1.ShowPopup(); }
public static void AddSplitViewAndChildrenRecurse(View splitview, ArrayList list) { list.Add(splitview); DockArea dock = splitview as DockArea; if (dock != null) { list.AddRange(dock.m_Panes); HostView host = splitview as DockArea; if (host != null) { list.Add(dock.actualView); } } foreach (View child in splitview.children) { AddSplitViewAndChildrenRecurse(child, list); } }
internal void ShowWithMode(ShowMode mode) { if (!((UnityEngine.Object) this.m_Parent == (UnityEngine.Object)null)) { return; } SavedGUIState savedGuiState = SavedGUIState.Create(); ContainerWindow instance1 = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ContainerWindow>(); instance1.title = this.titleContent.text; HostView instance2 = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <HostView>(); instance2.actualView = this; Rect rect = this.m_Parent.borderSize.Add(new Rect(this.position.x, this.position.y, this.position.width, this.position.height)); instance1.position = rect; instance1.mainView = (View)instance2; this.MakeParentsSettingsMatchMe(); instance1.Show(mode, true, false); savedGuiState.ApplyAndForget(); }
private string NotDockedWindowID() { if (!this.IsNotDocked()) { return((string)null); } HostView hostView = this.mainView as HostView; if ((Object)hostView == (Object)null) { if (!(this.mainView is SplitView)) { return(this.mainView.GetType().ToString()); } hostView = (HostView)this.mainView.children[0]; } if (this.m_ShowMode == 2 || this.m_ShowMode == 5) { return(hostView.actualView.GetType().ToString()); } return(((DockArea)this.mainView.children[0]).m_Panes[0].GetType().ToString()); }
internal string GetWindowID() { HostView v = rootView as HostView; if (v == null && rootView is SplitView && rootView.children.Length > 0) { v = rootView.children[0] as HostView; } if (v == null || !v.actualView) { return(rootView.GetType().ToString()); } if (rootView.children.Length > 0) { return((m_ShowMode == (int)ShowMode.Utility || m_ShowMode == (int)ShowMode.AuxWindow) ? v.actualView.GetType().ToString() : ((DockArea)rootView.children[0]).m_Panes[0].GetType().ToString()); } return(v.actualView.GetType().ToString()); }
public static void AddSplitViewAndChildrenRecurse(View splitview, ArrayList list) { list.Add(splitview); DockArea dockArea = splitview as DockArea; if (dockArea != null) { list.AddRange(dockArea.m_Panes); } HostView x = splitview as DockArea; if (x != null) { list.Add(dockArea.actualView); } View[] children = splitview.children; for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++) { View splitview2 = children[i]; WindowLayout.AddSplitViewAndChildrenRecurse(splitview2, list); } }
public static void FocusProjectWindow() { ProjectBrowser projectBrowser = null; HostView hostView = GUIView.focusedView as HostView; if (hostView != null && hostView.actualView is ProjectBrowser) { projectBrowser = (hostView.actualView as ProjectBrowser); } if (projectBrowser == null) { UnityEngine.Object[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(ProjectBrowser)); if (array.Length > 0) { projectBrowser = (array[0] as ProjectBrowser); } } if (projectBrowser != null) { projectBrowser.Focus(); Event e = EditorGUIUtility.CommandEvent("FocusProjectWindow"); projectBrowser.SendEvent(e); } }
internal void ShowWithMode(ShowMode mode) { if (m_Parent == null) { SavedGUIState oldState = SavedGUIState.Create(); ContainerWindow cw = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ContainerWindow>(); cw.title = titleContent.text; HostView host = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <HostView>(); host.actualView = this; // Among other things, this sets m_Parent to host Rect r = m_Parent.borderSize.Add(new Rect(position.x, position.y, position.width, position.height)); // Order is important here: first set rect of container, then assign main view, then apply various settings, then show. // Otherwise the rect won't be set until first resize happens. cw.position = r; cw.rootView = host; MakeParentsSettingsMatchMe(); cw.Show(mode, loadPosition: true, displayImmediately: false, setFocus: true); // set min/max size now that native window is not null so that it will e.g., use proper styleMask on macOS cw.SetMinMaxSizes(minSize, maxSize); oldState.ApplyAndForget(); } }
public void OldOnGUI() { base.ClearBackground(); EditorGUIUtility.ResetGUIState(); SplitView splitView = base.parent as SplitView; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && splitView) { View child = this; while (splitView) { int controlID = splitView.controlID; if (controlID == GUIUtility.hotControl || GUIUtility.hotControl == 0) { int num = splitView.IndexOfChild(child); if (splitView.vertical) { if (num != 0) { EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(new Rect(0f, 0f, base.position.width, 5f), MouseCursor.SplitResizeUpDown, controlID); } if (num != splitView.children.Length - 1) { EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(new Rect(0f, base.position.height - 5f, base.position.width, 5f), MouseCursor.SplitResizeUpDown, controlID); } } else { if (num != 0) { EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(new Rect(0f, 0f, 5f, base.position.height), MouseCursor.SplitResizeLeftRight, controlID); } if (num != splitView.children.Length - 1) { EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(new Rect(base.position.width - 5f, 0f, 5f, base.position.height), MouseCursor.SplitResizeLeftRight, controlID); } } } child = splitView; splitView = (splitView.parent as SplitView); } splitView = (base.parent as SplitView); } bool flag = false; if (base.window.rootView.GetType() != typeof(MainView)) { flag = true; if (base.windowPosition.y == 0f) { this.background = "dockareaStandalone"; } else { this.background = "dockarea"; } } else { this.background = "dockarea"; } if (splitView) { Event @event = new Event(Event.current); @event.mousePosition += new Vector2(base.position.x, base.position.y); splitView.SplitGUI(@event); if (@event.type == EventType.Used) { Event.current.Use(); } } Rect rect = this.background.margin.Remove(new Rect(0f, 0f, base.position.width, base.position.height)); rect.x = (float)this.background.margin.left; rect.y = (float); Rect windowPosition = base.windowPosition; float num2 = 2f; if (windowPosition.x == 0f) { rect.x -= num2; rect.width += num2; } if (windowPosition.xMax == base.window.position.width) { rect.width += num2; } if (windowPosition.yMax == base.window.position.height) { rect.height += ((!flag) ? 2f : 2f); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { this.background.Draw(rect, GUIContent.none, 0); } if (this.tabStyle == null) { this.tabStyle = "dragtab"; } if (this.m_Panes.Count > 0) { HostView.BeginOffsetArea(new Rect(rect.x + 2f, rect.y + 17f, rect.width - 4f, rect.height - 17f - 2f), GUIContent.none, "TabWindowBackground"); Vector2 vector = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(; Rect pos = base.borderSize.Remove(base.position); pos.x = vector.x; pos.y = vector.y; this.m_Panes[this.selected].m_Pos = pos; HostView.EndOffsetArea(); } this.DragTab(new Rect(rect.x + 1f, rect.y, rect.width - 40f, 17f), this.tabStyle); this.tabStyle = "dragtab"; base.ShowGenericMenu(); if (this.m_Panes.Count > 0) { base.InvokeOnGUI(rect); } EditorGUI.ShowRepaints(); Highlighter.ControlHighlightGUI(this); }
public static void Unmaximize(EditorWindow win) { HostView parent = win.m_Parent; if (parent == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Host view was not found"); RevertFactorySettings(); } else { UnityEngine.Object[] objArray = InternalEditorUtility.LoadSerializedFileAndForget(Path.Combine(layoutsProjectPath, "CurrentMaximizeLayout.dwlt")); if (objArray.Length < 2) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Maximized serialized file backup not found"); RevertFactorySettings(); } else { SplitView child = objArray[0] as SplitView; EditorWindow item = objArray[1] as EditorWindow; if (child == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Maximization failed because the root split view was not found"); RevertFactorySettings(); } else { ContainerWindow window = win.m_Parent.window; if (window == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Maximization failed because the root split view has no container window"); RevertFactorySettings(); } else { try { ContainerWindow.SetFreezeDisplay(true); if (parent.parent == null) { throw new Exception(); } int idx = parent.parent.IndexOfChild(parent); Rect position = parent.position; View view3 = parent.parent; view3.RemoveChild(idx); view3.AddChild(child, idx); child.position = position; DockArea area = item.m_Parent as DockArea; int index = area.m_Panes.IndexOf(item); parent.actualView = null; win.m_Parent = null; area.AddTab(index, win); area.RemoveTab(item); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(item); foreach (UnityEngine.Object obj2 in objArray) { EditorWindow window3 = obj2 as EditorWindow; if (window3 != null) { window3.MakeParentsSettingsMatchMe(); } } view3.Initialize(view3.window); view3.position = view3.position; child.Reflow(); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(parent); win.Focus(); window.DisplayAllViews(); win.m_Parent.MakeVistaDWMHappyDance(); } catch (Exception exception) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Maximization failed: " + exception); RevertFactorySettings(); } try { if (((Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) && SystemInfo.operatingSystem.Contains("10.7")) && SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendor.Contains("ATI")) { foreach (GUIView view4 in UnityEngine.Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(GUIView))) { view4.Repaint(); } } } finally { ContainerWindow.SetFreezeDisplay(false); } } } } } }
public static void Unmaximize(EditorWindow win) { HostView parent = win.m_Parent; if (parent == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Host view was not found"); WindowLayout.RevertFactorySettings(); } else { UnityEngine.Object[] array = InternalEditorUtility.LoadSerializedFileAndForget(Path.Combine(WindowLayout.layoutsProjectPath, "CurrentMaximizeLayout.dwlt")); if (array.Length < 2) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Maximized serialized file backup not found"); WindowLayout.RevertFactorySettings(); } else { SplitView splitView = array[0] as SplitView; EditorWindow editorWindow = array[1] as EditorWindow; if (splitView == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Maximization failed because the root split view was not found"); WindowLayout.RevertFactorySettings(); } else { ContainerWindow window = win.m_Parent.window; if (window == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Maximization failed because the root split view has no container window"); WindowLayout.RevertFactorySettings(); } else { try { ContainerWindow.SetFreezeDisplay(true); if (!parent.parent) { throw new Exception(); } int idx = parent.parent.IndexOfChild(parent); Rect position = parent.position; View parent2 = parent.parent; parent2.RemoveChild(idx); parent2.AddChild(splitView, idx); splitView.position = position; DockArea dockArea = editorWindow.m_Parent as DockArea; int idx2 = dockArea.m_Panes.IndexOf(editorWindow); parent.actualView = null; win.m_Parent = null; dockArea.AddTab(idx2, win); dockArea.RemoveTab(editorWindow); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(editorWindow); UnityEngine.Object[] array2 = array; for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { UnityEngine.Object @object = array2[i]; EditorWindow editorWindow2 = @object as EditorWindow; if (editorWindow2 != null) { editorWindow2.MakeParentsSettingsMatchMe(); } } parent2.Initialize(parent2.window); parent2.position = parent2.position; splitView.Reflow(); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(parent); win.Focus(); window.DisplayAllViews(); win.m_Parent.MakeVistaDWMHappyDance(); } catch (Exception arg) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Maximization failed: " + arg); WindowLayout.RevertFactorySettings(); } try { if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor && SystemInfo.operatingSystem.Contains("10.7") && SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendor.Contains("ATI")) { UnityEngine.Object[] array3 = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(GUIView)); for (int j = 0; j < array3.Length; j++) { GUIView gUIView = (GUIView)array3[j]; gUIView.Repaint(); } } } finally { ContainerWindow.SetFreezeDisplay(false); } } } } } }
public static void Unmaximize(EditorWindow win) { HostView maximizedHostView = win.m_Parent; if (maximizedHostView == null) { Debug.LogError("Host view was not found"); RevertFactorySettings(); return; } UnityObject[] newWindows = InternalEditorUtility.LoadSerializedFileAndForget(Path.Combine(layoutsProjectPath, kMaximizeRestoreFile)); if (newWindows.Length < 2) { Debug.Log("Maximized serialized file backup not found"); RevertFactorySettings(); return; } SplitView oldRoot = newWindows[0] as SplitView; EditorWindow oldWindow = newWindows[1] as EditorWindow; if (oldRoot == null) { Debug.Log("Maximization failed because the root split view was not found"); RevertFactorySettings(); return; } ContainerWindow parentWindow = win.m_Parent.window; if (parentWindow == null) { Debug.Log("Maximization failed because the root split view has no container window"); RevertFactorySettings(); return; } try { ContainerWindow.SetFreezeDisplay(true); // Put the loaded SplitView where the MaximizedHostView was if (maximizedHostView.parent) { int i = maximizedHostView.parent.IndexOfChild(maximizedHostView); Rect r = maximizedHostView.position; View parent = maximizedHostView.parent; parent.RemoveChild(i); parent.AddChild(oldRoot, i); oldRoot.position = r; // Move the Editor Window to the right spot in the DockArea newDockArea = oldWindow.m_Parent as DockArea; int oldDockAreaIndex = newDockArea.m_Panes.IndexOf(oldWindow); maximizedHostView.actualView = null; win.m_Parent = null; newDockArea.AddTab(oldDockAreaIndex, win); newDockArea.RemoveTab(oldWindow); UnityObject.DestroyImmediate(oldWindow); foreach (UnityObject o in newWindows) { EditorWindow curWin = o as EditorWindow; if (curWin != null) { curWin.MakeParentsSettingsMatchMe(); } } parent.Initialize(parent.window); //If parent window had to be resized, call this to make sure new size gets propagated parent.position = parent.position; oldRoot.Reflow(); } else { throw new System.Exception(); } // Kill the maximizedMainView UnityObject.DestroyImmediate(maximizedHostView); win.Focus(); parentWindow.DisplayAllViews(); win.m_Parent.MakeVistaDWMHappyDance(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.Log("Maximization failed: " + ex); RevertFactorySettings(); } try { // Weird bug on AMD graphic cards under OSX Lion: Sometimes when unmaximizing we get stray white rectangles. // work around that by issueing an extra repaint (case 438764) if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor && SystemInfo.operatingSystem.Contains("10.7") && SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendor.Contains("ATI")) { foreach (GUIView v in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(GUIView))) { v.Repaint(); } } } finally { ContainerWindow.SetFreezeDisplay(false); } }
public static bool LoadWindowLayout(string path, bool newProjectLayoutWasCreated, bool setLastLoadedLayoutName, bool keepMainWindow) { Rect mainWindowPosition = new Rect(); UnityObject[] containers = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(ContainerWindow)); foreach (ContainerWindow window in containers) { if (window.showMode == ShowMode.MainWindow) { mainWindowPosition = window.position; } } bool layoutLoadingIssue = false; // Load new windows and show them try { ContainerWindow.SetFreezeDisplay(true); CloseWindows(keepMainWindow); ContainerWindow mainWindowToSetSize = null; ContainerWindow mainWindow = null; UnityObject[] remainingContainers = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(ContainerWindow)); foreach (ContainerWindow window in remainingContainers) { if (mainWindow == null && window.showMode == ShowMode.MainWindow) { mainWindow = window; } else { window.Close(); } } // Load data UnityObject[] loadedWindows = InternalEditorUtility.LoadSerializedFileAndForget(path); if (loadedWindows == null || loadedWindows.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Window layout at '" + path + "' could not be loaded."); } List <UnityObject> newWindows = new List <UnityObject>(); // At this point, unparented editor windows are neither desired nor desirable. // This can be caused by (legacy) serialization of FallbackEditorWindows or // other serialization hiccups (note that unparented editor windows should not exist in theory). // Same goes for empty DockAreas (no panes). Leave them behind. for (int i = 0; i < loadedWindows.Length; i++) { UnityObject o = loadedWindows[i]; EditorWindow editorWin = o as EditorWindow; if (editorWin != null) { if (editorWin.m_Parent == null) { UnityObject.DestroyImmediate(editorWin, true); Console.WriteLine("LoadWindowLayout: Removed unparented EditorWindow while reading window layout: window #" + i + ", type=" + o.GetType() + ", instanceID=" + o.GetInstanceID()); layoutLoadingIssue = true; continue; } } else { ContainerWindow cw = o as ContainerWindow; if (cw != null && cw.rootView == null) { cw.Close(); UnityObject.DestroyImmediate(cw, true); continue; } DockArea dockArea = o as DockArea; if (dockArea != null && dockArea.m_Panes.Count == 0) { dockArea.Close(null); UnityObject.DestroyImmediate(dockArea, true); continue; } // Host views that donot hold any containers are not desirable at this stage HostView hostview = o as HostView; if (hostview != null && hostview.actualView == null) { UnityObject.DestroyImmediate(hostview, true); continue; } } newWindows.Add(o); } for (int i = 0; i < newWindows.Count; i++) { ContainerWindow cur = newWindows[i] as ContainerWindow; if (cur != null && cur.showMode == ShowMode.MainWindow) { if (mainWindow == null) { mainWindow = cur; } else { mainWindow.rootView = cur.rootView; UnityObject.DestroyImmediate(cur, true); cur = mainWindow; newWindows[i] = null; } if (mainWindowPosition.width != 0.0) { mainWindowToSetSize = cur; mainWindowToSetSize.position = mainWindowPosition; } break; } } for (int i = 0; i < newWindows.Count; i++) { UnityObject o = newWindows[i]; if (o == null) { continue; } if (o.GetType() == null) { Console.WriteLine("LoadWindowLayout: Error while reading window layout: window #" + i + " type is null, instanceID=" + o.GetInstanceID()); layoutLoadingIssue = true; // Keep going } else { if (newProjectLayoutWasCreated) { MethodInfo method = o.GetType().GetMethod("OnNewProjectLayoutWasCreated", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); if (method != null) { method.Invoke(o, null); } } } } if (mainWindowToSetSize) { mainWindowToSetSize.position = mainWindowPosition; mainWindowToSetSize.OnResize(); } // Always show main window before other windows. So that other windows can // get their parent/owner. if (mainWindow == null) { Debug.LogError("Error while reading window layout: no main window found"); throw new Exception(); } mainWindow.Show(mainWindow.showMode, loadPosition: true, displayImmediately: true, setFocus: true); // Show other windows for (int i = 0; i < newWindows.Count; i++) { if (newWindows[i] == null) { continue; } EditorWindow win = newWindows[i] as EditorWindow; if (win) { win.minSize = win.minSize; // Causes minSize to be propagated upwards to parents! } ContainerWindow containerWindow = newWindows[i] as ContainerWindow; if (containerWindow && containerWindow != mainWindow) { containerWindow.Show(containerWindow.showMode, loadPosition: false, displayImmediately: true, setFocus: true); } } // Unmaximize maximized GameView if maximize on play is enabled GameView gameView = GetMaximizedWindow() as GameView; if (gameView != null && gameView.maximizeOnPlay) { Unmaximize(gameView); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError("Failed to load window layout: " + ex); int option = 0; UnityObject[] containerWindows = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(ContainerWindow)); // Only show dialog if an actual window is present. If not, revert to default immediately if (!Application.isTestRun && containerWindows.Length > 0) { option = EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex("Failed to load window layout", "This can happen if layout contains custom windows and there are compile errors in the project.", "Load Default Layout", "Quit", "Revert Factory Settings"); } switch (option) { case 0: LoadDefaultLayout(); break; case 1: EditorApplication.Exit(0); break; case 2: RevertFactorySettings(); break; } return(false); } finally { ContainerWindow.SetFreezeDisplay(false); if (setLastLoadedLayoutName && Path.GetExtension(path) == ".wlt") { Toolbar.lastLoadedLayoutName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); } else { Toolbar.lastLoadedLayoutName = null; } } if (layoutLoadingIssue) { Debug.Log("The editor layout could not be fully loaded, this can happen when the layout contains EditorWindows not available in this project"); } return(true); }