public sealed override VisualElement CreateInspectorGUI()
            var library = target as EnvironmentLibrary;

            root = new VisualElement();

            Button open = new Button(() =>
                if (!
                text = "Open in LookDev window"

Exemple #2
        void Update(IMouseEvent mouseEvent)
            //[TODO: handle or drop CustomCircular]
            if (LookDev.currentContext.layout.viewLayout == Layout.CustomSplit)
                if (mouseEvent is MouseDownEvent)
                    Rect displayRect = displayer.GetRect(ViewCompositionIndex.Composite);
                    SelectGizmoZone(GetNormalizedCoordinates(mouseEvent.localMousePosition, displayRect));
                    if (selected != Selected.None)
                        savedRelativePositionOnMouseDown = GetNormalizedCoordinates(mouseEvent.localMousePosition, displayRect) -;
                        (mouseEvent as MouseDownEvent).StopImmediatePropagation();
                else if (mouseEvent is MouseUpEvent)
                    if (selected == Selected.Fader && Mathf.Abs(state.blendFactor) < ComparisonGizmoState.circleRadiusSelected / (state.length - ComparisonGizmoState.circleRadius))
                        state.blendFactor = 0f;
                    if (selected != Selected.None)
                        (mouseEvent as MouseUpEvent).StopImmediatePropagation();
                    selected = Selected.None;
                else if (mouseEvent is MouseMoveEvent && selected != Selected.None)
                    Rect displayRect = displayer.GetRect(ViewCompositionIndex.Composite);
                    switch (selected)
                    case Selected.PlaneSeparator:     //dragging the gizmo
                        //TODO: handle case when resizing window (clamping)
                        Vector2 newPosition = GetNormalizedCoordinates(mouseEvent.localMousePosition, displayRect) - savedRelativePositionOnMouseDown;

                        // We clamp the center of the gizmo to the border of the screen in order to avoid being able to put it out of the screen.
                        // The safe band is here to ensure that you always see at least part of the gizmo in order to be able to grab it again.
                        //Vector2 extends = GetNormalizedCoordinates(new Vector2(displayRect.width, displayRect.height), displayRect);
                        //newPosition.x = Mathf.Clamp(newPosition.x, -extends.x + k_DragPadding, extends.x - k_DragPadding);
                        //newPosition.y = Mathf.Clamp(newPosition.y, -extends.y + k_DragPadding, extends.y - k_DragPadding);

                        state.Update(newPosition, state.length, state.angle);

                    case Selected.NodeFirstView:     //rotating the gizmo from A end
                    case Selected.NodeSecondView:    //rotating the gizmo from B end
                        Vector2 normalizedCoord = GetNormalizedCoordinates(mouseEvent.localMousePosition, displayRect);
                        Vector2 basePoint, newPoint;
                        float   angleSnapping = Mathf.Deg2Rad * 45.0f * 0.5f;

                        newPoint  = normalizedCoord;
                        basePoint = selected == Selected.NodeFirstView ? state.point2 : state.point1;

                        // Snap to a multiple of "angleSnapping"
                        if ((mouseEvent.modifiers & EventModifiers.Shift) != 0)
                            Vector3 verticalPlane = new Vector3(-1.0f, 0.0f, basePoint.x);
                            float   side          = Vector3.Dot(new Vector3(normalizedCoord.x, normalizedCoord.y, 1.0f), verticalPlane);

                            float angle = Mathf.Deg2Rad * Vector2.Angle(new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f), normalizedCoord - basePoint);
                            if (side > 0.0f)
                                angle = 2.0f * Mathf.PI - angle;
                            angle = (int)(angle / angleSnapping) * angleSnapping;
                            Vector2 dir    = normalizedCoord - basePoint;
                            float   length = dir.magnitude;   // we want to keep the length of the gizmo where it should be given the mouse position
                            newPoint = basePoint + new Vector2(Mathf.Sin(angle), Mathf.Cos(angle)) * length;

                        if (selected == Selected.NodeFirstView)
                            state.Update(newPoint, basePoint);
                            state.Update(basePoint, newPoint);

                    case Selected.Fader:
                        Vector2 mousePosition        = GetNormalizedCoordinates(mouseEvent.localMousePosition, displayRect);
                        float   distanceToOrthoPlane = -Vector3.Dot(new Vector3(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y, 1.0f), state.planeOrtho) / state.blendFactorMaxGizmoDistance;
                        state.blendFactor = Mathf.Clamp(distanceToOrthoPlane, -1.0f, 1.0f);
                    if (selected != Selected.None)

                    (mouseEvent as MouseMoveEvent).StopImmediatePropagation();
                //let event be propagated elsewhere as we do not catch it for manipulation