public override bool Equals(object obj)
     if (obj is EdgePair)
         EdgePair other = (EdgePair)obj;
         return((x == other.x) && (y == other.y));
        public void InitFromMesh(Mesh m)
            Dictionary <EdgePair, HalfEdge> edgesToHEs = new Dictionary <EdgePair, HalfEdge>();

            Vector3[] meshVertices  = m.vertices;
            int[]     meshTriangles = m.triangles;

            List <EdgePair>[] vertsToEdges = new List <EdgePair> [meshVertices.Length];

            int numTriangles = meshTriangles.Length / 3;

            // Map directed edges to the triangles that contain them.
            for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
                int i1 = meshTriangles[3 * i];
                int i2 = meshTriangles[3 * i + 1];
                int i3 = meshTriangles[3 * i + 2];

                EdgePair e1 = new EdgePair(i1, i2);
                EdgePair e2 = new EdgePair(i2, i3);
                EdgePair e3 = new EdgePair(i3, i1);

                // Also map each vertex to the set of edges originating from it.
                // We need this to traverse boundary loops later.
                if (vertsToEdges[i1] == null)
                    vertsToEdges[i1] = new List <EdgePair>();
                if (vertsToEdges[i2] == null)
                    vertsToEdges[i2] = new List <EdgePair>();
                if (vertsToEdges[i3] == null)
                    vertsToEdges[i3] = new List <EdgePair>();

            Vertex[]        heVertices = new Vertex[m.vertices.Length];
            List <Face>     heFaces    = new List <Face>();
            List <Edge>     heEdges    = new List <Edge>();
            List <HalfEdge> hes        = new List <HalfEdge>();

            // Make all the vertices we're going to need, mapped by same indices
            for (int i = 0; i < heVertices.Length; i++)
                Vertex v = new Vertex();
                v.position    = meshVertices[i];
                heVertices[i] = v;

            // Make all the faces, mapped by same indices
            for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
                Face f = new Face();

            // Make all half-edges, face by face.
            for (int triBase = 0; triBase < numTriangles; triBase++)
                int triIndex = 3 * triBase;

                // For each edge in the current triangle, we make both half-edges.
                for (int vert = 0; vert < 3; vert++)
                    int currOffset = vert;
                    int nextOffset = (vert + 1) % 3;

                    int v1 = meshTriangles[triIndex + currOffset];
                    int v2 = meshTriangles[triIndex + nextOffset];

                    // Make the forward-pointing half-edge.
                    EdgePair currentEdge = new EdgePair(v1, v2);
                    HalfEdge forwardHE   = new HalfEdge();


                    edgesToHEs.Add(currentEdge, forwardHE);

                    // Mark the new half-edge as belonging to the current face.
                    forwardHE.face = heFaces[triBase];
                    heFaces[triBase].anyHalfEdge = forwardHE;

                // Now we set the "next" pointers for each half-edge in this face,
                // and also the "flip" pointers if the flip edges have already been
                // created.
                for (int vert = 0; vert < 3; vert++)
                    int currOffset = vert;
                    int nextOffset = (vert + 1) % 3;
                    int lastOffset = (vert + 2) % 3;

                    int v1 = meshTriangles[triIndex + currOffset];
                    int v2 = meshTriangles[triIndex + nextOffset];
                    int v3 = meshTriangles[triIndex + lastOffset];

                    HalfEdge current = edgesToHEs[new EdgePair(v1, v2)];
                    HalfEdge nextHE  = edgesToHEs[new EdgePair(v2, v3)];

           = nextHE;
                    HalfEdge flipHE;

                    if (edgesToHEs.TryGetValue(new EdgePair(v2, v1), out flipHE))
                        current.flip = flipHE;
                        flipHE.flip  = current;

            List <EdgePair> boundaryPairs = new List <EdgePair>();
            List <HalfEdge> boundaryHEs   = new List <HalfEdge>();

            int numBoundaryFaces = 0;
            int numBoundaryEdges = 0;

            // Make boundary loops
            foreach (var kv in edgesToHEs)
                EdgePair edgeIndices = kv.Key;
                HalfEdge he          = kv.Value;

                // If this half-edge already has a flip
                if (he.flip != null)

                // Otherwise make the flip half-edge, which will be the first
                // of a boundary loop.
                EdgePair reversedEdge = new EdgePair(edgeIndices[1], edgeIndices[0]);
                HalfEdge boundaryHE   = new HalfEdge();
                boundaryHE.onBoundary = true;


                // Make a new face for this boundary loop.
                Face boundaryFace = new Face();
                boundaryFace.anyHalfEdge = boundaryHE;
                boundaryHE.face          = boundaryFace;

                // Assign the flip half-edge to the same edge as the original.
                boundaryHE.edge = he.edge;

                // The tail of this vertex is opposite the tail of the original.
                boundaryHE.tailVertex = heVertices[edgeIndices[1]];

                // Assign flips.
                he.flip         = boundaryHE;
                boundaryHE.flip = he;


                // Now we need to walk this boundary loop until the end.
                int      startIndex = edgeIndices[1];
                HalfEdge prevHE     = boundaryHE;
                // Search for the next edge along this boundary loop,
                // by looking for the next half-edge with no flip vertex.
                    EdgePair nextPair = new EdgePair();
                    foreach (EdgePair e in vertsToEdges[startIndex])
                        nextPair = e;
                        // If the next half-edge has no flip, then it's also on the boundary,
                        // so its flip is the one we want to make.
                        if (edgesToHEs[e].flip == null)
                    if (edgesToHEs[nextPair].flip != null)
                        throw new System.Exception("Boundary loop hits a dead end.");

                    HalfEdge insideHE = edgesToHEs[nextPair];
                    // Make the flip of this one.
                    HalfEdge nextBoundary = new HalfEdge();
                    nextBoundary.onBoundary = true;

                    // Set flips.
                    insideHE.flip     = nextBoundary;
                    nextBoundary.flip = insideHE;

                    // Since the boundary loops are pointing the opposite direction from
                    // how we're traversing, "next" from the new half-edge is actually
                    // the previous half-edge we added.
           = prevHE;

                    // The face is the same boundary loop.
                    nextBoundary.face = boundaryFace;
                    // The edge is the same as its twin.
                    nextBoundary.edge = insideHE.edge;
                    // The vertex is the head vertex of the twin.
                    nextBoundary.tailVertex = heVertices[nextPair[1]];


                    // Add to lists
                    boundaryPairs.Add(new EdgePair(nextPair[1], nextPair[0]));

                    prevHE     = nextBoundary;
                    startIndex = nextPair[1];
                }while (startIndex != edgeIndices[0]);

                // Now prevHE comes directly after the initial half-edge, so
                // this is the initial half-edge's "next".
       = prevHE;

            for (int i = 0; i < boundaryPairs.Count; i++)
                edgesToHEs.Add(boundaryPairs[i], boundaryHEs[i]);

            // Set vertices and edges
            foreach (var kv in edgesToHEs)
                EdgePair edgeIndices = kv.Key;
                HalfEdge he          = kv.Value;

                int baseVertex = edgeIndices[0];
                he.tailVertex = heVertices[baseVertex];
                heVertices[baseVertex].anyHalfEdge = he;

                // If the edge object has not been created yet, create it
                if (he.edge == null)
                    Edge edgeObj = new Edge();

                    edgeObj.anyHalfEdge = he;
                    he.edge             = edgeObj;
                    he.flip.edge        = edgeObj;

             * Debug.Log("Original mesh: " +
             *  meshVertices.Length + " vertices, " +
             *  (numInteriorEdges + numBoundaryEdges / 2) + " edges, " +
             *  numTriangles + " faces");
             * Debug.Log("Half-edge mesh: " +
             *  heVertices.Length + " vertices, " +
             *  hes.Count + " half-edges, " +
             *  heEdges.Count + " edges, " +
             *  heFaces.Count + " faces (" + numBoundaryFaces + " boundary)");

            vertices  = heVertices;
            edges     = heEdges.ToArray();
            faces     = heFaces.ToArray();
            halfEdges = hes.ToArray();

